Obama-Supporting Libberhoid Trailer Trash Go "Ape" Shit !!!

Dude, I saw it with hurricane Hugo in Charleston SC back in 89. The Assholes were looting during the eye of the storm. Looting and stealing in thier genetic code.:cool:

There ya go [MENTION=30820]Moonglow[/MENTION]

There ya go what? Looters are not assholes?

He's assuming your reference to genetic codes is referring to skin color and / or the poor being genetically inferior species.. heh Don't take the bait.
This just cant be true.... the libs always tell me it's a very small portion of people on welfare who try and game the system?
Theyz jus hongry fokes...nothing to see here.

Seems to me if hungry folk want to eat they will work for it. Clean public toilets,Scrub public floors,trash collection in public parks,sweep streets,dig ditches,do all those jobs "American's don't wanna do". Why shouldn't welfare and convicts for that matter, earn their keep? Kick the illegals out and give thier jobs to welfare recipients and convicts. Everybody has food and everybody has a job. Problem solved.

Who would run the government?

What difference does it make, nobody's running the government now anyway.:lol:
Seems to me if hungry folk want to eat they will work for it. Clean public toilets,Scrub public floors,trash collection in public parks,sweep streets,dig ditches,do all those jobs "American's don't wanna do". Why shouldn't welfare and convicts for that matter, earn their keep? Kick the illegals out and give thier jobs to welfare recipients and convicts. Everybody has food and everybody has a job. Problem solved.

Who would run the government?

What difference does it make, nobody's running the government now anyway.:lol:

Good point. At least under Booosh we all knew the guy behind the curtain was really Cheney. But with Obama and rofl Biden... it resembles a tractor trailer bouncing all over the place with no operator. The only thing Obama does is go out on fundraisers and wink at communist dictators.
Word got around fast. They must have whipped out those Obamaphones and called their homies as soon as they saw what was happening.

Wow! like a plague of locusts descended and erased everything! .... what a sight to behold ! Unbelievable and a little scary! :eek:

Let there be no doubt, the more you give them the more they will gladly take from us. Once they have decided what they are, there is no reason do it in moderation. Goes for crack whores, mass murderers, and welfare leeches. Once the barrier of a particular type of a-moral act has been broken... like theft through redistribution taking that which you did not earn, the dam is busted and the thieves crawl around like, well you can see for yourself.
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Perhaps a large flatbed could show up, stop, and throw these people some bananas and watermelons.
There is no genetic code that predispositions a person to rob a store or act like a Barbarian. It's the cumulative effect of broken families and a sense of entitlement among many other things.

and why the hell not as long as my husband gets up at 3am to be in work by 4am and works his 40+ hours 7 days a week to support their lazy asses instead of helping his own children go to college,or buying them new clothes when the old ones get holes, eat cheap generic foods so the masses can buy name brand shit on his dime,wear designer clothes and sit on their fat asses watching the stories instead of working,why shouldn't they take even more advantage of the system? It's a pretty good government supported scam they have going.

Recovered memory: When I was a girl, if they had fitted sheets we didn't have any. I recall when the sheets got thin in the middle, my mother would cut them down the middle, switch the sides for the middle, and seam them up with a flat felled seam. This made them last a little longer. To this day, I do not sleep in the middle of the bed even though I well could.
This just cant be true.... the libs always tell me it's a very small portion of people on welfare who try and game the system?
Theyz jus hongry fokes...nothing to see here.

Seems to me if hungry folk want to eat they will work for it. Clean public toilets,Scrub public floors,trash collection in public parks,sweep streets,dig ditches,do all those jobs "American's don't wanna do". Why shouldn't welfare and convicts for that matter, earn their keep? Kick the illegals out and give thier jobs to welfare recipients and convicts. Everybody has food and everybody has a job. Problem solved.

Convicts do work. They get paid something like 15 or 20 cents an hour. It is soft drink and candy money.
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They were trying to get food. Must have been difficult to leave it behind.

Yea, $700 in food with only 49 cents on the card. These people are theives. Takes a special kind of shitbag to support those types for what they did. :cuckoo:

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