Obama Syria 911 speech over under

why would anyone go on live TV knowing over 70 million people will be laughing at you?

A serious foreign-policy intellectual said recently that Putin’s problem is that he’s a Russian leader in search of a Nixon, a U.S. president he can really negotiate with, a stone player who can talk grand strategy and the needs of his nation, someone with whom he can thrash it through and work it out. Instead he has Obama, a self-besotted charismatic who can’t tell the difference between showbiz and strategy, and who enjoys unburdening himself of moral insights to his peers.

Making Sense of Syria - Peggy Noonan's Blog - WSJ

Why would obama go on television? Because he is Miley Cyrus in a tie. He is so self besotted that all he can think about is "They are all looking at me!" This isn't a speech. This is verbal twerking. Little o obama doesn't know the difference between laughing and cheering. It's all attention to him. obama is so in love with himself that he thinks that President Putin is paying homage simply by mentioning him in a sentence.

During the campaign in 2008, obama got into a bit of a sticky situation with his America hating pastor. He was able to slip out of that with one of his special speeches, an address to the nation. It worked. He was elected. Because it worked, obama's love of himself grew and he thinks that any time he speaks, he can mesmerize and women will swoon, just like they once did.
The reality is Obama looked bad the way he handled this.
Of course the Democrats are claiming another major victory for the big O....

What can I say.
This president looked inept on this Syria deal.

He's completely out-manoeuvred Vladimir and your good self.

:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: I can't wait to see what that is!!!! I think you're just HOPING! Lol!
why would anyone go on live TV knowing over 70 million people will be laughing at you?

A serious foreign-policy intellectual said recently that Putin’s problem is that he’s a Russian leader in search of a Nixon, a U.S. president he can really negotiate with, a stone player who can talk grand strategy and the needs of his nation, someone with whom he can thrash it through and work it out. Instead he has Obama, a self-besotted charismatic who can’t tell the difference between showbiz and strategy, and who enjoys unburdening himself of moral insights to his peers.

Making Sense of Syria - Peggy Noonan's Blog - WSJ

Why would obama go on television? Because he is Miley Cyrus in a tie. He is so self besotted that all he can think about is "They are all looking at me!" This isn't a speech. This is verbal twerking. Little o obama doesn't know the difference between laughing and cheering. It's all attention to him. obama is so in love with himself that he thinks that President Putin is paying homage simply by mentioning him in a sentence.

During the campaign in 2008, obama got into a bit of a sticky situation with his America hating pastor. He was able to slip out of that with one of his special speeches, an address to the nation. It worked. He was elected. Because it worked, obama's love of himself grew and he thinks that any time he speaks, he can mesmerize and women will swoon, just like they once did.
He threw the wrong reverend Wright under the bus...The left lapped it up.
The reality is Obama looked bad the way he handled this.
Of course the Democrats are claiming another major victory for the big O....

What can I say.
This president looked inept on this Syria deal.

He's completely out-manoeuvred Vladimir and your good self.
Wishful thinking. Vlad just led Obama by the hand OUT of ME events.

Do try again?
The reality is Obama looked bad the way he handled this.
Of course the Democrats are claiming another major victory for the big O....

What can I say.
This president looked inept on this Syria deal.

He's completely out-manoeuvred Vladimir and your good self.
Wishful thinking. Vlad just led Obama by the hand OUT of ME events.

Do try again?

No need, just read the news.
No need, just read the news.
I do and can make up my own mind of events, thank you very little...

Your 'own version of events' I suspect you mean.
YOU suspect WRONG. Meaning having a mind , searching, weighing, and making up my OWN mind...something YOU don't posses.

Want training on HOW to have a free mind and NOT to be subject to media bias? I MIGHT HOLD A SEMINAR...it'll COST YA...
I'm going to be getting a good laugh out of all the butthurt that is going to come from the right wingers after yet another victory for Obama :up:

I get the feeling rw's don't really get it - That the US military can and would pound their new hero, Putin, into dust.

Its just like when they yammer about overthrowing tyranny with their little pop guns.

In the past, Obama has shown that he is anti-war but a hawk, nonetheless. Putin was ready to help Syria until Obama had a little talk with him.

It was an excellent speech and backed up by his history.

Thank you Mr. President and you rw's just keep right on with your silly ass lies.
I'm going to be getting a good laugh out of all the butthurt that is going to come from the right wingers after yet another victory for Obama :up:

I get the feeling rw's don't really get it - That the US military can and would pound their new hero, Putin, into dust.

Its just like when they yammer about overthrowing tyranny with their little pop guns.

In the past, Obama has shown that he is anti-war but a hawk, nonetheless. Putin was ready to help Syria until Obama had a little talk with him.

It was an excellent speech and backed up by his history.

Thank you Mr. President and you rw's just keep right on with your silly ass lies.

NO...We free people get it...Obama said a lot about ZERO...he covered his tracks...trying to save his sorry ass. He's had a YEAR to deal with this...

He's failed...again.

PUTIN is laughing.
I do and can make up my own mind of events, thank you very little...

Your 'own version of events' I suspect you mean.
YOU suspect WRONG. Meaning having a mind , searching, weighing, and making up my OWN mind...something YOU don't posses.

Want training on HOW to have a free mind and NOT to be subject to media bias? I MIGHT HOLD A SEMINAR...it'll COST YA...

Haha...thanks for the offer, but I'm sure I'd get better value if I just sent you the money and stayed at home.

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