OBAMA-The Destroyer... WANTS to bankrupt companies, skyrocketing utilities,higher gas


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
All you Obama defenders... HOW can you continue to defend this guy that wants to destroy America.
This may sound like hyperbole, BUT what else can you call someone who clearly clearly states the following:

A) Obama wants destroy 1,300 insurance company health insurance PAYERS.. that pay:
1) $100 billion a year in Federal/state/local property taxes... THAT WILL BE DESTROYED !
2) 400,000 employees of these companies unemployed. Destroying jobs...
Proof? "I happen to be a proponent of a single payer universal health care program.”Barack Obama on single payer in 2003 | Physicians for a National Health Program

B) Obama wants higher gas prices.
He said:Obama said I'd like higher gas prices, just not so quickly" LiveLeak.com - Obama: Id like higher gas prices, just not so quickly
1) Higher gas prices means less money for consumers hence destroying GDP!
2) Obama hires Energy secretary Chu, who said “Somehow we have to figure out how to boost the price of gasoline to the levels in Europe.”

C) Obama wants companies to go bankrupt... hence he wants companies destroyed...
So if somebody wants to build a coal-fired plant they can. It’s just that it will bankrupt them…”
– Barack Obama speaking to San Francisco Chronicle, January 2008
Power Plant Closures - IER

D) prefer that utility rates skyrocket.
"Under my plan of a cap and trade system, electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket"
Obama: I?ll make energy prices ?skyrocket? « Hot Air

What kind of President wants companies destroyed, bankrupt,higher gas prices, these are NOT statements that promote growth
but are DESTRUCTION of America!
NOT my President!
My Presidents WANT to BUILD America... businesses, not bankrupt companies, lower gas prices... not HIGHER gas prices,
LOWER utility rates...not SKYROCKETING...
My Presidents wants freedom for people to LIFT themselves to better life... not protect them womb to tomb!
MY Presidents want everyone everyone to improve...not lower other people!
Of course he wants skyrocketing electricity costs. It was one of his campaign promises. His belief is that if electricity is expensive enough and causes enough pain, that we will be happy to move into his green energy just to have something.
Obviously Obama defenders ALSO agree with Obama regarding the destruction of the USA.
Watch how many come to his defense by saying :
"Yes I want a single payer"... and these defenders are TOTALLY ignorant of the COSTS! $100 billion a year lost tax revenue, 400,000 jobs!
"Yes I want the companies to bankrupt because per my president and my observations all companies are evil, money grubbing rotten
capitalists!" If that's the attitude of the Obama defenders THEY want the destruction of the USA also!
"Yes I want to see higher gas prices"... because rising gas prices are doing nothing but lining pockets of filthy rich! To the guillotine !

YUP... all the Obama defenders really are first totally ignorant of how the economy runs! Totally believe every f...king word Obama speaks comes from the Messiah the one who told us he
""This was the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal."-- Barack Obama
And the Obama defenders BELIEVED THAT CRAP!
Gee! What a nice thread. That guy sure is awful! I hope we can survive his term in office.
Gee! What a nice thread. That guy sure is awful! I hope we can survive his term in office.

That's not the issue. It's whether his programs can survive his term in office. Will his destruction live after he is gone. A democrat will want to continue his "legacy". That's what needs to be stopped and dismantled.
Gee! What a nice thread. That guy sure is awful! I hope we can survive his term in office.

That's not the issue. It's whether his programs can survive his term in office. Will his destruction live after he is gone. A democrat will want to continue his "legacy". That's what needs to be stopped and dismantled.

Oh yeah! I know! We can't allow another Marxist to get into office! We've got to prevent that at all costs!
Which "destruction" are you folks referring too?

Market up to record highs?
Corporate profits are at record highs?
Jobs lost during the Bush cataclysm were recovered and in the private sector?

Please be specific.
Which "destruction" are you folks referring too?

Market up to record highs?
Corporate profits are at record highs?
Jobs lost during the Bush cataclysm were recovered and in the private sector?

Please be specific.

Pffffffft! Just more BS numbers from the thug administration and it's sidekick....the liberal statist media!!
Gee! What a nice thread. That guy sure is awful! I hope we can survive his term in office.

That's not the issue. It's whether his programs can survive his term in office. Will his destruction live after he is gone. A democrat will want to continue his "legacy". That's what needs to be stopped and dismantled.

Oh yeah! I know! We can't allow another Marxist to get into office! We've got to prevent that at all costs!
Yep. Obamashitforbrains is an idiot.

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