Obama. The election is OVER, Time to answer questions about Benghazi

The election is indeed over, time to let go of the contrived controversy.

yeah, the election is over..obama won, but this is no contrived controversy. obama will eventually have to answer some hard fucking questions about this bullshit for once. i bet he throws hillary under the bus.
It won't matter. Unless there is one decent media person left on earth.
You Benghazi nutters better find some better sources of "credible" news.
They can waste all the time they want..the "answers" are still going to be the same.

I doubt this even gets to the investigation stage given the circuses Issa has been running.

It's disgraceful that conservatives would use the death of Americans to disgrace a sitting president. It's almost as if you folks are siding with Terrorists.

The people siding with terrorists are those that would sweep the murders they committed under the rug. You may not want answers as to why those people were left with inadequate security on a 9/11 anniversary. You people amaze me. Any incompetence seems to be fine with you as long as it's Democrat incompetence.
And cry me a river. You don't give a rats hairy ass about politicizing the deaths of Americans to try to disgrace a sitting president. 9/11 and Katrina come to mind.

9/11 was used to illegally invade Iraq. Katrina was a clusterfuck that was proof of concept of what happens when you defund vital government agencies. There was an investigation over a year later into 9/11. Most of that was incomplete at best, cited amazingly, the previous administration and redacted a good amount of data. They were no investigations the Iraq invasion or Katrina failures.

And neither were used..in a manner you guys want to use this event..which is to impeach a sitting President. By the way, Libya got rid of another anti-American Terrorist..Gaddaffi.

Whom you folks seem to mourn.

Oh please.. There has been no better response from FEMA for Sandy than there was for Katrina. The only difference is that Obama had better photo ops and a media that wanted him to look good.

Why don't you be honest with yourself at least and admit that had George Bush been in office on 09/11/12 and our consulate had been attacked under the same circumstances, you and the press would hound him to hell for it.
I remember a rumor about the night Reagan lost 241 marines on a peace keeping misson in Lebannon. The rumor was that the marines did not have live ammo, anyone know the truth of the rumor?
The loss of 241 marines was the Corps biggest loss since WWII.
That's an easy one. Hillary Clinton warned Republicans to stop cutting embassy security budgets or someone will hurt. Republicans won't want to be reminded that was the second time they ignored a Clinton warning. It reminds people of the first time.

Bullshit! And you know it! What a fucking, stupid ass thing to say. What a dumb fuck you are. They were told to stand down, fuckhead, they were denied help, shitface. What a dumb bitch, you will justify anything, asshole.
That's an easy one. Hillary Clinton warned Republicans to stop cutting embassy security budgets or someone will hurt. Republicans won't want to be reminded that was the second time they ignored a Clinton warning. It reminds people of the first time.

Bullshit! And you know it! What a fucking, stupid ass thing to say. What a dumb fuck you are. They were told to stand down, fuckhead, they were denied help, shitface. What a dumb bitch, you will justify anything, asshole.

don't sugarcoat it.

let your wingnut wave
That's an easy one. Hillary Clinton warned Republicans to stop cutting embassy security budgets or someone will hurt. Republicans won't want to be reminded that was the second time they ignored a Clinton warning. It reminds people of the first time.

Bullshit! And you know it! What a fucking, stupid ass thing to say. What a dumb fuck you are. They were told to stand down, fuckhead, they were denied help, shitface. What a dumb bitch, you will justify anything, asshole.

don't sugarcoat it.

let your wingnut wave

Speaking of nuts, how you doing del?
That's an easy one. Hillary Clinton warned Republicans to stop cutting embassy security budgets or someone will hurt. Republicans won't want to be reminded that was the second time they ignored a Clinton warning. It reminds people of the first time.

No, it's time for you people to apologize for all the stupid shit you annoyed us with throughout the campaign;

you are as wrong about Benghazi as you were wrong about the election.

Eat shit.

Oh, wait, you do -- Obama's.

No, you bootlicker, I will not join you in worshiping your little tin god. It's utterly pathetic the way you morons idolize the stuttering fool.

You will excuse him anything. You're nothing more than a useful idiot. Obama would thank you, but he doesn't care about you. But he knows you will unthinkingly and unquestioningly believe what you're told.

Mindless sheep.
I remember a rumor about the night Reagan lost 241 marines on a peace keeping misson in Lebannon. The rumor was that the marines did not have live ammo, anyone know the truth of the rumor?
The loss of 241 marines was the Corps biggest loss since WWII.
Obvious bullshit is obvious.
I remember a rumor about the night Reagan lost 241 marines on a peace keeping misson in Lebannon. The rumor was that the marines did not have live ammo, anyone know the truth of the rumor?
The loss of 241 marines was the Corps biggest loss since WWII.
Obvious bullshit is obvious.

So what is obvious bullshit; Reagan didn't lose 241 marines in one night in Lebannon; they did have live ammo, they weren't on a peacekeeping mission, or it wasn't the worst loss of marines since WWII?

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