Obama. The election is OVER, Time to answer questions about Benghazi

No, it's time for you people to apologize for all the stupid shit you annoyed us with throughout the campaign;

you are as wrong about Benghazi as you were wrong about the election.

Apparently several in the military and State Department think otherwise, but then again you know so much more don't you?
That's an easy one. Hillary Clinton warned Republicans to stop cutting embassy security budgets or someone will hurt. Republicans won't want to be reminded that was the second time they ignored a Clinton warning. It reminds people of the first time.

You are such a lying bastard rdean. Are you too fucking stupid to understand that Obama's own people TESTIFIED ( for morons like you that means promised not to lie ) that the lack of security wasn't a budget issue? This is a gun running issue. The Obama administration has been passing guns to jihadis in Syria. This will come out with the congressional investigation that is going to happen. They didn't send help because they didn't want to get caught.
And for Gods sake TELL THE TRUTH. The 4 men's family deserves this !!

LOL, what makes you that he's not telling the truth? Maybe some of the information is classified and is not ready for public consumption. I think some people, are not really concerned about the Ambassador and the civilian contractors who were former Special Operators that were killed. I think that they are trying to use this as a political football. I'm not saying that you are doing it for that purpose but there is a pretty in depth timeline that was written in I think the Washington Post or the Washington Times, if you are interested.
The election is over but the fight to totally destroy the US isn't. That's still going on and obama the happy warrior will continue the fight.

Do you truly think that President Obama wants to do that when he has two wonderful daughters and a family that he loves? This is where I think that some of you people start jumping off of the deep end and start to sound pretty insane, bitter, and malicious. Wow..................

:lol: :lol: :lol:
The consulate was attacked by terrorists and 4 Americans were killed.


I wouldn't hold your breath. If there is anything Obama is good at it's lying and getting away with it. Do you really think the national media cares?

This election reminds of that movie White Men Can't Jump. One of the characters kept saying, "Sometimes when you win you really lose, and when you lose you really win".

I think people who voted for Obama will find out in years to come they really lost. The debt is rising, the country's financial status has been downgraded twice, the economy is bad and ObamaCare is just right around the corner. The free ride for some can't last forever.

Your oh so right.

Our Govt left those men to fight a seven hour gunbattle for their lives and let them die. Barry was busy with his Vegas fundraiser. He had his priorities and it sure wasn't those very brave men.

If anyone thinks an investigation will uncover the truth is pissing up a rope. No ones head will roll and it will all be buried under the rug.

I really feel for the families of those very brave men who didn't have to die.

Jesus what fuck he is.

And I agree the American people are going to deeply regret giving that fuck another four years. We are all stuck.

Accept it. The deaths of those people didn't matter to anyone who voted for obama. They were acceptable losses.

Another ignorant statement that isn't substantiated with FACTS. This is why you people are alienated from the sane decent people who truly love America.
Would you right wingers just stop? You don't care about Americans dying in a foreign embassy. You sent young Americans off to die in Iraq. You let Bin Laden go. You tried to stop the first responders from getting health care. You shouted out "let him die" at a Republican debate. This sudden caring for Americans you never heard of before is political and sickening. So just stop. It makes you guys look ugly.

Excellent points! These hypocrites and bastards have NO room to talk.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YjXPOxnu2N8]Bush jokes about WMD's at white house dinner - YouTube[/ame]
One of the most idiotic things I heard said in the entire campaign was Rudy Giuliani the day before the election,

on one of the cable channels,

he said Benghazi was the most important issue in this election.
And for Gods sake TELL THE TRUTH. The 4 men's family deserves this !!

Escaping this may be more difficult than winning the election. This will follow him forever and may end in an impeachment as it is much worse than Clinton's sexual assaults which was much worse than Nixon's watergate.
The consulate was attacked by terrorists and 4 Americans were killed.


4 Americans died in Benghazi because they were given inadequate security in a situation that was known to be over run with terrorists, even though they begged for more. It will come out that they were there to cover up the fact that U.S. interference allowed thousands of dangerous weapons to fall into the hands of the populace. They were trying to collect those weapons and send them to Syrian Jihadis, including Al Qaeda members, by way of Turkey.
One of the most idiotic things I heard said in the entire campaign was Rudy Giuliani the day before the election,

on one of the cable channels,

he said Benghazi was the most important issue in this election.

He was misinformed on what Americans knew and kept up with what was really going on.
The consulate was attacked by terrorists and 4 Americans were killed.


4 Americans died in Benghazi because they were given inadequate security in a situation that was known to be over run with terrorists, even though they begged for more. It will come out that they were there to cover up the fact that U.S. interference allowed thousands of dangerous weapons to fall into the hands of the populace. They were trying to collect those weapons and send them to Syrian Jihadis, including Al Qaeda members, by way of Turkey.

4 Americans died because the consulate was attacked by Terrorists.

The consulate was attacked by terrorists and 4 Americans were killed.


4 Americans died in Benghazi because they were given inadequate security in a situation that was known to be over run with terrorists, even though they begged for more. It will come out that they were there to cover up the fact that U.S. interference allowed thousands of dangerous weapons to fall into the hands of the populace. They were trying to collect those weapons and send them to Syrian Jihadis, including Al Qaeda members, by way of Turkey.

4 Americans died because the consulate was attacked by Terrorists.


You keep telling yourself that. The press that handed Obama his election won't continue to hide this. Senators Corker, Graham and McCain will not let this go. Boehner sent Obama a letter Monday demanding answers.
Congress is charged with the duty to investigate the Fast/Furious debacle and the continuing aftermath of the 3,000 weapons shipped to Mexico. While we are at it, we the people might demand the trial of the jihad Major who killed 13 of his own men in a shooting rampage at Ft. Hood more than 3 years ago.
The consulate was attacked by terrorists and 4 Americans were killed.


4 Americans died in Benghazi because they were given inadequate security in a situation that was known to be over run with terrorists, even though they begged for more. It will come out that they were there to cover up the fact that U.S. interference allowed thousands of dangerous weapons to fall into the hands of the populace. They were trying to collect those weapons and send them to Syrian Jihadis, including Al Qaeda members, by way of Turkey.

4 Americans died because the consulate was attacked by Terrorists.


You really don't think that refusing to send help for a 7 hr battle had anything to do with it? The communication officer was dead and the the Ambassador may have died without this adminstration sending requested help but we know the other two had a chance of survival had they recieved the assistance they requested. I served in the military in combat and I do not know 1 marine that would not have jumped for the chance to help these sacrificed lambs.
And for Gods sake TELL THE TRUTH. The 4 men's family deserves this !!

Escaping this may be more difficult than winning the election. This will follow him forever and may end in an impeachment as it is much worse than Clinton's sexual assaults which was much worse than Nixon's watergate.

are you aware of the fact that you're a fucking moron?

you're welcome
4 Americans died in Benghazi because they were given inadequate security in a situation that was known to be over run with terrorists, even though they begged for more. It will come out that they were there to cover up the fact that U.S. interference allowed thousands of dangerous weapons to fall into the hands of the populace. They were trying to collect those weapons and send them to Syrian Jihadis, including Al Qaeda members, by way of Turkey.

4 Americans died because the consulate was attacked by Terrorists.


You keep telling yourself that. The press that handed Obama his election won't continue to hide this. Senators Corker, Graham and McCain will not let this go. Boehner sent Obama a letter Monday demanding answers.

They can waste all the time they want..the "answers" are still going to be the same.

I doubt this even gets to the investigation stage given the circuses Issa has been running.

It's disgraceful that conservatives would use the death of Americans to disgrace a sitting president. It's almost as if you folks are siding with Terrorists.
4 Americans died in Benghazi because they were given inadequate security in a situation that was known to be over run with terrorists, even though they begged for more. It will come out that they were there to cover up the fact that U.S. interference allowed thousands of dangerous weapons to fall into the hands of the populace. They were trying to collect those weapons and send them to Syrian Jihadis, including Al Qaeda members, by way of Turkey.

4 Americans died because the consulate was attacked by Terrorists.


You really don't think that refusing to send help for a 7 hr battle had anything to do with it? The communication officer was dead and the the Ambassador may have died without this adminstration sending requested help but we know the other two had a chance of survival had they recieved the assistance they requested. I served in the military in combat and I do not know 1 marine that would not have jumped for the chance to help these sacrificed lambs.

That's completely delusional.
And for Gods sake TELL THE TRUTH. The 4 men's family deserves this !!

Escaping this may be more difficult than winning the election. This will follow him forever and may end in an impeachment as it is much worse than Clinton's sexual assaults which was much worse than Nixon's watergate.

are you aware of the fact that you're a fucking moron?

you're welcome

You seem to be a great debater. The way you give answers to such facts is really amazing. I wish we could discuss this in person.

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