Obama the Lawless

Oh god I wish they would just get it over with already, Christ, all these histrionics and no charges yet? What is the matter with them, if they know for a fact that he is breaking the law then just do it. What is their problem? So used to sitting on their hands in congress that real action scares them? Sick of fucking hearing about how unlawful he is, impeach immediately if he's really that god damn bad.

Of course they will not because it's all just bullshit to make you people think that do nothing bunch of jackasses in congress is holding the line against evil rather than just being worthless turds.

psssssst !! there is a thing called the "Senate" that stands in as a road block, too fucking many demoncRATS....., got it now ?
I always said that before the internet every town had one or two crazies that spouted off wild conspiracy stories. Everyone in town just ignored them. But now with the internet they can all get together and reinforce their crazy ideas.
Obama was not qualified to even run for President....the rules were not only bent but ignored because the media craved a Negro President.

Oh god I wish they would just get it over with already, Christ, all these histrionics and no charges yet? What is the matter with them, if they know for a fact that he is breaking the law then just do it. What is their problem? So used to sitting on their hands in congress that real action scares them? Sick of fucking hearing about how unlawful he is, impeach immediately if he's really that god damn bad.

Of course they will not because it's all just bullshit to make you people think that do nothing bunch of jackasses in congress is holding the line against evil rather than just being worthless turds.
Then worthless partisan hack demagogue turds like you will jump up and screech RACIST!
Nothing illegal, or the Pub adults would have DONE SOMETHING, brainwashed chumps...Obama has done fewer EOs than any president since Grover Cleveland...

If there ARE any Pub adults left...
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Are there really still people butthurt about the recess appointments? These people need to read that constitution that they always carry around with them for show:

"He shall from time to time give to the Congress Information of the State of the Union, and recommend to their Consideration such Measures as he shall judge necessary and expedient; he may, on extraordinary Occasions, convene both Houses, or either of them, and in Case of Disagreement between them, with Respect to the Time of Adjournment, he may adjourn them to such Time as he shall think proper"
-- U.S. Constitution; Article II, Section 3

The SCOTUS will decide that one and I have a feeling that you are dead wrong on that number. The problem was that they were in session and he went on anyway – blatant disregard.

HOWEVER, that is not the case. No one is really talking about the recess appointments. OKTexas gave a nice short list of laws that Obama has outright ignored or changed without congress.

Do you think that the president should be able to sign a law into effect and then outright ignore it or parts that he does not like? Do you think that he should be able to change key parts like implementation dates and deadlines that are written into the law?

If so – why bother with a law making body at all – apparently what they pass is irrelevant. The ‘president’ can do as he deems necessary.

Sorry but that is not what the constitution established and it makes passing law virtually IMPOSSIBLE – the congressmen cannot have confidence that the parts of the law representing compromise will be followed if the president can ignore the parts he does not like.
Are there really still people butthurt about the recess appointments? These people need to read that constitution that they always carry around with them for show:

"He shall from time to time give to the Congress Information of the State of the Union, and recommend to their Consideration such Measures as he shall judge necessary and expedient; he may, on extraordinary Occasions, convene both Houses, or either of them, and in Case of Disagreement between them, with Respect to the Time of Adjournment, he may adjourn them to such Time as he shall think proper"
-- U.S. Constitution; Article II, Section 3


Another left wing idiot who can't read.
I'm still waiting for Charlie Strangelove to apologize for his support of the Iraq War.

most of us are just waiting for you to shut the fuck up and go away......, or just go away.

bringing up an insignificant point about Iraq, we are discussing the lawlessness of your messiah.

if you have just one honest shred of DNA in your body and a tiny touch of patriotism in your soul you will admit that Mr. Barry Hussein Sotoro has got to go, he has comitted crimes that any Republican would be impeached and tried for crimes against the United States of America :up:

please, just go away......., OK ? :lmao:

Take it easy on slow Joe.. the king of the non sequitur

If the numbers were there to kick the sonofabitch out of office they would do it. Hopefully, that will be the case after the 2014 election.
If the numbers were there to kick the sonofabitch out of office they would do it. Hopefully, that will be the case after the 2014 election.

With the whole immigration rift? Yeah, let us know how that works out for y'all ;)
Charles Krauthammer used to be a Democrat and it's shit like this that made him change parties.

Bottom line is that he is right. Now Obama is talking about unilaterally delaying parts of Obamacare yet again. Pass the law, then decide which part/parts you will or will not follow. Hello, dictator.

What made Charlie Strangelove Change Parties is that the Democrats aren't as slavishly devoted to the cause of Zionism as the Republicans are.

Poor Joe. When stupid runs out he doubles down on jew-hating.

5000 Americans are dead because we fought a pointless war in Iraq that PNAC and AIPAC insisted we had to fight, with Bill Krystol and Charlie Strangelove leading the charge.
I'm still waiting for Charlie Strangelove to apologize for his support of the Iraq War.

most of us are just waiting for you to shut the fuck up and go away......, or just go away.

bringing up an insignificant point about Iraq, we are discussing the lawlessness of your messiah.

if you have just one honest shred of DNA in your body and a tiny touch of patriotism in your soul you will admit that Mr. Barry Hussein Sotoro has got to go, he has comitted crimes that any Republican would be impeached and tried for crimes against the United States of America :up:

please, just go away......., OK ? :lmao:

Why don't you go away? Frankly, your side fucked up the country in a way that it will probably never recover from.

5000 dead servicemen and 32,000 wounded warriors would not consider Iraq an "insignifigant point".

Bush used a tragedy to lie us into a war, and Krystol and Krauthammer were cheering from the sidelines all the way. You guys impeached Clinton over a fucking BLOW JOB, but you seem to think this tragedy is perfectly okay. Pissing away thousand of lives and trillions of dollars to put Iraq in Iran's orbit.
I am not a great fan of Charles Krauthammer....but when he hits one out of the park....got to give up the creds.

if you're not a fan of krauthammer why do you keep posting him? just wondering.

as for "lawlessness", and unconstitutionality…. that's laughable in light of the past administration.

if the legislature or president act unconstitutionally, that would be something for the court to rule on. presidents don't get tossed from office for doing things the far right doesn't agree with (or the far left for that matter).

let me know when there's a high crime or misdemeanor in there…

until then, i'm hitting the snooze button and waiting for the obama derangement syndrome to play itself out.
I'm still waiting for Charlie Strangelove to apologize for his support of the Iraq War.

most of us are just waiting for you to shut the fuck up and go away......, or just go away.

bringing up an insignificant point about Iraq, we are discussing the lawlessness of your messiah.

if you have just one honest shred of DNA in your body and a tiny touch of patriotism in your soul you will admit that Mr. Barry Hussein Sotoro has got to go, he has comitted crimes that any Republican would be impeached and tried for crimes against the United States of America :up:

please, just go away......., OK ? :lmao:

Take it easy on slow Joe.. the king of the non sequitur


5000 dead and 32,000 wounded.

Hardly a non-sequitur.

Charlie Strangelove cheered every aspect of that war, even after the voters repudiated it in 2006 and 2008.

Why does anyone listen to him now?
Charles Krauthammer used to be a Democrat and it's shit like this that made him change parties.

Bottom line is that he is right. Now Obama is talking about unilaterally delaying parts of Obamacare yet again. Pass the law, then decide which part/parts you will or will not follow. Hello, dictator.

That's not a dictator. ..
Oh god I wish they would just get it over with already, Christ, all these histrionics and no charges yet? What is the matter with them, if they know for a fact that he is breaking the law then just do it. What is their problem? So used to sitting on their hands in congress that real action scares them? Sick of fucking hearing about how unlawful he is, impeach immediately if he's really that god damn bad.

Of course they will not because it's all just bullshit to make you people think that do nothing bunch of jackasses in congress is holding the line against evil rather than just being worthless turds.

Hello? You do realize that the SENATE holds the power of impeachment, right?

The house might get to pass the articles but it is the senate that tries the president. Talk about a PR nightmare – the house impeaching the president and the senate laughing at the proceedings.

You also need 2/3 to actually convict essentially meaning not even the republicans owning the senate make such a move likely.

SO....people like you just engage in the mental masturbation of impeachment....for what fucking reason? Cause you don't have anything better to do or what?

But I really wish the Repubs in Congress would give it a shot. Great for the next election cycle.
Oh god I wish they would just get it over with already, Christ, all these histrionics and no charges yet? What is the matter with them, if they know for a fact that he is breaking the law then just do it. What is their problem? So used to sitting on their hands in congress that real action scares them? Sick of fucking hearing about how unlawful he is, impeach immediately if he's really that god damn bad.

Of course they will not because it's all just bullshit to make you people think that do nothing bunch of jackasses in congress is holding the line against evil rather than just being worthless turds.

They will not impeach Obama, but you got the reason wrong. It is about race!
I am not a great fan of Charles Krauthammer....but when he hits one out of the park....got to give up the creds.

1. "...Krauthammer Explains Obama's Lawlessness....

2. ....Krauthammer called President Obama’s executive actions “unbelievably unconstitutional” and lawless.

3. .... if the President were a Republican, “the people would be up in arms and would be impeaching.”

4. ..... if the President were a Republican, “the people would be up in arms and would be impeaching.”

5. if the President were a Republican, “the people would be up in arms and would be impeaching.”

6. “Whether it is making unlawful payments to congressional health care plans, making recess appointments in violation of the Constitution, or urging federal contractors to violate the WARN Act,” Kloster said, “this administration has taken numerous actions that are abusive or plainly unlawful.”

7. .... “if Congress won’t act, I will.” ....is not consistent with the Constitution:

'Frankly, circumventing the constitutional role that Congress plays in our Republic cannot be justified, no matter what the policy goals. Every President takes an oath to “preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution” and has a constitutional duty to “take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed.” '
Charles Krauthammer Explains Obama's Lawlessness in 50 Seconds

Shakespeare reminded:

"The devil can cite Scripture for his purpose.
An evil soul producing holy witness
Is like a villain with a smiling cheek,
A goodly apple rotten at the heart.
O, what a goodly outside falsehood hath!”

Seems that even a constitutional law instructor can show total disregard for the Constitution.

I think it was Krauthammer that said the wording in a law is what makes Obama's EO's questionable. If the law states something SHALL be done or MAY be done.

Here is the definition of the word may taken from a legal dictionary
v. a choice to act or not, or a promise of a possibility, as distinguished from “shall,” which makes it imperative.

Obama, or any other President cannot legally change the enforcement of any law passed by Congress if the word 'shall ' is used. If 'may' or even 'will' is used, he can weasel around the law. Perhaps someone will check the wording in the ACA vs the changes in Obamas EO's.

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