Obama the Lawless

Are there really still people butthurt about the recess appointments? These people need to read that constitution that they always carry around with them for show:

"He shall from time to time give to the Congress Information of the State of the Union, and recommend to their Consideration such Measures as he shall judge necessary and expedient; he may, on extraordinary Occasions, convene both Houses, or either of them, and in Case of Disagreement between them, with Respect to the Time of Adjournment, he may adjourn them to such Time as he shall think proper"
-- U.S. Constitution; Article II, Section 3


Another left wing idiot who can't read.

:clap2: AMEN Brother !! :clap2:

i believe the reason he can not read and understand plain written English is because he attended a liberal public school :up: :clap2:
Are there really still people butthurt about the recess appointments? These people need to read that constitution that they always carry around with them for show:

"He shall from time to time give to the Congress Information of the State of the Union, and recommend to their Consideration such Measures as he shall judge necessary and expedient; he may, on extraordinary Occasions, convene both Houses, or either of them, and in Case of Disagreement between them, with Respect to the Time of Adjournment, he may adjourn them to such Time as he shall think proper"
-- U.S. Constitution; Article II, Section 3


The point is well taken, however it does not apply to the recess appointments Obama made. It clearly states he MAY adjourn Congress, but the fact is he DID NOT do so. They were in pro forma session in accordance with the Senate rules.

And, I am sure an Obama worshipper would deem his adjournment of Congress so he could make some recess appointments PROPER, but most people would disagree.
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LETS see a poll from CNN and the government on what percentage of gays have been sexually abused and the probability of this being repeated..:clap2: Obviously the is collusion within these media outlets and possibly other areas in the public arena. The sexuall abuse and QUESTIONABLE HIREING practices producing far less qualified but gay employees :clap2:
I'm still waiting for Charlie Strangelove to apologize for his support of the Iraq War.

most of us are just waiting for you to shut the fuck up and go away......, or just go away.

bringing up an insignificant point about Iraq, we are discussing the lawlessness of your messiah.

if you have just one honest shred of DNA in your body and a tiny touch of patriotism in your soul you will admit that Mr. Barry Hussein Sotoro has got to go, he has comitted crimes that any Republican would be impeached and tried for crimes against the United States of America :up:

please, just go away......., OK ? :lmao:

Why don't you go away? Frankly, your side fucked up the country in a way that it will probably never recover from.

5000 dead servicemen and 32,000 wounded warriors would not consider Iraq an "insignifigant point".

Bush used a tragedy to lie us into a war, and Krystol and Krauthammer were cheering from the sidelines all the way. You guys impeached Clinton over a fucking BLOW JOB, but you seem to think this tragedy is perfectly okay. Pissing away thousand of lives and trillions of dollars to put Iraq in Iran's orbit.

Bush did it, Bush's fault, Bush.., Bush...., Bush......., can't you find a way to get free of that idiom ?

come on Joe, you really aren't that stupid...., are you ?

Clintoon was impeached for lying to Congress:
House of Representatives impeached President Bill Clinton Saturday on charges of lying under oath to a federal grand jury and obstructing justice in the Monica Lewinsky affair. The two allegations of "high crimes and misdemeanors" next go to the Senate for trial.

and the jellyfish senate failed in their job to do the right thing.

oooooh!! BTW September 11, 2001AD was all planned and trained for during Clintoons blow jobs.... the attack on the United States of America that killed nearly 3,000 people that happened that day was all on Clitons watch. :up:

deny THAT FACT and you truly will prove you ARE an idiot !! :up:
Charles Krauthammer used to be a Democrat and it's shit like this that made him change parties.

Bottom line is that he is right. Now Obama is talking about unilaterally delaying parts of Obamacare yet again. Pass the law, then decide which part/parts you will or will not follow. Hello, dictator.

That's not a dictator. ..

Meh.. Probably right in only Obama may not be smart enough to be one

Oh god I wish they would just get it over with already, Christ, all these histrionics and no charges yet? What is the matter with them, if they know for a fact that he is breaking the law then just do it. What is their problem? So used to sitting on their hands in congress that real action scares them? Sick of fucking hearing about how unlawful he is, impeach immediately if he's really that god damn bad.

Of course they will not because it's all just bullshit to make you people think that do nothing bunch of jackasses in congress is holding the line against evil rather than just being worthless turds.

Hello? You do realize that the SENATE holds the power of impeachment, right?

The house might get to pass the articles but it is the senate that tries the president. Talk about a PR nightmare – the house impeaching the president and the senate laughing at the proceedings.

You also need 2/3 to actually convict essentially meaning not even the republicans owning the senate make such a move likely.

SO....people like you just engage in the mental masturbation of impeachment....for what fucking reason? Cause you don't have anything better to do or what?

But I really wish the Repubs in Congress would give it a shot. Great for the next election cycle.

You may be right... If Obama is what we get because of what Bush did, then I shudder to think what the Dems have in mind to clean up Odudmmers mess...

Never mind


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most of us are just waiting for you to shut the fuck up and go away......, or just go away.

bringing up an insignificant point about Iraq, we are discussing the lawlessness of your messiah.

if you have just one honest shred of DNA in your body and a tiny touch of patriotism in your soul you will admit that Mr. Barry Hussein Sotoro has got to go, he has comitted crimes that any Republican would be impeached and tried for crimes against the United States of America :up:

please, just go away......., OK ? :lmao:

Why don't you go away? Frankly, your side fucked up the country in a way that it will probably never recover from.

5000 dead servicemen and 32,000 wounded warriors would not consider Iraq an "insignifigant point".

Bush used a tragedy to lie us into a war, and Krystol and Krauthammer were cheering from the sidelines all the way. You guys impeached Clinton over a fucking BLOW JOB, but you seem to think this tragedy is perfectly okay. Pissing away thousand of lives and trillions of dollars to put Iraq in Iran's orbit.

Bush did it, Bush's fault, Bush.., Bush...., Bush......., can't you find a way to get free of that idiom ?

come on Joe, you really aren't that stupid...., are you ?

Clintoon was impeached for lying to Congress:
House of Representatives impeached President Bill Clinton Saturday on charges of lying under oath to a federal grand jury and obstructing justice in the Monica Lewinsky affair. The two allegations of "high crimes and misdemeanors" next go to the Senate for trial.

and the jellyfish senate failed in their job to do the right thing.

oooooh!! BTW September 11, 2001AD was all planned and trained for during Clintoons blow jobs.... the attack on the United States of America that killed nearly 3,000 people that happened that day was all on Clitons watch. :up:

deny THAT FACT and you truly will prove you ARE an idiot !! :up:

So are you saying Clinton should have been in the planning room stopping it, when he was getting a blow job?

Incidently, Clinton really did try to do something about Bin Laden in 1998. And Republicans accused him of "Wagging the Dog" and trying to distract attention away from the all important blow job.

On the other hand, your hero Bush and his Cheerleaders Kyrstol and Charlie Strangelove, decided the best response to 9-11 was to invade Iraq, a country that had nothing to do with the attack.

Kind of like when you go in to the dermatologist for a pimple on your forehead and he amputates your leg.

But, yeah, we totally need to listen to Charlie Strangelove now when he calls Obama "Lawless".
Oh god I wish they would just get it over with already, Christ, all these histrionics and no charges yet? What is the matter with them, if they know for a fact that he is breaking the law then just do it. What is their problem? So used to sitting on their hands in congress that real action scares them? Sick of fucking hearing about how unlawful he is, impeach immediately if he's really that god damn bad.

Of course they will not because it's all just bullshit to make you people think that do nothing bunch of jackasses in congress is holding the line against evil rather than just being worthless turds.

They will not impeach Obama, but you got the reason wrong. It is about race!

that is something we will never get across to the liarberals, they are as dense as a 100 pound block of lead. :up:

Ted Cruz: Obama's 'Consistent Pattern of Lawlessness' Is 'Extraordinarily Dangerous'

23 Jan 2014 322 POST A COMMENT

On Mark Levin’s radio show on Thursday night, Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) made criticized President Barack Obama for his selective adherence and enforcement of laws passed by the U.S. Congress, especially his 2010 health care reform law.

“It’s extraordinarily dangerous,” Cruz said. “Mark, I know you fully that of all of the dismaying aspects of the Obama presidency perhaps the most dangerous is this consistent pattern of lawlessness. We have never had a president who over and over again openly aggressively defies the law. If he doesn’t like the law, he refuses to enforce it or he simply proclaims it changed and this is something that ought to bother everyone. This is something that shouldn’t be a partisan issue on area after area – from immigration to drug law to welfare law – he decided he didn’t like the law so he simply proclaimed it changed. That’s not the way our legal system works.”

“And the most egregious instance of this is ObamaCare where the president over and over again said it’s the law of the land,” he continued. “But then he doesn’t treat it as the law of the land because he has set exemption after exemption … now for 200-plus years of our nation’s history, if you disagreed with what the law was, you went to Congress and proposed an amendment and you changed the law.”


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The lawless president is going to be obama's nickname. He will never be able to hide from it or run from it.
Why don't you go away? Frankly, your side fucked up the country in a way that it will probably never recover from.

5000 dead servicemen and 32,000 wounded warriors would not consider Iraq an "insignifigant point".

Bush used a tragedy to lie us into a war, and Krystol and Krauthammer were cheering from the sidelines all the way. You guys impeached Clinton over a fucking BLOW JOB, but you seem to think this tragedy is perfectly okay. Pissing away thousand of lives and trillions of dollars to put Iraq in Iran's orbit.

Bush did it, Bush's fault, Bush.., Bush...., Bush......., can't you find a way to get free of that idiom ?

come on Joe, you really aren't that stupid...., are you ?

Clintoon was impeached for lying to Congress:
House of Representatives impeached President Bill Clinton Saturday on charges of lying under oath to a federal grand jury and obstructing justice in the Monica Lewinsky affair. The two allegations of "high crimes and misdemeanors" next go to the Senate for trial.

and the jellyfish senate failed in their job to do the right thing.

oooooh!! BTW September 11, 2001AD was all planned and trained for during Clintoons blow jobs.... the attack on the United States of America that killed nearly 3,000 people that happened that day was all on Clitons watch. :up:

deny THAT FACT and you truly will prove you ARE an idiot !! :up:

So are you saying Clinton should have been in the planning room stopping it, when he was getting a blow job?

Incidently, Clinton really did try to do something about Bin Laden in 1998. And Republicans accused him of "Wagging the Dog" and trying to distract attention away from the all important blow job.

On the other hand, your hero Bush and his Cheerleaders Kyrstol and Charlie Strangelove, decided the best response to 9-11 was to invade Iraq, a country that had nothing to do with the attack.

Kind of like when you go in to the dermatologist for a pimple on your forehead and he amputates your leg.

But, yeah, we totally need to listen to Charlie Strangelove now when he calls Obama "Lawless".

yupp !! you just proved you are STUPID !!....., thank you :clap2: :clap2: :clap2:
Emancipation Proclamation - Executive order
Desegregation of the Armed Forces - Executive order
The New Deal - EO
Japanese-American Internment - EO
Indian Reservations - EO

Obama the "lawless". :lol:

Neg rep for dishonesty and ignorance.
I am not a great fan of Charles Krauthammer....but when he hits one out of the park....got to give up the creds.

1. "...Krauthammer Explains Obama's Lawlessness....

2. ....Krauthammer called President Obama’s executive actions “unbelievably unconstitutional” and lawless.

3. .... if the President were a Republican, “the people would be up in arms and would be impeaching.”

4. ..... if the President were a Republican, “the people would be up in arms and would be impeaching.”

5. if the President were a Republican, “the people would be up in arms and would be impeaching.”

6. “Whether it is making unlawful payments to congressional health care plans, making recess appointments in violation of the Constitution, or urging federal contractors to violate the WARN Act,” Kloster said, “this administration has taken numerous actions that are abusive or plainly unlawful.”

7. .... “if Congress won’t act, I will.” ....is not consistent with the Constitution:

'Frankly, circumventing the constitutional role that Congress plays in our Republic cannot be justified, no matter what the policy goals. Every President takes an oath to “preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution” and has a constitutional duty to “take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed.” '
Charles Krauthammer Explains Obama's Lawlessness in 50 Seconds

Shakespeare reminded:

"The devil can cite Scripture for his purpose.
An evil soul producing holy witness
Is like a villain with a smiling cheek,
A goodly apple rotten at the heart.
O, what a goodly outside falsehood hath!”

Seems that even a constitutional law instructor can show total disregard for the Constitution.

I am a devotee of Charles Krauthammer. :D

In regards to #3 on your list: if the President were a Republican, “the people would be up in arms and would be impeaching.”

That is true, PC, but Joe Biden is Obama's impeachment insurance...:lol: I mean not even liberals want to see Joe Biden as prez...

That sounds like a good talking point but I don’t think the dems have ever actually impeached anyone. Both cases of the house filing the articles (and the third time when they were almost filed but the president stepped down) were republicans doing so. Sure, they would be angry as hell and likely doing something similar to what the republicans are doing now but I don’t know if they would impeach.

That is because Dems are the only ones committing impeachable offenses. There was Nixon, his offense was 'covering up', not actually committing a crime. Obama is actually committing a crime every time he refuses to execute the Laws passed by Congress.
The biggest criminal Presidents in U.S. History; Franklin Delano Roosevelt, William Jefferson Clinton, and Barack Hussein Obama. Nixon was a pantywaist compared to these three.

Oh, and the Democraps would have impeached Nixon had he not resigned, and did try to impeach Reagan.
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I am not a great fan of Charles Krauthammer....but when he hits one out of the park....got to give up the creds.

1. "...Krauthammer Explains Obama's Lawlessness....

2. ....Krauthammer called President Obama’s executive actions “unbelievably unconstitutional” and lawless.

3. .... if the President were a Republican, “the people would be up in arms and would be impeaching.”

4. ..... if the President were a Republican, “the people would be up in arms and would be impeaching.”

5. if the President were a Republican, “the people would be up in arms and would be impeaching.”

6. “Whether it is making unlawful payments to congressional health care plans, making recess appointments in violation of the Constitution, or urging federal contractors to violate the WARN Act,” Kloster said, “this administration has taken numerous actions that are abusive or plainly unlawful.”

7. .... “if Congress won’t act, I will.” ....is not consistent with the Constitution:

'Frankly, circumventing the constitutional role that Congress plays in our Republic cannot be justified, no matter what the policy goals. Every President takes an oath to “preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution” and has a constitutional duty to “take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed.” '
Charles Krauthammer Explains Obama's Lawlessness in 50 Seconds

Shakespeare reminded:

"The devil can cite Scripture for his purpose.
An evil soul producing holy witness
Is like a villain with a smiling cheek,
A goodly apple rotten at the heart.
O, what a goodly outside falsehood hath!”

Seems that even a constitutional law instructor can show total disregard for the Constitution.

Such bullshit. Both Clinton and Bush signed twice as many executive orders in their 8 years as Obama's 5.

Do I even need to explain how dumb it is to quote anyone from Fox News?

Yes, you, "Do even need to explain how dumb it is to quote anyone from fox news".
Give examples, don't just credit someone without actual examples. video?
Take your time, I'm not holding my breath.
I am not a great fan of Charles Krauthammer....but when he hits one out of the park....got to give up the creds.

1. "...Krauthammer Explains Obama's Lawlessness....

2. ....Krauthammer called President Obama’s executive actions “unbelievably unconstitutional” and lawless.

3. .... if the President were a Republican, “the people would be up in arms and would be impeaching.”

4. ..... if the President were a Republican, “the people would be up in arms and would be impeaching.”

5. if the President were a Republican, “the people would be up in arms and would be impeaching.”

6. “Whether it is making unlawful payments to congressional health care plans, making recess appointments in violation of the Constitution, or urging federal contractors to violate the WARN Act,” Kloster said, “this administration has taken numerous actions that are abusive or plainly unlawful.”

7. .... “if Congress won’t act, I will.” ....is not consistent with the Constitution:

'Frankly, circumventing the constitutional role that Congress plays in our Republic cannot be justified, no matter what the policy goals. Every President takes an oath to “preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution” and has a constitutional duty to “take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed.” '
Charles Krauthammer Explains Obama's Lawlessness in 50 Seconds

Shakespeare reminded:

"The devil can cite Scripture for his purpose.
An evil soul producing holy witness
Is like a villain with a smiling cheek,
A goodly apple rotten at the heart.
O, what a goodly outside falsehood hath!”

Seems that even a constitutional law instructor can show total disregard for the Constitution.

Such bullshit. Both Clinton and Bush signed twice as many executive orders in their 8 years as Obama's 5.

Do I even need to explain how dumb it is to quote anyone from Fox News?

Executive orders aren't meant to go around the legislature.

Obama is by law supposed to enforce the law, not go around it, change it, or break it whenever he wishes.
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most of us are just waiting for you to shut the fuck up and go away......, or just go away.

bringing up an insignificant point about Iraq, we are discussing the lawlessness of your messiah.

if you have just one honest shred of DNA in your body and a tiny touch of patriotism in your soul you will admit that Mr. Barry Hussein Sotoro has got to go, he has comitted crimes that any Republican would be impeached and tried for crimes against the United States of America :up:

please, just go away......., OK ? :lmao:

Take it easy on slow Joe.. the king of the non sequitur


5000 dead and 32,000 wounded.

Hardly a non-sequitur.

Charlie Strangelove cheered every aspect of that war, even after the voters repudiated it in 2006 and 2008.

Why does anyone listen to him now?

Charles was right then and is right now! Your own God and Goddess (Bill and hillary) said in 1999, "Sadam must be 'taken out", as did every leader in the Democrat party.

How about this axiom: Obama snatched defeat from the jaws of victory.
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Take it easy on slow Joe.. the king of the non sequitur


5000 dead and 32,000 wounded.

Hardly a non-sequitur.

Charlie Strangelove cheered every aspect of that war, even after the voters repudiated it in 2006 and 2008.

Why does anyone listen to him now?

Charles was right then and is right now! Your own God and Goddess (Bill and hillary) said in 1999 said, "Sadam must be 'taken out", as did every leader in the Democrat party.

How about this axiom: Obama snatched defeat from the jaws of victory.

Nonsense. The Iraq War had already been lost long before Obama got there.

The Iraq War was effectively lost when Bush disbanded the Iraqi Army and let the country spiral into chaos.

All the "Surge" did was pay a huge bribe to the Sunnis to play nice just long enough for us to pull out. The Sunnis were happy to take our money and stockpile guns because they knew once we were gone, they had a reasonable chance of beating the Kurds and Shi'ites on their own.
Are there really still people butthurt about the recess appointments? These people need to read that constitution that they always carry around with them for show:

"He shall from time to time give to the Congress Information of the State of the Union, and recommend to their Consideration such Measures as he shall judge necessary and expedient; he may, on extraordinary Occasions, convene both Houses, or either of them, and in Case of Disagreement between them, with Respect to the Time of Adjournment, he may adjourn them to such Time as he shall think proper"
-- U.S. Constitution; Article II, Section 3


"One big difference between then and now, though, is that everyone assumed a ruling against the mandate would be no better than 5-4. Obama had four liberal justices in the bag for his position, as usual; the only question was whether they could get one conservative. Per Moe Lane, the word from SCOTUSblog about this morning’s arguments is that even some of the liberals seem ready to abandon ship."
Sure sounds like the Supreme Court?s going to rule against Obama on recess appointments « Hot Air

"One big difference between then and now, though, is that everyone assumed a ruling against the mandate would be no better than 5-4. Obama had four liberal justices in the bag for his position, as usual; the only question was whether they could get one conservative. Per Moe Lane, the word from SCOTUSblog about this morning’s arguments is that even some of the liberals seem ready to abandon ship."
Sure sounds like the Supreme Court?s going to rule against Obama on recess appointments « Hot Air

It might also be irrelevent. Since Reid deployed the Nuclear Option, the Republicans can't filibuster appointments and Obama will fill the courts and agencies with the folks he wants, anyway.

So it's like closing the gate AFTER the horse got out.

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