Obama, the most divisive president in the history of this country

The difference between Obama and all the other presidents, like Lincoln, LBJ, etc. is that Obama came into office with the INTENTION of dividing the country.
Obama called for peaceful protests in Ferguson and for restraint by police officers there after a decision is announced. Sorry, what? Does he really think it's possible?! This man doesn't know, what he is talking about.

"There are Americans who agree with it and there are Americans who are deeply disappointed, even angry. It's an understandable reaction. But I join Michael's parents in asking anyone who protests this decision to do so peacefully."

Some of the crackers here have a hard time with vocabulary. Peacefully means no violence......no violence means no destruction.....damn....no destruction means no breaking things. Hope that was simple enough for you.

"There are Americans who agree with it and there are Americans who are deeply disappointed, even angry. It's an understandable reaction. But I join Michael's parents in asking anyone who protests this decision to do so peacefully."

Some of the crackers here have a hard time with vocabulary. Peacefully means no violence......no violence means no destruction.....damn....no destruction means no breaking things. Hope that was simple enough for you.


Why Obama can t go there - POLITICO.com
Had he and his administration kept their mouths shut and not commented about it, there wouldn't be riots and people's businesses and jobs being destroyed in Ferguson. He does this every single time there is a crime involving a black person. Although throughout his administration, he has made it his mission to pit American against American, it seems stoking the flames of racial division is his personal favorite.

Not only his favorite, but his goal.

"There are Americans who agree with it and there are Americans who are deeply disappointed, even angry. It's an understandable reaction. But I join Michael's parents in asking anyone who protests this decision to do so peacefully."

Some of the crackers here have a hard time with vocabulary. Peacefully means no violence......no violence means no destruction.....damn....no destruction means no breaking things. Hope that was simple enough for you.

You calling some of the posters here, "crackers" makes you no better than them.
We tried to WARN the people of how he would be as a President. but they installed him anyway. What does that say that so many people can be so easily DUPED by a lying fraud like him?. Doesn't look good for us as a country

"There are Americans who agree with it and there are Americans who are deeply disappointed, even angry. It's an understandable reaction. But I join Michael's parents in asking anyone who protests this decision to do so peacefully."

Some of the crackers here have a hard time with vocabulary. Peacefully means no violence......no violence means no destruction.....damn....no destruction means no breaking things. Hope that was simple enough for you.

You calling some of the posters here, "crackers" makes you no better than them.
I am only directing it to the crackers and my concern is not to attempt to be better than them. Its called fighting fire with fire.
The snapshot of obumble making phony peace speech in a split screen with Ferguson burning is what will go down in history.

obumble made his ill advised speech without bothering to listed to the meticulous speech the prosecutor gave and his ignorance was glaring.

yep, and the most Vicious, hateful and downright HARMFUL to us he took an oath to protect. all those who voted for him should be hanging their head in shame
The more intelligent ones are. They know they were lied to and duped.

The ones left here still defending the buffoon are either paid to or are truly fucking RETARDED.

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