Obama Thinks A 5% Pay Cut Is Enough. My Pay Is Getting Cut 25%

1 year as ER tech. 15 years (8 years certified) as a Cardiopulmonary tech. 3 years as insurance biller and coder. Obamacare brought costs down and healthcare industries into accountability. Thank you. Now run along.

This is mudwhistle's thread. It is YOU who needs to 'run along.' You idiot.

Are you going to make me, in between "tricks", ho?

Dude, you are one big cliche'.
1 year as ER tech. 15 years (8 years certified) as a Cardiopulmonary tech. 3 years as insurance biller and coder. Obamacare brought costs down and healthcare industries into accountability. Thank you. Now run along.

This is mudwhistle's thread. It is YOU who needs to 'run along.' You idiot.

Are you going to make me, in between "tricks", ho?

Wow. Talk about "Overcompensating for a Short Cumming".

What a moron.
This is mudwhistle's thread. It is YOU who needs to 'run along.' You idiot.

Are you going to make me, in between "tricks", ho?

Dude, you are one big cliche'.

You better define the word. He probably thinks that is something good! He also hasn't been around long enough to know that the ones who were trolling me a few months back are now permanently banned from this forum.
Truth is I made less last year than the year before and I'll make less this year than last. Considering the fact that the price of everything has skyrocketed since Obama became POTUS that isn't a great outlook for my future, and I'm afraid the same goes for just about everyone else. Didn't Obama say he was going to strengthen the Middle-class? Does he intend to strengthen us through causing hardship?

I'm glad to see idiots like poet love the direction the economy is going. He just figures as long as a black man is in the White House the rest is all gravy.
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Ibuprofen in the hospital costs $2 because there is a doctor who has to order it, pharmacist who has to dispense it, a pneumatic tube system that has to bring it to the unit, a nurse who has to give it, a clerk who has to do the paperwork, and a little paper cup to give it in to keep it clean. But dead heads like you are completely unaware of any of this.

The CT scan was to see if you had a GI bleed causing you to be anemic, something a regular X-ray would not show. DUH! Next time you give the orders. Maybe we will get lucky and you won't be here griping about it, shithead.

I agree with the sentiments, but a CT scan won't show a GI bleed. It would be nice if it did. However, it can show a lot of other stuff that is on the differential.

Nothing is more irritating than patients that present with a complaint and then interfere with your work up. Good thing the CT scan was negative here (assumedly), if it was positive - I am sure it would be viewed as money well spent. If I had the ability to know what a CT scan would show prior to ordering it, I wouldn't be wasting my time in residency right now.

Also annoying: patients who think we get some sort of miraculous kickback for ordering extra tests and giving extra drugs.

Don't mind her....she is speaking way above her pay grade.
As a ex-cardiopulmonary tech, I knew I didn't have pneumonia, but as doctors are prone to "covering their asses", and ruling out the possibility, they thought it best that a CT scan be done....shame that it costs $2200. Oh, well.
Maybe annoying to doctors worth their salt, but you can't tell me that there aren't doctors "in cahoots' with hospitals, ordering unnecessary tests.

I am not going to try and second guess your care without knowing all the facts, but there are plenty of indications for a CT chest to work up a pneumonia - if that's even what they were working up as opposed to something else like a PE or solitary pulmonary nodule or whatever.

Claiming that 17 years doing various tech work in healthcare gives you the expertise to make that call is wrong - and you know it.
I agree with the sentiments, but a CT scan won't show a GI bleed. It would be nice if it did. However, it can show a lot of other stuff that is on the differential.

Nothing is more irritating than patients that present with a complaint and then interfere with your work up. Good thing the CT scan was negative here (assumedly), if it was positive - I am sure it would be viewed as money well spent. If I had the ability to know what a CT scan would show prior to ordering it, I wouldn't be wasting my time in residency right now.

Also annoying: patients who think we get some sort of miraculous kickback for ordering extra tests and giving extra drugs.

[LOL. My bad. You have to remember I work in Psychiatry. I order many CT scans. There are so many in the age group I work with who have early stage dementia. It is not QUOTE]

I rest my case. Why am I not surprised. LMAO. Psychiatry, indeed.

She still is a licensed health practitioner.
I agree with the sentiments, but a CT scan won't show a GI bleed. It would be nice if it did. However, it can show a lot of other stuff that is on the differential.

Nothing is more irritating than patients that present with a complaint and then interfere with your work up. Good thing the CT scan was negative here (assumedly), if it was positive - I am sure it would be viewed as money well spent. If I had the ability to know what a CT scan would show prior to ordering it, I wouldn't be wasting my time in residency right now.

Also annoying: patients who think we get some sort of miraculous kickback for ordering extra tests and giving extra drugs.

Don't mind her....she is speaking way above her pay grade.
As a ex-cardiopulmonary tech, I knew I didn't have pneumonia, but as doctors are prone to "covering their asses", and ruling out the possibility, they thought it best that a CT scan be done....shame that it costs $2200. Oh, well.
Maybe annoying to doctors worth their salt, but you can't tell me that there aren't doctors "in cahoots' with hospitals, ordering unnecessary tests.

I am not going to try and second guess your care without knowing all the facts, but there are plenty of indications for a CT chest to work up a pneumonia - if that's even what they were working up as opposed to something else like a PE or solitary pulmonary nodule or whatever.

Claiming that 17 years doing various tech work in healthcare gives you the expertise to make that call is wrong - and you know it.

Various tech work? Rather, "specific" tech work, and the call was "in my field". I find it funny that folks are so willing to dismiss "blacks", who are knowledgeable and skilled, but have no problem touting their own horns, with questionable credentials, simply because they are white and obviously "right". Mind blowing, the mindsets up in here. And you wound up "second guessing", after all.
Nobody is dismissing you because your black. We're dismissing you because you're a moronic asshole.
Y O U have a job?

I went to school on the GI bill, studied engineering and am a Sr. Design engineer. Hopefully, I won't lose my job. Fortunately, when I started school around 30 years old, computers were just coming into the work place. When I moved from assembly to engineering, I worked on a 386SX with a 17 inch monitor and AutoCAD version 2.5 in Dr. Dos. And get this. The engineering boss at the time, a staunch Republican, felt computers were a "fad" and they wouldn't last. In fact, it was him that didn't "last".

DR-DOS - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Now I use Inventor 2013 with Computational Fluid Dynamics and Lightwave and Carrara for renderings and animation on a 6 core Dell workstation. Not only do I do equipment design, but I also do all the photorealistic renderings for the marketing department.

After the Bush recession, the entire company took a 10% pay cut. But after going through a re-organization process, it seems to be doing much better.

That's about as detailed as I can get.

You can see why I criticize Republicans for saying education is for snobs or it's all "liberal" and unneeded. If I listened to such ridiculous fucking nonsense, I would still be out on the assembly line.

What have you been smoking? I've never seen a single post on a forum by a republican claiming education is for snobs.

You know, I don't think I've seen a post here on USMB where a Republican claimed that education was for snobs.


I HAVE heard various GOP politicians claim that. Santorum for one when he said that Obama wants everyone to go to college (he does), and then followed that comment with "what a snob".
If mudboy works for the government, then he's the biggest hypocrite on here.
Truth is I made less last year than the year before and I'll make less this year than last. Considering the fact that the price of everything has skyrocketed since Obama became POTUS that isn't a great outlook for my future, and I'm afraid the same goes for just about everyone else. Didn't Obama say he was going to strengthen the Middle-class? Does he intend to strengthen us through causing hardship?

I'm glad to see idiots like poet love the direction the economy is going. He just figures as long as a black man is in the White House the rest is all gravy.

Really now? Want a hankerchef? Maybe a crying towel.

Well yes, I made less this year than last. Barely cracked 100K. But then, I asked to be exempted from overtime whenever possible. It would interfere with the classes I am taking at PSU.

Dumb fucks like you always denigrating unions. Do you know what you would be making without the unions? Now you have the experiance that so many used to have when an employer cut wages without reason. Your employer has a reason. People like you decided that they wanted to cut the amount of spending that the government does. You are part of that, and now you are whining because you got what you wanted.
I'm in a briefing that says 25% of my pay will be gone because of Sequester.

Obama has all of his expenses paid for yet he thinks taking a 5% pay cut will make us happy.


They're telling us to cut out the TV, Cell-Phones, put our Debit card in a bucket of water.

Great advice. Good times.

They need to lose 95% of their income and freeze all their other financial resources, be made to all bunk together and use mass transit until they get their butts together and actually fix this thing.

Or maybe the reality is they should all wave the white flag, resign and let people that actually want this mess fixed take over.:evil:

I've been told all of my deductions will remain in effect yet they will cut 25% of my takehome pay.

If Obama and his fucken family can keep having parties he can afford to pay us.
We didn't want one auto company to fail, because of the effect it would have on the economy. Now, what would of the effect been by collapsing an entire industry? So, profits aside, it would have taken a fragile economy and tanked it. So, adding to unemployment, would that have been for the good of the average American? Say what you want, you can blame who or what you want, but if you don't think things through, you can really fuck it up.

Auto manufacturing "makes things". Then you have all the raw material touching every industry from steel to plastics to textiles. And all the service in between.

Health care companies don't make anything. They skim profits off insurance policies. How many policies does it take to pay a single CEO salary making tens of millions? How many insurance policies do you skim to pay for multiple corporate jets?

I think the damage would be way less than you imagine.

They provided you with care and tests, with machines and R&D, that is billions right there. Would a single payer spur such innovation, especially with a likelihood of small or no return on investment?

Sure it would. NASA has been one of the greatest sources of innovation in the history of the world and they are a government agency.

Get off this "only for money" kick. It's pathetic.
When these right wingers talk about health care it makes me wonder if they even have any. They make about as much sense as saying illegal aliens are getting Medicare, Medicaid, food stamps and welfare. What they imagine is so different than reality one has to wonder is it ignorance or delusion or simply falling prey to right wing propaganda?

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