Obama thinks we're all stupid. Some of you really are.

Speaking of idiots...

You really can't comprehend that Obama lied to you, can you?

Not really.

Letter I got from my insurer.

No changes. We are completely ACA compliant.
Yay you. But don't make the mistake of assuming that your limited experience applies to everyone.

Actually, quite the reverse.

Every year before ObamaCare, we got the special meeting about how this year, our insurance was going to cost us a little bit more and be a little shittier.

And then they all got panicky about ObamaCare.

But guess what, since ObamaCare, we stopped having those meetings.
Obama stands by promise that "you can keep your plan" - CBS News
Amid reports of millions of Americans losing their insurance because of new Obamacare regulations, President Obama on Wednesday stood by his promise that those who liked their coverage before the Affordable Care Act became law could keep that coverage.

"If you had one of these substandard plans before the Affordable Care Act became law, and you liked that plan, you were able to keep it," the president said in Boston.​

You could keep your insurance...UNTIL the ACA became law. Then you're screwed.

How many of you idiots are now going to say, "Yeah. Yeah, that's what he meant! Obviously!"

Of course, that's patently ridiculous. He said you could keep your insurance AFTER ACA was law.

People who have N.P.O. do not care.

We have as president a man who routinely slanders his political opponents, distorting what they believe, even as he bemoans the lack of civility in public discourse. He constantly makes assertions that are obviously untrue. And it doesn’t matter to him. He keeps doing it because, at least until now, the media has given him something approaching a free pass.

I have no idea if Mr. Obama was born mendacious or whether he learned the habit somewhere along the way. What I do know is that Barack Obama is thoroughly post-modern. Words and facts have no objective standing with him; they are socially constructed, unmoored, infinitely malleable, a way to create his own reality and advance his own self-interest.

Mr. Obama clearly believes that because his agenda is right and noble and his opponents are benighted and evil, he has license to say pretty much whatever he wants pretty much whenever he wants. After all, anything that advances his agenda while rebuffing the (choose your descriptor) nihilistic, anarchistic, heartless, ruthless, Taliban-like Republicans is allowable. Even encouraged. It’s the Chicago Way.

Mr. Obama, then, has a deeply defective public character. He simply makes things up as he goes along. He invents his own reality. And the fact that he is inflicting significant and durable harm to our political culture, and to America itself, seems to bother him not one bit.

The Mendacious Mr. Obama « Commentary Magazine
Well look at Obama voters, they're low-information and think Progressive economics will really work --this time; this is the one time it will overcome it's 100% Guaranteed fail.

Sure it failed everywhere and every time it's been tried, it's failing right now in Europe, it failed whenever we give Progressives control over any economy no matter how large or small from Detroit to China, but this time, this is the time it will work

All of this comes from the typical progressive mindset that 1) they know what you really want, 2) all our plans will eventually work, so any initial issues must be ignored and 3)anyone who opposes us has to be ridiculed and marginalized, even if (and especially) they are 100% correct in thier assesment of the current situation.

It's more devious than that.

About the only people signing up for the disaster called obamacare are Medicaid types.

For now. Had the government not killed most of the Individual Plans in America, very few Healthy people would sign up for obamacare. So when their policies start to near their cancellation date (many on 12/31, others on their renewal date next year) those people will be FORCED into enrolling into obamacare.

Without the people being cancelled and non-renewed by dimocrap scum.... Unless they enroll in obamacare, it all falls apart.

If the lying scumbag-in-chief had allowed people to actually keep their Private Plans, there wouldn't be any healthy people signing up.... Which is who has to carry the freight of ANY Health Insurance Program.

PLUS. AND this is BIG:

The VAST majority of the people getting kicked off of their Private Personal Health Care Plans?

They won't qualify for subsidies.

Most of the people signing up now do.

obama lied. dimocraps lie.

And I'll tell you something else.... The people in here saying obama didn't lie are some lying scumbags.

Knob-slurping, on their knees, lying scumbags.

And they know it.

Tell you something else they know.... They don't care. They don't care that you and I know they're lying. They'll just come up with another lie when the time comes.

SO far, I've seen two (2) libs come clean in here and fess up.

I respect them a little bit for being honest. The rest? Too dishonest to be allowed to live in this Country. North Korea? Maybe.

They'd fit right in there. All they'd have to do is get their knee-pads cleaned up.

obama lied and libturds just don't care. In fact, they think it's funny.
Well the folks I talked to weren't liars.

Someone is lying but it ain't them.

And sorry, I'm still waiting to talk to those people.

Fact is, the individual policy market has ALWAYS been a mess, long before ObamaCare got there. It's where you heard most of the horror stories about people not getting treatment for cancer because they had acne as a teen or some such shit.

I also don't get the GOP complaint. they got exactly what they've been asking for for 30 years, a "Free Market" solution that includes private insurance.
Well the folks I talked to weren't liars.

Someone is lying but it ain't them.

And sorry, I'm still waiting to talk to those people.

Fact is, the individual policy market has ALWAYS been a mess, long before ObamaCare got there. It's where you heard most of the horror stories about people not getting treatment for cancer because they had acne as a teen or some such shit.

I also don't get the GOP complaint. they got exactly what they've been asking for for 30 years, a "Free Market" solution that includes private insurance.

You are a lying scumbag.

I was in the Insurance business for 25 years and I NEVER heard of such bullshit.

You're a lying scumbag.

But you're a dimocrap so that's understood.

There was some underhanded SHIT going on but you're not even close to what it was.

I'll tell you what and how they did it if you ask nice.

Or maybe I won't. I don't like irrational, lying dirtbags.... Meaning you.
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Well the folks I talked to weren't liars.

Someone is lying but it ain't them.

And sorry, I'm still waiting to talk to those people.

Fact is, the individual policy market has ALWAYS been a mess, long before ObamaCare got there. It's where you heard most of the horror stories about people not getting treatment for cancer because they had acne as a teen or some such shit.

I also don't get the GOP complaint. they got exactly what they've been asking for for 30 years, a "Free Market" solution that includes private insurance.

You are a lying scumbag.

I was in the Insurance business for 25 years and I NEVER heard of such bullshit.

You're a lying scumbag.

But you're a dimocrap so that's understood.

There was some underhanded SHIT going on but you're not even close to what it was.

I'll tell you what and how they did it if you ask nice.

Or maybe I won't. I don't like irrational, lying dirtbags.... Meaning you.

Ohhhh, I'm sorry.

You are part of the evil insurance industry and you can't cheat your customers anymore.

I get it.

I'm sorry. I feel your pain. Really. :lol::lol::lol:

Frankly, the problem with private insurance is that it would never work if you guys were kept honest, but this is the transitional step to Single Payer, which is what we should have done 40 years ago.
I have created a thread in Healthcare for all of you. When you decide to come clean, there is a place for you.

So your only counter for Obama lying about ACA is to say everyone else is lying?


Hey, they didn't blame Bush

No, but there are a plethora of dems who blame Republicans. I've read several posts on here blaming them (the Rs should have/could have done something back when blah, blah, blah). Yes, I'm serious.

This mess is all on the obama and dems. You'd think they might own up to that, because if this thing was running brilliantly they'd be shouting "I told you so" from the rooftops, taking 100%+ of the credit. You betcha.
And sorry, I'm still waiting to talk to those people.

Fact is, the individual policy market has ALWAYS been a mess, long before ObamaCare got there. It's where you heard most of the horror stories about people not getting treatment for cancer because they had acne as a teen or some such shit.

I also don't get the GOP complaint. they got exactly what they've been asking for for 30 years, a "Free Market" solution that includes private insurance.

You are a lying scumbag.

I was in the Insurance business for 25 years and I NEVER heard of such bullshit.

You're a lying scumbag.

But you're a dimocrap so that's understood.

There was some underhanded SHIT going on but you're not even close to what it was.

I'll tell you what and how they did it if you ask nice.

Or maybe I won't. I don't like irrational, lying dirtbags.... Meaning you.

Ohhhh, I'm sorry.

You are part of the evil insurance industry and you can't cheat your customers anymore.

I get it.

I'm sorry. I feel your pain. Really. :lol::lol::lol:

Frankly, the problem with private insurance is that it would never work if you guys were kept honest, but this is the transitional step to Single Payer, which is what we should have done 40 years ago.

Typical joeblow response. you really are a one trick pony, ain't ya?
You are a lying scumbag.

I was in the Insurance business for 25 years and I NEVER heard of such bullshit.

You're a lying scumbag.

But you're a dimocrap so that's understood.

There was some underhanded SHIT going on but you're not even close to what it was.

I'll tell you what and how they did it if you ask nice.

Or maybe I won't. I don't like irrational, lying dirtbags.... Meaning you.

Ohhhh, I'm sorry.

You are part of the evil insurance industry and you can't cheat your customers anymore.

I get it.

I'm sorry. I feel your pain. Really. :lol::lol::lol:

Frankly, the problem with private insurance is that it would never work if you guys were kept honest, but this is the transitional step to Single Payer, which is what we should have done 40 years ago.

Typical joeblow response. you really are a one trick pony, ain't ya?

Having been screwed over by an insurance company, I have about as much sympathy for them as the ebola virus...

We should have gone to single payer 40 years ago when the rest of the industrialized world did.
So your only counter for Obama lying about ACA is to say everyone else is lying?


Hey, they didn't blame Bush

No, but there are a plethora of dems who blame Republicans. I've read several posts on here blaming them (the Rs should have/could have done something back when blah, blah, blah). Yes, I'm serious.

This mess is all on the obama and dems. You'd think they might own up to that, because if this thing was running brilliantly they'd be shouting "I told you so" from the rooftops, taking 100%+ of the credit. You betcha.

Oh yeah, lots of them folks out there that need a good dose of facts too, couldn't agree more.
And sorry, I'm still waiting to talk to those people.

Fact is, the individual policy market has ALWAYS been a mess, long before ObamaCare got there. It's where you heard most of the horror stories about people not getting treatment for cancer because they had acne as a teen or some such shit.

I also don't get the GOP complaint. they got exactly what they've been asking for for 30 years, a "Free Market" solution that includes private insurance.

You are a lying scumbag.

I was in the Insurance business for 25 years and I NEVER heard of such bullshit.

You're a lying scumbag.

But you're a dimocrap so that's understood.

There was some underhanded SHIT going on but you're not even close to what it was.

I'll tell you what and how they did it if you ask nice.

Or maybe I won't. I don't like irrational, lying dirtbags.... Meaning you.

Ohhhh, I'm sorry.

You are part of the evil insurance industry and you can't cheat your customers anymore.

I get it.

I'm sorry. I feel your pain. Really. :lol::lol::lol:

Frankly, the problem with private insurance is that it would never work if you guys were kept honest, but this is the transitional step to Single Payer, which is what we should have done 40 years ago.

Go ahead and deflect liar.

You just pull lies out of your ass like they're worms, don't you?

Demonizing Private Health Insurance Policies is just the latest in the 'official' White House talking points meme.

And they're lies.

There used to be problems with Private Health Policies.... A long time ago.

Prudential was one of the worst offenders.

In Florida, most Health Insurance Policies are "Guaranteed Renewable" which should NOT be confused with 'non-cancelable' (another subject)

The Company guaranteed that the policy would be renewed regardless of Claims Experience and that any price increases would be on a 'class' basis. IOW, everybody with that Plan would experience a price increase, not just any one individual.

With me so far, stupid?

So what Pru did after they introduced their disastrous CHIP (Comprehensive Health Insurance Policy) program and it started losing hundreds of millions, was they offered a new plan called (I forgot so let's call it SHITS) that was significantly cheaper and they started selling it to everybody they could -- Especially current participants in their CHIP policies.

So, Healthy people went over to the new SHITS Program while the unhealthy people had to stay in the CHIP program and watch their rates go through the roof. They priced them out.

Pru got in a lot of trouble over that and it doesn't happen anymore.

As to not paying for treatments? Another bald-faced lie.

Here's a newsflash for you because you're so incredibly stupid....

ALL Insurance Companies in a State are required to keep "Reserves" in the State Treasury. In the MILLIONS. It's why the Insurance Commissioner is almost always also the State Treasurer.

If an Insurance Company and an Insured get into a pissing contest about what should or shouldn't be paid on a claim, all the Insured has to do is go to the Insurance Commissioner.

There is no trial. There is no hearing. There is no appeal. No lawyers.

If the Commissioner decides in favor of the Insured (which they usually do because it's an elected position).....?

He just takes the money out of the Company's Reserves that are in the State Treasury and pays the claim.

No questions asked. No "By Your Leave" No "Mother May I"

He just takes the money to pay the claim. The Insurance Company don't like it? Tough shit. Suck on it or leave the State. Don't care but you ain't getting your money back and if you get real shitty about it, we may decide to keep ALL your money in reserve and fine you a few million.

Your knowledge of the real world is juvenile, stupid and childish.

It's no wonder you have to lie all the time because you have no clue how the real world operates.
President Obama and the Democrats in Congress get 100% of the credit for the PPACA if it succeeds. They will share blame with the GOP should it fail.

This is clear to anyone looking at the situation honestly.
Ohhhh, I'm sorry.

You are part of the evil insurance industry and you can't cheat your customers anymore.

I get it.

I'm sorry. I feel your pain. Really. :lol::lol::lol:

Frankly, the problem with private insurance is that it would never work if you guys were kept honest, but this is the transitional step to Single Payer, which is what we should have done 40 years ago.

Typical joeblow response. you really are a one trick pony, ain't ya?

Having been screwed over by an insurance company, I have about as much sympathy for them as the ebola virus...

We should have gone to single payer 40 years ago when the rest of the industrialized world did.

Yeah so we can have 6 month waits for things like hip surgery, outstanding
Blah, blah, blah... we didn't get health reform because the insurance industry was doing a bang-up job.

We got it because people looked at folks like Nataline Sarkisyan, who was denied a liver transplant because it cost too much, but Cigna still paid its CEO $83,000,000 to not work anymore.

Seriously, fuck the insurance industry.

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