Obama thinks we're all stupid. Some of you really are.

Typical joeblow response. you really are a one trick pony, ain't ya?

Having been screwed over by an insurance company, I have about as much sympathy for them as the ebola virus...

We should have gone to single payer 40 years ago when the rest of the industrialized world did.

Yeah so we can have 6 month waits for things like hip surgery, outstanding

Had to wait 6 months for knee surgery.... before my insurance company would finally admit that it wasn't an "elective". Then I had to wait another month becuase my douchebag boss wouldn't let me have a day off for the surgery with an IT upgrade ongoing.

Oh, yeah, and then the insurance company started lobbying to get me off the payroll because I was costing them too much money.

No. Seriously. Fuck private insurance.
Blah, blah, blah... we didn't get health reform because the insurance industry was doing a bang-up job.

We got it because people looked at folks like Nataline Sarkisyan, who was denied a liver transplant because it cost too much, but Cigna still paid its CEO $83,000,000 to not work anymore.

Seriously, fuck the insurance industry.

Yet your just fine with buddies of the Democratic Party getting a $600million no bid contract for obummer care lmfao the hypocrites really do know no limits
President Obama and the Democrats in Congress get 100% of the credit for the PPACA if it succeeds. They will share blame with the GOP should it fail.

This is clear to anyone looking at the situation honestly.

No, idiot. They own this crap. They crafted it without input from the GOP. They wrote the legislation. They used every dirty trick to get it passed. The GOP opposed it every step of the way. Not one GOP member voted for this shit.
There is no "if it succeeds." It will not succeed. It cannot succeed. It is based on assumptions that will simply not happen.
There are already two Dem senators pushing legislation that will effectively kill this shit pile by allowing people actually to keep their old plans. You know, like Obama promised? Do you think they are doing this to make Obama look bad? Because they're nice guys? Fuck no. They're doing it because they are up for re-election and because their constituents are giving them an earful every fucking day about their policies being cancelled.
The Dems are running scared shitless. Good. SOme of them were duped by Pelosi et al and they deserve it.
Blah, blah, blah... we didn't get health reform because the insurance industry was doing a bang-up job.

We got it because people looked at folks like Nataline Sarkisyan, who was denied a liver transplant because it cost too much, but Cigna still paid its CEO $83,000,000 to not work anymore.

Seriously, fuck the insurance industry.

Yet your just fine with buddies of the Democratic Party getting a $600million no bid contract for obummer care lmfao the hypocrites really do know no limits

with the fixes closer to a billion
Having been screwed over by an insurance company, I have about as much sympathy for them as the ebola virus...

We should have gone to single payer 40 years ago when the rest of the industrialized world did.

Yeah so we can have 6 month waits for things like hip surgery, outstanding

Had to wait 6 months for knee surgery.... before my insurance company would finally admit that it wasn't an "elective". Then I had to wait another month becuase my douchebag boss wouldn't let me have a day off for the surgery with an IT upgrade ongoing.

Oh, yeah, and then the insurance company started lobbying to get me off the payroll because I was costing them too much money.

No. Seriously. Fuck private insurance.

What a load of shit
Having been screwed over by an insurance company, I have about as much sympathy for them as the ebola virus...

We should have gone to single payer 40 years ago when the rest of the industrialized world did.

Yeah so we can have 6 month waits for things like hip surgery, outstanding

Had to wait 6 months for knee surgery.... before my insurance company would finally admit that it wasn't an "elective". Then I had to wait another month becuase my douchebag boss wouldn't let me have a day off for the surgery with an IT upgrade ongoing.

Oh, yeah, and then the insurance company started lobbying to get me off the payroll because I was costing them too much money.

No. Seriously. Fuck private insurance.

You have proof of all this? Or is it made up in your delusional, blame everyone, woe is me tiny little mind?
Ohhhh, I'm sorry.

You are part of the evil insurance industry and you can't cheat your customers anymore.

I get it.

I'm sorry. I feel your pain. Really. :lol::lol::lol:

Frankly, the problem with private insurance is that it would never work if you guys were kept honest, but this is the transitional step to Single Payer, which is what we should have done 40 years ago.

Typical joeblow response. you really are a one trick pony, ain't ya?

Having been screwed over by an insurance company, I have about as much sympathy for them as the ebola virus...

We should have gone to single payer 40 years ago when the rest of the industrialized world did.

So you can get screwed over by the government, and everyone else gets screwed along with you? JoeBlow has one bad experience with an insurance company so the whole system has to come crumbling down.

What a selfish prick.
Having been screwed over by an insurance company, I have about as much sympathy for them as the ebola virus...

We should have gone to single payer 40 years ago when the rest of the industrialized world did.

Yeah so we can have 6 month waits for things like hip surgery, outstanding

Had to wait 6 months for knee surgery.... before my insurance company would finally admit that it wasn't an "elective". Then I had to wait another month becuase my douchebag boss wouldn't let me have a day off for the surgery with an IT upgrade ongoing.

Oh, yeah, and then the insurance company started lobbying to get me off the payroll because I was costing them too much money.

No. Seriously. Fuck private insurance.

Interesting, my bother got his in under a week.

You can deflect to all the extreme cases you like, but the facts are places like Canada wait 6 months regardless, unless they break it, then it's fixed in a couple days, but short of that they wait. And that's not counting the 2-3month wait to even see a specialist.

No, seriously, what we had worked for the vast majority.
Blah, blah, blah... we didn't get health reform because the insurance industry was doing a bang-up job.

We got it because people looked at folks like Nataline Sarkisyan, who was denied a liver transplant because it cost too much, but Cigna still paid its CEO $83,000,000 to not work anymore.

Seriously, fuck the insurance industry.

No -- Seriously.... You are a lying scumbag.

Nataline was denied treatment because the Company thought it was too experimental.

Insurance Companies routinely deny experimental treatments. It's in their policy jacket... Look it up.

They're not going to foot the bill for medical experiments. It's not what they do. They pay for PROVEN, KNOWN treatments, not for experiments.

You're a lying dirtbag

As usual
Blah, blah, blah... we didn't get health reform because the insurance industry was doing a bang-up job.

We got it because people looked at folks like Nataline Sarkisyan, who was denied a liver transplant because it cost too much, but Cigna still paid its CEO $83,000,000 to not work anymore.

Seriously, fuck the insurance industry.

Yet your just fine with buddies of the Democratic Party getting a $600million no bid contract for obummer care lmfao the hypocrites really do know no limits

with the fixes closer to a billion

I'm trying to keep the available deflections to a minimum....
Yeah so we can have 6 month waits for things like hip surgery, outstanding

Had to wait 6 months for knee surgery.... before my insurance company would finally admit that it wasn't an "elective". Then I had to wait another month becuase my douchebag boss wouldn't let me have a day off for the surgery with an IT upgrade ongoing.

Oh, yeah, and then the insurance company started lobbying to get me off the payroll because I was costing them too much money.

No. Seriously. Fuck private insurance.

Interesting, my bother got his in under a week.

You can deflect to all the extreme cases you like, but the facts are places like Canada wait 6 months regardless, unless they break it, then it's fixed in a couple days, but short of that they wait. And that's not counting the 2-3month wait to even see a specialist.

No, seriously, what we had worked for the vast majority.

Wait!!! Are you intimating that a dimocrap is a lying dirtbag?

Shocking :eek:
Blah, blah, blah... we didn't get health reform because the insurance industry was doing a bang-up job.

We got it because people looked at folks like Nataline Sarkisyan, who was denied a liver transplant because it cost too much, but Cigna still paid its CEO $83,000,000 to not work anymore.

Seriously, fuck the insurance industry.

No -- Seriously.... You are a lying scumbag.

Nataline was denied treatment because the Company thought it was too experimental.

Insurance Companies routinely deny experimental treatments. It's in their policy jacket... Look it up.

They're not going to foot the bill for medical experiments. It's not what they do. They pay for PROVEN, KNOWN treatments, not for experiments.

You're a lying dirtbag

As usual

If doctors want to try an experimental treatment bad enough, they will find a way to cover the costs. After all, if they find it works and they can standardize it, they become the "experts" of it, and the cash will come a-rolling in.
None of JoeBs narrative rings true, not that he was a Republican not that he has Cuban friends who miss living under Fidel not his "insurance" story, none of it
Blah, blah, blah... we didn't get health reform because the insurance industry was doing a bang-up job.

We got it because people looked at folks like Nataline Sarkisyan, who was denied a liver transplant because it cost too much, but Cigna still paid its CEO $83,000,000 to not work anymore.

Seriously, fuck the insurance industry.

No -- Seriously.... You are a lying scumbag.

Nataline was denied treatment because the Company thought it was too experimental.

Insurance Companies routinely deny experimental treatments. It's in their policy jacket... Look it up.

They're not going to foot the bill for medical experiments. It's not what they do. They pay for PROVEN, KNOWN treatments, not for experiments.

You're a lying dirtbag

As usual

If doctors want to try an experimental treatment bad enough, they will find a way to cover the costs. After all, if they find it works and they can standardize it, they become the "experts" of it, and the cash will come a-rolling in.

It's also possible that CIGNA made a bad decision. But not based on money, based on holding the line against paying for experimental medicine.

Do you know how incredibly expensive that could get? It would bankrupt the entire Health Insurance Industry..... Including Medicare, Medicaid and obamacare.

How about Kathleen Sebellius being order by a Federal Judge to put a young girl on the lung transplant list lest she die?

And THAT wasn't even over the issue of experimental medicine.

THAT was simply bureaucracy at its finest.

And you know what?


Why is the Insurance Company taking it on the chin?

Answer me this, dirtbag dimocraps.....

Was the Insurance Company scheduled to do the operation?

Did the Insurance Company refuse to allow access to an operating room?

Did the Insurance Company refuse to give her a Hospital bed?

The Insurance Company.... They were just the 'money men'

If this was so righteous, if this was such a high moral issue.....

Then why didn't the Doctors and Hospital perform/allow the operation and worry about the money later?

Who's the greedy fucks now?
Typical joeblow response. you really are a one trick pony, ain't ya?

Having been screwed over by an insurance company, I have about as much sympathy for them as the ebola virus...

We should have gone to single payer 40 years ago when the rest of the industrialized world did.

So you can get screwed over by the government, and everyone else gets screwed along with you? JoeBlow has one bad experience with an insurance company so the whole system has to come crumbling down.

What a selfish prick.
You should have asked him if he changed insurance companies after this alleged bad treatment........Because now when we get screwed over, we won't be allowed to fire our government.

That is soooooooooooooooooo much better.......:cuckoo:
Well the folks I talked to weren't liars.

Someone is lying but it ain't them.

And sorry, I'm still waiting to talk to those people.

Fact is, the individual policy market has ALWAYS been a mess, long before ObamaCare got there. It's where you heard most of the horror stories about people not getting treatment for cancer because they had acne as a teen or some such shit.

I also don't get the GOP complaint. they got exactly what they've been asking for for 30 years, a "Free Market" solution that includes private insurance.

Since they aren't part of the USMB the only way you can see them will be to come to Melbourne, Florida.

I'm sure the two Deputy Sheriffs would be more than happy to fill you in. I can't vouch for what will happen if you call them liars though. LOL
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Yeah so we can have 6 month waits for things like hip surgery, outstanding

Had to wait 6 months for knee surgery.... before my insurance company would finally admit that it wasn't an "elective". Then I had to wait another month becuase my douchebag boss wouldn't let me have a day off for the surgery with an IT upgrade ongoing.

Oh, yeah, and then the insurance company started lobbying to get me off the payroll because I was costing them too much money.

No. Seriously. Fuck private insurance.

You have proof of all this? Or is it made up in your delusional, blame everyone, woe is me tiny little mind?

That sounds like horseshit to me. When I ruptured my Achilles tendon, the emergency room doctor wanted to check me in for surgery that night. How was he costing the insurance company any money if he didn't even have the surgery yet?
Well the folks I talked to weren't liars.

Someone is lying but it ain't them.

And sorry, I'm still waiting to talk to those people.

Fact is, the individual policy market has ALWAYS been a mess, long before ObamaCare got there. It's where you heard most of the horror stories about people not getting treatment for cancer because they had acne as a teen or some such shit.

I also don't get the GOP complaint. they got exactly what they've been asking for for 30 years, a "Free Market" solution that includes private insurance.

Since they arne't part of the USMB the only way you can see them will be to come to Melbourne, Florida.

I'm sure the two Deputy Sheriffs would be more than happy to fill you in and I would be willing to bet they won't be to happy when you call them liars.

somehow i dont know how it works

but some guests can post on these boards

a guest responded to one of my posts the other day
Well the folks I talked to weren't liars.

Someone is lying but it ain't them.

And sorry, I'm still waiting to talk to those people.

Fact is, the individual policy market has ALWAYS been a mess, long before ObamaCare got there. It's where you heard most of the horror stories about people not getting treatment for cancer because they had acne as a teen or some such shit.

I also don't get the GOP complaint. they got exactly what they've been asking for for 30 years, a "Free Market" solution that includes private insurance.

A "free market solution" doesn't require 20,000 pages of regulations, nimrod.
I'm still waiting to hear from someone who supposedly just loooved his non-compliant policy...

I loved mine. No mammogram coverage because I'm a guy, no maternity coverage because I can't give birth to a child, no pre-existing conditions covered which is fine because I have no pre-existing conditions.

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