Obama thinks we're all stupid. Some of you really are.

Obama should just man up and say "okay i'm sorry".

Instead he sounds more and more like a snake oil salesman and credibility is falling faster than miley cyrus' panties, except with the ones who are completely programmed.

Sorry for what? he apparently didn't know his signature fuck up wasn't ready.

He must have missed that particular daily briefing.
It's also possible that CIGNA made a bad decision. But not based on money, based on holding the line against paying for experimental medicine.

Do you know how incredibly expensive that could get? It would bankrupt the entire Health Insurance Industry..... Including Medicare, Medicaid and obamacare.

How about Kathleen Sebellius being order by a Federal Judge to put a young girl on the lung transplant list lest she die?

And THAT wasn't even over the issue of experimental medicine.

THAT was simply bureaucracy at its finest.

And you know what?


Why is the Insurance Company taking it on the chin?

Answer me this, dirtbag dimocraps.....

Was the Insurance Company scheduled to do the operation?

Did the Insurance Company refuse to allow access to an operating room?

Did the Insurance Company refuse to give her a Hospital bed?

The Insurance Company.... They were just the 'money men'

If this was so righteous, if this was such a high moral issue.....

Then why didn't the Doctors and Hospital perform/allow the operation and worry about the money later?

Who's the greedy fucks now?

Okay, a couple of points.

Yeah, when it comes to greed, the hospitals and pharmaceutical companies are JUST as bad as the Insurance Industry. When it comes to general scuminess, the Insurance industry has everyone beat, though.

The argument here is that you can't cheat your customers with substandard policies anymore. Boo, fucking hoo...
Dems if you like your Senate majority you can keep it past 2014

Nah... only fucking with you
Speaking of idiots...

You really can't comprehend that Obama lied to you, can you?

No, some can, but they are to invested in keeping up the front, so they have to carry on with the masquerade and do so willingly, these are the folks who regularly submarine their integrity to 'be right' on the friggin' Internet. :rolleyes:

Then you have the useful idiots, they don't care, there is nothing to "comprehend" becasue they are so far gone they don't question anything anyway, ergo, nothing to consider, nothing to think about.....

And mind you this from the Bush lied crowd.

How do you know when you meet these people? Do you have a test or something?

and, viola'......
Well look at Obama voters, they're low-information and think Progressive economics will really work --this time; this is the one time it will overcome it's 100% Guaranteed fail.

Sure it failed everywhere and every time it's been tried, it's failing right now in Europe, it failed whenever we give Progressives control over any economy no matter how large or small from Detroit to China, but this time, this is the time it will work

All of this comes from the typical progressive mindset that 1) they know what you really want, 2) all our plans will eventually work, so any initial issues must be ignored and 3)anyone who opposes us has to be ridiculed and marginalized, even if (and especially) they are 100% correct in thier assesment of the current situation.

It's more devious than that.

About the only people signing up for the disaster called obamacare are Medicaid types.

For now. Had the government not killed most of the Individual Plans in America, very few Healthy people would sign up for obamacare. So when their policies start to near their cancellation date (many on 12/31, others on their renewal date next year) those people will be FORCED into enrolling into obamacare.

Without the people being cancelled and non-renewed by dimocrap scum.... Unless they enroll in obamacare, it all falls apart.

If the lying scumbag-in-chief had allowed people to actually keep their Private Plans, there wouldn't be any healthy people signing up.... Which is who has to carry the freight of ANY Health Insurance Program.

PLUS. AND this is BIG:

The VAST majority of the people getting kicked off of their Private Personal Health Care Plans?

They won't qualify for subsidies.

Most of the people signing up now do.

obama lied. dimocraps lie.

And I'll tell you something else.... The people in here saying obama didn't lie are some lying scumbags.

Knob-slurping, on their knees, lying scumbags.

And they know it.

Tell you something else they know.... They don't care. They don't care that you and I know they're lying. They'll just come up with another lie when the time comes.

SO far, I've seen two (2) libs come clean in here and fess up.

I respect them a little bit for being honest. The rest? Too dishonest to be allowed to live in this Country. North Korea? Maybe.

They'd fit right in there. All they'd have to do is get their knee-pads cleaned up.

obama lied and libturds just don't care. In fact, they think it's funny.

"Let them eat cake!" If you lose your plan, then shop around in the new ACA marketplace.
Obama on insurance cancellations: ?Just shop around in the new marketplace, that?s what it?s for? « Hot Air

That's right folks, check's in the mail and no one will cum in your mouth...or up your ass. Really, obama promises...
Well the folks I talked to weren't liars.

Someone is lying but it ain't them.

And sorry, I'm still waiting to talk to those people.

Fact is, the individual policy market has ALWAYS been a mess, long before ObamaCare got there. It's where you heard most of the horror stories about people not getting treatment for cancer because they had acne as a teen or some such shit.

I also don't get the GOP complaint. they got exactly what they've been asking for for 30 years, a "Free Market" solution that includes private insurance.

So now we get to read (and hear) the horror stories from people who have always paid their way and now find they are no longer able to make that choice for themselves? And please explain how a government mandated, government-defined benefits program is "free market"?
Well look at Obama voters, they're low-information and think Progressive economics will really work --this time; this is the one time it will overcome it's 100% Guaranteed fail.

Sure it failed everywhere and every time it's been tried, it's failing right now in Europe, it failed whenever we give Progressives control over any economy no matter how large or small from Detroit to China, but this time, this is the time it will work

National health care programs in Europe are not failing, quite the contrary.
Well the folks I talked to weren't liars.

Someone is lying but it ain't them.

And sorry, I'm still waiting to talk to those people.

Fact is, the individual policy market has ALWAYS been a mess, long before ObamaCare got there. It's where you heard most of the horror stories about people not getting treatment for cancer because they had acne as a teen or some such shit.

I also don't get the GOP complaint. they got exactly what they've been asking for for 30 years, a "Free Market" solution that includes private insurance.

So now we get to read (and hear) the horror stories from people who have always paid their way and now find they are no longer able to make that choice for themselves? And please explain how a government mandated, government-defined benefits program is "free market"?

Actually, less than 3% of policy holders are affected by the new rules, which is a good tradeoff for the 16% of the population that now has coverage or the 5% who are upgraded into better policies for less money.

But, yeah, this is a free market solution. You guys wouldn't allow a Medicare buy in or a Public Option, so we are making the Insurance companies work by preventing them from cheating their customers.

Unlesss you consider fraud to be key to the "Free Market". I don't.
No, some can, but they are to invested in keeping up the front, so they have to carry on with the masquerade and do so willingly, these are the folks who regularly submarine their integrity to 'be right' on the friggin' Internet. :rolleyes:

Then you have the useful idiots, they don't care, there is nothing to "comprehend" becasue they are so far gone they don't question anything anyway, ergo, nothing to consider, nothing to think about.....

And mind you this from the Bush lied crowd.

How do you know when you meet these people? Do you have a test or something?

and, viola'......

Viola'? As in the instrument or the pitcher?

You failed to answer the question. You described two types of people. How do you determine which is which? Do you have a test? I will take it.
And sorry, I'm still waiting to talk to those people.

Fact is, the individual policy market has ALWAYS been a mess, long before ObamaCare got there. It's where you heard most of the horror stories about people not getting treatment for cancer because they had acne as a teen or some such shit.

I also don't get the GOP complaint. they got exactly what they've been asking for for 30 years, a "Free Market" solution that includes private insurance.

So now we get to read (and hear) the horror stories from people who have always paid their way and now find they are no longer able to make that choice for themselves? And please explain how a government mandated, government-defined benefits program is "free market"?

Actually, less than 3% of policy holders are affected by the new rules, which is a good tradeoff for the 16% of the population that now has coverage or the 5% who are upgraded into better policies for less money.

But, yeah, this is a free market solution. You guys wouldn't allow a Medicare buy in or a Public Option, so we are making the Insurance companies work by preventing them from cheating their customers.

Unlesss you consider fraud to be key to the "Free Market". I don't.

:lol: :rolleyes:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C2SkqaCO9c4]Thank You God - YouTube[/ame]
Obama stands by promise that "you can keep your plan" - CBS News
Amid reports of millions of Americans losing their insurance because of new Obamacare regulations, President Obama on Wednesday stood by his promise that those who liked their coverage before the Affordable Care Act became law could keep that coverage.

"If you had one of these substandard plans before the Affordable Care Act became law, and you liked that plan, you were able to keep it," the president said in Boston.​

You could keep your insurance...UNTIL the ACA became law. Then you're screwed.

How many of you idiots are now going to say, "Yeah. Yeah, that's what he meant! Obviously!"

Of course, that's patently ridiculous. He said you could keep your insurance AFTER ACA was law.

You are working for a company that sponsors your health insurance before the ACA was enacted.

The ACA allows your company to keep the plan it has. Your company is "grandfathered".

Then, a few months ago, your company announces it is increasing the deductible on your insurance.

Is that the insurance plan you had when Obama made his promise?

Not any more. No.

Was it ObamaCare that changed the insurance plan you had?

Nope. This was a corporate decision.

So now your company loses its grandfather status, and now must meet the ACA's minimum services and affordability requirements. This would actually result in ObamaCare forcing your company to provide you BETTER health insurance if it has been below those standards before now.

But chances are your company is already exceeding those standards.

In any case, ObamaCare is not cancelling your insurance.
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Obama lied to the people who are insured privately, and not through an employer. He emphatically lied to them.
Obama stands by promise that "you can keep your plan" - CBS News
Amid reports of millions of Americans losing their insurance because of new Obamacare regulations, President Obama on Wednesday stood by his promise that those who liked their coverage before the Affordable Care Act became law could keep that coverage.

"If you had one of these substandard plans before the Affordable Care Act became law, and you liked that plan, you were able to keep it," the president said in Boston.​

You could keep your insurance...UNTIL the ACA became law. Then you're screwed.

How many of you idiots are now going to say, "Yeah. Yeah, that's what he meant! Obviously!"

Of course, that's patently ridiculous. He said you could keep your insurance AFTER ACA was law.

You are working for a company that sponsors your health insurance before the ACA was enacted.

The ACA allows your company to keep the plan it has. Your company is "grandfathered".

Then, a few months ago, your company announces it is increasing the deductible on your insurance.

Is that the insurance plan you had when Obama made his promise?

Not any more. No.

Was it ObamaCare that took away the insurance plan you had?


So now your company loses its grandfather status, and now must meet the ACA's minimum services and affordability requirements. This would actually result in ObamaCare forcing your company to provide you BETTER health insurance if it has been below those standards before now.

Wow, really going out on a limb there to prop up obama's lie.

So it's a better insurance plan to have men and older women pay for maternity, newborn, pediatric care (including vision and dental)? It's a better insurance plan that people who don't have pre-existing conditions are now paying more so people who do have pre-existing conditions get to pay less? You have a warped view of what constitutes a better plan. Who the hell is the government to tell us what is a better plan?

Yeah, the (un)aca took away plans that didn't cover these things (because maybe their employees didn't need/want these things) and says that now we have to have these things covered. Premiums jacked for coverage people don't need or want. Yeah, this is all just great.
OP- People aren't stupid, just misinformed and ignorant. Your facts are wrong.

For example, it's not that men are covered for maternal care, dingbats, it's that everyone is covered for everything. COMPREHENSIVE. AY CARAMBA.
and, viola'......

Viola'? As in the instrument or the pitcher?

You failed to answer the question. You described two types of people. How do you determine which is which? Do you have a test? I will take it.

was obama being truthful when he said; you can keep your doctor, you can keep your plan.......?

No. Not entirely. How many times do you need to hear that? Do you get off on hearing it?

Politicians sometimes refrain from telling the absolute truth. As do ALL humans.

Get over it. The man was selling a plan to get people insured. Our sound bite culture demands that the full story is not told. People can't handle it. As evidenced by the absolute bullshit outrage that EVEN YOU are exhibiting over the sentence.

When will you think in larger terms? Ever?
Speaking of idiots...

You really can't comprehend that Obama lied to you, can you?

Not really.

Letter I got from my insurer.

No changes. We are completely ACA compliant.

I guess the ones who got letters saying their insurance was cancelled didn't really understand how terrible their policies really are.

Why do I need free birth control? I've had a vasectomy and my wife can't get pregnant. Why do we need maternity coverage? Why do I need a policy that covers pre-existing conditions? I don't have any.

My deductible will double from $10,000 per year to $22,000 per year and it still costs me more per month.

What was wrong with my previous policy if the new one is worse?

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