Obama thinks we're all stupid. Some of you really are.

I have created a thread in Healthcare for all of you. When you decide to come clean, there is a place for you.

Speaking of idiots...

You really can't comprehend that Obama lied to you, can you?

Not really.

Letter I got from my insurer.

No changes. We are completely ACA compliant.

I guess the ones who got letters saying their insurance was cancelled didn't really understand how terrible their policies really are.
I can for a fact stay with my current provider.

I suppose it could be interpreted that I am keeping my plan and "choosing" to add provisions making it ACA compliant. But why would I choose to add maternity coverage and other required elements? We certainly don't NEED maternity. I also would NOT choose to increase my deductibles, co-pays, and out-of-pockets. I've done so in the past, but only as a means of reducing the premiums.

So... here's what I have in front of me, from my current provider:

A policy that is ACA compliant and most closely resembles my current coverage.

The difference? A 120% increase in premiums, and a marked increase in deductibles, co-pays, and out-of-pockets.

For what? The same coverage?

This whole sham has clusterfuck written all over it. Just wait until the tens of millions of people who have not yet seen for themselves what the ACA truly is actually sign up for this pile of shit program.

I tell you I am so fucking angry I can hardly see straight. Goddamn fucking moronic asshole sorry excuse for a President. Fuck him.

Remember you are helping insure 46 million uninsured... wait 36 million because Obama now say 10 million are illegal citizens... But wait..
Obama obviously doesn't know that 14 million said to be uninsured actually needed Medicaid to register them... that's it they are covered.. leaves 22 million.. but
wait 18 million of the 22 million Obama counts as uninsured.. DON'T want or NEED insurance as they are under 34 make over $50k and pay out less in health
services out of pocket then the cost of their employers' plans!
So YOU are now paying for what could have been covered by taxing lawyers THAT CAUSE the $850 billion a year according to doctors who fearing lawsuits
do duplicate tests, etc... defensive medicine!
Tax 10% of lawyers $270 billion would PAY the premium for each of the 4 million that truly need and want!
AND THIS would NOT raise your PREMIUMS but actually lower the insurance premiums because instead of paying $850 billion a year in wasted duplicate tests,
etc.. easily $100 billion would be reduced and as smart people know INSURANCE regulators require health companies to prove their rate structures.
An average insurance company pays out 80% of premiums so there fore if the companies are paying out 70% then premiums must decline!
So you are helping to ACA to cover 4 million truly needy WHEN it could be done taxing lawyers!!!
I have created a thread in Healthcare for all of you. When you decide to come clean, there is a place for you.

Speaking of idiots...

You really can't comprehend that Obama lied to you, can you?

Do you pay attention? Why must I repeat myself so often for you. You in particular? It is very tiresome.
No one has lied more about Obamacare than Obama himself. Is he is your stupid little thread?
Not really.

Letter I got from my insurer.

No changes. We are completely ACA compliant.
Yay you. But don't make the mistake of assuming that your limited experience applies to everyone.

Actually, quite the reverse.

Every year before ObamaCare, we got the special meeting about how this year, our insurance was going to cost us a little bit more and be a little shittier.

And then they all got panicky about ObamaCare.

But guess what, since ObamaCare, we stopped having those meetings.
I don't care what happens in your little world, boy. You really need to get over this ridiculous notion that what happens to you happens to everybody.
From 1996 to 2001....I was the guy responsible for employee benefits at the company I worked for. We had 8 employees. The rates went up every year.....8-15%. I remember getting pissed at Paychex.....our payroll and benefits provider......every year. There was nothing we could do about it....and we fucking paid. So did you. And you never made a peep?

I have been self employed since then.....covered under my wife's employee benefit plan. It also went up every fucking year....and we had a couple of preexisting conditions that were not covered. Everybody in this nation was fucked by insurance companies......and you liked it! Sucker.
President Obama and the Democrats in Congress get 100% of the credit for the PPACA if it succeeds. They will share blame with the GOP should it fail.

This is clear to anyone looking at the situation honestly.
Yes, but Obama Ass-Sucks refuse to look at it honestly. They even refuse to admit Obama lied.
Blah, blah, blah... we didn't get health reform because the insurance industry was doing a bang-up job.

We got it because people looked at folks like Nataline Sarkisyan, who was denied a liver transplant because it cost too much, but Cigna still paid its CEO $83,000,000 to not work anymore.

Seriously, fuck the insurance industry.
Oh, you mean the same insurance industry who are looking to profit hugely from ACA?

Despite Glitches, Obamacare Profit Windfall To Insurers Well Underway - Forbes

Obama sold you out. And you thank him for it.
Having been screwed over by an insurance company, I have about as much sympathy for them as the ebola virus...

We should have gone to single payer 40 years ago when the rest of the industrialized world did.

Yeah so we can have 6 month waits for things like hip surgery, outstanding

Had to wait 6 months for knee surgery.... before my insurance company would finally admit that it wasn't an "elective". Then I had to wait another month becuase my douchebag boss wouldn't let me have a day off for the surgery with an IT upgrade ongoing.

Oh, yeah, and then the insurance company started lobbying to get me off the payroll because I was costing them too much money.

No. Seriously. Fuck private insurance.
You were fired for cause. No question.
I'm pretty sure Obama just thinks you USMB wingnuts are stupid, Dave.
Speaking of idiots...

You really can't comprehend that Obama lied to you, can you?

Not really.

Letter I got from my insurer.

No changes. We are completely ACA compliant.

I guess the ones who got letters saying their insurance was cancelled didn't really understand how terrible their policies really are.
That judgement is up to them, not people who know nothing about those policies.

Such arrogance, backed up by nothing whatsoever.

What is it about liberals that makes them feel qualified to make life decisions for everyone else?
Obama stands by promise that "you can keep your plan" - CBS News
Amid reports of millions of Americans losing their insurance because of new Obamacare regulations, President Obama on Wednesday stood by his promise that those who liked their coverage before the Affordable Care Act became law could keep that coverage.

"If you had one of these substandard plans before the Affordable Care Act became law, and you liked that plan, you were able to keep it," the president said in Boston.​

You could keep your insurance...UNTIL the ACA became law. Then you're screwed.

How many of you idiots are now going to say, "Yeah. Yeah, that's what he meant! Obviously!"

Of course, that's patently ridiculous. He said you could keep your insurance AFTER ACA was law.

This is America right, the same nation where 90% of the voters can't make the Bilderberg connection to the 2 parties !!!!!!!!!!!!


By the way, Obama is NOT a US citizen.

Obamacare is invalid.

It is just that simple !!!!!!!!!

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Nutters will defend your right to be screwed by a health insurance company....and to decide not to buy health insurance.....to the end.

They know their RIGHTS, dammit!
From 1996 to 2001....I was the guy responsible for employee benefits at the company I worked for. We had 8 employees. The rates went up every year.....8-15%. I remember getting pissed at Paychex.....our payroll and benefits provider......every year. There was nothing we could do about it....and we fucking paid. So did you. And you never made a peep?

I have been self employed since then.....covered under my wife's employee benefit plan. It also went up every fucking year....and we had a couple of preexisting conditions that were not covered. Everybody in this nation was fucked by insurance companies......and you liked it! Sucker.

The Japanese make cars. They make computers. They make TVs and DVD players and everything electronic you can think of.

They own Banks. They buy Movie Making Companies, they own heavy industrial companies in the US.

They make -- Everything and they're involved in every aspect of our lives.

Except for one thing..... Insurance and Insurance Companies.

Know why? There's no profit in it. Insurance stocks (the few that exist) aren't "growth' stocks, at best they're income stocks.

Most of the Health Insurance Companies in this Country are NOT-FOR-PROFIT Companies.

And now you're saying that your wife's Group Insurance doesn't cover some pre-existing conditions?

Know what I think? I think you're talking out of your ass. As usual.

Are Insurance Companies perfect? HELL no.

Did our Health Insurance system need worked on. Absolutely.

But what they've given us is ten times worse than what we had.

Know why? Because stupid fucks like you got involved in it.

Congratulations, dimocraps. You've sure impressed me with your rollout of the ACA.

And it's just going to get worse.

dimocraps are stupid. ALL of them
From 1996 to 2001....I was the guy responsible for employee benefits at the company I worked for. We had 8 employees. The rates went up every year.....8-15%. I remember getting pissed at Paychex.....our payroll and benefits provider......every year. There was nothing we could do about it....and we fucking paid. So did you. And you never made a peep?

I have been self employed since then.....covered under my wife's employee benefit plan. It also went up every fucking year....and we had a couple of preexisting conditions that were not covered. Everybody in this nation was fucked by insurance companies......and you liked it! Sucker.

The Japanese make cars. They make computers. They make TVs and DVD players and everything electronic you can think of.

They own Banks. They buy Movie Making Companies, they own heavy industrial companies in the US.

They make -- Everything and they're involved in every aspect of our lives.

Except for one thing..... Insurance and Insurance Companies.

Know why? There's no profit in it. Insurance stocks (the few that exist) aren't "growth' stocks, at best they're income stocks.

Most of the Health Insurance Companies in this Country are NOT-FOR-PROFIT Companies.

And now you're saying that your wife's Group Insurance doesn't cover some pre-existing conditions?

Know what I think? I think you're talking out of your ass. As usual.

Are Insurance Companies perfect? HELL no.

Did our Health Insurance system need worked on. Absolutely.

But what they've given us is ten times worse than what we had.

Know why? Because stupid fucks like you got involved in it.

Congratulations, dimocraps. You've sure impressed me with your rollout of the ACA.

And it's just going to get worse.

dimocraps are stupid. ALL of them

That company that I worked for........Japanese. I lived in Japan for 10 years. My wife is Japanese.

Want to talk some more about Japan's insurance industry? Go ahead.....be stupid.

My wife's group plan does not cover two preexisting conditions that we had when we first signed on in 2002. Idiot.
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I have created a thread in Healthcare for all of you. When you decide to come clean, there is a place for you.

Speaking of idiots...

You really can't comprehend that Obama lied to you, can you?

No, some can, but they are to invested in keeping up the front, so they have to carry on with the masquerade and do so willingly, these are the folks who regularly submarine their integrity to 'be right' on the friggin' Internet. :rolleyes:

Then you have the useful idiots, they don't care, there is nothing to "comprehend" becasue they are so far gone they don't question anything anyway, ergo, nothing to consider, nothing to think about.....

And mind you this from the Bush lied crowd.
I have created a thread in Healthcare for all of you. When you decide to come clean, there is a place for you.

Speaking of idiots...

You really can't comprehend that Obama lied to you, can you?

No, some can, but they are to invested in keeping up the front, so they have to carry on with the masquerade and do so willingly, these are the folks who regularly submarine their integrity to 'be right' on the friggin' Internet. :rolleyes:

Then you have the useful idiots, they don't care, there is nothing to "comprehend" becasue they are so far gone they don't question anything anyway, ergo, nothing to consider, nothing to think about.....

And mind you this from the Bush lied crowd.

How do you know when you meet these people? Do you have a test or something?
Well look at Obama voters, they're low-information and think Progressive economics will really work --this time; this is the one time it will overcome it's 100% Guaranteed fail.

Sure it failed everywhere and every time it's been tried, it's failing right now in Europe, it failed whenever we give Progressives control over any economy no matter how large or small from Detroit to China, but this time, this is the time it will work

When your entire "economy" is dependent on what the government doles out to you, and the dole keeps increasing, of course you'd be all for additional increases. Since so many of these mooches have never paid to support themselves, let alone paid "into the system", they have no clue about the economic realities the rest of us face. Life is good when everything is "free", donchano?
Blah, blah, blah... we didn't get health reform because the insurance industry was doing a bang-up job.

We got it because people looked at folks like Nataline Sarkisyan, who was denied a liver transplant because it cost too much, but Cigna still paid its CEO $83,000,000 to not work anymore.

Seriously, fuck the insurance industry.

No -- Seriously.... You are a lying scumbag.

Nataline was denied treatment because the Company thought it was too experimental.

Insurance Companies routinely deny experimental treatments. It's in their policy jacket... Look it up.

They're not going to foot the bill for medical experiments. It's not what they do. They pay for PROVEN, KNOWN treatments, not for experiments.

You're a lying dirtbag

As usual

Wendell Potter, the former VP of Cigna for public relations during the Sarkisyan case, tells a different story. One that doesn't look good for Cigna. The man was so disgusted by the conduct of Ed Hanaway and other executives he quit and became a spokesman for health care reform.

The thought an insurance company can let your kid die because they put something in the fine print is bullshit.

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