Obama throws Black brothers of the bus!

So...your belief is those who criticize legalization of illegal immigrates, is really all about racism.

I have yet to see a thread on any other types of minorities illegal in this nation but Hispanics or people that live south of the USA.
Ya that's right. Millions of Canadians are sneaking across the border to enter a fucking shit-hole of a country.
Any country that is so full of morons as to vote in a fucking 'poser' Socialist like BOBO is a fucking joke.
Promise the negro a bunch of 'free shit' and he'll turn out like a good slave to vote.
Now the huge fucking joke on the negroes is that BOBO and the DNC are courting the Hispanic vote.
Where does that leave the negroes who voted for BOBO? Fucking nowhere.

Do you mean the "free shit" that more White people are getting than any minority group in this country????

Another negro who doesnt understand percentages...
No wonder they all end up third rate citizens. They cant handle basic math.
Another stupid inbred piece of white trash that doesn't understand whole numbers, no wonder they can't upgrade from a double wide...

Sorry they dont make those in five thousand square foot models.
And I'm pretty sure the homeowners association would frown on a dbl wide on the sixth fairway anyway.
Back to the ghetto,you number challenged chimp.
So...your belief is those who criticize legalization of illegal immigrates, is really all about racism.

I have yet to see a thread on any other types of minorities illegal in this nation but Hispanics or people that live south of the USA.
Ya that's right. Millions of Canadians are sneaking across the border to enter a fucking shit-hole of a country.
Any country that is so full of morons as to vote in a fucking 'poser' Socialist like BOBO is a fucking joke.
Promise the negro a bunch of 'free shit' and he'll turn out like a good slave to vote.
Now the huge fucking joke on the negroes is that BOBO and the DNC are courting the Hispanic vote.
Where does that leave the negroes who voted for BOBO? Fucking nowhere.

Do you mean the "free shit" that more White people are getting than any minority group in this country????

Another negro who doesnt understand percentages...
No wonder they all end up third rate citizens. They cant handle basic math.
Another stupid inbred piece of white trash that doesn't understand whole numbers, no wonder they can't upgrade from a double wide...
Your a fucking joke.
Whole numbers have 'zero' to do with this issue.
Negroes world wide are fast becoming nothing more than a nuisance to the rest of the population.
The other races have run out of patience and money trying 'help along' an entire race of 'Special Needs' people.
Per capita in every community the Tree Dwellers' commit more crime than other races.
I have yet to see a thread on any other types of minorities illegal in this nation but Hispanics or people that live south of the USA.
Ya that's right. Millions of Canadians are sneaking across the border to enter a fucking shit-hole of a country.
Any country that is so full of morons as to vote in a fucking 'poser' Socialist like BOBO is a fucking joke.
Promise the negro a bunch of 'free shit' and he'll turn out like a good slave to vote.
Now the huge fucking joke on the negroes is that BOBO and the DNC are courting the Hispanic vote.
Where does that leave the negroes who voted for BOBO? Fucking nowhere.

Do you mean the "free shit" that more White people are getting than any minority group in this country????

Another negro who doesnt understand percentages...
No wonder they all end up third rate citizens. They cant handle basic math.
Another stupid inbred piece of white trash that doesn't understand whole numbers, no wonder they can't upgrade from a double wide...

Sorry they dont make those in five thousand square foot models.
And I'm pretty sure the homeowners association would frown on a dbl wide on the sixth fairway anyway.
Back to the ghetto,you number challenged chimp.
I'm sure any homeowners association would frown on the grounds keeper's double wide on the on the fairway...back to the double wide you inbred piece of white trash....
Here, let me help you understand whole numbers, you product of a $5.00 quickie...

I have yet to see a thread on any other types of minorities illegal in this nation but Hispanics or people that live south of the USA.
Ya that's right. Millions of Canadians are sneaking across the border to enter a fucking shit-hole of a country.
Any country that is so full of morons as to vote in a fucking 'poser' Socialist like BOBO is a fucking joke.
Promise the negro a bunch of 'free shit' and he'll turn out like a good slave to vote.
Now the huge fucking joke on the negroes is that BOBO and the DNC are courting the Hispanic vote.
Where does that leave the negroes who voted for BOBO? Fucking nowhere.

Do you mean the "free shit" that more White people are getting than any minority group in this country????

Another negro who doesnt understand percentages...
No wonder they all end up third rate citizens. They cant handle basic math.
Another stupid inbred piece of white trash that doesn't understand whole numbers, no wonder they can't upgrade from a double wide...
Your a fucking joke.
Whole numbers have 'zero' to do with this issue.
Negroes world wide are fast becoming nothing more than a nuisance to the rest of the population.
The other races have run out of patience and money trying 'help along' an entire race of 'Special Needs' people.
Per capita in every community the Tree Dwellers' commit more crime than other races.

Ahhh...another white piece of inbred trash too stupid to master third grade English. When replying to me learn the difference between "you're" and "your". I understand it's hard to graduate "dirt kicker high" when you have hunt squirrels all day but keep trying.

America will never tire of public hand outs, too many white people receive them.
A growing segment of all minority populations including myself are becoming disenchanted with the quality of menial services you provide, hence your fear of other people more willing to work than you.

Whites commit an overwhelming number of all types of crime in this country. I still have no fear of the majority of white people because your group of whites are all usually done working in my neighborhood before night fall.

Stay in school, when you graduate you can cut my lawn.
Ya that's right. Millions of Canadians are sneaking across the border to enter a fucking shit-hole of a country.
Any country that is so full of morons as to vote in a fucking 'poser' Socialist like BOBO is a fucking joke.
Promise the negro a bunch of 'free shit' and he'll turn out like a good slave to vote.
Now the huge fucking joke on the negroes is that BOBO and the DNC are courting the Hispanic vote.
Where does that leave the negroes who voted for BOBO? Fucking nowhere.

Do you mean the "free shit" that more White people are getting than any minority group in this country????

Another negro who doesnt understand percentages...
No wonder they all end up third rate citizens. They cant handle basic math.
Another stupid inbred piece of white trash that doesn't understand whole numbers, no wonder they can't upgrade from a double wide...

Sorry they dont make those in five thousand square foot models.
And I'm pretty sure the homeowners association would frown on a dbl wide on the sixth fairway anyway.
Back to the ghetto,you number challenged chimp.
I'm sure any homeowners association would frown on the grounds keeper's double wide on the on the fairway...back to the double wide you inbred piece of white trash....
Here, let me help you understand whole numbers, you product of a $5.00 quickie...


We dont have any white grounds keepers...although you'd fit right in. However the course Marshal is white....ain't that appropriate.
Of course you'd have to work for the mexicans,which shouldnt be a problem since your so happy to have them. They do however require basic math skills so you'd have to learn to count to eighteen.
Ya that's right. Millions of Canadians are sneaking across the border to enter a fucking shit-hole of a country.
Any country that is so full of morons as to vote in a fucking 'poser' Socialist like BOBO is a fucking joke.
Promise the negro a bunch of 'free shit' and he'll turn out like a good slave to vote.
Now the huge fucking joke on the negroes is that BOBO and the DNC are courting the Hispanic vote.
Where does that leave the negroes who voted for BOBO? Fucking nowhere.

Do you mean the "free shit" that more White people are getting than any minority group in this country????

Another negro who doesnt understand percentages...
No wonder they all end up third rate citizens. They cant handle basic math.
Another stupid inbred piece of white trash that doesn't understand whole numbers, no wonder they can't upgrade from a double wide...
Your a fucking joke.
Whole numbers have 'zero' to do with this issue.
Negroes world wide are fast becoming nothing more than a nuisance to the rest of the population.
The other races have run out of patience and money trying 'help along' an entire race of 'Special Needs' people.
Per capita in every community the Tree Dwellers' commit more crime than other races.

Ahhh...another white piece of inbred trash too stupid to master third grade English. When replying to me learn the difference between "you're" and "your". I understand it's hard to graduate "dirt kicker high" when you have hunt squirrels all day but keep trying.

America will never tire of public hand outs, too many white people receive them.
A growing segment of all minority populations including myself are becoming disenchanted with the quality of menial services you provide, hence your fear of other people more willing to work than you.

Whites commit an overwhelming number of all types of crime in this country. I still have no fear of the majority of white people because your group of whites are all usually done working in my neighborhood before night fall.

Stay in school, when you graduate you can cut my lawn.
"usually done working"?
"when you have hunt squirrels all day...."?
"English"? Should not be capitalised.
You don't need quotation marks for "dirt kicker high".
"Hand outs" is actually 'handouts'.
"America will never tire of public hand outs, too many white people receive them." You need to rethink this sentence structure.
"A growing segment of all minority populations including myself are becoming disenchanted with the quality of menial services you provide, hence your fear of other people more willing to work than you."
So you aren't happy with the current "menial services" others provide you.
What services would they be? Food stamps? Welfare? Free shit?
I crap bigger than you pal.
You can't even string a sentence together coherently.
Fuck off. You continue to prove how stupid negroes are.
Do you mean the "free shit" that more White people are getting than any minority group in this country????

Another negro who doesnt understand percentages...
No wonder they all end up third rate citizens. They cant handle basic math.
Another stupid inbred piece of white trash that doesn't understand whole numbers, no wonder they can't upgrade from a double wide...

Sorry they dont make those in five thousand square foot models.
And I'm pretty sure the homeowners association would frown on a dbl wide on the sixth fairway anyway.
Back to the ghetto,you number challenged chimp.
I'm sure any homeowners association would frown on the grounds keeper's double wide on the on the fairway...back to the double wide you inbred piece of white trash....
Here, let me help you understand whole numbers, you product of a $5.00 quickie...


We dont have any white grounds keepers...although you'd fit right in. However the course Marshal is white....ain't that appropriate.
Of course you'd have to work for the mexicans,which shouldnt be a problem since your so happy to have them. They do however require basic math skills so you'd have to learn to count to eighteen.

So you are so ass backwards that you are the only white grounds keeper...how ironic.
If you wish to keep a position that you aren't intellectually qualified for, stop telling folk about you aspirations to have your double wide towed onto the green.
If I'm feeling like a throw away, I'll head that way with $5.00.
Do you mean the "free shit" that more White people are getting than any minority group in this country????

Another negro who doesnt understand percentages...
No wonder they all end up third rate citizens. They cant handle basic math.
Another stupid inbred piece of white trash that doesn't understand whole numbers, no wonder they can't upgrade from a double wide...
Your a fucking joke.
Whole numbers have 'zero' to do with this issue.
Negroes world wide are fast becoming nothing more than a nuisance to the rest of the population.
The other races have run out of patience and money trying 'help along' an entire race of 'Special Needs' people.
Per capita in every community the Tree Dwellers' commit more crime than other races.

Ahhh...another white piece of inbred trash too stupid to master third grade English. When replying to me learn the difference between "you're" and "your". I understand it's hard to graduate "dirt kicker high" when you have hunt squirrels all day but keep trying.

America will never tire of public hand outs, too many white people receive them.
A growing segment of all minority populations including myself are becoming disenchanted with the quality of menial services you provide, hence your fear of other people more willing to work than you.

Whites commit an overwhelming number of all types of crime in this country. I still have no fear of the majority of white people because your group of whites are all usually done working in my neighborhood before night fall.

Stay in school, when you graduate you can cut my lawn.
"usually done working"?
"when you have hunt squirrels all day...."?
"English"? Should not be capitalised.
You don't need quotation marks for "dirt kicker high".
"Hand outs" is actually 'handouts'.
"America will never tire of public hand outs, too many white people receive them." You need to rethink this sentence structure.
"A growing segment of all minority populations including myself are becoming disenchanted with the quality of menial services you provide, hence your fear of other people more willing to work than you."
So you aren't happy with the current "menial services" others provide you.
What services would they be? Food stamps? Welfare? Free shit?
I crap bigger than you pal.
You can't even string a sentence together coherently.
Fuck off. You continue to prove how stupid negroes are.

Were you also absent from "dirt kicker high" when paragraphs were mentioned.
Of course you crap bigger than me, you are full of shit...

Are you mad because you are you of the majority of folk in this country lining on government hand outs???
"Fuck off", the favorite euphemism of the ignorant, inbred white trash dirt kickers.

Sorry sonny, being born ignorant, inbred and poor is no longer an excuse for your ilk to be stupid.
Another negro who doesnt understand percentages...
No wonder they all end up third rate citizens. They cant handle basic math.
Another stupid inbred piece of white trash that doesn't understand whole numbers, no wonder they can't upgrade from a double wide...

Sorry they dont make those in five thousand square foot models.
And I'm pretty sure the homeowners association would frown on a dbl wide on the sixth fairway anyway.
Back to the ghetto,you number challenged chimp.
I'm sure any homeowners association would frown on the grounds keeper's double wide on the on the fairway...back to the double wide you inbred piece of white trash....
Here, let me help you understand whole numbers, you product of a $5.00 quickie...


We dont have any white grounds keepers...although you'd fit right in. However the course Marshal is white....ain't that appropriate.
Of course you'd have to work for the mexicans,which shouldnt be a problem since your so happy to have them. They do however require basic math skills so you'd have to learn to count to eighteen.

So you are so ass backwards that you are the only white grounds keeper...how ironic.
If you wish to keep a position that you aren't intellectually qualified for, stop telling folk about you aspirations to have your double wide towed onto the green.
If I'm feeling like a throw away, I'll head that way with $5.00.

Boy they wouldnt even let you in my neighborhood unless you had lawn equipment in a trailer. Even with that they'd know you were a fraud,everyone knows blacks like you are to lazy to do yard work.
Besides,shouldnt you be getting ready for the big chimp out in Ferguson?
That bus ticket ain't gonna buy itself.
Another stupid inbred piece of white trash that doesn't understand whole numbers, no wonder they can't upgrade from a double wide...

Sorry they dont make those in five thousand square foot models.
And I'm pretty sure the homeowners association would frown on a dbl wide on the sixth fairway anyway.
Back to the ghetto,you number challenged chimp.
I'm sure any homeowners association would frown on the grounds keeper's double wide on the on the fairway...back to the double wide you inbred piece of white trash....
Here, let me help you understand whole numbers, you product of a $5.00 quickie...


We dont have any white grounds keepers...although you'd fit right in. However the course Marshal is white....ain't that appropriate.
Of course you'd have to work for the mexicans,which shouldnt be a problem since your so happy to have them. They do however require basic math skills so you'd have to learn to count to eighteen.

So you are so ass backwards that you are the only white grounds keeper...how ironic.
If you wish to keep a position that you aren't intellectually qualified for, stop telling folk about you aspirations to have your double wide towed onto the green.
If I'm feeling like a throw away, I'll head that way with $5.00.

Boy they wouldnt even let you in my neighborhood unless you had lawn equipment in a trailer. Even with that they'd know you were a fraud,everyone knows blacks like you are to lazy to do yard work.
Besides,shouldnt you be getting ready for the big chimp out in Ferguson?
That bus ticket ain't gonna buy itself.

Actually shouldn't you be headed to Ferguson, the national branch of the Inbred chapter of the Klutzy Klan is meeting???
Actually there's many like you in our neighborhood, we realize that some whites are intellectually fit as menial laborers.
I admit, you all do clean out the septic tank quite nicely...
Maybe this foolishness will end well. With a chisel separating the United States one from the other and splinter the nation into its separate parts.
Ya that's right. Millions of Canadians are sneaking across the border to enter a fucking shit-hole of a country.
Any country that is so full of morons as to vote in a fucking 'poser' Socialist like BOBO is a fucking joke.
Promise the negro a bunch of 'free shit' and he'll turn out like a good slave to vote.
Now the huge fucking joke on the negroes is that BOBO and the DNC are courting the Hispanic vote.
Where does that leave the negroes who voted for BOBO? Fucking nowhere.

Do you mean the "free shit" that more White people are getting than any minority group in this country????

Another negro who doesnt understand percentages...
No wonder they all end up third rate citizens. They cant handle basic math.
Another stupid inbred piece of white trash that doesn't understand whole numbers, no wonder they can't upgrade from a double wide...
Your a fucking joke.
Whole numbers have 'zero' to do with this issue.
Negroes world wide are fast becoming nothing more than a nuisance to the rest of the population.
The other races have run out of patience and money trying 'help along' an entire race of 'Special Needs' people.
Per capita in every community the Tree Dwellers' commit more crime than other races.

Ahhh...another white piece of inbred trash too stupid to master third grade English. When replying to me learn the difference between "you're" and "your". I understand it's hard to graduate "dirt kicker high" when you have hunt squirrels all day but keep trying.

America will never tire of public hand outs, too many white people receive them.
A growing segment of all minority populations including myself are becoming disenchanted with the quality of menial services you provide, hence your fear of other people more willing to work than you.

Whites commit an overwhelming number of all types of crime in this country. I still have no fear of the majority of white people because your group of whites are all usually done working in my neighborhood before night fall.

Stay in school, when you graduate you can cut my lawn.
Why, I started mowing lawns for dough at 11....?
Do you mean the "free shit" that more White people are getting than any minority group in this country????

Another negro who doesnt understand percentages...
No wonder they all end up third rate citizens. They cant handle basic math.
Another stupid inbred piece of white trash that doesn't understand whole numbers, no wonder they can't upgrade from a double wide...
Your a fucking joke.
Whole numbers have 'zero' to do with this issue.
Negroes world wide are fast becoming nothing more than a nuisance to the rest of the population.
The other races have run out of patience and money trying 'help along' an entire race of 'Special Needs' people.
Per capita in every community the Tree Dwellers' commit more crime than other races.

Ahhh...another white piece of inbred trash too stupid to master third grade English. When replying to me learn the difference between "you're" and "your". I understand it's hard to graduate "dirt kicker high" when you have hunt squirrels all day but keep trying.

America will never tire of public hand outs, too many white people receive them.
A growing segment of all minority populations including myself are becoming disenchanted with the quality of menial services you provide, hence your fear of other people more willing to work than you.

Whites commit an overwhelming number of all types of crime in this country. I still have no fear of the majority of white people because your group of whites are all usually done working in my neighborhood before night fall.

Stay in school, when you graduate you can cut my lawn.
Why, I started mowing lawns for dough at 11....?

Yeah,too bad kids now days wont have that as an option anymore.
The messycans dont mind stealing jobs from our kids,not sure why anyone would think they'd have a problem taking the low income jobs from adults.
Oh well,no skin off my nuts,it only hurts those on min wage so I really dont give a shit what happens to em.
you ignorant libtards just do not get it. The people waiting legally to get in, many for years are just given the middle finger by Barry and told to get to the back of the bus. He is just encouraging lawbreaking and an anything goes immigration policy.
Another negro who doesnt understand percentages...
No wonder they all end up third rate citizens. They cant handle basic math.
Another stupid inbred piece of white trash that doesn't understand whole numbers, no wonder they can't upgrade from a double wide...
Your a fucking joke.
Whole numbers have 'zero' to do with this issue.
Negroes world wide are fast becoming nothing more than a nuisance to the rest of the population.
The other races have run out of patience and money trying 'help along' an entire race of 'Special Needs' people.
Per capita in every community the Tree Dwellers' commit more crime than other races.

Ahhh...another white piece of inbred trash too stupid to master third grade English. When replying to me learn the difference between "you're" and "your". I understand it's hard to graduate "dirt kicker high" when you have hunt squirrels all day but keep trying.

America will never tire of public hand outs, too many white people receive them.
A growing segment of all minority populations including myself are becoming disenchanted with the quality of menial services you provide, hence your fear of other people more willing to work than you.

Whites commit an overwhelming number of all types of crime in this country. I still have no fear of the majority of white people because your group of whites are all usually done working in my neighborhood before night fall.

Stay in school, when you graduate you can cut my lawn.
"usually done working"?
"when you have hunt squirrels all day...."?
"English"? Should not be capitalised.
You don't need quotation marks for "dirt kicker high".
"Hand outs" is actually 'handouts'.
"America will never tire of public hand outs, too many white people receive them." You need to rethink this sentence structure.
"A growing segment of all minority populations including myself are becoming disenchanted with the quality of menial services you provide, hence your fear of other people more willing to work than you."
So you aren't happy with the current "menial services" others provide you.
What services would they be? Food stamps? Welfare? Free shit?
I crap bigger than you pal.
You can't even string a sentence together coherently.
Fuck off. You continue to prove how stupid negroes are.

Were you also absent from "dirt kicker high" when paragraphs were mentioned.
Of course you crap bigger than me, you are full of shit...

Are you mad because you are you of the majority of folk in this country lining on government hand outs???
"Fuck off", the favorite euphemism of the ignorant, inbred white trash dirt kickers.

Sorry sonny, being born ignorant, inbred and poor is no longer an excuse for your ilk to be stupid.
I won't waste any more bandwidth on a jackass like you.
Permanent Ignore.
I just hope this move opens the eyes of the black people to the Democrat party. They don't really care about them. They are so yesterday and have now moved onto the illegal immigrant to take what little jobs there was for them and all of us in this country
Ya it's hilarious to watch Sharpton and all the other assholes on MSNBC praise BOBO for handing five million Hispanics green cards. Who are the people who will be effected the most? The negroes of course.
Virtually any Hispanic works harder and faster and is more productive the any negro. Just ask the thousands of fast food franchise owners and any business that requires productive hard work for little pay.
You'll never see a field full of negroes harvesting cauliflowers in 100+F weather.
The next time a Wendy's franchise owner needs a couple more employees and puts the word out to the existing conscientious productive Hispanic staff the jobs will be filled by now legal, Hispanics and the negro women who apply weighing in at 250 lbs with four inch nails and the occasional young negro man with his pants down to his knees looking like he just shit himself will only ever enter the business through the front door. In a few years Hispanics will have cornered the low skill employment market and the negroes will be shut out.
All you negros with your heads still up BOBO's ass have once again been 'rolled' by one of your own for 100% political reasons.
What are the benefits for America because of obama executive action?
The biggest mistake America ever made was to bring the negro to the country.
Think what America would look like now had not the Dutch/Portuguese/British etc bought slaves from the negroe tribal chefs.
The Us should make a deal with the governments of some African countries to 'house' anyone convicted of any felony for the term of their sentence regardless of race. In addition anyone, of any colour, loses their citizenship permanently.
This would mean once the convicted felon has served their sentence they would never be allowed back into America.

This would provide, say a country like Darfur, with a good source of income and housing the felons would be considerably cheaper than in the US prison system.
I'm sure the good people running the prisons in Darfur could put a bunch of strong young men to good use.
Everyone wins except the felon.

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