Obama throws Black brothers of the bus!

What are the benefits for America because of obama executive action?
The biggest mistake America ever made was to bring the negro to the country.
Think what America would look like now had not the Dutch/Portuguese/British etc bought slaves from the negroe tribal chefs.
The Us should make a deal with the governments of some African countries to 'house' anyone convicted of any felony for the term of their sentence regardless of race. In addition anyone, of any colour, loses their citizenship permanently.
This would mean once the convicted felon has served their sentence they would never be allowed back into America.

This would provide, say a country like Darfur, with a good source of income and housing the felons would be considerably cheaper than in the US prison system.
I'm sure the good people running the prisons in Darfur could put a bunch of strong young men to good use.
Everyone wins except the felon.
What the fuck is wrong with you?
What are the benefits for America because of obama executive action?
The biggest mistake America ever made was to bring the negro to the country.
Think what America would look like now had not the Dutch/Portuguese/British etc bought slaves from the negroe tribal chefs.
The Us should make a deal with the governments of some African countries to 'house' anyone convicted of any felony for the term of their sentence regardless of race. In addition anyone, of any colour, loses their citizenship permanently.
This would mean once the convicted felon has served their sentence they would never be allowed back into America.

This would provide, say a country like Darfur, with a good source of income and housing the felons would be considerably cheaper than in the US prison system.
I'm sure the good people running the prisons in Darfur could put a bunch of strong young men to good use.
Everyone wins except the felon.
What the fuck is wrong with you?
What specifically do you take exception with?
Seems like a win-win for society as a whole.
The country rids itself of criminals which means they can't breed and pass on their negative traits/influence to innocent babies. Virtually 100% of these simians contribute nothing useful to society anyway. Innocent victims are spared further trauma.
This is what Britain did to rid itself of their career criminals. So there a precedent.
Time to 'take the garbage out'.
Another stupid inbred piece of white trash that doesn't understand whole numbers, no wonder they can't upgrade from a double wide...
Your a fucking joke.
Whole numbers have 'zero' to do with this issue.
Negroes world wide are fast becoming nothing more than a nuisance to the rest of the population.
The other races have run out of patience and money trying 'help along' an entire race of 'Special Needs' people.
Per capita in every community the Tree Dwellers' commit more crime than other races.

Ahhh...another white piece of inbred trash too stupid to master third grade English. When replying to me learn the difference between "you're" and "your". I understand it's hard to graduate "dirt kicker high" when you have hunt squirrels all day but keep trying.

America will never tire of public hand outs, too many white people receive them.
A growing segment of all minority populations including myself are becoming disenchanted with the quality of menial services you provide, hence your fear of other people more willing to work than you.

Whites commit an overwhelming number of all types of crime in this country. I still have no fear of the majority of white people because your group of whites are all usually done working in my neighborhood before night fall.

Stay in school, when you graduate you can cut my lawn.
"usually done working"?
"when you have hunt squirrels all day...."?
"English"? Should not be capitalised.
You don't need quotation marks for "dirt kicker high".
"Hand outs" is actually 'handouts'.
"America will never tire of public hand outs, too many white people receive them." You need to rethink this sentence structure.
"A growing segment of all minority populations including myself are becoming disenchanted with the quality of menial services you provide, hence your fear of other people more willing to work than you."
So you aren't happy with the current "menial services" others provide you.
What services would they be? Food stamps? Welfare? Free shit?
I crap bigger than you pal.
You can't even string a sentence together coherently.
Fuck off. You continue to prove how stupid negroes are.

Were you also absent from "dirt kicker high" when paragraphs were mentioned.
Of course you crap bigger than me, you are full of shit...

Are you mad because you are you of the majority of folk in this country lining on government hand outs???
"Fuck off", the favorite euphemism of the ignorant, inbred white trash dirt kickers.

Sorry sonny, being born ignorant, inbred and poor is no longer an excuse for your ilk to be stupid.
I won't waste any more bandwidth on a jackass like you.
Permanent Ignore.

Put me on ignore???...gee thanks dummyboy..err...dannyboy.
Have a extra helping of squirrel on me.
The urban negro enclaves in every city all encourage their young negro men to do some prison time. It's a right of passage.
This is not 'news' to anyone. It's a fact.
Perhaps if 'Jamaad' was told that all his uncles and father had been shipped off to 'The Hotel Nyala' forever he may.......may listen to his Grandma who has had to raise him when she tells him to LEAVE OTHER PEOPLE'S SHIT ALONE!!!!!!! or you will get your own one way ticket to a place in your worst nightmare doesn't come close to reality.
I'm afraid the real truth is that the blacks are not the only ones to fall under the bus. Another five millions of dependents will put the well-being of the middle class at risk. Who's going to pay for the social security programs for the new citizens? Definitely not the big corporations.
I'm afraid the real truth is that the blacks are not the only ones to fall under the bus. Another five millions of dependents will put the well-being of the middle class at risk. Who's going to pay for the social security programs for the new citizens? Definitely not the big corporations.
And certainly not to newly minted 5 million soon to be DEM voters.
They won't be paying any Federal income tax. So no government revenue stream.
Most of the jobs these 5 million new green card holders will be 'no-skill' or 'low skill' taken directly from the negroes.
Most Hispanics send as much money as they can back to their families across the border. That's money that will never be part of the US economy.
Let's be honest:
Any landscaping or motel or fast food business owner that needs a new employee is 100% of the time going to hire a Hispanic rather than a negro any day.
This is another 'elephant in the room' that no one wants to acknowledge.
I'm afraid the real truth is that the blacks are not the only ones to fall under the bus. Another five millions of dependents will put the well-being of the middle class at risk. Who's going to pay for the social security programs for the new citizens? Definitely not the big corporations.
And certainly not to newly minted 5 million soon to be DEM voters.
They won't be paying any Federal income tax. So no government revenue stream.
Most of the jobs these 5 million new green card holders will be 'no-skill' or 'low skill' taken directly from the negroes.
Most Hispanics send as much money as they can back to their families across the border. That's money that will never be part of the US economy.
Let's be honest:
Any landscaping or motel or fast food business owner that needs a new employee is 100% of the time going to hire a Hispanic rather than a negro any day.
This is another 'elephant in the room' that no one wants to acknowledge.

Cannot agree with you more, sir. As much as I adore our country's spirit the core of which is people coming here for better life, this time my feelings are far from adoration. I feel as if intruders want to come to my land and deprive me of what my people have been earning for years.
As a matter of fact, I must also mention, that neither immigrants nor their children pay back what the government spends on them. Only 15% is returned in taxes - at most.

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