Obama throws Bush under the bus......accuses him of torture

1. we do it to american soldiers as part of their training, are we torturing our own soldiers?
2. wrong, it was only 3
3. we will never know how many lives were saved by the info gathered from KSM and the other 2
4. if you are so brilliant you would understand that waterboarding is not torture. putting electric leads to your nuts is torture. putting a person in a woodchipper feet first is torture, pulling out fingernails is torture, breaking bones is torture--------squirting water up your nose is not torture. Wake the fuck up.

1) yes
2) Wrong
3) Then you admit your original claim was pulled out of your ass
4) If waterboarding is NOT torture, why did we convict Japanese soldiers of war crimes when they did it to our guys?

Because they lost,and all the other shit they did.

Ya know - none of that came up during their prosecution.

But waterboarding did. And they were convicted.

I'm sorry that you don't understand war crimes, international law, and how these matters are prosecuted.

But the fact that YOU don't understand doesn't stop the rest of the world from prosecuting war criminals.

“Leaders, organizers, instigators and accomplices participating in the formulation or execution of a common plan or conspiracy to commit war crimes are responsible for all acts performed by any person in execution of such a plan.”

The US is subject to customary international law and to the Principles of the Nuremberg Charter said Boyle who also believes the week-long trial was “almost certainly” being monitored closely by both Pentagon and White House officials.

Professor Gurdial Singh Nijar, who headed the prosecution said: “The tribunal was very careful to adhere scrupulously to the regulations drawn up by the Nuremberg courts and the International Criminal Courts”.

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Ya know - none of that came up during their prosecution.

But waterboarding did. And they were convicted.

I missed this earlier.

So, you've revived one of the hate site big lies that has been debunked about a thousand times?


Here are the seven Japanese war criminals executed and their crimes;

{Koki Hirota:

During Hirota’s second tenure as foreign minister, late in 1937, Japanese forces marched into Nanking. Thousands of innocent civilians were buried alive, used as targets for bayonet practice, shot in large groups and thrown into the Yangtze River. Rampant rapes (and gang rapes) of women ranging from age seven to over seventy were reported. The international community estimated that within the six weeks of the Massacre, 20,000 women were raped, many of them subsequently murdered or mutilated; and over 300,000 people were killed, often with the most inhumane brutality.

While Hirota was not in charge of the army units that invaded Nanjing, he was well informed about the massacre. The international community had filed many protests to the Japanese Embassy. Bates, an American professor of history at the University of Nanking during the Japanese occupation, provided evidence that the protests were forwarded to Tokyo and were discussed in great detail between Japanese officials and the U.S. ambassador in Tokyo.

Seishiro Itagaki:

Itagaki was moreover responsible for the supply of food and medical care to prisoners of war and civilian internees, in particular on various Indonesian islands during the last months of the war. It has been established that, over that period, thousands of people died due to lack of food or adequate care, while the camp guards suffered no undue hardship.

Kenji Dohihara:

Kenji Dohihara voted in favour of the attack on Pearl Harbour … He commanded the Army of the 7th Region, which includes parts of Malaysia and the islands of Sumatra, Java and Borneo in Indonesia. In this capacity, he was responsible for supplying food and medicines to not only the Japanese troops, but also to prisoners of war.

Heitaro Kimura:

It is alleged that in carrying out his functions, Kimura allegedly violated the laws and customs of war in approving the use of prisoners of war for hazardous work, from which they are usually prohibited. They were forced to work in very dangerous conditions and several thousands died. Heitaro Kimura allegedly gave the order and approved the use of prisoners of war for the construction of the railway between Burma and the Kingdom of Siam (now Thailand). In addition, he did not take the necessary disciplinary measures to prevent or to punish the commission of atrocities by his troops.

Iwane Matsui:

His troops took Nanking on 13 December 1937. The Chinese army had evacuated the city just before it was taken. The ensuing occupation was therefore that of a defenceless city. The Japanese troops nevertheless carried out unspeakable atrocities: massacre, rape, pillaging and destruction were routinely committed. During a six to seven week period, more than 100’000 civilians were killed and thousands of women raped. Against this backdrop, Matsui marched triumphantly into Nanking on 17 December 1937 and remained there for several days.

Akira Muto:

Moreover, as an officer serving under General Matsui between November 1937 and July 1938, he was charged with war crimes for his participation in the atrocities committed at Nanking.}

Sorry, Paul Begala -- You're Still Wrong | National Review Online

You see waterboarding listed?


THat's because the hate sites that do your thinking for

I'm sorry that you don't understand war crimes, international law, and how these matters are prosecuted.

But the fact that YOU don't understand doesn't stop the rest of the world from prosecuting war criminals.

I'm sorry you are reduced to spewing idiotic lies from the hate sites, but that's a big part of being a Khmer Rouge democrat.
That was my point of yesterday.

Suing the President is not a political move. It may be politically motivated by the opposing party or politically criticized by the defending party....but for us Americans? It is necessary.

If our congress cant keep the executive office in check....who can?

And in the meantime, who keeps the congress in check?

I agree. But a civil suit is a lot different than a criminal prosecution in my opinion.
But I do agree that apparently we are going to have to stop protecting politicians from the legal consequences of their actions.

to me, a civil suit or criminal prosecution is fine....as long as a precedent is set.

Congress cant conduct a criminal prosecution...and the DoJ will NEVER prosecute his/her own party president.....so a civil suit is the only option.

But again, I ask......who oversees congress?

Before the Senate was elected by vote, it was the job of the Senate to keep an eye on the house, the state legislatures were in charge of watching over the senate. No shock then that congress threw out control of the senate to popular vote.
What ever happened to Conservative claims of American Exceptionalism?

How do we convince the world that we are exceptional when we engage in torture?
What ever happened to Conservative claims of American Exceptionalism?

How do we convince the world that we are exceptional when we engage in torture?

Have you not seen our torture rooms and procedures? They are the best. Hell after they get their morning torture they get to play on a lush soccer field at a tropical paradise all day as a reward.
What ever happened to Conservative claims of American Exceptionalism?

How do we convince the world that we are exceptional when we engage in torture?

We have no need to convince the world that we are exceptional. Our history has demonstrated that we are, and our future will either confirm it or make it a lie.

Left wingers have been doing their utmost to convince this nation and the world that we are not exceptional. Mainly, because most left wingers do not understard why we are exceptional, and out of ignorance, actually disparage the things that make us exceptional.

The United States of America has shown the world that common people, each operating in their own self interest, and for their own benefit, are collectively the most productive people in the world. This debunked the old world, political concept that the public requires centralized control to build a great nation.
What ever happened to Conservative claims of American Exceptionalism?

How do we convince the world that we are exceptional when we engage in torture?

We have no need to convince the world that we are exceptional. Our history has demonstrated that we are, and our future will either confirm it or make it a lie.

Left wingers have been doing their utmost to convince this nation and the world that we are not exceptional. Mainly, because most left wingers do not understard why we are exceptional, and out of ignorance, actually disparage the things that make us exceptional.

The United States of America has shown the world that common people, each operating in their own self interest, and for their own benefit, are collectively the most productive people in the world. This debunked the old world, political concept that the public requires centralized control to build a great nation.

Do you believe that right wingers defending torture convinces them that we are?

Torture is OK if WE do it?
What ever happened to Conservative claims of American Exceptionalism?

How do we convince the world that we are exceptional when we engage in torture?

We have no need to convince the world that we are exceptional. Our history has demonstrated that we are, and our future will either confirm it or make it a lie.

Left wingers have been doing their utmost to convince this nation and the world that we are not exceptional. Mainly, because most left wingers do not understard why we are exceptional, and out of ignorance, actually disparage the things that make us exceptional.

The United States of America has shown the world that common people, each operating in their own self interest, and for their own benefit, are collectively the most productive people in the world. This debunked the old world, political concept that the public requires centralized control to build a great nation.

Do you believe that right wingers defending torture convinces them that we are?

Torture is OK if WE do it?

Torture is never OK, waterboarding is not torture. End of story.
What ever happened to Conservative claims of American Exceptionalism?

How do we convince the world that we are exceptional when we engage in torture?

We have no need to convince the world that we are exceptional. Our history has demonstrated that we are, and our future will either confirm it or make it a lie.

Left wingers have been doing their utmost to convince this nation and the world that we are not exceptional. Mainly, because most left wingers do not understard why we are exceptional, and out of ignorance, actually disparage the things that make us exceptional.

The United States of America has shown the world that common people, each operating in their own self interest, and for their own benefit, are collectively the most productive people in the world. This debunked the old world, political concept that the public requires centralized control to build a great nation.

left wingers are embarrassed by our successes and want to bring us down to the level of a third world country in africa. They don't want us to hurt the feeeeeeeeeeeelings of anyone by having more stuff than they do.

face it, liberalism is a mental disease. Diseased people are not able to think logically.
Do you believe that right wingers defending torture convinces them that we are?

Comrade, you are a sociopath. You have not a hint of integrity nor the mechanism to know right and wrong. You have only your party.





Torture is OK if WE do it?

Waterboarding isn't even close to torture - but you are a lying partisan hack who will say anything to promote your filthy party.
Yeap, liberals still crying about America waterboarding and feigning outrage over how cruel it is.

Has anyone seen any of them ever voice even a little concern over the violations of the Geneva convection by this country'e enemies?

Understand this folks. It is not that liberals despise torture. It is that they despise America, or else you would see all of these bleeding heart hypocrites bringing up the vast violations of these stink muslims. It is not that liberals hate war, it is that they hate America, or else they would hate the fact that Obama is trying to start something up with Russia. Remember when the bleeding heart hypocrites claimed Iraq never did anything to America? What has Russia actually done to America, and what benefits are there? Oooops. It would not have anything to with the shale under Ukraine, would it? Ever see the job just landed in Ukraine by Bidens son? Pity.

Everything liberals feign outrage over or fake concern over is just that. Fake. They, in actuality, stand for nothing.
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We have no need to convince the world that we are exceptional. Our history has demonstrated that we are, and our future will either confirm it or make it a lie.

Left wingers have been doing their utmost to convince this nation and the world that we are not exceptional. Mainly, because most left wingers do not understard why we are exceptional, and out of ignorance, actually disparage the things that make us exceptional.

The United States of America has shown the world that common people, each operating in their own self interest, and for their own benefit, are collectively the most productive people in the world. This debunked the old world, political concept that the public requires centralized control to build a great nation.

Do you believe that right wingers defending torture convinces them that we are?

Torture is OK if WE do it?

Torture is never OK, waterboarding is not torture. End of story.

John McCain says it is

I trust his views on torture more than yours
Do you believe that right wingers defending torture convinces them that we are?

Comrade, you are a sociopath. You have not a hint of integrity nor the mechanism to know right and wrong. You have only your party.





Torture is OK if WE do it?

Waterboarding isn't even close to torture - but you are a lying partisan hack who will say anything to promote your filthy party.

You seem to set the bar pretty low

As long as we don't use the rack we are not using torture

The UN resolution on torture would disagree
All the evidence, the Geneva Convention, the U.N. resolution on torture, and precedent (The U.S. convicted two Japanese soldiers of war crimes for waterboarding U.S. soldiers) confirm: waterboarding is torture.

If you are determined to be stuck on stupid (no real surprise there) you can keep braying that "waterboarding is not torture" but we all know that it is.
You seem to set the bar pretty low

I'm just pointing out that you are a lying hack.

You say things not because they are true or relevant, but because they serve your party.

Waterboarding is abusive, but causes no permanent damage, does not maim or disfigure.

It is not torture. Those who rule your hive know this, but they program you to spew your idiocy because they think it will harm their enemies.

As long as we don't use the rack we are not using torture

The UN resolution on torture would disagree

You would not hesitate even a second from cutting the fingers and toes off of enemies of the party - which would be actual torture.
You seem to set the bar pretty low

I'm just pointing out that you are a lying hack.

You say things not because they are true or relevant, but because they serve your party.

Waterboarding is abusive, but causes no permanent damage, does not maim or disfigure.

It is not torture. Those who rule your hive know this, but they program you to spew your idiocy because they think it will harm their enemies.

As long as we don't use the rack we are not using torture

The UN resolution on torture would disagree

You would not hesitate even a second from cutting the fingers and toes off of enemies of the party - which would be actual torture.

I believe in American exceptionalism. That our moral values and humane treatment of all people, regardless of their alleged crimes is a model for all nations

I don't believe that waterboarding of prisoners is an act of an exceptional nation
All the evidence, the Geneva Convention, the U.N. resolution on torture, and precedent (The U.S. convicted two Japanese soldiers of war crimes for waterboarding U.S. soldiers) confirm: waterboarding is torture.

Why do you keep telling the same lie, even after I corrected you yesterday?

Oh that's right, you of the Khmer Rouge are sociopaths, without any integrity at all.

If you are determined to be stuck on stupid (no real surprise there) you can keep braying that "waterboarding is not torture" but we all know that it is.

Does not maim, disfigure, cause permanent damage, or risk of death - does not meet the definition of torture.
I believe in American exceptionalism.

You believe in serving the Khmer Rouge.

That utter scumbag Barack Obama thinks he can distract from his failures by once again screaming "BOOOOOSSSHHH."

As a mindless drone, you echo the cries of your ruler and defend his idiocy.

That our moral values and humane treatment of all people, regardless of their alleged crimes is a model for all nations

You have no moral values - you have only your disgraceful party.

I don't believe that waterboarding of prisoners is an act of an exceptional nation

You think you can support Obama in smearing the Republicans - which serves your party. There is nothing more or less to this.

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