Obama to announce Tuesday he will regulate existing power plants as part of climate s

He wants to destroy coal! He wants to make it uneconomical so renewables can take over.

Coal provides about half the electrical power in this nation.

I want you to go to the breaker box feeding your house.

Turn off every other breaker.

Then wait for renewables to take over.

Do you see now how stupid this plan is?

I guess Matthew's computer was on one of the dead breakers. :dunno:
In RE to this OP:

Research Executive Order 13603. Then come back and try to tell me this OP is wrong.
How much is the health of our children worth? Asthma, autism, and many more diseases are direct results of the pollution that the coal fired plants spit out.

According to this, wind is actually cheaper now than conventional coal. Natural gas comes in cheapest of all.

No children are suffering from Asthma or autism because of coal fired power plants. However, plenty of the are suffering from hunger and hypothermia as a result of the fact that their parents can't afford their inflated power bills.

They idea that the warmist cult members give a crap about children is too absurd for words.

European countries actually have statistics for "Fuel Poverty" in their countries.
Quite literally people are having to choose between food and fuel.
YAY, He's going to KILL dirty coal and OIL.

Yay! He's going to kill thousands of jobs in America's coal country! The same coal country that re-elected him! He sure knows how to treat those poor folks who voted for him twice!

unfortunately, they were WARNED...now they get to PAY for electing this man..they thought he was going to save them...not in their wallets he wasn't

They voted for it... Must of wanted to kill coal. :eusa_pray:
Yay! He's going to kill thousands of jobs in America's coal country! The same coal country that re-elected him! He sure knows how to treat those poor folks who voted for him twice!

unfortunately, they were WARNED...now they get to PAY for electing this man..they thought he was going to save them...not in their wallets he wasn't

They voted for it... Must of wanted to kill coal. :eusa_pray:
No. They just didn't believe the warnings about Obama.
I'm curious to see how the markets react to this news.
Are Russia,China,India,on board as well?
Yep. I have seen things like that in WV...its horrible up there right now.

The whale fat heating industry died
The horse mounting industry died
The steam ship and train industries died
The rock and bone tool making industries died

Some things die. Understand? They're replaced with something better.

Here's the thing.......a better alternative came along. That hasn't happened in this case.
obama believes that if he can make energy too expensive to produce and totally unaffordable for most people to use the pain in the people will force alternative energy solutions. During the period of time that there is no fuel the people must necessarily suffer. Only out of profound suffering will his green dreams be realized.
Yep. I have seen things like that in WV...its horrible up there right now.

The whale fat heating industry died
The horse mounting industry died
The steam ship and train industries died
The rock and bone tool making industries died

Some things die. Understand? They're replaced with something better.

Here's the thing.......a better alternative came along. That hasn't happened in this case.

It won't happen in this case either. People will be killing each other in the streets over firewood before obama's green energy is invented.
The whale fat heating industry died
The horse mounting industry died
The steam ship and train industries died
The rock and bone tool making industries died

Some things die. Understand? They're replaced with something better.

Here's the thing.......a better alternative came along. That hasn't happened in this case.

It won't happen in this case either. People will be killing each other in the streets over firewood before obama's green energy is invented.

that is what he wants, then the people will BEG for government to help them..and Obama will ride in his white horse and proclaim, I'm from the guberment and here to help..

people are so damn blind to this man and all his radicals in his administration..
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Why is it that liberals continue propagating the lie that the President has nothing to do with energy independence when stories like the OP prove the exact opposite?
"When you see that in order to produce, you need to obtain permission from men who produce nothing - When you see that money is flowing to those who deal, not in goods, but in favors - When you see that men get richer by graft and by pull than by work, and your laws don’t protect you against them, but protect them against you - When you see corruption being rewarded and honesty becoming a self-sacrifice - You may know that your society is doomed." -- Ayn Rand, "Atlas Shrugged", 1957
"When you see that in order to produce, you need to obtain permission from men who produce nothing - When you see that money is flowing to those who deal, not in goods, but in favors - When you see that men get richer by graft and by pull than by work, and your laws don’t protect you against them, but protect them against you - When you see corruption being rewarded and honesty becoming a self-sacrifice - You may know that your society is doomed." -- Ayn Rand, "Atlas Shrugged", 1957

Indeed. But the progs will be satisfied that they stuck it to BIG COAL -- as they shiver in the dark.

Step One: Increase the cost of energy so low-income people have an even tougher time paying for it.

Step Two: Provide assistance to low-income people in paying for the higher energy costs, increasing the chance they'll vote for you.

Brilliant, in a twisted, perverted kind of way.

I am so done hearing this guy talk about American strength this and that. He could give a rip. Now the Government is going to take over power and then assign our engineers and scientist to meet the government requirement?

Man O' man.....

Meanwhile Obama taxes power so that your rates increase astronomically. Great plan.

10% more nuclear! The left needs to realize this if they're serious.
3-4 times as much wind for our nation. We could do this over the next 5-10 years.
solar is becoming cheaper and normal people are putting it on their homes. This is to take off the slack on the grid.
Thermal could be huge! Drill directly into the earth for our power. ;)
Wave! yes it is costly but I don't think we will use a lot of it...Regional thing you know.

This would be slowly done within a way that hopefully wouldn't cause black outs or huge cost increases. We do need a modern energy grid for our country.

Because we need it we need to face the reality that we may have to pay slightly more.

Which does not change the fact that Nuclear is a no go and that next Tuesday the taxing will begin. Can you afford to pay 3 times what you pay now?

NO ONE is promoting Nuclear, It is still viewed as dangerous. Care to name ANY new plants under construction?

As for solar it is regional and it is iffy and expensive. Wind the same. Every attempt to make large scale solar facilities has met with opposition and been scuttled. As far as I know most new wind farms are also opposed and scuttled.

Meanwhile Obama will cause an increase of 300 percent in cost, that MEANS across the board. Not only will your electric bill increase but everything you buy will too, everything made in this country , shipped in this country, stored in this country will triple in price.

Yep- look at gas prices in California. Because of EPA mandates the gas is crappy less efficient than any other state.

As soon as I gas up in AZ and all points east, I increase MPG by 10% while paying up to 80-90 cents less

I swear Obama lives in "la la land". By making this move at this time he is going to crush the economy just as it is starting to recover.

He's listening to the American people...something Congress is unwilling (or unable) to do.

Three-quarters of Americans think the federal government should regulate the release into the atmosphere of greenhouse gases from power plants, cars and factories to reduce global warming, according to a new Washington Post-ABC News poll, with substantial majority support from Democrats, Republicans and independents.

Limits on Emissions Have Wide Support

And these same people, likely a vast number on extended unemployment benefits, are willing have their power bill increase from say $90.00/month to $270.00?

All in the name of 'Global Warming'?

I don't think so


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