Obama to call for 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell' repeal, adviser says

You were in the Air Force ... don't try to fool ppl into thinking you are some kind of tough guy.

Tough enough to handle punks like you.


That's some funny shit man... got any more?
Nothing wrong with gays in the military...anybody who thinks there is is nothing more than a bigot...
i've had no meltdown "junior"

you are lying about who you are....i don't care....just pointing it out....

Take it to the thread I made for you Yurt. Seems we'll have a Part II on our hands.

And you seem to care enough to post it twice now. You can prove it in the other thread.
Why should it bother ya? I have had diplomatic passes made to me by a couple of gay guys I knew. I just diplomatically declined and that was that.

However I guess a gay with an attitude like Pale Rider might cause some problems. He might get insistant and I would have to hurt him.

rude crude and tatooed.
Why should it bother ya? I have had diplomatic passes made to me by a couple of gay guys I knew. I just diplomatically declined and that was that.

However I guess a gay with an attitude like Pale Rider might cause some problems. He might get insistant and I would have to hurt him.

rude crude and tatooed.

Shit ... I've accepted drinks from gay guys back when I would go to clubs.

"Thanks for the drink but I don't swing that way," was what I would say. It was never an issue.
Nothing wrong with gays in the military...anybody who thinks there is is nothing more than a bigot...

Then you try and deal with the issues in billeting, morale, and daily life living in places such as combat zones and training environment...

To think that there are not serious problems caused by such situations, then you are simply deluding yourself for the sake of partisanship or you are just plain ignorant
Wow, he's really putting himself out on a limb in an attempt to keep at least one of his promises.

I think this one will pretty much ensure he doesn't have a second term.

I agree. Personally, I'm not opposed to homosexuals serving openly. I am in a minority in that opinion though. That said, I do have a problem wth politicans using the Military as a vehicle for social change. The GOP won't even have to fling this back at him. If he mentions it tonight, the media will fling it for them.

Integration came to the military world before it arrived in the civilian world.

On 26 July 1948, President Harry S Truman signed Executive Order 9981, establishing the President’s Committee on Equality of Treatment and Opportunity in the Armed Services. It was accompanied by Executive Order 9980, which created a Fair Employment Board to eliminate racial discrimination in federal employment.

Segregation in the military services did not officially end until the Secretary of Defense announced on 30 September 1954 that the last all-black unit had been abolished. However, the president’s directive put the armed forces (albeit reluctantly) at the forefront of the growing movement to win a fully participatory social role for the nation’s African-American citizens.

The true fulfillment of the entire scope of Executive Order 9981—equality of treatment and opportunity—actually required an additional change in Defense Department policy. This occurred with the publication of Department of Defense Directive 5120.36 on 26 July 1963, 15 years to the day after Truman signed the original order. This major about-face in policy issued by Secretary of Defense Robert J. McNamara expanded the military’s responsibility to include the elimination of off-base discrimination detrimental to the military effectiveness of black servicemen.LINK

IMO this was effective, as it was within a more controlled environment, and over the course of time educated many who had previously had no contact, either socially or in jobs, that proximity of the various cultural/ethnic groups would not bring on the end of the world!​

As for the general idea, I cannot figure out why straights are so fearful, unless they have been playing "on the downlow" all along, and since this eventually relates to the marriage thing, I cannot get why so many straights seem to be worried that if gays marry each other it will reduce the straight's prospects for finding a partner. Do all that many straights really WANT to marry gays? Why?​

This is the perfect way to get this whole issue moved to non-issue status.​
Wow, he's really putting himself out on a limb in an attempt to keep at least one of his promises.

Not really. He's putting it forth to congress with his support. Congress could tell him to fuck off and he could shrug and say "Well, I tried."

Only people who are going to be overly concerned about this are the people who didn't vote for Obama in 2008 and aren't going to vote for him in 2012 already. Right now, Obama is doing here what he should of done in the first place, act like the Liberal candidate he ran as.

Obama is not a liberal. He is a progressive.
This will go over like a turd in the punchbowl. :doubt:

Washington (CNN) -- President Obama will ask Congress Wednesday night to repeal the military's "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy that bars gays and lesbians from openly serving in the military, White House Senior Adviser David Axelrod told CNN.

The request will be included in the president's State of the Union address, Axelrod said.

The issue has been a source of contention for heavy hitters on both sides of the issue, who are lining up for a fight.

In a message to Pentagon leadership, Gen. John Shalikashvili, former chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said it's time to repeal the law.

Obama to call for 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell' repeal, adviser says - CNN.com

You know, if only enough of you "straight" war mongerers would actually enlist, we would never have this problem....
i think this one will pretty much ensure he doesn't have a second term.

View attachment 9337

What's so funny? You don't fuck with something that works just fine in an attempt to make yourself look like you accomplished something when you haven't done shit.

And THIS particular policy sure as fuck isn't broke.
Spoken like Strom Thurmond to Harry Truman.

Typical Conservative foot dragging and implied bigotry.
I think this one will pretty much ensure he doesn't have a second term.

I agree. Personally, I'm not opposed to homosexuals serving openly. I am in a minority in that opinion though. That said, I do have a problem wth politicans using the Military as a vehicle for social change. The GOP won't even have to fling this back at him. If he mentions it tonight, the media will fling it for them.

Integration came to the military world before it arrived in the civilian world.

On 26 July 1948, President Harry S Truman signed Executive Order 9981, establishing the President’s Committee on Equality of Treatment and Opportunity in the Armed Services. It was accompanied by Executive Order 9980, which created a Fair Employment Board to eliminate racial discrimination in federal employment.

Segregation in the military services did not officially end until the Secretary of Defense announced on 30 September 1954 that the last all-black unit had been abolished. However, the president’s directive put the armed forces (albeit reluctantly) at the forefront of the growing movement to win a fully participatory social role for the nation’s African-American citizens.

The true fulfillment of the entire scope of Executive Order 9981—equality of treatment and opportunity—actually required an additional change in Defense Department policy. This occurred with the publication of Department of Defense Directive 5120.36 on 26 July 1963, 15 years to the day after Truman signed the original order. This major about-face in policy issued by Secretary of Defense Robert J. McNamara expanded the military’s responsibility to include the elimination of off-base discrimination detrimental to the military effectiveness of black servicemen.LINK

IMO this was effective, as it was within a more controlled environment, and over the course of time educated many who had previously had no contact, either socially or in jobs, that proximity of the various cultural/ethnic groups would not bring on the end of the world!​

As for the general idea, I cannot figure out why straights are so fearful, unless they have been playing "on the downlow" all along, and since this eventually relates to the marriage thing, I cannot get why so many straights seem to be worried that if gays marry each other it will reduce the straight's prospects for finding a partner. Do all that many straights really WANT to marry gays? Why?​

This is the perfect way to get this whole issue moved to non-issue status.​

I don't completely disagree with you. However, EO 9981 came during a time of peace when the military was in a time a transition, no matter how short it turned out to be. The military today is in no such transition. It is fighting a shooting war on two fronts and leading the fight in the war against terror. I'm not saying that "Don't ask, don't tell" should not be repealed. I am simply advocating a little restraint. Wait until we are out of Iraq and Afghan. Then do it.
This will go over like a turd in the punchbowl. :doubt:

Washington (CNN) -- President Obama will ask Congress Wednesday night to repeal the military's "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy that bars gays and lesbians from openly serving in the military, White House Senior Adviser David Axelrod told CNN.

The request will be included in the president's State of the Union address, Axelrod said.

The issue has been a source of contention for heavy hitters on both sides of the issue, who are lining up for a fight.

In a message to Pentagon leadership, Gen. John Shalikashvili, former chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said it's time to repeal the law.

Obama to call for 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell' repeal, adviser says - CNN.com

You know, if only enough of you "straight" war mongerers would actually enlist, we would never have this problem....

Fuck off.
Nothing wrong with gays in the military...anybody who thinks there is is nothing more than a bigot...

Then you try and deal with the issues in billeting, morale, and daily life living in places such as combat zones and training environment...

To think that there are not serious problems caused by such situations, then you are simply deluding yourself for the sake of partisanship or you are just plain ignorant

Ah yes....we women call that the "Potty Principal" and it was used against us for the longest time.
This will go over like a turd in the punchbowl. :doubt:

Washington (CNN) -- President Obama will ask Congress Wednesday night to repeal the military's "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy that bars gays and lesbians from openly serving in the military, White House Senior Adviser David Axelrod told CNN.

The request will be included in the president's State of the Union address, Axelrod said.

The issue has been a source of contention for heavy hitters on both sides of the issue, who are lining up for a fight.

In a message to Pentagon leadership, Gen. John Shalikashvili, former chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said it's time to repeal the law.

Obama to call for 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell' repeal, adviser says - CNN.com

You know, if only enough of you "straight" war mongerers would actually enlist, we would never have this problem....

There IS that, you know.
Nothing wrong with gays in the military...anybody who thinks there is is nothing more than a bigot...

Then you try and deal with the issues in billeting, morale, and daily life living in places such as combat zones and training environment...

To think that there are not serious problems caused by such situations, then you are simply deluding yourself for the sake of partisanship or you are just plain ignorant

Ah yes....we women call that the "Potty Principal" and it was used against us for the longest time.

And you have increased rules and logistics behind the housing of women AND men in training, field deployments, etc... and when you throw another monkey wrench into the system such as homosexuals, you complicate things even MORE.... and as stated, the morale issue is MAJOR

What are you going to do, house gay men with lesbians? 4 separate areas of a barracks?

The plain and simple fact is that it is a logistical nightmare and there are good reasons why gays in the military are frowned upon... and it has nothing to do with whether they can fire a weapon or repair an engine on a Humvee
Then you try and deal with the issues in billeting, morale, and daily life living in places such as combat zones and training environment...

To think that there are not serious problems caused by such situations, then you are simply deluding yourself for the sake of partisanship or you are just plain ignorant

Ah yes....we women call that the "Potty Principal" and it was used against us for the longest time.

And you have increased rules and logistics behind the housing of women AND men in training, field deployments, etc... and when you throw another monkey wrench into the system such as homosexuals, you complicate things even MORE.... and as stated, the morale issue is MAJOR

What are you going to do, house gay men with lesbians? 4 separate areas of a barracks?

The plain and simple fact is that it is a logistical nightmare and there are good reasons why gays in the military are frowned upon... and it has nothing to do with whether they can fire a weapon or repair an engine on a Humvee
Aren't these the same arguments posed by bigots in the 1940s and 50s as the armed forced integrated?

I'll give you this: bigotry is amazingly consistent!
Ah yes....we women call that the "Potty Principal" and it was used against us for the longest time.

And you have increased rules and logistics behind the housing of women AND men in training, field deployments, etc... and when you throw another monkey wrench into the system such as homosexuals, you complicate things even MORE.... and as stated, the morale issue is MAJOR

What are you going to do, house gay men with lesbians? 4 separate areas of a barracks?

The plain and simple fact is that it is a logistical nightmare and there are good reasons why gays in the military are frowned upon... and it has nothing to do with whether they can fire a weapon or repair an engine on a Humvee
Aren't these the same arguments posed by bigots in the 1940s and 50s as the armed forced integrated?

I'll give you this: bigotry is amazingly consistent!

And persistent.

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