Obama To Endorse Biden This Afternoon

Ten bucks says that when the Magic Negro speaks, he will make it all about himself and his "accomplishments."

Did he actually accomplish anything?

Yes, but the trail he left has been erased.
Ten bucks says that when the Magic Negro speaks, he will make it all about himself and his "accomplishments."

Did he actually accomplish anything?
You should stop listening to Rush Limbaugh.

Obama warned us about this pandemic. If the republicans weren’t a bunch of asshole racist scumbags and listened, we wouldn’t be attending as many funerals.
I suppose this indicates that the VP candidate has been chosen.
Ten bucks says that when the Magic Negro speaks, he will make it all about himself and his "accomplishments."

Did he actually accomplish anything?
LOL.. that sounds more like Trump than Obama. Has Trump ever spoken about anything without bloviating about himself?
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Major endorsement.

Question...How many former Presidents are endorsing Trump?
Lethal Weapon 5: Popular black president endorses old white guy

slavery is back, folks. Biden will enslave the black race! THEY'RE GONNA PUT Y'ALL BACK IN CHAINS!
Media treated Joe Biden’s assault accuser differently than Brett Kavanaugh’s
Tara Reade’s story about Joe Biden went untouched by the New York Times, the Washington Post, and most of the legacy media for 19 days

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