Obama to Show Birth Certificate

is obama a narcissist?

  • Yes

    Votes: 36 57.1%
  • hell no, he is a good president

    Votes: 11 17.5%
  • liberalism is a mental disorder

    Votes: 17 27.0%
  • don't insult my president...

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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And Hillary's camp dropped the issue as soon as he produced the only one of the two forms which is legal and valid in all 50 states.

Why didn't the wingnut fringe? Was it racism? If not, then give me an intelligent, logical reason why.
Actually there is bipartisan support for "birtherism", it isn't just right-wingers.

Lol, if you mean, by "Bipartisan" Tea Party Members AND Ultra-Conservatives.

It's like that line from the Blues Brothers, "We have all kinds of music here, Country, AND Western."

Those who laugh last laugh the longest
The mother of the birther movement
It's clearly a fake.

It clearly has been doctored all to hell. It's more a computer generated concoction than a simple scan of something. It's more a fake than the first piss poor forgery he produced. This guy is pissing in the face of ALL Americans with this pathetic garbage. Some people are loving his golden shower as he pisses in their face, and some are outraged. Once and for all there should be a congressional investigation into this so that people stop lying, forging, and pissing in faces. This issue should be put to rest, instead of obama just passing off this total crap expecting people to buy it.

New obama Certification of Live Birth is a FORGERY!

Ha ha.

What you cretins don't get is that the main reason the administration produced the genuine long form was to relegate the whole birther think to places like infowars. The birthers have fallen for it lock stock and barrel.

If I'm a birther, I just started being one. I opened up this birth certificate and immediately saw things like white clouds around all the letters, and other evidence of being tampered with or assembled. It just isn't a scan, that is plainly obvious. Most people don't deny that all of these characteristics are present, what they do is blame it on the scanner. I'm sorry but scanners don't put white clouds around characters or change the numbers and characters the way it was done on this document.

If you can't notice these characteristics then you are completely blind. The question is how did they get there? Scanners say the scanner did it. Birthers say people did it. The latter is the far more sensible answer.

And Hillary's camp dropped the issue as soon as he produced the only one of the two forms which is legal and valid in all 50 states.

Why didn't the wingnut fringe? Was it racism? If not, then give me an intelligent, logical reason why.

Did she? I guess Phil burg acted on his own. You don't suppose the job offer had anything to do with it? That mysterious three hour visit by obama at Clintons house after he won the election wouldn't have had anything to do with it now would it?
Bill Clinton, the Original Birther (starting at approx. 38 seconds)

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KqFZQNan3-M]YouTube - Billl Clinton[/ame]
Seriously, you people are messed up.

This whole thread has been like smashing my head into a brick wall.

No matter what evidence is presented, you'll just come up with something new. You're seriously wrong in the head and need to get some help.

I'm out, I'm not going to contribute to bringing any more attention to this garbage, except to laugh at the birthers for being so incredibly delusional.


so long poker face.
Yes Bill Ayers was a violent radical of the 60's protesting the killing of Americans impressed into military service and thrown in a war of choice, They also protesteed the killing of innocent Asians. Calling him a terrorist doens't make it so. The Weather Underground did not target innocent civilians. Furthermore, like the Israelis fighting in Palestine in the 1940's, they always put out a warning ahead of any attack.

Wow....So you believe the end justifies the means? The son of a police seargent is not an innocent civilian?

I"m not willing to lump the Weather Underground into the same catagory as al Queda, or Hama if that's what you mean. do you have a link to a story on the Sargents son?

At that same time the Wright volunteered to serve. He does not hate America. I don't care how many time you listened to that clip......

I did not hate my best friend growing up until he was about 35 years old...when he beat his wife.

The clip that the rabid right aired is terribly misleading. The man does not hate America.
Czar is a rhetorical name for a non-cabinet position as special advisor to the president. All modern president have appoint these regardless of what you call them. They do not have Czar like powers over anything.

Wow....you are an unusually forgiving person.

Curious....did you forgive Bush seeing as he was working with intel offered to him from not only OUR agencies...but from agencies around the world as well?

I think President Bush should have worked within the UN Framework before invading and occupying Iraq.

He did. For twelve long weeks before he actually invaded. And the UN did not say no. There is no UN resolution or statement condemning or even criticizing the invasion. Why? Because Bush and a coalition of other UN nations was carrying out the UN's own resolution that their own leadership was unwilling to enforce. And not only did he work with the UN, he also got advice and consent from the U.S. Congress.

Nevertheless, those who hate Bush continue to call it "Bush's illegal war" and worse. And there is simply no arguing with them as facts don't matter to them. Only their hatred of Bush.

The Obama Birth Certificate is much the same. Those who don't want to believe he has furnished a valid birth certificate aren't going to be persuaded by any evidence. Those who want to believe he furnished a valid birth certificate are unwilling to even consider the possibility that it might be forged despite all the
reasonable suspicion surrounding it. (It is reasonable because of the President's behavior in being so secretive about it.)

I wish I was smart enough to assess the validity of the document myself. I have heard very credible explanations from what seem to be competent people why the 'layers' are not a problem with the document, and I've heard others that seem to competently explain why they are a problem. I don't know.

I honestly don't care whether the birth certificate is real or not. I do care that our elected leaders not be able to hoodwink and scam us with phony stuff and get away with it. And I don't want people of any ideological perspective to be believed just because they are on the 'right' side nor be shut up because they aren't.

So the debate continues to be interesting to me however it turns out.
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Lol, if you mean, by "Bipartisan" Tea Party Members AND Ultra-Conservatives.

It's like that line from the Blues Brothers, "We have all kinds of music here, Country, AND Western."

Those who laugh last laugh the longest
The mother of the birther movement

That's a myth. And irrelevant.

Whenever you see a post like the one above, you can be sure it was written by a smarmy, pickle noseed, empty scrote lefty like NYcarbineer, and rest assured that he has nothing more. He's done. Stupid little cocksucker.
Lol, if you mean, by "Bipartisan" Tea Party Members AND Ultra-Conservatives.

It's like that line from the Blues Brothers, "We have all kinds of music here, Country, AND Western."

Hillary started it, is she a Tea Partier?

No she didn't. And the idiots are the ones who still believe it, like you.

Actually, it did start with some Hillary Supporters:

In 2005, Mr Obama went to Washington as the junior US senator for Illinois. The rumours about him persisted, but seemingly failed to take hold among political insiders and voters alike.

It was not until April 2008, at the height of the intensely bitter Democratic presidential primary process, that the touch paper was properly lit.

An anonymous email circulated by supporters of Mrs Clinton, Mr Obama’s main rival for the party’s nomination, thrust a new allegation into the national spotlight — that he had not been born in Hawaii.

“Barack Obama’s mother was living in Kenya with his Arab-African father late in her pregnancy,” it said. “She was not allowed to travel by plane then, so Barack Obama was born there and his mother then took him to Hawaii to register his birth.” Then in August 2008 Phil Berg, an ex-deputy attorney general for Pennsylvania and a renowned conspiracy theorist, filed a lawsuit alleging that Mr Obama was ineligible to be a candidate.

“Obama carries multiple citizenships and is ineligible to run for President of the United States. United States Constitution, Article II, Section 1,” it said.

By then, the Obama campaign had posted a copy of his “certificate of live birth” — a shorter version of the birth certificate, which is accepted as proof of birth from applicants for a US passport.

But the fact it was not the full, original certificate — and that the campaign failed to show the serial number and other details in their scan — meant that the conspiracy theorists were unbowed.

The director of the Hawaii health department stated that she had seen the full certificate and that it was all in order. Entries from the birth records sections of two local newspapers from the time were found....

Birther row began with Hillary Clinton - Telegraph

And more here from 2008:

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Yeah, a couple differences though. McCain was born of TWO american parents, not just one, and McCain produced his proof of citizenship (IE Birth certificate) within weeks of the questions first arising , not years later after being hounded. There is quite a bit of truth to the adage that those who have nothing to hide, hide nothing.

Oh and to the poster earlier that said no other Presidential candidate has been so hounded about his citizenship before Obama, I beg to differ. Here are some names for you to consider, obviously they are not as well known, since they LOST their election bids.

Christopher Schurmann 1896 Election
· Charles Evans Hughes 1916 Election
· George Romney 1968 Election
· Barry Goldwater 1964 Election
· Lowell Weicker 1980 Election
· Roger Calero 2004 and 2008
Again, Obama provided his birth certificate a couple of years ago.

No, he produced a certificate of live birth, one that was surrounded by questions I might add.

I am amazed at how people in this country are so eager to see their "heroes" as infallible. It's an astounding phenomenon. Just because you agree with a guy politically does not mean he doesn't handle some things wrong. No more so than believing everything a guy does is wrong just because you disagree with him politically.

What questions? List them.
It's absolutely shocking that the birfers refuse to accept that they are wrong. Who could have possibly seen that coming?

Another progressive parrot throwing around liberal buzz words to hide pure ignorance and facts behind.... I guess there a lot of indoctrinated and progressively disfunctionally educated americans who espouse their own eradication....:cuckoo:

Here is more on the fake BC...

Critics: Obama’s Latest Long-Form Birth Certificate Is a Fake …Update: More Expert Opinion | The Gateway Pundit


It's always fascinating to see people warped with hate.

It's about time ya took a long look in your mirror...Bubba.... Give the guy a cigar....:blowup:

Just like media matters, our children are being progressively taught that self hate matters in the advancement of open society and global governance....
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Another progressive parrot throwing around liberal buzz words to hide pure ignorance and facts behind.... I guess there a lot of indoctrinated and progressively disfunctionally educated americans who espouse their own eradication....:cuckoo:

Here is more on the fake BC...

Critics: Obama’s Latest Long-Form Birth Certificate Is a Fake …Update: More Expert Opinion | The Gateway Pundit


It's always fascinating to see people warped with hate.

It's about time ya took a long look in your mirror...Bubba.... Give the guy a cigar....:blowup:


Keep banging your head against that brick wall, birfer.
Again, Obama provided his birth certificate a couple of years ago.

No, he produced a certificate of live birth, one that was surrounded by questions I might add.

I am amazed at how people in this country are so eager to see their "heroes" as infallible. It's an astounding phenomenon. Just because you agree with a guy politically does not mean he doesn't handle some things wrong. No more so than believing everything a guy does is wrong just because you disagree with him politically.

What questions? List them.

Why is the document a computer generated document.
Why is his COLB number out of sequence with two twins who were born a day after he was. and Filled 4 daysbefore the twins COLB?
Why is the local Registrar differnt on obama's COLB then the one on the twins COLB
Why did his mother write her name the way she did in the perent signature box.
All I can think of right now, but I know I have more.
I'd just like to thank the birfers for proving us correct when we said that it didn't matter if Obama released his birth certificate because you'd never believe it.


Counterfit money may look real but it's still worthless.

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