Obama to Show Birth Certificate

is obama a narcissist?

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    Votes: 36 57.1%
  • hell no, he is a good president

    Votes: 11 17.5%
  • liberalism is a mental disorder

    Votes: 17 27.0%
  • don't insult my president...

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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Oh I read it alright, just because they "REGARDED" HIM a Professor, doesn't make it so.
How many years and what SCHOOL did the Obama ATTEND to BECOME A PROFESSOR.??

we'll wait.

Oh, so now you get to decide who gets what title? So if the CEO of GM decides to appoint Exec A as CFO, he has to call you first to decide if the title fits? Interesting concept....but alas, one that doesn't float in the real world....

lol, AT LEAST you now admit, it was ONLY A TITLE bestowed on him. so much dishonesty my friend claiming him a PROFESSOR, how can you sleep at night?

Er, it was bestowed on him by the body who can do such things. It would be like Mike Holmgren saying to Brett Favre "Hey, you're gonna be my quaterback." Are you saying Holmgren couldn't make that call?

A better analogy for your side of the argument is that you are saying that the Pope can't appoint Cardinals....:cuckoo:
Oh I read it alright, just because they "REGARDED" HIM a Professor, doesn't make it so.
How many years and what SCHOOL did the Obama ATTEND to BECOME A PROFESSOR.??

we'll wait.

Oh, so now you get to decide who gets what title? So if the CEO of GM decides to appoint Exec A as CFO, he has to call you first to decide if the title fits? Interesting concept....but alas, one that doesn't float in the real world....

lol, AT LEAST you now admit, it was ONLY A TITLE bestowed on him. so much dishonesty my friend claiming him a PROFESSOR, how can you sleep at night?

She doesn't sleep. Fungii just lay there in a virtually inert state. They don't require sleep.
Oh, so now you get to decide who gets what title? So if the CEO of GM decides to appoint Exec A as CFO, he has to call you first to decide if the title fits? Interesting concept....but alas, one that doesn't float in the real world....

lol, AT LEAST you now admit, it was ONLY A TITLE bestowed on him. so much dishonesty my friend claiming him a PROFESSOR, how can you sleep at night?

She doesn't sleep. Fungii just lay there in a virtually inert state. They don't require sleep.

Ah, that explains your constant presence on this board....
Already did, thanks.

It was accepted by the State of Hawaii in 1961 when a Kenyan wrote "African" on a birth certificate worksheet.

Just like "German", "Korean", and "Portuguese" were accepted on records YOU have provided.

Last I checked in 1961 Hawaii was part of America and they accepted it from a Kenyan who was taught in his country that "African" was a racial identifier.



In kenya african is a race, but not in the United States in 1961. I challenge you to show any Federal or state document besides this forgery that identifies African as a Race.

Is Portuguese a Race?

Is German a Race?

Those are races listed on documents you have supplied and supported.

Kind of hypocritical to get all high and mighty because someone from Kenya puts African while you have been supporting documents which say "Korean", "German", and "Portuguese".

You have patiently explained this to him at least 5 times, and he refuses to admit that he understands, or he is too stupid to understand, or his racism blinds him.

Most posters here regard him as an ignorant clown and forum pest, to be mocked.
No, Trump made himself out to be more of a fucking idiot than most of us gave him credit for - which is quite an accomplishment- because believe me, us normal folk thought he was a fucking total idiot a long time ago.

In fact, Trump has played into Obama's hands. Us normal folk knew that no matter what Obama did with regard to his birth certificate, the birfers would still find a reason to disbelieve. And so has been the case. All Trump has done has highlighted something us normal, sane folk have known all along - most birfers are bigots, neocon whackjob losers who add 2 and 2 and come up with 5.....Obama just got rid of their last reason for being such, yet still....

Donald Trump is a successful businessman in the most difficult arena possible, New York City real estate development; Obama at best was a Community agitator who had no idea he was walking into trap. I mean wehat was he going to do, ask Joe Biden for advice?

So Trump knew he would win either way. If Obama keeps the doubt alive, Obama loses; if Obama plays into Trumps hands be releasing a document, Trump can take credit.

Obama = Rube.

You fail, s0n.

Trump has been far from successful. He has filed for Chapter 11 twice, inherited $100 million from his father, and was hauled over the coals for claiming to be a billionaire, when in fact, he was a mere millionaire.

Obama was a state senator, federal senator, editor of Harvard law review and professor of law at a university. Your arguments, as best, are vacuous...

As I stated - Trump has been outsmarted because these wing nuts no longer have the 'excuse' they had, yet still claims it is a fraud....

Trump has been successful in the most ruthless arena in the world while Obama has Bill Ayers writes books and speeches for him and never ever released a single scrap of paper he wrote on his own during his glorious academic career.
Last edited:

1966...?? does it look like a rectangle has been placed over the bottom ??

The date of issue was Aug. 5 1961 one day after obama's
Then why does it say 1966 at the bottom?

Why can you see the top form peeking out the right side on the bottom?

It's a FAKE.
In kenya african is a race, but not in the United States in 1961. I challenge you to show any Federal or state document besides this forgery that identifies African as a Race.

Is Portuguese a Race?

Is German a Race?

Those are races listed on documents you have supplied and supported.

Kind of hypocritical to get all high and mighty because someone from Kenya puts African while you have been supporting documents which say "Korean", "German", and "Portuguese".

You have patiently explained this to him at least 5 times, and he refuses to admit that he understands, or he is too stupid to understand, or his racism blinds him.

Most posters here regard him as an ignorant clown and forum pest, to be mocked.

You're a racist idiot, I know what I am talking about dumbass I have patiently explained this to him and he has been shown how the government dealt with racial identerfier terms in America in 1961
Donald Trump is a successful businessman in the most difficult arena possible, New York City real estate development; Obama at best was a Community agitator who had no idea he was walking into trap. I mean wehat was he going to do, ask Joe Biden for advice?

So Trump knew he would win either way. If Obama keeps the doubt alive, Obama loses; if Obama plays into Trumps hands be releasing a document, Trump can take credit.

Obama = Rube.

You fail, s0n.

Trump has been far from successful. He has filed for Chapter 11 twice, inherited $100 million from his father, and was hauled over the coals for claiming to be a billionaire, when in fact, he was a mere millionaire.

Obama was a state senator, federal senator, editor of Harvard law review and professor of law at a university. Your arguments, as best, are vacuous...

As I stated - Trump has been outsmarted because these wing nuts no longer have the 'excuse' they had, yet still claims it is a fraud....

Trump has been successful in the most ruthless arena in the world while Obama has Bill Ayers writes books and speeches for him and never ever released a single scrap of paper he wrote on his own during his glorious academic career.

Really? How successful has Trump really been?

As far as I'm aware, Obama has yet to lose an election....so much for being unsuccessful.....:cool:
I told you these people would never accept any facts in this issue.

They hate him therefore he should not be president.

we only hate him because he is destroying the country

Bush already did that by turning a surplus into a massive deficit.

wrong cliton did not have a surplus, but you will believe what you are told and will fight with everything you have to defend it. Now howdo I know this? because your defending a fraudulent document.
Trump has been far from successful. He has filed for Chapter 11 twice, inherited $100 million from his father, and was hauled over the coals for claiming to be a billionaire, when in fact, he was a mere millionaire.

Obama was a state senator, federal senator, editor of Harvard law review and professor of law at a university. Your arguments, as best, are vacuous...

As I stated - Trump has been outsmarted because these wing nuts no longer have the 'excuse' they had, yet still claims it is a fraud....

Trump has been successful in the most ruthless arena in the world while Obama has Bill Ayers writes books and speeches for him and never ever released a single scrap of paper he wrote on his own during his glorious academic career.

Really? How successful has Trump really been?

As far as I'm aware, Obama has yet to lose an election....so much for being unsuccessful.....:cool:

That will change next year. There is no way he can be re-elected with an economy like this and lying to the American people by starting a war with a country that no threat. Not to mention Gitmo and a load of other crap.
Trump has been successful in the most ruthless arena in the world while Obama has Bill Ayers writes books and speeches for him and never ever released a single scrap of paper he wrote on his own during his glorious academic career.

Really? How successful has Trump really been?

As far as I'm aware, Obama has yet to lose an election....so much for being unsuccessful.....:cool:

That will change next year. There is no way he can be re-elected with an economy like this and lying to the American people by starting a war with a country that no threat. Not to mention Gitmo and a load of other crap.

GDP is 1.8.
Trump has been successful in the most ruthless arena in the world while Obama has Bill Ayers writes books and speeches for him and never ever released a single scrap of paper he wrote on his own during his glorious academic career.

Really? How successful has Trump really been?

As far as I'm aware, Obama has yet to lose an election....so much for being unsuccessful.....:cool:

That will change next year. There is no way he can be re-elected with an economy like this and lying to the American people by starting a war with a country that no threat. Not to mention Gitmo and a load of other crap.

Starting a war with a country that is no threat? Gitmo? Tanked economy? Hate to break it to you bub but Bush was ousted over two years ago. We have somebody of substance in the WH now....
HONOLULU -- Lost in the renewed scrutiny into President Barack Obama's birth records is the fact that anyone can walk into a Hawaii vital records office, wait in line behind couples getting marriage licenses and open a baby-blue government binder containing basic information about his birth.

Highlighted in yellow on page 1,218 of the thick binder is the computer-generated listing for a boy named Barack Hussein Obama II born in Hawaii, surrounded by the alphabetized last names of all other children born in-state between 1960 and 1964. This is the only government birth information, called "index data," available to the public.

So far this month, only The Associated Press and one other person had looked at the binder, according to a sign-in sheet viewed Wednesday in the state Department of Health building. The sheet showed about 25 names of people who have seen the document since March 2010, when the sign-in sheet begins.

Those documents complement newspaper birth announcements published soon after Obama's Aug. 4, 1961 birth and a "certification of live birth" released by the Obama campaign three years ago, the only type of birth certificate the state issues.

Some Obama birth records made public for years - Inside Bay Area

I stopped reading after your assertion that one line in a book was sufficient as a legal document and proof! It is not.

I assure you that same book in the state of MY birth does not ever substitute for a birth certificate when I have needed to produce one -for example when I had to prove my citizenship to get a passport that one line in that book didn't cut it as legal proof of my citizenship for some weird reason! It also didn't cut it when I tried to get back into this country from places I visited on a visa and needed to prove I was a citizen to get back in. Again for some weird reason they would only take my birth certificate.

A BIRTH CERTIFICATE is a legal document. A line with my name on it in a book at the state capital isn't accepted as a legal document by anyone, anywhere or any place. FOR A REASON! But hey, if that satisfies YOU just remember that when the next person to face questions about where they were really born happens to be a Republican again. Because I'm old enough to remember the furor over whether McCain was even eligible to run for President the very first time he ran. He was actually born on a military base in the Panama Canal Zone! In spite of the fact that all US military bases are considered to be on US owned soil and no different from being born in any of the states a whole lot of Democrats kept insisting they wanted a court to decide whether he was even eligible to be President at all. Oh but that's different -that was a Republican and we all know the rules are different when it involves Republicans where it would be considered an outrage if applied to any Democrat! Even though the issue about whether it counted as US soil had actually been determined long before, Democrats demanded it be revisited by a court hoping one of their activist judges might overturn it and get things screwed up enough to mess up his campaign. They only dropped it once it was apparent he wasn't going to get the nomination. If he had, they would have tried to exploit it for all it was worth. But at least McCain didn't hide his birth certificate!

Sorry but a single line in a non-legal book doesn't serve as legal proof of anything for anyone else in this country for ANY reason or ANY purpose -but its all YOU need. Gee, don't you think there is a reason no one else tried to pretend that book was some kind of "proof" - and no one bothered looking at that book BECAUSE it isn't a legal document at all? People didn't accept the certificate of live birth which is not a birth certificate either but he was willing to release THAT -just not his real birth certificate? WTF?

This whole thing was a staged event entirely. Obama created the issue himself and he played it out as long as the polls favored him for it. But recently those polls with regards to his birth certificate changed, going against Obama and getting worse. I don't know what he was thinking because finally releasing it only begs the question of why he didn't in the first place! If you were going to end up finally releasing it, then WTF was the problem with doing so right off the bat? Hmm?

Not providing his birth certificate worked for him to divert attention from his lousy, crappy, socialist, un-American policies despised by the majority in this country because the polls showed the public didn't take it seriously and it worked in his favor by projecting those who wanted to see it as crackpots. He ONLY presented it NOW -YEARS after people -including Bill and Hillary Clinton -first demanded to see it -because the polls changed and showed more people had questions about it and more and more people questioned WHY he refused to release it and why OBAMA was making a big deal out of it by refusing to just release it. More and more people did not understand the nonstop refusal to release his birth certificate if it was really no big deal -and believed he refused because it had other information on it he didn't want people focusing on or to think about. Not necessarily about where he was born even but other information he may not want people to see. But NOW after seeing public opinion had changed Obama realized he had milked this issue out entirely, wrung out all the benefit he thought he gained by playing games with it -and saw it had actually turned into a detriment that was affecting his poll numbers which are already abysmal anyway.

When people are already unhappy about their President, they become more willing to believe the worst about him. The majority are already unhappy with Obama and among those the percent now willing to believe he may not even be a US citizen has been growing just as the majority of Americans don't believe he is a Christian. The man who claimed he would be the most transparent President has in fact been anything but which just led to increasing questions about what he was hiding by refusing to release it.

A perfect example of how being unhappy with a President leads people to believe the very worst about him is an issue the leftwing media never made the same kind of deal about as they did trying to discredit those who believed Obama refused to release his birth certificate in order to hide something -those loud leftwing KOOKS and crackpots who believed (and still believe) Bush was this brilliant, genius mastermind of the worst Presidential crime in history of the mass murder of his own citizens and managed to pull it off in less than 9 months, even before his full administration had even been confirmed by Congress - yet one involving what had to be at least dozens of co-conspirators all willing to kill unarmed fellow Americans! This is THE most insane, unfounded totally crackpot theory -but the left already hated the man so much they were willing to believe the absolute worst about him, even that he was an inhumane monster guilty of mass murder within weeks of taking office. These people really are the kooks here with no critical thinking skills at all. The average person would find it nearly impossible to find anyone willing to bump off their spouse and more likely going to find himself involved in a sting trying to hire an undercover cop -but Bush that pure evil GENIUS knew just where to look and EASILY had NO problem finding dozens and dozens of people willing to slaughter thousands of innocent fellow Americans! Dozens and dozens of them -yet not a single one to ever utter even a PEEP about what would be the biggest government run conspiracy in our history. Not even ONE person who regrets the mass murder, not one coming forward saying he was manipulated but now realizes the scope and enormity of the huge evil Bush got him to do. These are people who not only want to believe the worst about Bush but ALL Republicans -its easier to pretend they are ALL so EVIL that finding people willing to slaughter innocent people by thousands is just no problem for them, isn't it? If you can convince yourself that they are all motivated by EVIL, then whatever their political positions are would automatically be evil too, right? And no need whatsoever to even give ANY of them serious consideration and never, EVER give even one of them the benefit of the doubt -while of course insisting even the blatant criminals in the Democrat Party be given standing ovations! e.g. DEMOCRAT Rep. William Jefferson, entering the House of Representatives after being charged with four counts of bribery, three counts of money laundering, three counts of wire fraud and one count of racketeering -was given a fucking STANDING OVATION by House Democrats! (We all know how Democrats would react if Republicans responded to one of their own in that way after being charged with those crimes -they typically cut that person loose -absolutely no one does double standards better than the left which have the lowest possible for their own while demanding standards they don't even pretend to hold themselves for everyone else.)

Joe Smith can't find a hit man to bump off his spouse even with months and months of trying -but NO problem for that evil Machiavellian GENIUS Bush to find dozens and maybe even HUNDREDS of people willing to commit the MASS MURDER of their unarmed fellow citizens and cover it up. Yet this evil genius was just too fucking stupid to plant WMD even though people would have believed it even a couple of years later! WTF! ROFL

What I think is truly the most hilarious part of all this is THESE are often the VERY same people who think the people who want to know why Obama chose to make a big deal out of this and refuse to release his birth certificate for YEARS, something no other candidate has ever refused to do when asked -are actually the real kooks here. Uh huh, sure. ROFLMAO! You want to guess which one I find easier to believe given the fact Obama actually did something to provoke the doubt in the first place?

I have no doubt Obama believed timing the release to now, YEARS later instead of when he was first asked for it would work to embarrass his political enemies the most. He could see Trump was being taken more seriously by some people and thought releasing it NOW would embarrass and damage Donald Trump -but his reaction taking credit for getting Obama to finally do what others had spent years trying to get him to do - was probably the last thing Obama expected!

Let's not forget reality here -THE very first people to demand his birth certificate were other DEMOCRATS! Bill and Hillary Clinton were the first "birthers"!
Are you saying the document is a kenyan document? obama sr. did not supply the information for the COLB, obama's mother did. she signed for it.

You are one stupid fuck.

Stop read your coment again It doesn't matter what kenyans were taught to identify thyem self as in America 1961. Now if you are saying the document was produced in Kenya Then you have anargument. So was it? If it was then African is a race who am I to tell a kenyan how to identify himself on his countries offical paper work. But if it's an American document sorry failed.

The doc was produced in the U.S., and filled out by a Kenyan using his life experience as a Kenyan. Why are you going on about the doc being produced in Kenya?
I didn't post the link but it has been posted in this thread.


Here is the link. The reference was to page 231.

It does NOT list Korean as a race identifier.

It does NOT list German as a race identifier.

It does NOT list Portuguese as a race identifier.

It does NOT list English as a race identifier.​

Which were race identifiers from a document YOU supplied to the various discussions.


I ask again do you have proof other than the fraud that has been present that AFRICAN was a racial identifier on American government documents 1961? Original documents not revised.

Yes - the fact that Hawaii accepted it.

And it's not an American government document, it's a state document.

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