Obama to Show Birth Certificate

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How is this document a fraud in this video you will be shown how it was done.

WTF !!

The ONLY people that will deny this latest THING obama released as his long form birth is a FAKE, are people that are ready, willing and able to LIE TO THEMSELVES.

The thing is about as PATHETIC of a FORGERY as one can get. Like they say, it's as though obama WANTS you to know it's a fake. But no matter what the reason he released this cheap forgery, the fact of the matter is... IT'S FAKE! It's even worse than the first thing he released.

Wow. Pole refuses to accept the long form COLB too. That's just shocking.

Has Army Retard weighed in yet? I mean, I am just three board members away from having a five-of-a-kind-deuces hand here.

Wow... ballslaptohell is willing to lie to himself. That's just shocking.

There's more to come dough head. All obama did was make this issue grow, MORE, with such a pathetic attempt at forgery. It isn't over. Not by a long shot. The document number is out of order, signatures are wrong, etc, etc. This whole charade will get the lid blown off soon. Intelligent people don't appreciate this game obama is playing, and they will take him down.

Remember when you asked us:

"Why won't Obama release his birth certificate?"

And we responded with:

"Because it won't matter, you won't accept it anyways."

Thanks for being you!

Counterfit money may look real but it's still counterfit, go to a bank with some and see how far you can go with it.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bK-Dqj4fHmM&feature=related]YouTube - Classic Movie Line #4[/ame]

Remember when you asked us:

"Why won't Obama release his birth certificate?"

And we responded with:

"Because it won't matter, you won't accept it anyways."

Thanks for being you!

Counterfit money may look real but it's still counterfit, go to a bank with some and see how far you can go with it.

You missed the point.

It doesn't matter what Obama does or releases, you will always find a way to deny it. Your mind was made up on this issue long ago.
then you should always keep your mouth shut. It would be such a disaster of biblical proportion

It's funny to watch you all angry and defensive.

You never had a leg to stand on in regards to this issue and now you are beyond flopping on the ground doing your best Monty Python Black Knight impression.

As I said: remember when we said it would be pointless for Obama to release his birth certificate because you would refuse to believe it anyways?

And here we are.
Anything to discredit and de-legitimize the president. trump wants to see Obama's college grades, racist idiots are refusing to believe a Black man occupies the White House and are pouting about the release of the birth certificate this week.

What the Klansman wannabes and Trump don't seem to understand is the rest of Thinking America (Conservative and Liberal alike) now see them as fringe kooks with no credibility.
Wow... ballslaptohell is willing to lie to himself. That's just shocking.

There's more to come dough head. All obama did was make this issue grow, MORE, with such a pathetic attempt at forgery. It isn't over. Not by a long shot. The document number is out of order, signatures are wrong, etc, etc. This whole charade will get the lid blown off soon. Intelligent people don't appreciate this game obama is playing, and they will take him down.

It was over before it even started. It was over when the State of Hawaii verified Obama's citizenship and, thus, legally satisfied the requirement he had to met to run.

You dumbfucks are just too dense to realize it. The more you persist in this matter, the more you guys look like what you really are: bigoted assholes. Intelligent people have never been in your camp. The best you could do is a moron like Orly Taitz.
Anything to discredit and de-legitimize the president. trump wants to see Obama's college grades, racist idiots are refusing to believe a Black man occupies the White House and are pouting about the release of the birth certificate this week.

What the Klansman wannabes and Trump don't seem to understand is the rest of Thinking America (Conservative and Liberal alike) now see them as fringe kooks with no credibility.

I think most of thinking America, to include conservatives, saw them as that to begin with. Though the poll numbers that about 1/3 of the GOP didn't believe Obama was born here were a little bit scary.

Eventually, this is going to blow up. The GOP/Conservative movement should try to distance themselves as far from this hand grenade as possible.

That is, unless they want to be permanently affixed to people like Pole Smoker, Army Retard, and RebelBoi.
How is this document a fraud in this video you will be shown how it was done.

WTF !!
This was already debunked by WW.


National Review - a conservative organization started by William F. Buckly, weighs in on the conspiracy.

PDF Layers in Obama’s Birth Certificate - By Nathan Goulding - The Corner - National Review Online


More willful ignorance on your part.
ww has a hard time finding that document he has been in search of for Racial identifer African 1961 America. both of you are full of shit. Layering of a docuemnt is not an orignal document sorry both of you fail.
You didn't even read the link, did you? Nothing will interrupt your birfer confirmation bias. :lol:
This article nails the Birther cognitive dissonance.

Why Didn’t Obama Release This Long Form Birth Certificate Before?

Here’s the very best reason – feed people with settled views additional information and they will simply weave it into their existing construction of reality and demand further proof to support their beliefs in the guise of asking the rest of us to prove they’re wrong.

That’s precisely what happened yesterday in the “birther” camp. Here are just a few of their responses to Obama’s release of the long form.

* If the original document was in a bound volume (as reflected by the curvature of the left hand side of the certificate) how can the green patterned background of the document’s safety paper be so seamless?
* Why, if Obama was born on August 4, 1961, was the “Date Accepted by Local Reg.” four days later on August 8, 1961?
* What is the significance of the smudges in the box containing the name of the reported attendant?
* David A. Sinclair, the M.D. who purportedly signed the document, died nearly eight years ago at age 81. So he is conveniently unavailable to answer questions about Obama’s reported birth.
* In the “This Birth” box there are two mysterious Xs above “Twin” and “Triplet.” Is there a sibling or two unaccounted for?
* What is the significance of the mysterious numbers, seen vertically, on the document’s right side?
* The “Signature of Local Registrar” in box 21 may be a desperate attempt at establishing the document’s Hawaiian authenticity.
* The certificate says “African” for Obama’s father’s race when the term used in the 1960’s was “Negro.” (we’ll explore the racial context in which this controversy is nested below)
* When the White House PDF file is opened in Adobe Illustrator you can find layers that point to tampering.
* The Democrats want Obama’s foreign birth to become an excuse to replace him with Hillary Clinton as their 2012 candidate because they’ve decided he cannot be re-elected.
* The quality of the document and letters appear extremely clear, though experts suggest the letters would have bled into the paper a lot more over the past 50 years.
* Why does Obama spend so much time and money on the Birth Certificate issue if he doesn’t have something to hide?
* It’s green – which is not the color of my birth certificate or the color of any of my friends’ birth certificates, all of which are black with white lettering (this from older Americans whose certificates were obtained before the time copy machines could make “positive” rather than “negative” copies)
* It doesn’t matter where Obama was born, his father’s nationality makes him a dual citizen and thus ineligible for office
* It doesn’t matter where Obama was born, his mother’s residence overseas after Obama’s birth disqualifies him from being considered a naturally born citizen
* It doesn’t matter where Obama was born, his adoption by Sotero and his residence in Indonesia as a child disqualifies him from office
* It doesn’t matter where Obama was born, his school records, if released, would prove his ineligibility for office

More wisdom at the original source:
Birther Conspiracy Theories, Obama’s “Foreign” Origins and Racism in America - She Negotiates - And changes everything... - Forbes
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GQ3WNATtvek]YouTube - 04.27.2011. Orly Taitz interview with MSNBC Lawrence O'Donnell.[/ame]

Oh man, I couldn't stop laughing.
It clearly has been doctored all to hell. It's more a computer generated concoction than a simple scan of something. It's more a fake than the first piss poor forgery he produced. This guy is pissing in the face of ALL Americans with this pathetic garbage. Some people are loving his golden shower as he pisses in their face, and some are outraged. Once and for all there should be a congressional investigation into this so that people stop lying, forging, and pissing in faces. This issue should be put to rest, instead of obama just passing off this total crap expecting people to buy it.

Cool, and where did you say you got your degree in document verification again?

Oh, that's right, you didn't.

Funny how you just know it's "clearly" a fake though, isn't it?

Funny how you, some random internet ranter, seems to know better than the State of Hawaii.

Yep, "clearly", you're right, and it's a "fake".

Nothing "funny" about it. I have Adobe Illustrator, and my son has a degree in Graphic Design. He too is very prolific with the use of AI. If you had watched the video instead of having your tongue buried up obama's ass, you'd see that the forgery he's now passing off is a pathetic computer generated concoction that any school kid using AI could have done.

Now get a clue. It's not pretty watching you morons talk like complete mental retards.

» Video: Proof Obama Birth Certificate a Fraud Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

If he was an expert, he would tell you that the text is just pictures of text, not actual editable copy. There is nothing to edit in the document, layers or no.
My question remains. Why did Obama, resist Hillary Clinton's request to provide the documentation of his birth. This was a valid request since the law states that only US born citizens can hold the office of President. Obama, stonewalled for 3 years over an allegation he could've laid to rest in seconds. Why? Something still stinks in this scenario.

I saw the Bush/ Regan, debt link. The updated figure is 14.3 trillion dollars. Obama added 12 trillion to the debt in just 2 years. Go Barack, go! Obama, is on track to bankrupt this country. :up:

U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time
This was already debunked by WW.

More willful ignorance on your part.
ww has a hard time finding that document he has been in search of for Racial identifer African 1961 America. both of you are full of shit. Layering of a docuemnt is not an orignal document sorry both of you fail.
You didn't even read the link, did you? Nothing will interrupt your birfer confirmation bias. :lol:

What the video is showing, is information was added to the document it was not done all at once. the date stanp showed one layer and the registrar stamp showed another layer. Wouldn't the registrar stamp and thedate stamp be on the same layer?
then you should always keep your mouth shut. It would be such a disaster of biblical proportion

It's funny to watch you all angry and defensive.

You never had a leg to stand on in regards to this issue and now you are beyond flopping on the ground doing your best Monty Python Black Knight impression.

As I said: remember when we said it would be pointless for Obama to release his birth certificate because you would refuse to believe it anyways?

And here we are.

You sound a lot more angry


Like the natural phenomenon of flies swarming to shit.
Nothing "funny" about it. I have Adobe Illustrator, and my son has a degree in Graphic Design. He too is very prolific with the use of AI. If you had watched the video instead of having your tongue buried up obama's ass, you'd see that the forgery he's now passing off is a pathetic computer generated concoction that any school kid using AI could have done.

Now get a clue. It's not pretty watching you morons talk like complete mental retards.

» Video: Proof Obama Birth Certificate a Fraud Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Sweet, I also have Adobe Illustrator. In fact, it's open on the computer right in front of me, with Obama's birth certificate. And that guy doesn't know what the fuck he's talking about.

But, just for the sake of argument, tell me, what degree does the random internet jackass who made that video have in document verification? And why in God's name would I pay attention to some random video blogger on YouTube, as opposed to the State of Hawaii and the president of the United States?

Hey, I can make a video on you tube too! I'll show you how the Constitution is actually a forgery, how Elvis is alive and well on Jupiter, how the Moon Landing is a fake, and how 9/11 was actually an inside job that was planned and carried out by, oh I don't know, let's say, Ethel Merman.
The face of al Qaeda!!!!


Nothing "funny" about it. I have Adobe Illustrator, and my son has a degree in Graphic Design. He too is very prolific with the use of AI. If you had watched the video instead of having your tongue buried up obama's ass, you'd see that the forgery he's now passing off is a pathetic computer generated concoction that any school kid using AI could have done.

Now get a clue. It's not pretty watching you morons talk like complete mental retards.

» Video: Proof Obama Birth Certificate a Fraud Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Sweet, I also have Adobe Illustrator. In fact, it's open on the computer right in front of me, with Obama's birth certificate. And that guy doesn't know what the fuck he's talking about.

But, just for the sake of argument, tell me, what degree does the random internet jackass who made that video have in document verification? And why in God's name would I pay attention to some random video blogger on YouTube, as opposed to the State of Hawaii and the president of the United States?

Hey, I can make a video on you tube too! I'll show you how the Constitution is actually a forgery, how Elvis is alive and well on Jupiter, how the Moon Landing is a fake, and how 9/11 was actually an inside job that was planned and carried out by, oh I don't know, let's say, Ethel Merman.

He's not the only one saying it.

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