Obama To Sign Fair Pay Order, But Does It Do What He Claims?


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Obama had a televised EO signing today over equal pay for women.......

He claims it's simple, this order assures equal pay for women, but does it?

What it does is little or nothing to address the causes of income inequality. The primary cause being women take more leave than men for legitimate reasons. Care of family members, etc....

Nevermind his own White House pays women 12% less than men. This issue is another attempt to cause divisions. It solves nothing. It is a meaningless act that has no legitimacy.

Obama to take executive action on equal pay rules
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"But Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell's spokesman, Don Stewart, questioned the substance of the White House and Senate Democrats push on the issue.

"The president has been telling us for the last five years that he already made equal pay 'a reality,' and that he made sure that women are treated 'the same,' that the first bill he signed 'ensures' equal pay," Stewart said in an e-mail. "So you have to wonder if maybe, just maybe, this is an effort to distract from the consequences of Obamacare, the economy, lack of new ideas."
I AM delighted today to approve the Equal Pay Act of @#%$, which prohibits arbitrary discrimination against women in the payment of wages. This act represents many years of effort by labor, management, and several private organizations unassociated with labor or management, to call attention to the unconscionable practice of paying female employees less wages than male employees for the same job. This measure adds to our laws another structure basic to democracy. It will add protection at the working place to the women, the same rights at the working place in a sense that they have enjoyed at the polling place.

While much remains to be done to achieve full equality of economic opportunity--for the average woman worker earns only 60 percent of the average wage for men--this legislation is a significant step forward.

Our economy today depends upon women in the labor force. One out of three workers is a woman. Today, there are almost 25 million women employed, and their number is rising faster than the number of men in the labor force.

It is extremely important that adequate provision be made for reasonable levels of income to them, for the care of the children which they must leave at home or in school, and for protection of the family unit. One of the prime objectives of the Commission on the Status of Women, which I appointed 18 months ago, is to develop a program to accomplish these purposes.

The lower the family income, the higher the probability that the mother must work. Today, 1 out of 5 of these working mothers has children under 3. Two out of 5 have children of school age. Among the remainder, about 50 percent have husbands who earn less than $ a year--many of them much less. I believe they bear the heaviest burden of any group in our Nation. Where the mother is the sole support of the family, she often must face the hard choice of either accepting public assistance or taking a position at a pay rate which averages less than two-thirds of the pay rate for men.

It is for these reasons that I believe we must expand day-care centers and provide other assistance which I have recommended to the Congress. At present, the total facilities of all the licensed day-care centers in the Nation can take care of only 185,000 children. Nearly 500,000 children under 12 must take care of themselves while their mothers work. This, it seems to me, is a formula for disaster.

I am glad that Congress has recently authorized $800,000 to State welfare agencies to expand their day-care services during the remainder of this fiscal year. But we need much more. We need the $ in the @$$% budget for the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare allocated to this purpose.

We also need the provisions in the tax bill that will permit working mothers to increase the deduction from income tax liability for costs incurred in providing care for their children while the mothers are working. In October the Commission on the Status of Women will report to me. This problem should have a high priority, and I think that whatever we leave undone this year we must move on this in January.

I am grateful to those Members of Congress who worked so diligently to guide the Equal Pay Act through. It is a first step. It affirms our determination that when women enter the labor force they will find equality in their pay envelopes.

We have some of the most influential Members of Congress here today, and I do hope that we can get this appropriation for these day-care centers, which seems to me to be money very wisely spent, and also under consideration of the tax bill, that we can consider the needs of the working mothers, and both of these will be very helpful, and I would like to lobby in their behalf.
Note: The President spoke in his office at the White House. [

Who said this?

John F Kennedy

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I thought there were laws on the books demanding this? Do we really want government micro-managing the private sector?

I am ok with some regulations but do we want a government office over seeing the books?
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I thought there were laws on the books demanding this? Do we really want government micro-managing the private sector?

I am ok with some regulations but do we want a government office over seeing the books?

Looks like lip-service

He claims he's doing something by ending retribution for sharing salary information.

It was just a photo-op.....
I thought there were laws on the books demanding this? Do we really want government micro-managing the private sector?

I am ok with some regulations but do we want a government office over seeing the books?

Well, I thought the same thing.

Apparently Obama has never never heard of the following:

The Equal Pay Act of 1963 (EPA)

“This law makes it illegal to pay different wages to men and women if they perform equal work in the same workplace. The law also makes it illegal to retaliate against a person because the person complained about discrimination, filed a charge of discrimination, or participated in an employment discrimination investigation or lawsuit.”
Laws Enforced by EEOC

“The Equal Pay Act requires that men and women in the same workplace be given equal pay for equal work. The jobs need not be identical, but they must be substantially equal. Job content (not job titles) determines whether jobs are substantially equal. All forms of pay are covered by this law, including salary, overtime pay, bonuses, stock options, profit sharing and bonus plans, life insurance, vacation and holiday pay, cleaning or gasoline allowances, hotel accommodations, reimbursement for travel expenses, and benefits. If there is an inequality in wages between men and women, employers may not reduce the wages of either sex to equalize their pay.”

Equal Pay and Compensation Discrimination

If Obama were nearly is intelligent as the media keeps trying to portray he would have known about this very old law (I knew about it and so did lots of other people). He would also have known that any “gender pay gap” is not the result of sexual discrimination but rather a host of other non-discriminatory factors.

Sadly, many people will give him credit which he clearly does not deserve. Next, I suppose he will propose a law prohibiting the killing of homeless people and his loyal supporters in the MSM will cheer his humanitarian commitment and courage.

I consider Obama's acts to be an insult to all the good men and women of both parties who fought a long time ago to pass laws that protected women in the work place. By taking credit for the work of others he has demonstrated that he cares only about himself and I find that to be arrogant and despicable.

(a) Program Authorized-
(1) IN GENERAL- The Secretary of Labor, after consultation with the Secretary of Education, is authorized to establish and carry out a grant program.
(2) GRANTS- In carrying out the program, the Secretary of Labor may make grants on a competitive basis to eligible entities, to carry out negotiation skills training programs for girls and women.
(3) ELIGIBLE ENTITIES- To be eligible to receive a grant under this subsection, an entity shall be a public agency, such as a State, a local government in a metropolitan statistical area (as defined by the Office of Management and Budget), a State educational agency, or a local educational agency, a private nonprofit organization, or a community-based organization.
(4) APPLICATION- To be eligible to receive a grant under this subsection, an entity shall submit an application to the Secretary of Labor at such time, in such manner, and containing such information as the Secretary of Labor may require.
(5) USE OF FUNDS- An entity that receives a grant under this subsection shall use the funds made available through the grant to carry out an effective negotiation skills training program that empowers girls and women. The training provided through the program shall help girls and women strengthen their negotiation skills to allow the girls and women to obtain higher salaries and rates of compensation that are equal to those paid to similarly situated male employees.
(b) Incorporating Training Into Existing Programs- The Secretary of Labor and the Secretary of Education shall issue regulations or policy guidance that provides for integrating the negotiation skills training, to the extent practicable, into programs authorized under--
(1) in the case of the Secretary of Education, the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 (20 U.S.C. 6301 et seq.), the Carl D. Perkins Vocational and Technical Education Act of 1998 (20 U.S.C. 2301 et seq.), the Higher Education Act of 1965 (20 U.S.C. 1001 et seq.), and other programs carried out by the Department of Education that the Secretary of Education determines to be appropriate; and
(2) in the case of the Secretary of Labor, the Workforce Investment Act of 1998 (29 U.S.C. 2801 et seq.), and other programs carried out by the Department of Labor that the Secretary of Labor determines to be appropriate.
(c) Report- Not later than 1 year after the date of enactment of this Act, and annually thereafter, the Secretary of Labor and the Secretary of Education shall prepare and submit to Congress a report describing the activities conducted under this section and evaluating the effectiveness of such activities in achieving the purposes of this Act.

Bill Text - 113th Congress (2013-2014) - THOMAS (Library of Congress)

NEGOTIATION SKILLS TRAINING? Women make up 2/3 of college grads.
why does he pay women less and then try and pass this off?
If you are a dude who has a job that women can perform equally then you are not much of a man in the first place.
The wage gap statistic, however, doesn’t compare two similarly situated co-workers of different sexes, working in the same industry, performing the same work, for the same number of hours a day. It merely reflects the median earnings of all men and women classified as full-time workers.

The Department of Labor’s Time Use Survey, for example, finds that the average full-time working man spends 8.14 hours a day on the job, compared to 7.75 hours for the full-time working woman. Employees who work more likely earn more. Men working five percent longer than women alone explains about one-quarter of the wage gap.

There are numerous other factors that affect pay. Most fundamentally, men and women tend to gravitate toward different industries. Feminists may charge that women are socialized into lower-paying sectors of the economy. But women considering the decisions they’ve made likely have a different view. Women tend to seek jobs with regular hours, more comfortable conditions, little travel, and greater personal fulfillment. Often times, women are willing to trade higher pay for jobs with other characteristics that they find attractive.

Men, in contrast, often take jobs with less desirable characteristics in pursuit of higher pay. They work long hours and overnight shifts. They tar roofs in the sun, drive trucks across the country, toil in sewer systems, stand watch as prison guards, and risk injury on fishing boats, in coal mines, and in production plants. Such jobs pay more than others because otherwise no one would want to do them.

Unsurprisingly, children play an important role in men and women’s work-life decisions. Simply put, women who have children or plan to have children tend to be willing to trade higher pay for more kid-friendly positions. In contrast, men with children typically seek to earn more money in order to support children, sometimes taking on more hours and less attractive positions to do so.

Academics can debate why men and women make these different choices. The important takeaway, however, is that there are many reasons that men and women on average earn different amounts. It’s a mistake to assume that “wage gap” statistics reflect on-the-job discrimination.

Women have many reasons to celebrate today. Women are increasingly taking on leadership roles in businesses around the world. Technology is increasingly creating more flexible work arrangements, creating new options for parents to combine work and family life. Women are excelling academically (earning far more college degrees than men). Given that the economy tends to place a premium on education, we can expect women to contribute (and earn!) more in the future.

Feminists may protest, but American women aren’t the victims of a sexist economy. It’s time to declare an end to the Equal Pay Day myth.

It's Time That We End the Equal Pay Myth - Forbes

Anyone care to dispute this?
this is all to give the liberal outlets something to thump their chests about instead of reporting how many people lost their health ins.

everyone that can think knows this whole thing is nothing but a lie.

women don't put in the hours of men
men tend to be doc while women tend to be nurses
damn few women are engineers or scientist

but hey, it gives the dems something to lie about and create more division
this is all to give the liberal outlets something to thump their chests about instead of reporting how many people lost their health ins.

everyone that can think knows this whole thing is nothing but a lie.

women don't put in the hours of men
men tend to be doc while women tend to be nurses
damn few women are engineers or scientist

but hey, it gives the dems something to lie about and create more division


The truth is 70% of scientist are men and you're right about doctors, engineers, etc. This is why woman overall make up less money. Even through colleges are full of them they're taking puff degree's like English, lit, humanities that just don't have much value on the market. Not saying they all are doing this but statistics defiantly support this position.

This is nothing more then grand standing unless they can change this.
Um...the women in the whitehouse make the same money as the men based on their roles and experience...the disparity there is simply based on the men their having more prestigious roles...not paying women less for the same roles, experience and work.
It is THAT inequity that the prez and DEMS r striving to eliminate...as they should. It makes no sense for over 50% of our citizens to be systematically ripped off simply due to their gender. Although the EQual Pay Act has been on the books for decades, it is clearly not being effectively enforced. Part of the reason for this is that employees have been systemically discouraged from discussing their salaries and sanctioned if they make disparities known...resulting in inability to sue effectively and in a timely fashion. This is what the prez and DEMs are trying to correct..so that EOB could have more teeth and can be effectively enforced.
As already discussed...women r less represented in the moneyed professions ( docs, lawyers, engineers) but that is a separate societal issue ...and is slowly changing as more women go to law and med schools, etc. In the interim, our freedom and equality based constitution and pay equity laws must be upheld for women currently in the workplace.

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Um...the women in the whitehouse make the same money as the men based on their roles and experience...the disparity there is simply based on the men their having more prestigious roles...not paying women less for the same roles, experience and work.
It is THAT inequity that the prez and DEMS r striving to eliminate...as they should. It makes no sense for over 50% of our citizens to be systematically ripped off simply due to their gender.
As already discussed...women r less represented in the moneyed professions ( docs, lawyers, engineers) but that is a separate societal issue ...and is slowly changing as more women go to law and med schools, etc. In the interim, our freedom and equality based constitution and pay equity laws must be upheld for women currently in the workplace.

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It's Not Happening You Fucking Moronic Tool.

This unequal pay for equal work is just bullshit, get that through your thick fucking skull.
Deep down Obama really believes he was born to be a dictator

Unfortunately for us, he is fulfilling his dreams on us and our country

this guy is a frikken JOKE but this kind of stuff feeds his and Democrats low information rabid base

and they eat it up big time....good thing a majority of the people has caught on to his GAMES/SHAMS
Um...the women in the whitehouse make the same money as the men based on their roles and experience...the disparity there is simply based on the men their having more prestigious roles...not paying women less for the same roles, experience and work.
It is THAT inequity that the prez and DEMS r striving to eliminate...as they should. It makes no sense for over 50% of our citizens to be systematically ripped off simply due to their gender.
As already discussed...women r less represented in the moneyed professions ( docs, lawyers, engineers) but that is a separate societal issue ...and is slowly changing as more women go to law and med schools, etc. In the interim, our freedom and equality based constitution and pay equity laws must be upheld for women currently in the workplace.

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It's Not Happening You Fucking Moronic Tool.

This unequal pay for equal work is just bullshit, get that through your thick fucking skull.

If u represent the quality of the opposition.. the prez and DEMS are certainly going to prevail.
Ur pitiful

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