Obama to Snub Biden Bigly?

Interesting. One of the things I hate about politicians is they have no loyalty. Biden helped obozo get elected and kissed his ass at every opportunity when he was VP. Now Obozo is humility the fool. I’m not complaining about it, it couldn’t have happened to a bigger idiot.
Obama wants Biden to go away, far away. The last thing he wants is a Presidential campaign spotlighting his own dirty deeds.
Obama knows the power of the memes the "Russians" are about to unleash on creepy uncle Joe and the Democrats who don't find him creepy. He doesn't want to be involved.
the NAZIs are about ready to follow up on their Reichstag fire (an impeachment without a crime) But they are running out of room. The Pelosi crime family is among the crooks that need a way to avoid Barr and Durham

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