Obama Turns John Lewis Funeral Into Political Rally

Overall this is all good news for the Trump campaign...people forget how catastrophic Obama / Biden presidency was and Trump winning the presidency was due to people's disgust with Obama and the Democrats. Between 2016 and 2018, the republicans had both houses of congress and near record majority in the House. The fact that Obama keeps opening his yapper for Biden like he did for his incumbent Hillary, will only remind people of how much they hated the piece of shit, and once again vote against the Obama incumbent and VP, Joe Biden. So the more Obama talks, the better it is for Trump.
Obama Turns John Lewis Funeral Into Political Rally

30 Jul 2020 ~~ By Malcom Bright
Former President Barack Obama turned a eulogy for the late Rep. John Lewis (D-GA) into a Democratic political rally – urging Congress to pass a series of measures he said would ‘continue Lewis’ life’s work.’
Of all the speakers at the memorial, the former President was the only one to leverage Lewis’ death for political purposes.


Hmm..., I guess the Dims didn't learn anything from the fiasco of the Wellstone memorial in 2002
They turned that into a political rally and voters were turned off by the display.
In the end, it cost them seats in Congress.
Obama is a metastasizing cancerous tumor. Durham has the power to do something about it, Past president or not, Obama attempted to overthrow the 2016 election and failed. For that seditious act he should be wearing orange for the rest of his life. He crass explosion at the funeral today should be in the halls of infamy.
Obama's pushing for 'Mail In' voting means the loss of anonymity. That in itself should be unconstitutional. It does have a double edge to it. Democrats will have to summoned forth their dead voters to confirm their hanging chads.
It's obvious to Obama that some black lives matter. A black felon and/or criminal killed by a white cop is priority one for this race hustler, but black on black crime, or a child under two year of age killed during a shoot out never gets on this race hustler's radar, no currency in that. Obama had the opportunity for 8 years to clean up "his" city Chicago from his bully pulpit and never did.
Lest we forget, this narcissistic multimillionaire Barack Hussein Obama is one of the most despicable racists ever to sit in the Oval Office, he preaches Marxism but lives like a captain of industry.
Obama's legacy is the erosion of American living standards for the average worker and the most defunct and usurious healthcare system in the developed world. Watching his cheap salesmanship today is akin to Tony Blair broker middle-east peace deals.

Obama has ALWAYS been a POS.
Overall this is all good news for the Trump campaign...people forget how catastrophic Obama / Biden presidency was and Trump winning the presidency was due to people's disgust with Obama and the Democrats. Between 2016 and 2018, the republicans had both houses of congress and near record majority in the House. The fact that Obama keeps opening his yapper for Biden like he did for his incumbent Hillary, will only remind people of how much they hated the piece of shit, and once again vote against the Obama incumbent and VP, Joe Biden. So the more Obama talks, the better it is for Trump.

IF Creepy Joe gets into The White House it will be Obama who will be running things again, it will be Obama's Third Term and that will be bad for the Western World AND also for the Middle East because they WILL start a NEW War. The only crowds that will benefit from Obama being back in The White House will be China, Islamists and Third World Shit Holers.
Obama is very good-looking and has a radiant
smile-------but his MAUDLIN FACE gives me the
Losers are communists like you that believe in collectivism and crave a nanny state of "cradle to grave" protection at the expense of those that produce the most.

Uh, guy, here's the thing. Most Americans believe in those things.

I would LOVE it if the GOP ran on eliminating Unemployment Insurance, Medicare, Social Security, Veterans benefits, etc. Please, please run on that as a platform.

The motto of the White Entitled Middle Class. "Welfare for me but not for thee".

The rich don't "produce the most", they live off the productivity of others. You could take 100 rich people and throw their asses on a desert island, and they won't produce jack. They'd probably resort to cannibalism. You put 100 working stiffs on an Island, they'd probably do pretty well because they get things done.
How did the rich get rich?
Obama Turns John Lewis Funeral Into Political Rally

30 Jul 2020 ~~ By Malcom Bright
Former President Barack Obama turned a eulogy for the late Rep. John Lewis (D-GA) into a Democratic political rally – urging Congress to pass a series of measures he said would ‘continue Lewis’ life’s work.’
Of all the speakers at the memorial, the former President was the only one to leverage Lewis’ death for political purposes.


Hmm..., I guess the Dims didn't learn anything from the fiasco of the Wellstone memorial in 2002
They turned that into a political rally and voters were turned off by the display.
In the end, it cost them seats in Congress.
Obama is a metastasizing cancerous tumor. Durham has the power to do something about it, Past president or not, Obama attempted to overthrow the 2016 election and failed. For that seditious act he should be wearing orange for the rest of his life. He crass explosion at the funeral today should be in the halls of infamy.
Obama's pushing for 'Mail In' voting means the loss of anonymity. That in itself should be unconstitutional. It does have a double edge to it. Democrats will have to summoned forth their dead voters to confirm their hanging chads.
It's obvious to Obama that some black lives matter. A black felon and/or criminal killed by a white cop is priority one for this race hustler, but black on black crime, or a child under two year of age killed during a shoot out never gets on this race hustler's radar, no currency in that. Obama had the opportunity for 8 years to clean up "his" city Chicago from his bully pulpit and never did.
Lest we forget, this narcissistic multimillionaire Barack Hussein Obama is one of the most despicable racists ever to sit in the Oval Office, he preaches Marxism but lives like a captain of industry.
Obama's legacy is the erosion of American living standards for the average worker and the most defunct and usurious healthcare system in the developed world. Watching his cheap salesmanship today is akin to Tony Blair broker middle-east peace deals.

Is anyone surprised? John Lewis’s whole life was political theater.
Obama Turns John Lewis Funeral Into Political Rally

30 Jul 2020 ~~ By Malcom Bright
Former President Barack Obama turned a eulogy for the late Rep. John Lewis (D-GA) into a Democratic political rally – urging Congress to pass a series of measures he said would ‘continue Lewis’ life’s work.’
Of all the speakers at the memorial, the former President was the only one to leverage Lewis’ death for political purposes.


Hmm..., I guess the Dims didn't learn anything from the fiasco of the Wellstone memorial in 2002
They turned that into a political rally and voters were turned off by the display.
In the end, it cost them seats in Congress.
Obama is a metastasizing cancerous tumor. Durham has the power to do something about it, Past president or not, Obama attempted to overthrow the 2016 election and failed. For that seditious act he should be wearing orange for the rest of his life. He crass explosion at the funeral today should be in the halls of infamy.
Obama's pushing for 'Mail In' voting means the loss of anonymity. That in itself should be unconstitutional. It does have a double edge to it. Democrats will have to summoned forth their dead voters to confirm their hanging chads.
It's obvious to Obama that some black lives matter. A black felon and/or criminal killed by a white cop is priority one for this race hustler, but black on black crime, or a child under two year of age killed during a shoot out never gets on this race hustler's radar, no currency in that. Obama had the opportunity for 8 years to clean up "his" city Chicago from his bully pulpit and never did.
Lest we forget, this narcissistic multimillionaire Barack Hussein Obama is one of the most despicable racists ever to sit in the Oval Office, he preaches Marxism but lives like a captain of industry.
Obama's legacy is the erosion of American living standards for the average worker and the most defunct and usurious healthcare system in the developed world. Watching his cheap salesmanship today is akin to Tony Blair broker middle-east peace deals.

Is anyone surprised? John Lewis’s whole life was political theater.

John Lewis began as a follower and apostle of MLK Jr. Like Jesse Jackson, and Al Sharpton he sold his soul to the racist Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat Communist Party.
Prove it.

Prove it - Translation- waste your time finding links to stuff everyone already knows.


  • The coronavirus pandemic has left millions of families without stable employment. More than 54 million people, including 18 million children, may experience food insecurity in 2020.
  • More than 38 million people are living in poverty in America. In 2019, most families living in poverty earn less than $25,750 per year.
  • More than 37 million people struggle with hunger in the United States, including more than 11 million children.
  • A household that is food insecure has limited or uncertain access to enough food to support a healthy life.
  • Children are more likely to face food insecurity than any other group in the United States.
  • More than half (56%) of food-insecure households participated in at least one of the major federal food assistance program — the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP, formerly Food Stamps); the National School Lunch Program and the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants and Children (often called WIC)
Overall this is all good news for the Trump campaign...people forget how catastrophic Obama / Biden presidency was and Trump winning the presidency was due to people's disgust with Obama and the Democrats. Between 2016 and 2018, the republicans had both houses of congress and near record majority in the House. The fact that Obama keeps opening his yapper for Biden like he did for his incumbent Hillary, will only remind people of how much they hated the piece of shit, and once again vote against the Obama incumbent and VP, Joe Biden. So the more Obama talks, the better it is for Trump.

Obama is more popular than Trump is...

Trump won the presidency because we have an outdated system. The people selected Hillary...
Buck Sexton pointed out that all of those who attended the funeral and are returning to DC must quarantine for two weeks per the mayor. Georgia is one of her forbidden states.
You know that won’t be enforced in this case.
Fucking hypocrites and racists.
Prove it.

Prove it - Translation- waste your time finding links to stuff everyone already knows.


  • The coronavirus pandemic has left millions of families without stable employment. More than 54 million people, including 18 million children, may experience food insecurity in 2020.
  • More than 38 million people are living in poverty in America. In 2019, most families living in poverty earn less than $25,750 per year.
  • More than 37 million people struggle with hunger in the United States, including more than 11 million children.
  • A household that is food insecure has limited or uncertain access to enough food to support a healthy life.
  • Children are more likely to face food insecurity than any other group in the United States.
  • More than half (56%) of food-insecure households participated in at least one of the major federal food assistance program — the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP, formerly Food Stamps); the National School Lunch Program and the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants and Children (often called WIC)
/——-/ Trump didn’t shut down the economy, the governors did, and you cheer them on to keep it shut down. Trump signed the stimulus bill all you clowns do is blame him for increasing the debt. Trump says it time to reopen and you claim he wants to kill people. You’re a one trick pony, Orange Man Bad.
Trump didn’t shut down the economy, the governors did, and you cheer them on to keep it shut down. Trump signed the stimulus bill all you clowns do is blame him for increasing the debt. Trump says it time to reopen and you claim he wants to kill people. You’re a one trick pony, Orange Man Bad.

Okay- to debunk these.

Trump broke the economy by not taking early action and waiting for the governors to do it, piecemeal. That's why the economy collapsed. If we had done what Japan did, we'd have had a one month shut down and been back in business.

Trump signed a stimulus bill that was very little help to the working class and a HUGE giveaway to the Rich- again. So of course, it just ran up the debt and the GDP shrank by 33%.

Trump wants to reopen things when it isn't safe to do so yet. He's pretty much said that it's more important to reopen the economy than protect lives.

Orange Man VERY Bad... Also racist, incompetent, and possibly insane.
Trump didn’t shut down the economy, the governors did, and you cheer them on to keep it shut down. Trump signed the stimulus bill all you clowns do is blame him for increasing the debt. Trump says it time to reopen and you claim he wants to kill people. You’re a one trick pony, Orange Man Bad.

Okay- to debunk these.

Trump broke the economy by not taking early action and waiting for the governors to do it, piecemeal. That's why the economy collapsed. If we had done what Japan did, we'd have had a one month shut down and been back in business.

Trump signed a stimulus bill that was very little help to the working class and a HUGE giveaway to the Rich- again. So of course, it just ran up the debt and the GDP shrank by 33%.

Trump wants to reopen things when it isn't safe to do so yet. He's pretty much said that it's more important to reopen the economy than protect lives.

Orange Man VERY Bad... Also racist, incompetent, and possibly insane.
/——-/ I stopped reading at your first lie.

Legal experts who spoke to The Hill said that, while Trump can issue federal regulations to prevent the spread of diseases, he does not have the authority to reverse a public health restriction put in place at the state or local level.

“The president can issue reasonable necessary federal-level quarantine orders,” said Elie Honig, a legal analyst and former federal prosecutor in New York. “I don’t see any mechanism or constitutional principle that would apply here that would allow the president to come in and overrule the governors.”
/——-/ I stopped reading at your first lie.

Point was, Trump claimed he had the authority... he just didn't exercise it.

His whole handing of this crisis has been marked with indecision, reversals, vacilations, and profound scientific ignorance.
On eulogies I feel the only critique that matters is that of the departed one's family.
Prove it.

Prove it - Translation- waste your time finding links to stuff everyone already knows.


  • The coronavirus pandemic has left millions of families without stable employment. More than 54 million people, including 18 million children, may experience food insecurity in 2020.
  • More than 38 million people are living in poverty in America. In 2019, most families living in poverty earn less than $25,750 per year.
  • More than 37 million people struggle with hunger in the United States, including more than 11 million children.
  • A household that is food insecure has limited or uncertain access to enough food to support a healthy life.
  • Children are more likely to face food insecurity than any other group in the United States.
  • More than half (56%) of food-insecure households participated in at least one of the major federal food assistance program — the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP, formerly Food Stamps); the National School Lunch Program and the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants and Children (often called WIC)

Meanwhile with the dominance of the "Democrat Party" for decades, they've done little to nothing to solve any of these problems.
Indeed, people like you kvetch over Trump and swallowed all the crap that Obama gave the people....
Meanwhile with the dominance of the "Democrat Party" for decades, they've done little to nothing to solve any of these problems.
Indeed, people like you kvetch over Trump and swallowed all the crap that Obama gave the people....

Uh, kind of hard to solve the problems when you wankers think it's more important that billionaires get tax cuts.
Meanwhile with the dominance of the "Democrat Party" for decades, they've done little to nothing to solve any of these problems.
Indeed, people like you kvetch over Trump and swallowed all the crap that Obama gave the people....

Uh, kind of hard to solve the problems when you wankers think it's more important that billionaires get tax cuts.

Like Jackson, Sharpton and Obama that have parlayed their social warrior status into multi-millions so did Lewis.

Losers are communists like you that believe in collectivism and crave a nanny state of "cradle to grave" protection at the expense of those that produce the most.

Uh, guy, here's the thing. Most Americans believe in those things.

I would LOVE it if the GOP ran on eliminating Unemployment Insurance, Medicare, Social Security, Veterans benefits, etc. Please, please run on that as a platform.

The motto of the White Entitled Middle Class. "Welfare for me but not for thee".

The rich don't "produce the most", they live off the productivity of others. You could take 100 rich people and throw their asses on a desert island, and they won't produce jack. They'd probably resort to cannibalism. You put 100 working stiffs on an Island, they'd probably do pretty well because they get things done.

Most Americans want a nanny state? Who the fuck made you the voice for the majority?

Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security is paid for by the fiat currency that is lifted from the paychecks of workers that are de-facto employees of USA.INC by their use of "Acts" passed by the corporate officers of USA.INC. People are not getting anything due to the largess of "gubermint" but merely getting a penance back for moving this fiat currency with no intrinsic value with the sweat of their brow. Veterans benefits isn't a "gift" or an entitlement program and only assswipe would make that claim. The sad part is that illegals get a better quality of "healthcare" than veterans and all the illegals did to "earn" that was to squirt out an anchor baby or simply showed up at the E.R.

"The motto of the White Entitled Middle Class. "Welfare for me but not for thee".

What a load of bullshit. I love it how leftards like you are so generous with the resources of others. They reach into other people's pockets and then virtue signal about how fucking "giving' they are. I will say that leftards have learned that when you steal from Peter to pay Paul, you can always count on the support of Paul.

"The rich don't "produce the most", they live off the productivity of others"
Define "rich"? Most of those that become millionaires take risks and they have to pay employees, pay the leases, equipment, the product inventory before they take home a dime. If it's so fucking easy to become one, why are you merely a resume embellisher working out of your apartment? What the fuck makes you think you are entitled to what they worked towards achieving??
You are the kind of entitled idiot that would march right up to the home of a farmer and tell him to GIVE you some of his corn and how dare he have so much when you have so little even though you didn't plow the field, plant the corn, water it and then harvest it. You really are a commie sack of shit and a lying commie sack of shit at that. If the global elites piss you off so bad, why is your commie party working so hard on making sure that they reach their goals? You think these billionaires like Soros, Bezos, Buffet, etc, Steyer, etc, etc are donating millions upon millions of dollars backing the socialist/communist faction that is the DNC? Out of guilt?
Prove it.

Prove it - Translation- waste your time finding links to stuff everyone already knows.


  • The coronavirus pandemic has left millions of families without stable employment. More than 54 million people, including 18 million children, may experience food insecurity in 2020.
  • More than 38 million people are living in poverty in America. In 2019, most families living in poverty earn less than $25,750 per year.
  • More than 37 million people struggle with hunger in the United States, including more than 11 million children.
  • A household that is food insecure has limited or uncertain access to enough food to support a healthy life.
  • Children are more likely to face food insecurity than any other group in the United States.
  • More than half (56%) of food-insecure households participated in at least one of the major federal food assistance program — the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP, formerly Food Stamps); the National School Lunch Program and the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants and Children (often called WIC)

Is there anyone out there who believes that a family---ENTITLED TO AND RECEIVING ---"snap" ----does not
get enough to provide itself with a sufficient and healthy diet? ????? I have seen malnourished kids----but not because of INSUFFICIENT SNAP.----
abusive parents, addicted parents, insane parents---but not because of insufficient snap

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