'Obama Unhinged'

If the Damnocrats were so certain of their victory tomorrow, Obama would be playing golf (like all other self-respecting ex-Presidents) instead of interfering in what is now no longer his business. (You don't see George W Bush on the campaign trail, or Hillary, or especially Bill "You'd better put some ice on that" Clinton).
Again, Obama is desperately do anything he can to help the Democrats take the House, at least, because - AGAIN - if they don't they know Trump will Fire Sessions and hire a REAL US AG who will act on all the evidence exposed against the Obama administration's conspiracy / Watergate / crimes perpetrated to protect Hillary from indictment, prevent Trump from winning, then carry out a political coup should he win....

Not only could Obama's entire 'legacy' be disintegrated, he and his 'minions' could actually be looking at real jail time.

OBAMA UNHINGED: Mocks Hillary's emails,
Ebola, Trump, migrant caravan --- in under 90 seconds!

...Stammering, sweating, arms swinging...

This short clip of Obama has it all:

- Mocks Ebola outbreak that killed thousands

- Mocks press for caring about Hillary's e-mails (Felony crimes, over 45,000 proven criminal violations)

- Mocks Trump for cell phone use (Hillary doesn't have hers because she destroyed them with hammers)

- Says "a bunch of poor refugees" not a threat (Like MS13, violent criminals, or the terrorist he gave a visa to who murdered 7 Americans in California just days later?)

- Says Trump moving troops to border is "a political stunt" (Because 22 Million Illegals in the US, 1500 more crossing every single day, and a convoy of 4,000+ with 2 more caravans behind that one is NOT an invasion, and securing our borders and enforcing existing Immigration law is not a high priority...for Democrats)

Obama, without a whiff of self-awareness, went on to claim Republicans and Trump have been “shamelessly lying.”

Obama ran the most corrupt / criminal administration in US history, spied on and violated other citizen rights, aided and abetted terrorists and enemies of our country, constantly violated the Constitution and Rule of Law, and lied his ass off ('Won't cost a dime....if you like your plan / doctor....)….but is accusing Trump of doing what HE did and of being who HE is....


OBAMA UNHINGED: Mocks Hillary’s emails, Ebola, Trump, migrant caravan - in under 90 seconds! - The American Mirror


Another blog.
Why are you righties so fearful of facts?
Barry is just doing this to save his own ass...

He knows that after the mid-terms, if the GOP hold the House and Senate, the President will FIRE Sessions, will appoint an objective outside bulldog who actually cares about JUSTICE in the US, one who will re-open the Hillary investigation and will indict her for the crimes Comey and the FBI acknowledged, will open up investigations of the Democrats implicated for crimes in their own Trump Witch hunt investigation, and knows all of it leads back to HIM! His / their only hope is to win control of the House and attempt to Impeach him no matter if they have no evidence against him.

Obama recently signed a $65M deal for his memoir.
His fees for speeches make the Clinton's look like chump change.
Get your head out of Alex Jones' ass.
At the risk of sounding immodest, I quote myself:

An Ode to Obabble's Legacy (to the tune of "MacArthur Park")

The campaign is never over for Me-Me-Me
I ran ten points ahead
As I followed all the polls
Before the frenzied crowd I preened and smirked
I was like some sort of God
Between Styro-foam pillars

But my Styro-foam is melting in the dark
My sweet dreams of a legacy breaking down
Someone left the emails in the server
I don't think that I can take it
'Cause it took so long to FAKE it
And I'll never have my powerbase again
Oh, no

Obama's Biggest and Most Lasting Accomplishment...

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