Obama Walks Us Towards Socialism/Communism

You have just proven yourself unworthy of debate. Generally I do engage the intellectually lazy/dishonest but you just brought it to a whole new level.

You are funny.

Yet another post that contributes nothing for no other reason than to gratify the poster him/herself. This is a mental disease many are not aware they have.

You have put everything you have into this thread....and have contributed zilch. I have tossed a few idle comments your way and contributed zilch. I'd rather be me.
Conservatives and others on the right seem comfortable exhibiting their ignorance as to what ‘communism’ and ‘socialism’ actually are, otherwise they’d associate Obama with neither.

Well, I'd like you to demonstrate how he doesn't have Marxist leanings at the very least? He certainly appears to be a Rawlsian to me with some Marxist leanings but I agree overall he is still of the Washington Consensus mold.
Isn't it great when marginally intelligent people set to debating. We get lists of names and interesting questions about Olympic medals. Cool.

Since - as far as I can determine - I was the only one conflating the perceived success of Communism with number Olympic medals won by small Communist countries, such as Hungary, Cuba and East Germany, may I be permitted to presume that you refer to me as "marginally intelligent".

Let me assure you, that coming from you that is a high compliment, because it is a well known fact that the intelligence of liberals is inversely proportional to the validity of the opinion they express.

I leave it at that to figure out, if you can.
I have already answered this question when someone else posed it in this very thread. It isn't dodging and I am not going to answer the same question twice due to your intellectual laziness.

you could link back to the post also....just a thought.

You have just proven yourself unworthy of debate. Generally I do engage the intellectually lazy/dishonest but you just brought it to a whole new level.

guess it wasnt worth reading then
Conservatives and others on the right seem comfortable exhibiting their ignorance as to what ‘communism’ and ‘socialism’ actually are, otherwise they’d associate Obama with neither.

Well, I'd like you to demonstrate how he doesn't have Marxist leanings at the very least? He certainly appears to be a Rawlsian to me with some Marxist leanings but I agree overall he is still of the Washington Consensus mold.

Now we are cookin' with fire.
Isn't it great when marginally intelligent people set to debating. We get lists of names and interesting questions about Olympic medals. Cool.

Since - as far as I can determine - I was the only one conflating the perceived success of Communism with number Olympic medals won by small Communist countries, such as Hungary, Cuba and East Germany, may I be permitted to presume that you refer to me as "marginally intelligent".

Let me assure you, that coming from you that is a high compliment, because it is a well known fact that the intelligence of liberals is inversely proportional to the validity of the opinion they express.

I leave it at that to figure out, if you can.

You are incapable of producing something that I cannot figure out. It may take some work to sift through your inconsistencies and broken logic, but I will prevail. You are, at best, simple.
Conservatives and others on the right seem comfortable exhibiting their ignorance as to what ‘communism’ and ‘socialism’ actually are, otherwise they’d associate Obama with neither.

Well, I'd like you to demonstrate how he doesn't have Marxist leanings at the very least? He certainly appears to be a Rawlsian to me with some Marxist leanings but I agree overall he is still of the Washington Consensus mold.

Now we are cookin' with fire.

It seems that were posting again for your own self gratification without reason or discourse. Here, allow me to help you.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kQFKtI6gn9Y]Argument Clinic - YouTube[/ame]
Here we go again, another thread about communism/socialism but it seems all these thread starters have no clue what communism/socialism really are.

So for at least the 5th time:

Definition of SOCIALISM

1: any of various economic and political theories advocating collective or governmental ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods
2 a : a system of society or group living in which there is no private property
b : a system or condition of society in which the means of production are owned and controlled by the state
Socialism - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary

Definition of COMMUNISM

1 a : a theory advocating elimination of private property
b : a system in which goods are owned in common and are available to all as needed
Communism - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary

OK, above are the definitions of both communism and socialism. Now please tell all of us what exactly Obama has done in factual terms that meet the definitions.

Jon Huntsman recently nailed the far right nutters right on the head. He said "We can't be known as a party that's fear-based". Fear-based, that's what all this communism/socialism hysteria is really all about.
Obama has been president for four years and yet the US is still the least socialistic/communist country in the world. Nothing has changed.

Wealth distribution - one of Obama's highest priority - is the first step towards wealth confiscation. Hell, with the Death tax he is already accomplished half of his dreams of wealth confiscation.

When one can not have ALL what he earned after paying his taxes, it is socialism as Obama advocates it. This leads to elimination of private property, which is what Obama dreams about. Except his own, of course.

Obama fully endorses, sucks off, and thrives on donations by unions that crave to run companies owned and EARNED by people union thugs can only envy.

All of which leads to elimination of private property. There was no private property in the Soviet Union there is no private property in North Korea or Cuba, and those are the places Obama holds in highest regard.

Obama favors stealing wealth from those who EARNED it to "redistribute" it to people who made absolutely no effort to earn it but want it, and claim to "need" it.

That is COMMUNIST, by your own definition, above.

Jon Huntsman was wrong in one respect. The Party who is fear based is the Democratic Party. They fear that people whom they managed to misguide, WILL find their brains, their courage and their integrity and kick their sorry asses to oblivion.

The ole' wealth redistribution thing again.
According to a report by the non-partisan Congressional Research Service, the Top 10% own 74.5% of all the wealth in the US. In 1989 the Top 10% owned 67.2% of the wealth.
Also, The labor force's share of income -- or the percentage of national income -- fell to a nearly 60-year-low last quarter, according to data from the Federal Reserve bank of St. Louis. (See attached chart)
It's very obvious that there has been re-distribution of wealth going upwards for four decades, thanks to flat wages. Who benefits from flat wages anyways?
So, I take it that as the wealthy are being asked to pay a little more in taxes, that's your wealth redistribution. The spending cuts in a large part, will effect those who are not effected by tax increases. Is that redistribution of wealth too? Probably not as it's just the working middle class who don't earn their income according to some people here.


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Conservatives and others on the right seem comfortable exhibiting their ignorance as to what ‘communism’ and ‘socialism’ actually are, otherwise they’d associate Obama with neither.

Those of us who lived in and come from a Communist country know that Obama is BOTH.

And that Commie country is,,,,,,,?
The reason I ask is that my best friend is from the now gone, East Germany. His opinion is the polar opposite of yours regarding Obama, the alleged commie pinko socialist! . So I want to see where you're from.
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Can anyone name a nation that has practiced Marxian communism? Of the many types of socialism Marx created Scientific Socialism as the first steps to communism. Can anyone name the nations that have used Marx's scientific socialism in preparation to moving to communism? Can anyone define Marx's scientific socialism?
Can anyone name a nation that has practiced Marxian communism? Of the many types of socialism Marx created Scientific Socialism as the first steps to communism. Can anyone name the nations that have used Marx's scientific socialism in preparation to moving to communism? Can anyone define Marx's scientific socialism?

I see where this is going. The ol, "Marxism works but they didn't do it right" excuse.
Can anyone name a nation that has practiced Marxian communism? Of the many types of socialism Marx created Scientific Socialism as the first steps to communism. Can anyone name the nations that have used Marx's scientific socialism in preparation to moving to communism? Can anyone define Marx's scientific socialism?

I see where this is going. The ol, "Marxism works but they didn't do it right" excuse.

No, they couldn't do it. Marxian communism didn't work the USSR tried the Scientific Socialism and dropped it for another political/economic system, the political part was just the old tried and true dictatorship and the economic system no one seems to be able to name with any precision, though state capitalism has been mentioned.
Perhaps the closest communism came to working was in a small experiment in New Harmony Indiana, and that was a failure. But when FDR introduced Social Security a new use of communism was found, and that was to scare the American people that Social Security was socialism and socialism led to communism. How did we know that was true, Karl Marx said so.
Can anyone name a nation that has practiced Marxian communism? Of the many types of socialism Marx created Scientific Socialism as the first steps to communism. Can anyone name the nations that have used Marx's scientific socialism in preparation to moving to communism? Can anyone define Marx's scientific socialism?

I see where this is going. The ol, "Marxism works but they didn't do it right" excuse.

No, they couldn't do it. Marxian communism didn't work the USSR tried the Scientific Socialism and dropped it for another political/economic system, the political part was just the old tried and true dictatorship and the economic system no one seems to be able to name with any precision, though state capitalism has been mentioned.
Perhaps the closest communism came to working was in a small experiment in New Harmony Indiana, and that was a failure. But when FDR introduced Social Security a new use of communism was found, and that was to scare the American people that Social Security was socialism and socialism led to communism. How did we know that was true, Karl Marx said so.

Right! So your saying that Marxism works but they just didn't do it right. Flash, nothing, to include Social Security, works if it is not grounded in the principle of self ownership.
Damn.....a commie AND a socialist

And when Republicans asked......Wouldn't you rather have us run things?

America loudly replied.....FUCK NO

Which is of course, the problem.

The GOP used to have a sensible message about limited government and perosnal responsibility.

They replaced it with unhealthy doses of "I've got mine, Fuck you!" and wonder why people who used to vote for them don't.

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