Obama wants to pick your neighbors

We have to try and fight this by being proactive. Write to your congressman and vote out democrats.

And pray Obama can't pull this off before we can stop him.

And between this and the Jade Helm conspiracy horseshit, I'll be buying futures in tin-foil.
I find giving history lessons to morons who lack a decent education tiresome.
the predictable response of the idiot without an answer "i can't be bothered to explain it"

how is it dictatorial?

I could be bothered to explain it to somebody I thought actually was interested in something other than establishing a totalitarian state. But sadly, you've had your opportunity to learn already. If you don't understand, in other words, it isn't worth teaching you. You're just an obstacle that needs removed so decent people can get on with life.
doubling down on proving you don't have a reason, huh?
You'll notice that the conversation is going on around you. You've shown you're incapable of taking part.
right. i'm incapable of taking part in the 2 minute hate.

how reasonable do you think your conversation is if you have to speak in hyperbole you can't back up?

There you go speaking to a dialogue that never took place and attributing hatred to me that I've never assumed.
So Obama tried this but failed because westchester county voted democrats out and stopped it. But he is still trying to do this with every city in America. So how do you like it?

"The administration is forcing low-income housing into wealthy enclaves, whether or not anyone wants it."

"In effect, the federal government is forcing wealthy Westchester municipalities to import low-income minorities. By extension, HUD is also compelling low-income minorities to live in overwhelmingly white communities, even though research has shown for decades that large majorities of blacks have no desire to live in all-white or even mostly white neighborhoods and strongly prefer to live where at least half of the other residents are black."

Obama Wants to Pick the Clintons Neighbors - WSJ

Westchester County told HUD go fuck themselves. We have plenty of affordable housing and don't need HUD to tell us how to do it right. They cut us off from Block grants....yawn, big fucking deal, it only hurts the current affordable housing.
Obama is trying to fix it so you won't be able to do that.
anyone notice the liberals hardly touch these types of threads when it's their DEAR wonderful leader/thug Obama?

so are we to Assume they AGREE with his kind of Fascism?
how is this fascism?
anyone notice the liberals hardly touch these types of threads when it's their DEAR wonderful leader/thug Obama?

so are we to Assume they AGREE with his kind of Fascism?
how is this fascism?
"Merriam-Webster › dictionary › fascism: a way of organizing a society in which a government ruled by a dictator controls the lives of the people and in which people are not allowed to disagree with the government"
so you've proven how it's not fascism...

Lol no you're in denial or just stupid.

Obama is trying to control every city in America and you won't be able to do a thing about it.
The good thing about master planned communities is they have power.
They built a new exit fly way off of I-10 onto hwy 99 so you wouldnt have to use the light that always backed up and said they were going to make it a toll exit.
The neighborhood went ballistic ....no more talk of a toll exit.
I can only imagine the blow back if they said they were going to put in some section eight housing.

Yeah it's not happening in ours. The fact remains, money talks

They'd learn real fast just how mean a bunch of soccer moms can get..

That was funny. But in all honesty people work hard to attain nice homes and live in safe communities, they don't want that garbage ruining it
if the communities aren't accepting federal monies there is nothing to be concerned about ;)

So...what happens when your elected officials care more about the all mighty dollar than their constituents?
But we know that never happens....right?
We have to try and fight this by being proactive. Write to your congressman and vote out democrats.

And pray Obama can't pull this off before we can stop him.

And between this and the Jade Helm conspiracy horseshit, I'll be buying futures in tin-foil.
Your neighborhood will probably be one of the ones that ends up being a crime ridden hell hole. Have fun with that.
anyone notice the liberals hardly touch these types of threads when it's their DEAR wonderful leader/thug Obama?

so are we to Assume they AGREE with his kind of Fascism?
how is this fascism?
anyone notice the liberals hardly touch these types of threads when it's their DEAR wonderful leader/thug Obama?

so are we to Assume they AGREE with his kind of Fascism?
how is this fascism?
"Merriam-Webster › dictionary › fascism: a way of organizing a society in which a government ruled by a dictator controls the lives of the people and in which people are not allowed to disagree with the government"
so you've proven how it's not fascism...

Lol no you're in denial or just stupid.

Obama is trying to control every city in America and you won't be able to do a thing about it.
He agrees it's the thing to do.
I hope some of these left loons defending this has some low income housing types move in next door to them....and start selling crack. They'll change their minds soon enough
We have to try and fight this by being proactive. Write to your congressman and vote out democrats.

And pray Obama can't pull this off before we can stop him.

And between this and the Jade Helm conspiracy horseshit, I'll be buying futures in tin-foil.
Your neighborhood will probably be one of the ones that ends up being a crime ridden hell hole. Have fun with that.

We can hope...
I believe that those who favor this sort of thing should be the first to benefit from it.
I hope some of these left loons defending this has some low income housing types move in next door to them....and start selling crack. They'll change their minds soon enough
I think most of these left loons are low income housing types already. they think this shit will get them some more of the things that other people work to obtain...without their having to work.
We have to try and fight this by being proactive. Write to your congressman and vote out democrats.

And pray Obama can't pull this off before we can stop him.

And between this and the Jade Helm conspiracy horseshit, I'll be buying futures in tin-foil.

no one stopping you, YET. give the Obama a chance. he hasn't gotten around to that yet
Shit with all the beer drinking rednecks who live around me, I can't for the life of me figure out why he would want to do low income housing anywhere near where I live.

Once those shacks get populated by blue gums I don't see how they will ever get any rest with all that satanic devil music blaring through the neighborhood to the mischievous drunks who will be burning cross's and shooting at thugs ....................

But if he is sure that is what he wants, we are game, shit we get bored and look for shit to shoot up all the time ......................lol
Shit with all the beer drinking rednecks who live around me, I can't for the life of me figure out why he would want to do low income housing anywhere near where I live.

Once those shacks get populated by blue gums I don't see how they will ever get any rest with all that satanic devil music blaring through the neighborhood to the mischievous drunks who will be burning cross's and shooting at thugs ....................

But if he is sure that is what he wants, we are game, shit we get bored and look for shit to shoot up all the time ......................lol
Lol that's my point. The conservatives would get liberal low life's and the liberals would get redneck low life's.

I don't want either.
So Obama tried this but failed because westchester county voted democrats out and stopped it. But he is still trying to do this with every city in America. So how do you like it?

"The administration is forcing low-income housing into wealthy enclaves, whether or not anyone wants it."

"In effect, the federal government is forcing wealthy Westchester municipalities to import low-income minorities. By extension, HUD is also compelling low-income minorities to live in overwhelmingly white communities, even though research has shown for decades that large majorities of blacks have no desire to live in all-white or even mostly white neighborhoods and strongly prefer to live where at least half of the other residents are black."

Obama Wants to Pick the Clintons Neighbors - WSJ

Typical liberal Bullshit.

They force the drugs and gang violence into our neighborhoods while living safely inside their gated communities behind walls and armed guards.
More whites will live in privately owned gated communities.
maybe Tipsy , but then the gated communities become the target plus being forced into gated communities is hardly Freedom .

I beg to differ.
Freedom is being able to leave your home and not have to worry about all your shit being gone when you get back.
I'll never understand the stance that somehow gated communities restrict freedoms in some weird way.
It's not like you have to do anything to leave or comeback except push a button on your visor on the return trip.
Which most do anyway to get in the garage.

We live in a gated community and I don't feel like I lost any freedom, I do feel safe though.

Yep..we love it!
No strange vehicles cruising your street,no door to door salespeople and if someone does get in who doesnt belong they stick out like a sore thumb.

You can't even get into ours unless the guard let's you in and if someone manages to they will soon be approached by security

I could get in in thirty seconds...done so several times. Several times, I didn't have to say a word. The dude saw my truck and opened the gate. I could have cleaned out half the houses in the place and been three states away before anyone realized it!

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