Obama Warns: Reject Voices That Warn About Government Tyranny

Without government there is no economy.
Is that beyond your limited understanding of reality?
The solution is to build a wall of separation between private wealth and government.
And prosecute all cases of control accounting fraud as economic terrorism.

Ever here of the black market and the underground economy.
Without government there is no economy.
Is that beyond your limited understanding of reality?
The solution is to build a wall of separation between private wealth and government.
And prosecute all cases of control accounting fraud as economic terrorism.

Ever here of the black market and the underground economy.
Trade ya a box of bullets for a quart of whiskey! ;)

Nope. We had private money up until the Federal Reserve was created. Look up "free banking" if you don't believe it.

I am making the point that an economy can exist without anyone printing money. Money does make things easier, but it is not a requirement.

Private banks can print money. Paper money existed long before government banks ever got into the business of printing it. However, an economy can function quite well with actual metallic currency, especially when most transactions are done with checks or electronically. Several companies have tried to create internet money based on gold, but the federal government shut them down.

However, an advanced economy cannot function on bartering. It's simply too cumbersome.
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Nope. We had private money up until the Federal Reserve was created. Look up "free banking" if you don't believe it.

I am making the point that an economy can exist without anyone printing money. Money does make things easier, but it is not a requirement.

in some ways it is much safer for society to not print money

during the revolutionary war

the continentals had been printed with a promise of gold and silver backing

and it worked well


the brits figured out what was going on and

flooded the market with fake continentals

confidence fell and the money was worthless
If you believe that the Obama administration created the events in Benghazi and Boston because somehow those things worked to their advantage, and if you think Obama is "tanking the economy" while the DOW soars past record highs, than you're a loser.

The only people we should be afraid of are those calling for armed rebellion of our government. Those who wish to take it over by force instead of ideas.

No. You shouldn't be afraid. That's just more craziness.

If you trust the government, you're a fool. If you trust the media, you're a fool. If you trust Glen Beck or Christopher Matthews to tell you the truth, you're a fool. It is the nature of people to push forward their own agendas. This is nothing new. It is how we behave.

If someone tells me the government is tyrannical, I want to see the evidence. If what they produce is garbage, then I know what they are saying is crap. They are pushing their own agenda. I want to see the evidence to support the claim and then I will make up my own mind. So, unless you can show me the evidence that these people "calling for armed rebellion" are actually a real threat (I mean, outside of their own heads) then I will say you are just pushing your own agenda, and I will know what you are saying is crap.
Nope. We had private money up until the Federal Reserve was created. Look up "free banking" if you don't believe it.

I am making the point that an economy can exist without anyone printing money. Money does make things easier, but it is not a requirement.

in some ways it is much safer for society to not print money

during the revolutionary war

the continentals had been printed with a promise of gold and silver backing

and it worked well


the brits figured out what was going on and

flooded the market with fake continentals

confidence fell and the money was worthless

That is like saying in some ways it is safer not to drink water. That way no one can poison your water supply. The problem is that you die of thirst instead. A society as complex as our own has to have money or it dies.
Nope. We had private money up until the Federal Reserve was created. Look up "free banking" if you don't believe it.

I am making the point that an economy can exist without anyone printing money. Money does make things easier, but it is not a requirement.

Private banks can print money. Paper money existed long before government banks ever got into the business of printing it. However, an economy can function quite well with actual metallic currency, especially when most transactions are done with checks or electronically. Several companies have tried to create internet money based on gold, but the federal government shut them down.

However, an advanced economy cannot function on bartering. It's simply too cumbersome.

Wow. You and I agree on something. Perhaps that snowball has a chance afterall.
more from this ugly President talking to our Students...I wouldn't let my kids NEAR this man..


Posted by Jim Hoft on Thursday, May 9, 2013, 10:14 PM

Barack Obama held a campaign stop at Manor Technical High School in Austin, Texas today.
He used the high school kids as props for his speech.

Obama also told the high schoolers that he will need their help to push his agenda.

“Every once in a while I’m going to need your help to lean on your elected representatives

Here’s the transcript via the White House website:

video and transcript at site
Unreal? Obama to High School Kids ?I?m Going to Need Your Help to Lean on Elected Representatives? (Video) | The Gateway Pundit
This tyranical government has been in place for over 230 years.

During that time, "We the People" have kept it in check without resorting to armed revolution or coups.
Our Constitution gave its citizens access to powerful weapons. Those weapons were a free press and a vote. With these weapons, "We the people" have kept our government from turning into tyrants
This tyranical government has been in place for over 230 years.

During that time, "We the People" have kept it in check without resorting to armed revolution or coups.
Our Constitution gave its citizens access to powerful weapons. Those weapons were a free press and a vote. With these weapons, "We the people" have kept our government from turning into tyrants

That, and a basic cantankerous nature.
This tyranical government has been in place for over 230 years.

During that time, "We the People" have kept it in check without resorting to armed revolution or coups.
Our Constitution gave its citizens access to powerful weapons. Those weapons were a free press and a vote. With these weapons, "We the people" have kept our government from turning into tyrants

During that time, "We the People" have kept it in check without resorting to armed revolution or coups by listening to those Voices That Warn About Government Tyranny
that Obama Wants us to Reject

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