Obama Warns: Reject Voices That Warn About Government Tyranny

"The tyranny of a prince in an oligarchy is not so dangerous to the public welfare as the apathy of a citizen in a democracy." Charles de Montesquieu

Tyranny has this odd habit of appearing when an American wins the presidency. :lol:

"Corporate propaganda directed outwards, that is, to the public at large, has two main objectives: to identify the free enterprise system in popular consciousness with every cherished value, and to identify interventionist governments and strong unions (the only agencies capable of checking a complete domination of society by corporations) with tyranny, oppression and even subversion. The techniques used to achieve these results are variously called 'public relations', 'corporate communications' and 'economic education'." Alex Carey 'Taking the Risk out of Democracy' [see also Home | MIT Video ]
The lack of civic virture in the American electorate poses a far greater risk to our freedoms than the government itself.

We deserve the government we elect: personal accountability.
Obama was referring to these types of nuts who think our process is tyrannical and would replace it with real tyranny.

He must have been seeing his own reflection in the teleprompter screen then. He shits on our Constitution and the Rule of Law every single day and has been actively invoking his brand of "change" since he gained office in 2008.

He is actually a step or two to the left of center, and the majority of We the People (not you or me, though) voted for him and his Democratic senate.

You simply call it tyranny because we lost. It's not that at all, and we will get our chance again.

I call it tyranny because that is what so much of what government has been doing to "We the People" for decades now. Take Watertown, for instance... Did you see any of the videos recorded by "the People"? The ones that show normal, decent citizens forced from their homes at gunpoint by the constabulary? That is the very essence of government tyranny. How about the way normal, non-threatening citizens, including the elderly and children, are treated at "security" checkpoints as they travel? Have you viewed any of the videos recorded by "the People" that document physical violations that in other venues would constitute sexual abuse? Where are the Fourth Amendment protections against "unreasonable search and seizure"? Tyranny, my friend, plain and simple.
Oh, yeah, we all lost, even the small-minded bigots that voted for this fraud in the first place. It's just that the small-minded bigots are also incapable of admitting their error and working to remedy the damage their choice has done.
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Again I have to point out that our government does not care about "We the People"
When was the last time the government actually listened to "We the People"?
Again I have to point out that our government does not care about "We the People"
When was the last time the government actually listened to "We the People"?
When immigration deform was shot to pieces...But that was a looooong time ago.
Yes. I understand you have no concept of what tyranny is. You really don't have to keep giving me examples of that. I suppose it is a testament to the degree of freedom we have in this country that you consider having to protect yourself from disease as such a mighty burden. Perhaps that is the real trouble with our nation - we have so many children who just can't seem to grow up.

I don't know what tyranny is?

Care to explain how I am getting the definition of tyranny wrong?

No, you have not the slightest idea what it is. You are so spoiled you think tyranny is just when you don't get your way. Tyranny is when you're inconvenienced. Your understanding of tyranny is about the same as a five year old's understanding of sex - and for exactly the same reason.

When they start tossing you out of your home to quarter troops, beating confessions out of you, holding you in prison without benefit of a lawyer or a trial, standing you up against a wall and shooting you without a trial, marching your children into a gas chamber... then talk to me about tyranny.

That mist be why I keep calling you a tyrant.

If I wait until that happens you will still be telling me it isn't tyranny because they haven't done the same thing to you.

Want to try again?
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I call it tyranny because that is what so much of what government has been doing to "We the People" for decades now.

You are in the small minority who think as you do.

However, technology, communication, business, and transportation developments over the last fifty years has created tremendous opportunity for intrusions into our lives by government, business, and private entities.

Only an apocalyptic event that sends us back to steam and coal oil will change that reality.
QWB, you would replace our constitutional government with the tyranny of the Rule of Man.
Yes. Assuming you're an adult. As I have already said, this country seems to have its fair share of children who have never grown up.

well with this post we can see you are one of them

Would you think me more adult if I were to run around in circles, waving my hands over my head and screaming hysterically? "Oh no! I can't park in a handicapped spot! I'm one of the downtrodden!"

Care to point out who, other than you, has mentioned handicapped parking?
"The tyranny of a prince in an oligarchy is not so dangerous to the public welfare as the apathy of a citizen in a democracy." Charles de Montesquieu

Tyranny has this odd habit of appearing when an American wins the presidency. :lol:

"Corporate propaganda directed outwards, that is, to the public at large, has two main objectives: to identify the free enterprise system in popular consciousness with every cherished value, and to identify interventionist governments and strong unions (the only agencies capable of checking a complete domination of society by corporations) with tyranny, oppression and even subversion. The techniques used to achieve these results are variously called 'public relations', 'corporate communications' and 'economic education'." Alex Carey 'Taking the Risk out of Democracy' [see also Home | MIT Video ]

If you have nothing to say, don't post.

Jake is about to negate everything he has posted in this thread.

QWB, you would replace our constitutional government with the tyranny of the Rule of Man.

This from the guy that keeps arguing that Obama can do whatever he wants because more than half the people voted for him.
Obama can do whatever he wants = because more than half the people voted for him

I never said such or implied such, but that you said it clearly implies that you have absolutely nothing of worth to offer in return.

Libertarians are every bit as emotionally diseased as communists: they both refuse to recognize the nature of man.
Obama can do whatever he wants = because more than half the people voted for him

I never said such or implied such, but that you said it clearly implies that you have absolutely nothing of worth to offer in return.

Libertarians are every bit as emotionally diseased as communists: they both refuse to recognize the nature of man.

Keep telling yourself that Jake.
Obama can do whatever he wants = because more than half the people voted for him

I never said such or implied such, but that you said it clearly implies that you have absolutely nothing of worth to offer in return.

Libertarians are every bit as emotionally diseased as communists: they both refuse to recognize the nature of man.

Keep telling yourself that Jake.

You are a liar, and I will keep beating you down with one-half of my brain tied behind my back.
We have never been a people who place all our faith in government to solve our problems. We shouldn't want to. But we don't think the government is the source of all our problems, either. Because we understand that this democracy is ours. And as citizens, we understand that it's not about what America can do for us, it's about what can be done by us, together, through the hard and frustrating but absolutely necessary work of self-government. And class of 2013, you have to be involved in that process.

The president is correct: government is neither the source nor sole solution to our problems, where ‘tyranny’ can never manifest as long as we remain involved in government and true to our democratic principles.

And this isn’t Obama’s ‘plan,’ but the plan put in place by the Framers.

‘Tyranny’ is defeated by ideas and involvement, not guns and fear.

So our fight for freedom from tyranny was just a cake walk and they just sat down and worked it out??

Tyrants don't listen very well.some don't reason very well.
Obama can do whatever he wants = because more than half the people voted for him

I never said such or implied such, but that you said it clearly implies that you have absolutely nothing of worth to offer in return.

Libertarians are every bit as emotionally diseased as communists: they both refuse to recognize the nature of man.

Keep telling yourself that Jake.

You are a liar, and I will keep beating you down with one-half of my brain tied behind my back.

I am human, therefore I lie. Funny thing though, I didn't lie in this thread, though I do remember you lying about not lying.
How about hounding people out of their homes at gunpoint?
Terrorizing families?

That's happened recently, ever heard of Watertown?

Tyranny is not the extreme end result.
Tyranny grows from inconveniencing the masses, to controlling the masses, uses divide and conquer tactics.

Uh huh. A five year old expounding on sex.
You ever seen opression and tyranny in action?
It starts small and gets bigger.
I've seen it up close.
You are clueless.
Was hitlers first day in office noted for his tyrrany?
Experience something, then come and talk to me.

Yes, I have. I did two combat tours in Vietnam. I saw people pulled from their homes at gun point. I saw people beaten on the suspicion they might know something. I saw summary executions. I've seen tyranny in action. What have you seen?

As to the rest, before you start talking history you should actually read history.
No, I don't have to be spoon fed. I prefer thinking. You might give it a shot sometime if you can get past the spoon.

Apparently your definition of tyranny is having to live with other people. I would suggest that you are only going to be happy if you hop off to some small island where you can be alone and free.

taking orders from the mob is apparently what you mean by "living together." You see, freedom means you are free to make your own choices no matter what the mob thinks. Liberals don't believe people are entitled to make their own choices. That's why they have no problem with using compulsion to make them conform to the demands of hooligans and thugs.

I don't know what tyranny is?

Care to explain how I am getting the definition of tyranny wrong?

No, you have not the slightest idea what it is. You are so spoiled you think tyranny is just when you don't get your way. Tyranny is when you're inconvenienced. Your understanding of tyranny is about the same as a five year old's understanding of sex - and for exactly the same reason.

When they start tossing you out of your home to quarter troops, beating confessions out of you, holding you in prison without benefit of a lawyer or a trial, standing you up against a wall and shooting you without a trial, marching your children into a gas chamber... then talk to me about tyranny.

That mist be why I keep calling you a tyrant.

If I wait until that happens you will still be telling me it isn't tyranny because they haven't done the same thing to you.

Want to try again?

Not really. You can believe whatever makes you happy.

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