Obama Warns: Reject Voices That Warn About Government Tyranny

Obama can do whatever he wants = because more than half the people voted for him

I never said such or implied such, but that you said it clearly implies that you have absolutely nothing of worth to offer in return.

Libertarians are every bit as emotionally diseased as communists: they both refuse to recognize the nature of man.

Why is the idea that Obama works for us and is bound by Laws lost on you?
The lack of civic virture in the American electorate poses a far greater risk to our freedoms than the government itself.

We deserve the government we elect: personal accountability.

Coming from someone who says "I don't fear my government." Gee, I wonder what would have happened if the Jews in Germany had that mindset?
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No, I don't have to be spoon fed. I prefer thinking. You might give it a shot sometime if you can get past the spoon.

Apparently your definition of tyranny is having to live with other people. I would suggest that you are only going to be happy if you hop off to some small island where you can be alone and free.

taking orders from the mob is apparently what you mean by "living together." You see, freedom means you are free to make your own choices no matter what the mob thinks. Liberals don't believe people are entitled to make their own choices. That's why they have no problem with using compulsion to make them conform to the demands of hooligans and thugs.


"Bullshit" is not a reasonable answer, Pratchett!
No, you have not the slightest idea what it is. You are so spoiled you think tyranny is just when you don't get your way. Tyranny is when you're inconvenienced. Your understanding of tyranny is about the same as a five year old's understanding of sex - and for exactly the same reason.

When they start tossing you out of your home to quarter troops, beating confessions out of you, holding you in prison without benefit of a lawyer or a trial, standing you up against a wall and shooting you without a trial, marching your children into a gas chamber... then talk to me about tyranny.

That mist be why I keep calling you a tyrant.

If I wait until that happens you will still be telling me it isn't tyranny because they haven't done the same thing to you.

Want to try again?

Not really. You can believe whatever makes you happy.


That's how Obama got elected in the first place.
Obama can do whatever he wants = because more than half the people voted for him

I never said such or implied such, but that you said it clearly implies that you have absolutely nothing of worth to offer in return.

Libertarians are every bit as emotionally diseased as communists: they both refuse to recognize the nature of man.

Keep telling yourself that Jake.

You are a liar, and I will keep beating you down with one-half of my brain tied behind my back.

Easily done since your brain is in your ass.

PS.......you are only beating people down in your own mind. You might want to quit and save what little dignity you have left.
I would call this a good example of Government Tyranny
Obama can do whatever he wants = because more than half the people voted for him

I never said such or implied such, but that you said it clearly implies that you have absolutely nothing of worth to offer in return.

Libertarians are every bit as emotionally diseased as communists: they both refuse to recognize the nature of man.

Keep telling yourself that Jake.

You are a liar, and I will keep beating you down with one-half of my brain tied behind my back.

That would leave you with nothing to fight with.
No, I don't have to be spoon fed. I prefer thinking. You might give it a shot sometime if you can get past the spoon.

Apparently your definition of tyranny is having to live with other people. I would suggest that you are only going to be happy if you hop off to some small island where you can be alone and free.

taking orders from the mob is apparently what you mean by "living together." You see, freedom means you are free to make your own choices no matter what the mob thinks. Liberals don't believe people are entitled to make their own choices. That's why they have no problem with using compulsion to make them conform to the demands of hooligans and thugs.


"Bullshit" my ass. It's irrefutable. Stirring up the hooligans is the liberal stock in trade. Why do you suppose they coined all the demagoguery about the so-called '1 %?'
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Obama can do whatever he wants = because more than half the people voted for him

I never said such or implied such, but that you said it clearly implies that you have absolutely nothing of worth to offer in return.

Libertarians are every bit as emotionally diseased as communists: they both refuse to recognize the nature of man.

Why is the idea that Obama works for us and is bound by Laws lost on you?

Everything is lost on Fakey because Alzheimer's is eating his brain.
taking orders from the mob is apparently what you mean by "living together." You see, freedom means you are free to make your own choices no matter what the mob thinks. Liberals don't believe people are entitled to make their own choices. That's why they have no problem with using compulsion to make them conform to the demands of hooligans and thugs.


"Bullshit" is not a reasonable answer, Pratchett!

On the contrary. It was four letters more than the post deserved.
That mist be why I keep calling you a tyrant.

If I wait until that happens you will still be telling me it isn't tyranny because they haven't done the same thing to you.

Want to try again?

Not really. You can believe whatever makes you happy.


That's how Obama got elected in the first place.

No. How he got elected was through the electoral process. People went to the polls and cast votes, then it went to the electoral college where it was finalized. It was on the news and everything.

I can tell you why I voted for him (which I did not do the first time around - I would still vote for McCain over him now). I voted for him because his opponent was so busy telling whatever audience he was in front of what he thought that audience wanted to hear, and then having his team come in afterwards to say the candidate really didn't mean what he said, that I never could figure out what he stood for. At least I knew where Obama stood, even if I didn't agree with him on a lot of it.

I'm not Obama's biggest fan, but I'm not going to tear my country apart just because I didn't get my way.
taking orders from the mob is apparently what you mean by "living together." You see, freedom means you are free to make your own choices no matter what the mob thinks. Liberals don't believe people are entitled to make their own choices. That's why they have no problem with using compulsion to make them conform to the demands of hooligans and thugs.


"Bullshit" my ass. It's irrefutable. Stirring up the hooligans is the liberal stock in trade. Why do you suppose they coined all the demagoguery about the so-called '1 %?'
Because the rich are the problem:

"The recovery that officially began in mid-2009 hasn’t arrived in most Americans’ paychecks. In 2010, the top 1 percent of U.S. families captured as much as 93 percent of the nation’s income growth, according to a March paper by Emmanuel Saez, a University of California at Berkeley economist who studied Internal Revenue Service data."

Top 1% Got 93% of Income Growth as Rich-Poor Gap Widened - Bloomberg
If you believe that the Obama administration created the events in Benghazi and Boston because somehow those things worked to their advantage, and if you think Obama is "tanking the economy" while the DOW soars past record highs, than you're a loser.

The only people we should be afraid of are those calling for armed rebellion of our government. Those who wish to take it over by force instead of ideas.
If you believe that the Obama administration created the events in Benghazi and Boston because somehow those things worked to their advantage, and if you think Obama is "tanking the economy" while the DOW soars past record highs, than you're a loser.

The only people we should be afraid of are those calling for armed rebellion of our government. Those who wish to take it over by force instead of ideas.
What public/private institution do you believe is responsible for the DOW soaring to record highs.
The Boston-Benghazi connection comes into focus if you start with Wesley Clark:

"In Clark's book, Winning Modern Wars, published in 2003, he describes his conversation with a military officer in the Pentagon shortly after 9/11 regarding a plan to attack seven Middle Eastern countries in five years:

"'As I went back through the Pentagon in November 2001, one of the senior military staff officers had time for a chat. Yes, we were still on track for going against Iraq, he said. But there was more. This was being discussed as part of a five-year campaign plan, he said, and there were a total of seven countries, beginning with Iraq, then Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Iran, Somalia and Sudan.'"

If you believe that the Obama administration created the events in Benghazi and Boston because somehow those things worked to their advantage, and if you think Obama is "tanking the economy" while the DOW soars past record highs, than you're a loser.

The only people we should be afraid of are those calling for armed rebellion of our government. Those who wish to take it over by force instead of ideas.

If you think I think Obama created the events anywhere you are the one with the problem, not me.

I have asked this question repeatedly, and never gotten a coherent answer, perhaps you are smarter than the rest of the idiots that think the Dow is the only indicator of the economy that is worth looking at. What happens when stocks are high because the government is pumping money into the pockets of the 1% yet commodities are not responding to the"stimulus?"
If you believe that the Obama administration created the events in Benghazi and Boston because somehow those things worked to their advantage, and if you think Obama is "tanking the economy" while the DOW soars past record highs, than you're a loser.

The only people we should be afraid of are those calling for armed rebellion of our government. Those who wish to take it over by force instead of ideas.

If you think I think Obama created the events anywhere you are the one with the problem, not me.

I have asked this question repeatedly, and never gotten a coherent answer, perhaps you are smarter than the rest of the idiots that think the Dow is the only indicator of the economy that is worth looking at. What happens when stocks are high because the government is pumping money into the pockets of the 1% yet commodities are not responding to the"stimulus?"
99% of us wake one morning and discover every $10 bill we own has morphed into a $5?

"Bullshit" my ass. It's irrefutable. Stirring up the hooligans is the liberal stock in trade. Why do you suppose they coined all the demagoguery about the so-called '1 %?'
Because the rich are the problem:

"The recovery that officially began in mid-2009 hasn’t arrived in most Americans’ paychecks. In 2010, the top 1 percent of U.S. families captured as much as 93 percent of the nation’s income growth, according to a March paper by Emmanuel Saez, a University of California at Berkeley economist who studied Internal Revenue Service data."

Top 1% Got 93% of Income Growth as Rich-Poor Gap Widened - Bloomberg

A Berkeley "economist" is about as credible as Hillary Clinton on the Benghazi affair. The rich aren't the problem. Government is the problem. Whenever the economy goes South you can always find the cause was some government imposed fiasco, like the CRA.
"Bullshit" my ass. It's irrefutable. Stirring up the hooligans is the liberal stock in trade. Why do you suppose they coined all the demagoguery about the so-called '1 %?'
Because the rich are the problem:

"The recovery that officially began in mid-2009 hasn’t arrived in most Americans’ paychecks. In 2010, the top 1 percent of U.S. families captured as much as 93 percent of the nation’s income growth, according to a March paper by Emmanuel Saez, a University of California at Berkeley economist who studied Internal Revenue Service data."

Top 1% Got 93% of Income Growth as Rich-Poor Gap Widened - Bloomberg

A Berkeley "economist" is about as credible as Hillary Clinton on the Benghazi affair. The rich aren't the problem. Government is the problem. Whenever the economy goes South you can always find the cause was some government imposed fiasco, like the CRA.
Without government there is no economy.
Is that beyond your limited understanding of reality?
The solution is to build a wall of separation between private wealth and government.
And prosecute all cases of control accounting fraud as economic terrorism.

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