Obama Warns: Reject Voices That Warn About Government Tyranny

obama says "Believe only me. Everyone else is lying to you. I'm the only one who tells you the truth. Every one else is your enemy. Everyone but me. I'm the only one who loves you.

He sounds like a pimp.

It's like you folks just live in your own little fantasy world. I suppose it is harmless enough and it seems to make you happy. So enjoy.
yeah right, that is the ONLY way for tyranny...:cuckoo:

Yes. Assuming you're an adult. As I have already said, this country seems to have its fair share of children who have never grown up.

well with this post we can see you are one of them

Would you think me more adult if I were to run around in circles, waving my hands over my head and screaming hysterically? "Oh no! I can't park in a handicapped spot! I'm one of the downtrodden!"
You mean reactionary nuts like our Founding Fathers?

The wonder of those images tells the story of the magnificence of the American narrative.

No, I don't fear our government, but I imagine almost all minorities during Jefferson's presidency had good reason to fear it.
]where does that fit in with their future and graduating?
No where did your Dear Leader say not be "sceptical of government." He told the students, rightfully, to be wary of reactionary nuts just like you.

You mean reactionary nuts like our Founding Fathers?

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In just a couple short decades we've gone from...



Ever hear of a We the People constitutional republic.

Emigrate if yoiu don't want to buy Obamacare.

And by what authority do you have to tell people to leave the country of their birth because the disagree with a part of the law?

"We the people" did not enact this law. It was shoved down our throats. "We the People" did not want the bill to begin with. That was a classless remark, Jake. How about 'you the individual' deal with the fact you are wrong.

Truth. Even our so-called representatives had no clue what they were passing into law. They just knew it was the "right" thing to do...really? By their own admission, they had not read it in its entirety before passing it, and most have still not paid much attention to the travesty they visited upon "we the people". And why should they? They have quite conveniently exempted themselves from having to comply, or else.
Care to explain how I am getting the definition of tyranny wrong?

The tyranny of you is that your emotions control you: you cannot think objectively.

And telling someone to leave their country is thinking objectively? :eusa_hand:

Quite the turnabout when a libtard is told to go someplace more to their socialist leanings, isn't it? Yet another facet to the libtard hypocrisy: they can do it, say it, imply it...but don't any conservatives do the same to them.
Did you take the Senate? Did you get a veto majority in the House? In 2010?

Did you get our GOP asses handed to us with your far right's dancing and prancing in 2012?

Are you going to help us get our asses handed to us next year and the House go Democratic because of you pukes?

Just who do you think you are? The far right and its allies make up about 20% of the electorate.

You are never a majority with allies, and the rest us of caught on to just what you are and that is not what we need in the Republican Party.

You know, for alleged conservatives, wouldn't it be much better to strike out against liberals, and liberals-lite (rinos) than to simply cave to the "winning" party and follow the rest of the sheeple over the cliff?
No, he said ignore those who speak of tyranny.

Obama was referring to these types of nuts who think our process is tyrannical and would replace it with real tyranny.

He must have been seeing his own reflection in the teleprompter screen then. He shits on our Constitution and the Rule of Law every single day and has been actively invoking his brand of "change" since he gained office in 2008.
No, he said ignore those who speak of tyranny.

Obama was referring to these types of nuts who think our process is tyrannical and would replace it with real tyranny.

He must have been seeing his own reflection in the teleprompter screen then. He shits on our Constitution and the Rule of Law every single day and has been actively invoking his brand of "change" since he gained office in 2008.

He is actually a step or two to the left of center, and the majority of We the People (not you or me, though) voted for him and his Democratic senate.

You simply call it tyranny because we lost. It's not that at all, and we will get our chance again.
No, he said ignore those who speak of tyranny.

Obama was referring to these types of nuts who think our process is tyrannical and would replace it with real tyranny.

Yeah, right. Allowing people to make their own choices is "real tyranny."

There's no natural limit to your stupidity, apparently.
No, I don't have to be spoon fed. I prefer thinking. You might give it a shot sometime if you can get past the spoon.

Apparently your definition of tyranny is having to live with other people. I would suggest that you are only going to be happy if you hop off to some small island where you can be alone and free.

taking orders from the mob is apparently what you mean by "living together." You see, freedom means you are free to make your own choices no matter what the mob thinks. Liberals don't believe people are entitled to make their own choices. That's why they have no problem with using compulsion to make them conform to the demands of hooligans and thugs.
No, I don't have to be spoon fed. I prefer thinking. You might give it a shot sometime if you can get past the spoon.

Apparently your definition of tyranny is having to live with other people. I would suggest that you are only going to be happy if you hop off to some small island where you can be alone and free.

My definition of tyranny is being forced to buy something just because other people think I need it.

Ever here of Obamacare?

Yes. I understand you have no concept of what tyranny is. You really don't have to keep giving me examples of that. I suppose it is a testament to the degree of freedom we have in this country that you consider having to protect yourself from disease as such a mighty burden. Perhaps that is the real trouble with our nation - we have so many children who just can't seem to grow up.

The government using force against you when you are bothering no one is the very definition of tyranny. Your argument seems to be that if you support whatever the government is forcing on us, then it's not tyranny. That's the mentality of a tyrant. They all think what they are doing is for the good of the people.
who in the hell would go and tell a class of students just graduating something like this?

where does that fit in with their future and graduating?

Obama is one sick and evil sob..you should ALWAYS be sceptical of the government or just let them run all over you?

Obama never wastes an opportunity to demonize his critics. It's a classic symptom of being a tyrant.
]where does that fit in with their future and graduating?
No where did your Dear Leader say not be "sceptical of government." He told the students, rightfully, to be wary of reactionary nuts just like you.

You have to a certified moron to make a statement like that. That's exactly what the Great Leader said.
obama says "Believe only me. Everyone else is lying to you. I'm the only one who tells you the truth. Every one else is your enemy. Everyone but me. I'm the only one who loves you.

He sounds like a pimp.

He is one and lying sob
Barry Goldwater was a leftist to your position, Oddpoliticalprofessor.

Since you don't believe in society of reciprocity in our government, then you have the freedom to leave the country if you don't want to pay the tax.

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