Obama Warns: Reject Voices That Warn About Government Tyranny

Poor little Barry Soetoro the commie... he wants so bad to have the power Hitler had. He's so close. He's got so many little lemming, bubble heads eating out of his hands, but, damn it, that damn constitution thingie and patriotic Americans have him all CONSTRAINED and shit... poor little Barry. And now his time is running out. He's going to have his ass in a very bad place here with the Benghazi hearings... he could be impeached. Poor little Barry... DON'T LISTEN TO THOSE VOICES MY CHILDREN... DON'T LISTEN... it's like his last gasps at trying to still be Hitler.
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The real world is the one where the FBI records every phone call made in America.

The real world is where law enforcement does not need to go to a judge to get a warrant.

The real world is where it is a felony for people to own pets if they are poor.

Want to tell me again how the voices that talk about tyranny are the crazy ones?

I don't need to tell you. If you were listening you would know that you just told me.

You know, you are not anonymous here. This tyrannical government is quite capable of identifying you. Yet here you are, advertising yourself to the tyrants. Waving around a virtual sign over your head that reads "MALCONTENT! COME AND GET ME!" Which means that either you don't believe this crap either, or you're just an idiot. I'm willing to give you the benefit of a doubt and assume the former. In either case.... yeah, the voices that talk about tyranny are the crazy ones - or just trying to make money off of the crazy ones. So at least you're helping out the economy.

I am not anonymous here? Seriously? Do you know how many times I have pointed out to people that there is no such thing as privacy online?

Tell me something, idiot, how does the fact that the government has not done something prove that they won't?

Oh, I see. So your logic is that since it is possible for the government to become tyranical, that must mean it is tyranical. Right..... That's not crazy at all.

So, you are aware you are not anonymous and you still mark yourself out to a government you think is out to get you. That's not crazy either.

There is another poster on the board who is equally convinced in this tyranny nonsense. He told me that when pepole like him got into power, what they would do to people like me would make what Pol Pot did look like a church picnic. I thought that was refreshingly honest. I am under no delusions about what some folks idea of liberty is. Liberty is their right to do what they please and my right to do what I'm told. You will excuse me if I am unimpressed.
"The Google execs have inadvertently let us in on the world that they inhabit, where the data mining of individual preferences—for such interests as sex and politics—can be cross filed and tabulated by supercomputers to be exploited for commercial gain.

"The drive for ever more detailed information on individual behavior is on with a vengeance in the profit-driven world of data mining, as anyone who observes the ads that mysteriously pop up during Internet browsing sessions well knows.

"But that invasive technology is now undergoing a massive revolutionary upgrade provided by the collection of vast numbers of biometric markers."

Robert Scheer: Google?s Spymasters Are Now Worried About Your Secrets - Robert Scheer's Columns - Truthdig
BHO is not a commie or a kenyan or a marxist or a socialist.

Those who have no idea what the words mean love to use them.
Of course he would tell the students to reject the voices that warn about government tyranny. That would ruin his entire plan.

PRESIDENT OBAMA: Unfortunately, you've grown up hearing voices that incessantly warn of government as nothing more than some separate, sinister entity that's at the root of all our problems. Some of these same voices also do their best to gum up the works. They'll warn that tyranny always lurking just around the corner. You should reject these voices.

Obama To Grads: Reject Voices That Warn About Government Tyranny | RealClearPolitics

there is something to be said

that we are living in a time

the the prezbo feels the need to talk about such things

must much worse then i imagined
Of course he would tell the students to reject the voices that warn about government tyranny. That would ruin his entire plan.

PRESIDENT OBAMA: Unfortunately, you've grown up hearing voices that incessantly warn of government as nothing more than some separate, sinister entity that's at the root of all our problems. Some of these same voices also do their best to gum up the works. They'll warn that tyranny always lurking just around the corner. You should reject these voices.

Obama To Grads: Reject Voices That Warn About Government Tyranny | RealClearPolitics

there is something to be said

that we are living in a time

the the prezbo feels the need to talk about such things

must much worse then i imagined

Nothing new about the times. Same old story really. Just a faster medium. As that great moral philosopher PT Barnum once said, "there is a sucker born every minute". It is only natural that suckers would be upset when told not to be suckers.
Of course he would tell the students to reject the voices that warn about government tyranny. That would ruin his entire plan.

PRESIDENT OBAMA: Unfortunately, you've grown up hearing voices that incessantly warn of government as nothing more than some separate, sinister entity that's at the root of all our problems. Some of these same voices also do their best to gum up the works. They'll warn that tyranny always lurking just around the corner. You should reject these voices.

Obama To Grads: Reject Voices That Warn About Government Tyranny | RealClearPolitics

$move along.JPG
I don't need to tell you. If you were listening you would know that you just told me.

You know, you are not anonymous here. This tyrannical government is quite capable of identifying you. Yet here you are, advertising yourself to the tyrants. Waving around a virtual sign over your head that reads "MALCONTENT! COME AND GET ME!" Which means that either you don't believe this crap either, or you're just an idiot. I'm willing to give you the benefit of a doubt and assume the former. In either case.... yeah, the voices that talk about tyranny are the crazy ones - or just trying to make money off of the crazy ones. So at least you're helping out the economy.

I am not anonymous here? Seriously? Do you know how many times I have pointed out to people that there is no such thing as privacy online?

Tell me something, idiot, how does the fact that the government has not done something prove that they won't?

Oh, I see. So your logic is that since it is possible for the government to become tyranical, that must mean it is tyranical. Right..... That's not crazy at all.

So, you are aware you are not anonymous and you still mark yourself out to a government you think is out to get you. That's not crazy either.

There is another poster on the board who is equally convinced in this tyranny nonsense. He told me that when pepole like him got into power, what they would do to people like me would make what Pol Pot did look like a church picnic. I thought that was refreshingly honest. I am under no delusions about what some folks idea of liberty is. Liberty is their right to do what they please and my right to do what I'm told. You will excuse me if I am unimpressed.

Do you have to be spoon fed?

The government is tyrannical about a lot of things, like the PATRIOT Act and the fact that it records every single phone call in this country. It needs to be called on it every single time, and you pretending that it is OK for them to do it as long as they don't round up people that criticize them makes you part of the problem. May I remind you that the same people that fought for liberty from a government that told them it was illegal to criticize the government passed the Alien and Sedition Acts when they were in charge of a government?

Government is, by nature, tyranny. It always will be, and idiots like you insisting that the only definition of tyranny is the one you like makes you the crazy person.
Government is not a solution to our problem, government is the problem - Ronald Reagan

Reagan's not the one to be quoting about government being the problem. He spent us into debt. He was also the prez with the most felons, many of whom got pardoned by "poppy"
Of course he would tell the students to reject the voices that warn about government tyranny. That would ruin his entire plan.

PRESIDENT OBAMA: Unfortunately, you've grown up hearing voices that incessantly warn of government as nothing more than some separate, sinister entity that's at the root of all our problems. Some of these same voices also do their best to gum up the works. They'll warn that tyranny always lurking just around the corner. You should reject these voices.

Obama To Grads: Reject Voices That Warn About Government Tyranny | RealClearPolitics

I'm not really disagreeing with the thread about our lost rights. But this just didn't happen with Obama, who has proven he has no respect for our rights or the constitution, and the opposition party is the same. James Bovard for one has been writing about our lost rights since the 80's. Does anybody here think really think that there's much difference between the two parties when it comes to our rights under the constitution? I don't.
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When anyone accuses others of not respecting the rights of the Constitution, cover your pocket book and your 1st Amendment. These are the people who will take the peoples' rights if ever given a chance.
Of course he would tell the students to reject the voices that warn about government tyranny. That would ruin his entire plan.

PRESIDENT OBAMA: Unfortunately, you've grown up hearing voices that incessantly warn of government as nothing more than some separate, sinister entity that's at the root of all our problems. Some of these same voices also do their best to gum up the works. They'll warn that tyranny always lurking just around the corner. You should reject these voices.

Obama To Grads: Reject Voices That Warn About Government Tyranny | RealClearPolitics

I'm not really disagreeing with the thread about our lost rights. But this just didn't happen with Obama, who has proven he has no respect for our rights or the constitution, and the opposition party is the same. James Bovard for one has been writing about our lost rights since the 80's. Does anybody here think really think that there's much difference between the two parties when it comes to our rights under the constitution? I don't.

There's an old quip I heard a long time ago that seems to ring true:
Republicans know what the Constitution is but choose to ignore it, Democrats have never heard of it.
BHO is not a commie or a kenyan or a marxist or a socialist.

Those who have no idea what the words mean love to use them.

No, he's just a narcissist who hates the ideas America was Founded on. And narcissism my friend is a form of mental illness.
BHO is not a commie or a kenyan or a marxist or a socialist.

Those who have no idea what the words mean love to use them.

No, he's just a narcissist who hates the ideas America was Founded on. And narcissism my friend is a form of mental illness.

You are the person who is looking in the mirror and hating what he sees.

The Bush haters have the same problem.
I am not anonymous here? Seriously? Do you know how many times I have pointed out to people that there is no such thing as privacy online?

Tell me something, idiot, how does the fact that the government has not done something prove that they won't?

Oh, I see. So your logic is that since it is possible for the government to become tyranical, that must mean it is tyranical. Right..... That's not crazy at all.

So, you are aware you are not anonymous and you still mark yourself out to a government you think is out to get you. That's not crazy either.

There is another poster on the board who is equally convinced in this tyranny nonsense. He told me that when pepole like him got into power, what they would do to people like me would make what Pol Pot did look like a church picnic. I thought that was refreshingly honest. I am under no delusions about what some folks idea of liberty is. Liberty is their right to do what they please and my right to do what I'm told. You will excuse me if I am unimpressed.

Do you have to be spoon fed?

The government is tyrannical about a lot of things, like the PATRIOT Act and the fact that it records every single phone call in this country. It needs to be called on it every single time, and you pretending that it is OK for them to do it as long as they don't round up people that criticize them makes you part of the problem. May I remind you that the same people that fought for liberty from a government that told them it was illegal to criticize the government passed the Alien and Sedition Acts when they were in charge of a government?

Government is, by nature, tyranny. It always will be, and idiots like you insisting that the only definition of tyranny is the one you like makes you the crazy person.

No, I don't have to be spoon fed. I prefer thinking. You might give it a shot sometime if you can get past the spoon.

Apparently your definition of tyranny is having to live with other people. I would suggest that you are only going to be happy if you hop off to some small island where you can be alone and free.
Oh, I see. So your logic is that since it is possible for the government to become tyranical, that must mean it is tyranical. Right..... That's not crazy at all.

So, you are aware you are not anonymous and you still mark yourself out to a government you think is out to get you. That's not crazy either.

There is another poster on the board who is equally convinced in this tyranny nonsense. He told me that when pepole like him got into power, what they would do to people like me would make what Pol Pot did look like a church picnic. I thought that was refreshingly honest. I am under no delusions about what some folks idea of liberty is. Liberty is their right to do what they please and my right to do what I'm told. You will excuse me if I am unimpressed.

Do you have to be spoon fed?

The government is tyrannical about a lot of things, like the PATRIOT Act and the fact that it records every single phone call in this country. It needs to be called on it every single time, and you pretending that it is OK for them to do it as long as they don't round up people that criticize them makes you part of the problem. May I remind you that the same people that fought for liberty from a government that told them it was illegal to criticize the government passed the Alien and Sedition Acts when they were in charge of a government?

Government is, by nature, tyranny. It always will be, and idiots like you insisting that the only definition of tyranny is the one you like makes you the crazy person.

No, I don't have to be spoon fed. I prefer thinking. You might give it a shot sometime if you can get past the spoon.

Apparently your definition of tyranny is having to live with other people. I would suggest that you are only going to be happy if you hop off to some small island where you can be alone and free.

My definition of tyranny is being forced to buy something just because other people think I need it.

Ever here of Obamacare?
Ever hear of a We the People constitutional republic.

Emigrate if yoiu don't want to buy Obamacare.
Do you have to be spoon fed?

The government is tyrannical about a lot of things, like the PATRIOT Act and the fact that it records every single phone call in this country. It needs to be called on it every single time, and you pretending that it is OK for them to do it as long as they don't round up people that criticize them makes you part of the problem. May I remind you that the same people that fought for liberty from a government that told them it was illegal to criticize the government passed the Alien and Sedition Acts when they were in charge of a government?

Government is, by nature, tyranny. It always will be, and idiots like you insisting that the only definition of tyranny is the one you like makes you the crazy person.

No, I don't have to be spoon fed. I prefer thinking. You might give it a shot sometime if you can get past the spoon.

Apparently your definition of tyranny is having to live with other people. I would suggest that you are only going to be happy if you hop off to some small island where you can be alone and free.

My definition of tyranny is being forced to buy something just because other people think I need it.

Ever here of Obamacare?

Yes. I understand you have no concept of what tyranny is. You really don't have to keep giving me examples of that. I suppose it is a testament to the degree of freedom we have in this country that you consider having to protect yourself from disease as such a mighty burden. Perhaps that is the real trouble with our nation - we have so many children who just can't seem to grow up.

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