Obama was anti the Magniksky Act but Clinton helped, now you know


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2014
why Putin did not want Clinton to be President.

This was not what he wanted to hear. Ever since Barack Obama had become president, the main policy of the U.S. government toward Russia had been one of appeasement. The administration had even coined a new phrase for it: “Reset.” This policy was intended to repair the broken relations between Russia and the United States, but in practical terms it meant that the United States wouldn’t mention unpleasant subjects such as “human rights abuse” so long as Russia played nice in trade relations and nuclear disarmament.

Now here I was asking for something completely at odds with this policy. “I’m sorry, Mr. Browder,” he said. “But, I still don’t see how 7750 applies to the Magnitsky case.”

The Russians Killed My Lawyer. This Is How I Got Congress to Avenge Him.
Maybe the Heritage Fund was crooked, who knows, here is the other side of the story,

U.S. punitive law targets Russian government

The imposition of a Cold war-style law by the United States, the Magnitsky Act, which bars certain Russian officials believed by the United States government to have been responsible for the death of Russian accountant-lawyer Sergei Magnitsky, is a replacement for the Jackson-Vanik Act, which anchored U.S.-Soviet relations to the granting of exit visas for Soviet Jews to move abroad. The Magnitsky Act’s formal name, «Russia and Moldova Jackson-Vanik Repeal and Sergei Magnitsky Rule of Law Accountability Act of 2012», links Magnitsky directly to the repeal of Jackson-Vanik, the latter a bill that gave the Israel Lobby virtual veto authority over every aspect of U.S.-Soviet relations: primarily trade but also disarmament; scientific, technical, and cultural exchanges; and airline landing rights…

Magnitsky’s chief sponsor in the Senate was Democratic Senator Benjamin Cardin from Maryland, a leading member of the pro-Israel caucus in Congress. A Magnitsky-type bill has been introduced in Canada by Liberal Party Member of Parliament Irwin Cotler, another leading pro-Israeli politician. Cardin and Cotler are both Jewish. A Magnitsky law has also been introduced in the British Parliament. The British sponsor is Conservative MP Dominic Raab, who is also Jewish. British co-sponsors include former foreign secretaries Malcolm Rifkind, Jack Straw, and David Miliband, all Jewish. The pattern and reasoning behind the Magnitsky legislation is clear.

U.S. punitive law targets Russian government
Putin HATED Clinton for calling him a fraud and illegitimate president...she was correct.

Putin HATED Obama for the law you mentioned AND the devastating sanctions Obama placed on Russia in 2014....he was correct.....

Putin LOVES Trump because he has a bona fide stooge to do his bidding just for the price of a few accolades to please the orange clown's narcissism.....
Hilly was against it when Billy Boy got paid 500 grand......oooooops...wiki strikes again
House Democrats want to know why a major Russian money-laundering case was abruptly settled

"Last summer, Donald Trump Jr. met with a Kremlin-connected attorney in an attempt to obtain information 'that would incriminate Hillary,'" the Democrats wrote, citing the emails he published. "Earlier this year, on May 12, 2017, the Department of Justice made an abrupt decision to settle a money laundering case being handled by that same attorney in the Southern District of New York.

"We write with some concern that the two events may be connected — and that the Department may have settled the case at a loss for the United States in order to obscure the underlying facts."

The Prevezon case garnered high-profile attention, given its ties to a $230 million Russian tax-fraud scheme and the Russian lawyer Sergei Magnitsky, whose suspicious death aroused international media attention and spurred the passage of the Magnitsky Act in 2012. Denis Katsyv and Veselnitskaya have become the face of Moscow's lobbying efforts against the Magnitsky Act in recent years.

(seems funny the case was settled so quickly- possibly a deal was made in the meeting, who knows)
Putin HATED Clinton for calling him a fraud and illegitimate president...she was correct.

Putin HATED Obama for the law you mentioned AND the devastating sanctions Obama placed on Russia in 2014....he was correct.....

Putin LOVES Trump because he has a bona fide stooge to do his bidding just for the price of a few accolades to please the orange clown's narcissism.....

Yes , deals are always give and take and they both have secrets on the other, but who is the blackmailer here?
O, what a tangled web we weave when first we practise to deceive! - Walter Scott - BrainyQuote
(seems funny the case was settled so quickly- possibly a deal was made in the meeting, who knows)

In my humble opinion, that meeting that is now consuming every facet of the media, was only a preliminary one for the Russian to gauge if there was ANY ethical standards within the Trump entourage (would they have quickly called in the FBI).....Obviously there weren't or are such standards.....

Much more will surface about the subsequent misdeeds.
Logic would indicate that Hillary would be Putin's ally since Hillary paved the way for Russia to obtain crucial uranium sites while Trump would be a wild card that Russia could never count on. One thing is obvious and certain that the intelligence community is unanimous in their claim that the Russians had no bearing in the election. Even Barry Hussein dismissed Russian meddling as a myth. So what do desperate jack asses want to accomplish by chasing the "collusion" phantom? God only knows what the angry incoherent leaderless DNC that thwarts investigations into e-mails between the baseball assassin and DNC leadership will be up to next? The best they can hope for is hamstringing the justice dept long enough for Hillary and her husband to escape indictment for selling influence for profit.
why Putin did not want Clinton to be President.

This was not what he wanted to hear. Ever since Barack Obama had become president, the main policy of the U.S. government toward Russia had been one of appeasement. The administration had even coined a new phrase for it: “Reset.” This policy was intended to repair the broken relations between Russia and the United States, but in practical terms it meant that the United States wouldn’t mention unpleasant subjects such as “human rights abuse” so long as Russia played nice in trade relations and nuclear disarmament.

Now here I was asking for something completely at odds with this policy. “I’m sorry, Mr. Browder,” he said. “But, I still don’t see how 7750 applies to the Magnitsky case.”

The Russians Killed My Lawyer. This Is How I Got Congress to Avenge Him.
How about the human rights in cuba, you liberals are tripping over yourselves to over look?
Putin HATED Clinton for calling him a fraud and illegitimate president...she was correct.

Putin HATED Obama for the law you mentioned AND the devastating sanctions Obama placed on Russia in 2014....he was correct.....

Putin LOVES Trump because he has a bona fide stooge to do his bidding just for the price of a few accolades to please the orange clown's narcissism.....

And so why did Putin give Hilary 140 million dollars?

Hilary was actually Putin' s bitch........he had her all the way.....and her rapist husband too.
Logic would indicate that Hillary would be Putin's ally since Hillary paved the way for Russia to obtain crucial uranium sites while Trump would be a wild card that Russia could never count on. One thing is obvious and certain that the intelligence community is unanimous in their claim that the Russians had no bearing in the election. Even Barry Hussein dismissed Russian meddling as a myth. So what do desperate jack asses want to accomplish by chasing the "collusion" phantom? God only knows what the angry incoherent leaderless DNC that thwarts investigations into e-mails between the baseball assassin and DNC leadership will be up to next? The best they can hope for is hamstringing the justice dept long enough for Hillary and her husband to escape indictment for selling influence for profit.

They want cover as they block Trump...they are slow walking every nominee he has......including judges.......

And it is going to bite them on the ass....they are going after his family now..........they crossed a line.......
(seems funny the case was settled so quickly- possibly a deal was made in the meeting, who knows)

In my humble opinion, that meeting that is now consuming every facet of the media, was only a preliminary one for the Russian to gauge if there was ANY ethical standards within the Trump entourage (would they have quickly called in the FBI).....Obviously there weren't or are such standards.....

Much more will surface about the subsequent misdeeds.

Yes....make sure to tell President Hilary about your theory....
Putin HATED Clinton for calling him a fraud and illegitimate president...she was correct.

Then why did he bribe her $200 million?

Putin HATED Obama for the law you mentioned AND the devastating sanctions Obama placed on Russia in 2014....he was correct.....

Putin loved the flouncing fairy, he was a weak turd that could be controlled as a puppet.

Putin LOVES Trump because he has a bona fide stooge to do his bidding just for the price of a few accolades to please the orange clown's narcissism.....

Putin manipulates Trump as well. He isn't weak and stupid the way Obama is, but his ego makes him easy to manipulate.
Logic would indicate that Hillary would be Putin's ally since Hillary paved the way for Russia to obtain crucial uranium sites while Trump would be a wild card that Russia could never count on. One thing is obvious and certain that the intelligence community is unanimous in their claim that the Russians had no bearing in the election. Even Barry Hussein dismissed Russian meddling as a myth. So what do desperate jack asses want to accomplish by chasing the "collusion" phantom? God only knows what the angry incoherent leaderless DNC that thwarts investigations into e-mails between the baseball assassin and DNC leadership will be up to next? The best they can hope for is hamstringing the justice dept long enough for Hillary and her husband to escape indictment for selling influence for profit.

Regardless of what Donnie the Liar said, Hillary had nothing to do with approving the sale of the uranium mine. The State Department was one of 9 government agencies which reviewed and approved the sale but The State Department's role was small and Hillary did not personally participate in the review process.

Putin hated Hillary and wanted someone he could manage or control in the White House. Trump had long wanted to do business in Russia and was heavily involved with the Russian oligarchs and trying to build a hotel in Moscow.

The the fracturing of NATO and Trump's agreement to stay out of Russia's "internal affairs" (read Ukraine and Crimea") shows that Putin got what he wanted in Trump's election.
Regardless of what Donnie the Liar said, Hillary had nothing to do with approving the sale of the uranium mine. The State Department was one of 9 government agencies which reviewed and approved the sale but The State Department's role was small and Hillary did not personally participate in the review process.

Putin hated Hillary and wanted someone he could manage or control in the White House. Trump had long wanted to do business in Russia and was heavily involved with the Russian oligarchs and trying to build a hotel in Moscow.

The the fracturing of NATO and Trump's agreement to stay out of Russia's "internal affairs" (read Ukraine and Crimea") shows that Putin got what he wanted in Trump's election.

Well, you're a fucking liar now, aren't you?

Party above all.

Cash Flowed to Clinton Foundation Amid Russian Uranium Deal
Logic would indicate that Hillary would be Putin's ally since Hillary paved the way for Russia to obtain crucial uranium sites

This is the kind of right wing "logic" that is based on a FALSE premise...........The kind of logic from moronic conservatives that helped an idiot such as trump pollute the oval office.
Regardless of what Donnie the Liar said, Hillary had nothing to do with approving the sale of the uranium mine. The State Department was one of 9 government agencies which reviewed and approved the sale but The State Department's role was small and Hillary did not personally participate in the review process.

Putin hated Hillary and wanted someone he could manage or control in the White House. Trump had long wanted to do business in Russia and was heavily involved with the Russian oligarchs and trying to build a hotel in Moscow.

The the fracturing of NATO and Trump's agreement to stay out of Russia's "internal affairs" (read Ukraine and Crimea") shows that Putin got what he wanted in Trump's election.

Well, you're a fucking liar now, aren't you?

Party above all.

Cash Flowed to Clinton Foundation Amid Russian Uranium Deal

That NYT article was based on the book Clinton Cash, which was based on rumour, speculation and outright lies. The book was funded by one of the right wing oligarchs with an agenda to take down the Clintons. The author admitted he had no evidence whatsoever but was based on "optics" which looked very bad.
Regardless of what Donnie the Liar said, Hillary had nothing to do with approving the sale of the uranium mine. The State Department was one of 9 government agencies which reviewed and approved the sale but The State Department's role was small and Hillary did not personally participate in the review process.

Putin hated Hillary and wanted someone he could manage or control in the White House. Trump had long wanted to do business in Russia and was heavily involved with the Russian oligarchs and trying to build a hotel in Moscow.

The the fracturing of NATO and Trump's agreement to stay out of Russia's "internal affairs" (read Ukraine and Crimea") shows that Putin got what he wanted in Trump's election.

Well, you're a fucking liar now, aren't you?

Party above all.

Cash Flowed to Clinton Foundation Amid Russian Uranium Deal

That NYT article was based on the book Clinton Cash, which was based on rumour, speculation and outright lies. The book was funded by one of the right wing oligarchs with an agenda to take down the Clintons. The author admitted he had no evidence whatsoever but was based on "optics" which looked very bad.

Really? So which elements of the story have been shown to be "outright lies" as you claim?

The one lying here is you, as we both know. You have a party, which leave you no room for integrity.

This is the biggest issue I have with you Nazis, there isn't even a hint of honesty in any of you.
Regardless of what Donnie the Liar said, Hillary had nothing to do with approving the sale of the uranium mine. The State Department was one of 9 government agencies which reviewed and approved the sale but The State Department's role was small and Hillary did not personally participate in the review process.

Putin hated Hillary and wanted someone he could manage or control in the White House. Trump had long wanted to do business in Russia and was heavily involved with the Russian oligarchs and trying to build a hotel in Moscow.

The the fracturing of NATO and Trump's agreement to stay out of Russia's "internal affairs" (read Ukraine and Crimea") shows that Putin got what he wanted in Trump's election.

Well, you're a fucking liar now, aren't you?

Party above all.

Cash Flowed to Clinton Foundation Amid Russian Uranium Deal

That NYT article was based on the book Clinton Cash, which was based on rumour, speculation and outright lies. The book was funded by one of the right wing oligarchs with an agenda to take down the Clintons. The author admitted he had no evidence whatsoever but was based on "optics" which looked very bad.

Really? So which elements of the story have been shown to be "outright lies" as you claim?

The one lying here is you, as we both know. You have a party, which leave you no room for integrity.

This is the biggest issue I have with you Nazis, there isn't even a hint of honesty in any of you.

Make sure you read all about it:

While it’s conceivable Clinton advocated for the deal, the author of Clinton Cash Peter Schweizer himself admitted that he doesn’t have "direct evidence" proving Clinton played a part. The State Department’s principal representative on the committee, Jose Fernandez, told Time that Clinton "never intervened with me on any CFIUS matter."

Why on earth would the United States allow the transfer of a uranium company?

As others, including a New York Times’ investigation, have explained, the United States was still seeking to "reset" its relationship with Russia and trying to get the Kremlin on board with its Iran nuclear deal. But at the end of the day, the Russian deal wasn’t that big.

Russia’s purchase of the company "had as much of an impact on national security as it would have if they set the money on fire," said Lewis. "That’s probably why (CFIUS and the NRC ) approved it."


Read all about it here, this should put the subject to rest.

Does Russia Really Own 20% Of The US’ Uranium Reserves? | OilPrice.com
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