Obama... was it an "idea" that won WWI,WWII? What were those ideas???


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
Obama on ISIS: “Ideologies are not defeated with guns, they are defeated by better ideas”
Obama on ISIS Ideologies are not defeated with guns they are defeated by better ideas Hot Air

“This broader challenge of countering violent extremism is not simply a military effort,“ he said. “Ideologies are not defeated with guns, they are defeated by better ideas and more attractive and more compelling vision. So the United States will continue to do our part by working with partners to counter ISIL’s hateful propaganda, especially online. We’ll constantly reaffirm through words and deeds that we will never be at war with Islam. We’re fighting terrorists who distort islam and whose victims are mostly Muslims.””

So Obama.... what were the "Ideas" that defeated Germany/Japanese?
Good thing Oboohoo wasn't President in WWII. We would still be fighting it.
NOT one gun was used !
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"In order for us to defeat terrorist groups like ISIL and al-Qaeda, we must discredit their ideology.
Maybe he should tell ISIS that because they are having great success with these "ideas"!
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Just as his egg-head predecessor, Woodrow Wilson, laid the groundwork for WW2, so is Obama laying the groundwork for the next world war.
Obama on ISIS: “Ideologies are not defeated with guns, they are defeated by better ideas”
Obama on ISIS Ideologies are not defeated with guns they are defeated by better ideas Hot Air

“This broader challenge of countering violent extremism is not simply a military effort,“ he said. “Ideologies are not defeated with guns, they are defeated by better ideas and more attractive and more compelling vision. So the United States will continue to do our part by working with partners to counter ISIL’s hateful propaganda, especially online. We’ll constantly reaffirm through words and deeds that we will never be at war with Islam. We’re fighting terrorists who distort islam and whose victims are mostly Muslims.””

So Obama.... what were the "Ideas" that defeated Germany/Japanese?
Representative Govt and Individual rights, like those Reagan like to toss in the communists' faces.
BRIA 21 3 b The German Weimar Republic Why Did Democracy Fail - Constitutional Rights Foundation
Obama on ISIS: “Ideologies are not defeated with guns, they are defeated by better ideas”
Obama on ISIS Ideologies are not defeated with guns they are defeated by better ideas Hot Air

“This broader challenge of countering violent extremism is not simply a military effort,“ he said. “Ideologies are not defeated with guns, they are defeated by better ideas and more attractive and more compelling vision. So the United States will continue to do our part by working with partners to counter ISIL’s hateful propaganda, especially online. We’ll constantly reaffirm through words and deeds that we will never be at war with Islam. We’re fighting terrorists who distort islam and whose victims are mostly Muslims.””

So Obama.... what were the "Ideas" that defeated Germany/Japanese?
That's why the neo-liberals (actually 1960's radicals) will lose power in U.S. because conservatives have better ideas. Glad he admits it.
It was millions of men who died in those wars...but you cannot convince a anti-military Jacobin like Obama of that.
Obama on ISIS: “Ideologies are not defeated with guns, they are defeated by better ideas”
Obama on ISIS Ideologies are not defeated with guns they are defeated by better ideas Hot Air

“This broader challenge of countering violent extremism is not simply a military effort,“ he said. “Ideologies are not defeated with guns, they are defeated by better ideas and more attractive and more compelling vision. So the United States will continue to do our part by working with partners to counter ISIL’s hateful propaganda, especially online. We’ll constantly reaffirm through words and deeds that we will never be at war with Islam. We’re fighting terrorists who distort islam and whose victims are mostly Muslims.””

So Obama.... what were the "Ideas" that defeated Germany/Japanese?
Reading is fundamental: "countering violent extremism is not simply a military effort" He did not say that we did not need to fight them; he pointed out that that was not enough. Do you morons have any understanding of the history of that part of the world? How many times have groups like ISIS risen up, been defeated, only to be replaced by another group?
"In order for us to defeat terrorist groups like ISIL and al-Qaeda, we must discredit their ideology.
Maybe he should tell ISIS that because they are having great success with these "ideas"!
View attachment 44109
You can't convince Democrats of this. That would require a ballsy response and Democrats have none.
"In order for us to defeat terrorist groups like ISIL and al-Qaeda, we must discredit their ideology.
Maybe he should tell ISIS that because they are having great success with these "ideas"!
View attachment 44109
You can't convince Democrats of this. That would require a ballsy response and Democrats have none.
Maybe he can follow the lead of your avatar's idiot son. What country that has had nothing to do with Isis can we attack? Madagascar, perhaps?
Obama on ISIS: “Ideologies are not defeated with guns, they are defeated by better ideas”
Obama on ISIS Ideologies are not defeated with guns they are defeated by better ideas Hot Air

“This broader challenge of countering violent extremism is not simply a military effort,“ he said. “Ideologies are not defeated with guns, they are defeated by better ideas and more attractive and more compelling vision. So the United States will continue to do our part by working with partners to counter ISIL’s hateful propaganda, especially online. We’ll constantly reaffirm through words and deeds that we will never be at war with Islam. We’re fighting terrorists who distort islam and whose victims are mostly Muslims.””

So Obama.... what were the "Ideas" that defeated Germany/Japanese?
Reading is fundamental: "countering violent extremism is not simply a military effort" He did not say that we did not need to fight them; he pointed out that that was not enough. Do you morons have any understanding of the history of that part of the world? How many times have groups like ISIS risen up, been defeated, only to be replaced by another group?

Reading is fundamental....Obama on ISIS: “Ideologies are not defeated with guns, they are defeated by better ideas”
Seems pretty clear.
BUT when Obama ignored the military AND history by insisting the USA get out of Iraq he ignored the advice and
HISTORY that shows with 150,000 troops still in Asia/Europe 70 years after winning!
The simpleton Obama with his gigantic ego ignored history and advice by people who knew better!
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"In order for us to defeat terrorist groups like ISIL and al-Qaeda, we must discredit their ideology.
Maybe he should tell ISIS that because they are having great success with these "ideas"!
View attachment 44109
You can't convince Democrats of this. That would require a ballsy response and Democrats have none.
Maybe he can follow the lead of your avatar's idiot son. What country that has had nothing to do with Isis can we attack? Madagascar, perhaps?
Perhaps you can follow the lead of original post? For the record I opposed invasion of Iraq as far back as the 2002 vote on SJR 47.
Obama on ISIS: “Ideologies are not defeated with guns, they are defeated by better ideas”
Obama on ISIS Ideologies are not defeated with guns they are defeated by better ideas Hot Air

“This broader challenge of countering violent extremism is not simply a military effort,“ he said. “Ideologies are not defeated with guns, they are defeated by better ideas and more attractive and more compelling vision. So the United States will continue to do our part by working with partners to counter ISIL’s hateful propaganda, especially online. We’ll constantly reaffirm through words and deeds that we will never be at war with Islam. We’re fighting terrorists who distort islam and whose victims are mostly Muslims.””

So Obama.... what were the "Ideas" that defeated Germany/Japanese?
Reading is fundamental: "countering violent extremism is not simply a military effort" He did not say that we did not need to fight them; he pointed out that that was not enough. Do you morons have any understanding of the history of that part of the world? How many times have groups like ISIS risen up, been defeated, only to be replaced by another group?

Reading is fundamental....Obama on ISIS: “Ideologies are not defeated with guns, they are defeated by better ideas”
Seems pretty clear.
BUT when Obama ignored the military AND history by insisting the USA get out of Iraq he ignored the advice and
HISTORY that shows with 150,000 troops still in Asia/Europe 70 years after winning!
The simpleton Obama with his gigantic ego ignored history and advise by people who knew better!
Sure. If you eliminate the words before it. If you include them, he is saying nothing different than what Bush before him said about the war agaisnt international terrorism. You can fight the terrorists with weapons, as he has done to much greater effect that the clown before him. But you also have to give the people in that region a reason to turn from the radical. You idiots want to continue to create more and more radicals.
Obama on ISIS: “Ideologies are not defeated with guns, they are defeated by better ideas”
Obama on ISIS Ideologies are not defeated with guns they are defeated by better ideas Hot Air

“This broader challenge of countering violent extremism is not simply a military effort,“ he said. “Ideologies are not defeated with guns, they are defeated by better ideas and more attractive and more compelling vision. So the United States will continue to do our part by working with partners to counter ISIL’s hateful propaganda, especially online. We’ll constantly reaffirm through words and deeds that we will never be at war with Islam. We’re fighting terrorists who distort islam and whose victims are mostly Muslims.””

So Obama.... what were the "Ideas" that defeated Germany/Japanese?
Reading is fundamental: "countering violent extremism is not simply a military effort" He did not say that we did not need to fight them; he pointed out that that was not enough. Do you morons have any understanding of the history of that part of the world? How many times have groups like ISIS risen up, been defeated, only to be replaced by another group?

Reading is fundamental....Obama on ISIS: “Ideologies are not defeated with guns, they are defeated by better ideas”
Seems pretty clear.
BUT when Obama ignored the military AND history by insisting the USA get out of Iraq he ignored the advice and
HISTORY that shows with 150,000 troops still in Asia/Europe 70 years after winning!
The simpleton Obama with his gigantic ego ignored history and advise by people who knew better!
Sure. If you eliminate the words before it. If you include them, he is saying nothing different than what Bush before him said about the war agaisnt international terrorism. You can fight the terrorists with weapons, as he has done to much greater effect that the clown before him. But you also have to give the people in that region a reason to turn from the radical. You idiots want to continue to create more and more radicals.
I want more dictators like Saddam to gas the fuck out of them.
In the case of Iraq, the American goal has been to leave a stable and representative government, avoid a power vacuum that neighboring states and terrorists could exploit and maintain sufficient influence so that Iraq would be a partner or, at a minimum, not an opponent in the Middle East.

But the Obama administration has fallen frustratingly short of some of those objectives.

The attempt by Mr. Obama and his senior aides to fashion an extraordinary power-sharing arrangement between Mr. Maliki and Mr. Allawi never materialized. Neither did an agreement that would have kept a small American force in Iraq to train the Iraqi military and patrol the country’s skies. A plan to use American civilians to train the Iraqi police has been severely cut back. The result is an Iraq that is less stable domestically and less reliable internationally than the United States had envisioned.

Mr. Biden also predicted that the Americans could work out a deal with a government led by Mr. Maliki. “Maliki wants us to stick around because he does not see a future in Iraq otherwise,” Mr. Biden said. “I’ll bet you my vice presidency Maliki will extend the SOFA,” he added, referring to the Status of Forces Agreement the Obama administration hoped to negotiate.

Adm. Mike Mullen, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates favored leaving 16,000 troops to train the Iraqi forces, prepare them to carry out counterterrorism missions, protect Iraqi airspace, tamp down Arab and Kurdish tensions and to maintain American influence.

But the White House, which was wary of big military missions and also looking toward Mr. Obama’s re-election campaign, had a lower number in mind.
At a meeting on April 29, Thomas E. Donilon, Mr. Obama’s national security adviser, asked Mr. Gates whether he could accept up to 10,000 troops. Mr. Gates agreed.
Concerned that decisions were being made without careful consideration of all the military factors, Admiral Mullen sent a classified letter to Mr. Donilon that recommended keeping 16,000 troops.

Mr. Obama overruled Admiral Mullen, setting the stage for the negotiations over the troops.
On Aug. 13, Mr. Obama settled the matter in a conference call in which he ruled out the 10,000 troop option and a smaller 7,000 variant.

The talks would proceed but the size of the force the United States might keep was shrunk: the new goal would be a continuous presence of about 3,500 troops, a rotating force of up to 1,500 and half a dozen F-16’s.


And there was the problem.
We still have 170,000 troops in Asia/Europe after 70 years WHY?????
But the Amateur General Obama ....he knew better. After all he's the smartest president ever!!!
But it is the drone deaths that ISIS is using to as an "idea" against the evil West!
Obama's idea is you don't need boots on the ground. Ignorance.
Obama on ISIS: “Ideologies are not defeated with guns, they are defeated by better ideas”
Obama on ISIS Ideologies are not defeated with guns they are defeated by better ideas Hot Air

“This broader challenge of countering violent extremism is not simply a military effort,“ he said. “Ideologies are not defeated with guns, they are defeated by better ideas and more attractive and more compelling vision. So the United States will continue to do our part by working with partners to counter ISIL’s hateful propaganda, especially online. We’ll constantly reaffirm through words and deeds that we will never be at war with Islam. We’re fighting terrorists who distort islam and whose victims are mostly Muslims.””

So Obama.... what were the "Ideas" that defeated Germany/Japanese?
good lord, I think I'm going to defend obama on this

fighting a country is really different from fighting terror groups.

countries have things centralized, they have a limited population, so many resources, and so many allies that can help.

terror groups generally don't have these issues, so the basics of war don't apply.

we beat Iraq in a few days, b/c Iraq was on a map with fixed targets and an army in uniform

but his idea of presenting better ideas online is just shit getting thrown on the wall
Well, you guys identified the issue. BushII's nation building to instill democracy didn't work cause the tribes hate each other, and Americans don't have the stomach to pay taxes to fund 70 years of nationbuilding in the ME, and even then democracy might not work, so maybe it's down to having Jefe's or Isis.
Well, you guys identified the issue. BushII's nation building to instill democracy didn't work cause the tribes hate each other, and Americans don't have the stomach to pay taxes to fund 70 years of nationbuilding in the ME, and even then democracy might not work, so maybe it's down to having Jefe's or Isis.

No it did work. What caused it to disintegrate was the simple fact we had 70 years of troops in Europe/Asia but the small minded, ego of Obama wouldn't listen
to the experts as he was smarter then them.

Plus people like you that think YOU know better then the experts that wanted to leave at least 10,000 to keep the Iraq army trained and able to fight.
But the really disgusting feature of your comment is the deprecating attitude about these people. How racists!
"Tribes hate each other".... really? In this day with social media etc. you really think those people are in the tribal ages????
How out of touch!
But what really helped the terrorists were stupid and encouraging words by idiots like these:

And these statements which idiots like YOU most likely agreed with did everything in the world to encourage recruit and reward the terrorists to continue.
Remember Kerry EARLIER wanted Bush to:
"Without a question, we need to disarm Saddam. He is a brutal, murderous dictator, leading an oppressive regime .... to his continued deceit and his consistent grasp for weapons of mass destruction So the threat of Saddam Hussein with weapons of mass destruction is real .... "Kerry , Jan . 23. 2003

Then he says this:
Senator Kerry (D) "American soldiers going into the homes of Iraqis in the dead of night, terrorizing kids and children."

U.S. Rep. John Murtha(D)"Our troops killed innocent civilians in cold blood,”
NOTE: Do you not believe the terrorists LOVED to hear our troops were cold blooded killers???

Durbin (D) "must have been done by Nazis, Soviets"--action of Americans in the treatment of their prisoners.

then Senator Obama said "troops are air-raiding villages and killing civilians,"

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid(D) "The war is lost, the surge is not accomplishing anything "

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