Obama ... We Need to Overcome Our Religious Convictions?

What Obama said that outraged conservatives

Opposition in some cases has been based on sincere and deeply held beliefs,” Obama said. “All of us who welcome today’s news should be mindful of that fact. Recognize different viewpoints. Revere our deep commitment to religious freedom.”

Sometimes there are days like this when that slow and steady effort is rewarded with justice that arrives like a thunderbolt,” Obama said. Although the progress might have seemed slow to gay rights advocates, he added, the nation’s shift on same-sex marriage has been “so quick.”
“But today should also give us hope that on the many issues with which we grapple often painfully real change is possible,” the President continued.
“Shifts in hearts and minds is possible,” he said. “And those who have come so far on their journey to equality have a responsibility to reach back and help others join them. Because for all our differences, we are one people — stronger together than we could ever be alone.”
“That’s always been our story. We are big and vast, and diverse. A nation of people with different backgrounds and beliefs, with different experiences and stories, but bound by our shared ideal that no matter who you are, or what you look like, how you started off, or how and who you love — America’s a place where you can write your own destiny.”
He's back pedaling because that in your face White House display angered about 75% of the country.

Where did you come up with that number?

Looks like one of those "82.3% of statistics on the internet are made up on the spot" numbers
Even with my support for gay marriage, I'll be damned before I'm told how to practice my faith.

Is this telling you how to practice your faith?

Opposition in some cases has been based on sincere and deeply held beliefs,” Obama said. “All of us who welcome today’s news should be mindful of that fact. Recognize different viewpoints. Revere our deep commitment to religious freedom.”

He may as well have not said that. Progressives have NO intention of considering, let alone TOLERATING any talk about God or Jesus. They will try to beat you down with fact, law and logic arguments and tie you up rather than even CONTEMPLATE how you feel, or what you believe.
Then religious people must be progressives, cause that is all I am reading in this thread this morning....
There are many hard right social con Christians with mistaken beliefs, yes. They would best MTOB.
So basically "go in the closet"? Religious freedom isn't restricted to the inside of a Church, or the basement of your house.
No wonder the adults tell you to shush. You can work against civil rights if you want, and you will be treated accordingly. Better you MYOB. Besides you are not Christian at all.
It was done by peer pressure, now try to deny the thousands of years of church repression and censorship that was extolled by the church and the govt's that colluded with the church for control....

and traded it in for a new kind of peer pressure. .... a different kind of repression and control.....
meet the new boss, same as the old boss (but with a different agenda)
Even with my support for gay marriage, I'll be damned before I'm told how to practice my faith.
No body is telling you, unlike the religious that tell others how to live theirs constantly...

baking cakes is not the problem, it's what you want decorated on top that is an issue...

Letting government decide who to punish for their religious convictions is the problem.
No one is being punished for their convictions unless they violate the law in the performance of their duties.
It was done by peer pressure, now try to deny the thousands of years of church repression and censorship that was extolled by the church and the govt's that colluded with the church for control....

and traded it in for a new king of peer pressure. .... a different kind of repression and control.....
meet the new boss, same as the old boss (but with a different agenda)
Giving a minority a freedom is not repression...
What Obama said that outraged conservatives

Opposition in some cases has been based on sincere and deeply held beliefs,” Obama said. “All of us who welcome today’s news should be mindful of that fact. Recognize different viewpoints. Revere our deep commitment to religious freedom.”

Sometimes there are days like this when that slow and steady effort is rewarded with justice that arrives like a thunderbolt,” Obama said. Although the progress might have seemed slow to gay rights advocates, he added, the nation’s shift on same-sex marriage has been “so quick.”
“But today should also give us hope that on the many issues with which we grapple often painfully real change is possible,” the President continued.
“Shifts in hearts and minds is possible,” he said. “And those who have come so far on their journey to equality have a responsibility to reach back and help others join them. Because for all our differences, we are one people — stronger together than we could ever be alone.”
“That’s always been our story. We are big and vast, and diverse. A nation of people with different backgrounds and beliefs, with different experiences and stories, but bound by our shared ideal that no matter who you are, or what you look like, how you started off, or how and who you love — America’s a place where you can write your own destiny.”
He's back pedaling because that in your face White House display angered about 75% of the country.

Where did you come up with that number?

Looks like one of those "82.3% of statistics on the internet are made up on the spot" numbers

It is very likely her numbers were pulled out of thin air. If she did read these numbers somewhere I would love to know where.
What Obama said that outraged conservatives

Opposition in some cases has been based on sincere and deeply held beliefs,” Obama said. “All of us who welcome today’s news should be mindful of that fact. Recognize different viewpoints. Revere our deep commitment to religious freedom.”

Sometimes there are days like this when that slow and steady effort is rewarded with justice that arrives like a thunderbolt,” Obama said. Although the progress might have seemed slow to gay rights advocates, he added, the nation’s shift on same-sex marriage has been “so quick.”
“But today should also give us hope that on the many issues with which we grapple often painfully real change is possible,” the President continued.
“Shifts in hearts and minds is possible,” he said. “And those who have come so far on their journey to equality have a responsibility to reach back and help others join them. Because for all our differences, we are one people — stronger together than we could ever be alone.”
“That’s always been our story. We are big and vast, and diverse. A nation of people with different backgrounds and beliefs, with different experiences and stories, but bound by our shared ideal that no matter who you are, or what you look like, how you started off, or how and who you love — America’s a place where you can write your own destiny.”
He's back pedaling because that in your face White House display angered about 75% of the country.

Where did you come up with that number?

Looks like one of those "82.3% of statistics on the internet are made up on the spot" numbers

It is very likely her numbers were pulled out of thin air. If she did read these numbers somewhere I would love to know where.
No links, they only get in the whey....
Religious people have no problem telling others about their whey of life. They are in yer face protagonist/propagandist that condemn people to Hell they don't even know..So if it's good enough for the geese, it's good enough fore the gander....

I can only speak for myself, I encourage people to seek God because it is my belief their eternal soul depends on it.

I don't think telling people to get over their religious convictions effects their eternal soul, and, it's also an implied taking away of freedom of religion/expression.

Actually, it does, if they believe it. Christian's don't have enough religious conviction as it is.... that's why things in this Country are going in this direction
baking cakes is not the problem, it's what you want decorated on top that is an issue...

Letting government decide who to punish for their religious convictions is the problem.
So you had no problem with who was punished by the church and state before ??

Since when can Churches in the US "punish" people unless they are members of said church?

I have an issue with the government doing anything without a compelling reason AND constitutional authority.
It was done by peer pressure, now try to deny the thousands of years of church repression and censorship that was extolled by the church and the govt's that colluded with the church for control....

Nice goal post move there.. Creak Creak Creak.....

We are talking about the here an now, or do you admit that part of the progressive agenda on this is retribution?
Even with my support for gay marriage, I'll be damned before I'm told how to practice my faith.

Is this telling you how to practice your faith?

Opposition in some cases has been based on sincere and deeply held beliefs,” Obama said. “All of us who welcome today’s news should be mindful of that fact. Recognize different viewpoints. Revere our deep commitment to religious freedom.”

Yeah, that is until you read the other half, the part you cut out of the quote. Please. Stop. Now. Don't insult my intelligence any further.

Please provide the part of the quote you object to

Oh I see now, it's not a quote. It's the spin or interpretation of the actual quote. Attention-0to-detail Bonzi. They'll beat that into you if you enlist.

"Speaking in the Rose Garden shortly after the Supreme Court decision on same-sex marriage was announced, Obama stated that the progressives in society needs to ‘help’ those with deeply held religious beliefs overcome their convictions.

“Opposition in some cases has been based on sincere and deeply held beliefs,” Obama said. “All of us who welcome today’s news should be mindful of that fact. Recognize different viewpoints. Revere our deep commitment to religious freedom.”

“Sometimes there are days like this when that slow and steady effort is rewarded with justice that arrives like a thunderbolt,” Obama said. Although the progress might have seemed slow to gay rights advocates, he added, the nation’s shift on same-sex marriage has been “so quick.”

“But today should also give us hope that on the many issues with which we grapple often painfully real change is possible,” the President continued."


Original source above.
Religious people have no problem telling others about their whey of life. They are in yer face protagonist/propagandist that condemn people to Hell they don't even know..So if it's good enough for the geese, it's good enough fore the gander....

I can only speak for myself, I encourage people to seek God because it is my belief their eternal soul depends on it.

I don't think telling people to get over their religious convictions effects their eternal soul, and, it's also an implied taking away of freedom of religion/expression.

Actually, it does, if they believe it. Christian's don't have enough religious conviction as it is.... that's why things in this Country are going in this direction
It goes to prove one thing, that rights are not connected to religion in this nation,,thank God...
What Obama said that outraged conservatives

Opposition in some cases has been based on sincere and deeply held beliefs,” Obama said. “All of us who welcome today’s news should be mindful of that fact. Recognize different viewpoints. Revere our deep commitment to religious freedom.”

Sometimes there are days like this when that slow and steady effort is rewarded with justice that arrives like a thunderbolt,” Obama said. Although the progress might have seemed slow to gay rights advocates, he added, the nation’s shift on same-sex marriage has been “so quick.”
“But today should also give us hope that on the many issues with which we grapple often painfully real change is possible,” the President continued.
“Shifts in hearts and minds is possible,” he said. “And those who have come so far on their journey to equality have a responsibility to reach back and help others join them. Because for all our differences, we are one people — stronger together than we could ever be alone.”
“That’s always been our story. We are big and vast, and diverse. A nation of people with different backgrounds and beliefs, with different experiences and stories, but bound by our shared ideal that no matter who you are, or what you look like, how you started off, or how and who you love — America’s a place where you can write your own destiny.”
He's back pedaling because that in your face White House display angered about 75% of the country.

Where did you come up with that number?

Looks like one of those "82.3% of statistics on the internet are made up on the spot" numbers

It is very likely her numbers were pulled out of thin air. If she did read these numbers somewhere I would love to know where.
No links, they only get in the whey....

Apparently you two are letting your glaring inability to do research get "in the whey"

Poll Most Americans Say They re Christian - ABC News
baking cakes is not the problem, it's what you want decorated on top that is an issue...

Letting government decide who to punish for their religious convictions is the problem.
So you had no problem with who was punished by the church and state before ??

Since when can Churches in the US "punish" people unless they are members of said church?

I have an issue with the government doing anything without a compelling reason AND constitutional authority.
It was done by peer pressure, now try to deny the thousands of years of church repression and censorship that was extolled by the church and the govt's that colluded with the church for control....

Nice goal post move there.. Creak Creak Creak.....

We are talking about the here an now, or do you admit that part of the progressive agenda on this is retribution?
No, it's called equality, something religions and it practitioners seeks to deny.....
It goes to prove one thing, that rights are not connected to religion in this nation,,thank God...

Oh yes, it's so much more comforting to follow Man's rules than God's rules.... not...
Speaking in the Rose Garden shortly after the Supreme Court decision on same-sex marriage was announced, Obama stated that the progressives in society needs to ‘help’ those with deeply held religious beliefs overcome their convictions.

I did not listen to the speech, but have seen this here and there on the internet. Although, not on any of the major news agencies/papers (CNN,FOX, Washington Post, NY Times etc.)

What are your thoughts on his statement above? Is it misquoted?
Here's the speech. Why don't you show us where he said what you posted?

Remarks by the President on the Supreme Court Decision on Marriage Equality whitehouse.gov
There are many hard right social con Christians with mistaken beliefs, yes. They would best MTOB.
So basically "go in the closet"? Religious freedom isn't restricted to the inside of a Church, or the basement of your house.
No wonder the adults tell you to shush. You can work against civil rights if you want, and you will be treated accordingly. Better you MYOB. Besides you are not Christian at all.

I never said I was. I am a lapses Catholic at best.

And the fact is at this point YOUR side is working against Civil rights, the rights of people to practice their religion as they see fit.

YOUR side is the bully now.
Even with my support for gay marriage, I'll be damned before I'm told how to practice my faith.
No body is telling you, unlike the religious that tell others how to live theirs constantly...

baking cakes is not the problem, it's what you want decorated on top that is an issue...

Letting government decide who to punish for their religious convictions is the problem.
No one is being punished for their convictions unless they violate the law in the performance of their duties.

Nice dodge.
It goes to prove one thing, that rights are not connected to religion in this nation,,thank God...

Oh yes, it's so much more comforting to follow Man's rules than God's rules.... not...
Since God did not fight in the revolution as a leader,, I'd agree....He did it for the Jews to help them slaughter tribes for their land occupation...

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