Obama: "We're responsible for each other". Really? Since when?


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
That was the quote that stood out the most. That somehow I am responsible for John Doe or anyone else for me. Yet, I'm then told I cannot be judgemental about another person's lifestyle. Well, if I'M gonna be held responsible for that person, then I better damn well be allowed to make judgement on them. For example...........

- Shaquita the welfare queen should not be able to have more kids. She won't work. Blows money on the lottery. I'm responsible for her. So...no more kids. Drug test her. And if she is driving any car valued at over $3,000, we take it, sell it, and give her 3K to buy a used car. The rest goes into the general fund.

- Bubba the redneck trailor trash should not be able to keep getting drunk every day. He's lost his job for drunkenness. And all he wants to do is watch NASCAR and shoot guns all day. He can afford ammo because I subsidize his food, housing and healthcare.

- Pedro must go back. I'm not responsible for 6 billion people, only the 300 million US citizens. Sorry Mexicans, board the bus and go home. I can only be responsible for so many people, ya know?

- FAT PEOPLE. This is the one that hits me the hardest. If I am indeed responsible for everyone else, then my mild intolerance for fat asses is now full blown hate. If you are fucking fat, I'm tired of paying for your bills. Your health bills. Your food bills. You eat more, thus causing prices to be higher. Your car burns more gas due to more weight, thus, pushing gas prices higher. You consume more healthcare, thus, cause them to go up. Mr. Obama, tell ME, the person responsible for all others, how you're gonna stop obesity. Michelle pushing carrots ain't working.

So, Mr. President, now that you've told me I am responsible for everyone else, I am demanding a few changes in the lifestyle of my fellow people that I'm responsible for. The days of tolerance and not passing judgement are over. Gay people, you spread STD's faster than others simply because you don't use protection as often. Stop being gay. Fat people, stop being disgusting fat blobs and just screwing up countless things as a result. Shaquita? No more fucking kids, get a job, line up for a drug test. Bubba? You're done, no more booze.

But wait. HOW can we control all those people's behaviors? Obviously, to share responsibility, we must pass judgement and correct it. But how can we engage in this liberal utopian shared responsibility, while also having the freedom to be Shaquita, Bubba, Pedro, fat, gay, etc, etc, etc????? You can't be held responsible for each other while at the same time enjoying the freedom to succeed or be a fuck up.

Well, we can't. Thats why left wing ideology in full bloom always turns into a regime like Cuba, USSR, China, North Korea, Vietnam, Burma, Russia, and others. Because you need an overwhelming, central force to control the behaviors of the masses in order to fairly hold them all responsible for each other.

Welcome to tyranny folks.
Obama: "We're responsible for each other".

The MONUMENTAL FRAUD, Pathological LIAR, Stone Cold MARXIST, and MuslimArselicker Obami Salaami issues this IDIOTIC proclamation as though we are responsible for ~25% of our Nation's PARASITES.....and, if that isn't enough......for ~ 13 MILLION Illegal Immigrants ?!?!?!?

IMO, it's reasonable to assume that of the 47% of the Nation who DO NOT PAY ANY TAXES AT ALL.........~22% are possibly hopeless, and ~25% are fucking PARASITES.

In the time when we are in the throes of BANKRUPTCY for us to concern ourselves with PARASITES and the welfare of Illegal Immigrants is INSANELY LUDICROUS !!!!

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Well you are just a glass full of sunshine aren't ya Bucs?

Look for every welfare queen, there are at least 20 others who need money to pay their rent and are tirelessly applying for jobs that will be to their skills and qualifications. Not wasting his and other companies time and energy at a job he/she doesn't care about and isn't productive at.

Obesity maybe a problem, education needs to be out there. But you obviously haven't been fat. You don't know how easy it is to gain weight and how hard it is to get it off. My girlfriend gained 15 pounds in 2 weeks because she had a patella dislocation playing soccer. 15 pounds in two weeks. Its going to take her months to work that off.

Yeah I know what you're going to say "Well go work out" but even when you do, most shit we eat is bad for you. Not only that, you have work, school, responsibilities that don't allow people to get in the necessary workout needed to maintain or lose weight. I think I saw somewhere that women over 25 have to work out an hour a day to maintain the weight they are at if they eat normally. An hour to just maintain? Damn. I think thats why I rarely see women in my school ever eat.

You're the problem, you don't think fat people feel like shit? They do. Alot of students of mine are overweight. I hear what students say to them, you think people like being fat? Hell no. You think people CHOOSE TO BE GAY? Yeah I would love to have my family disown me and have the threat of getting beaten to death.

At the end of the day, we are all Americans. Black, white,hispanic, gay, fat, everyone is an American. Some are doing well, some are not.

But a rising tide lifts all boats. Whats best for Americans is to help Americans.
Well you are just a glass full of sunshine aren't ya Bucs?

Look for every welfare queen, there are at least 20 others who need money to pay their rent and are tirelessly applying for jobs that will be to their skills and qualifications. Not wasting his and other companies time and energy at a job he/she doesn't care about and isn't productive at.

Obesity maybe a problem, education needs to be out there. But you obviously haven't been fat. You don't know how easy it is to gain weight and how hard it is to get it off. My girlfriend gained 15 pounds in 2 weeks because she had a patella dislocation playing soccer. 15 pounds in two weeks. Its going to take her months to work that off.

Yeah I know what you're going to say "Well go work out" but even when you do, most shit we eat is bad for you. Not only that, you have work, school, responsibilities that don't allow people to get in the necessary workout needed to maintain or lose weight. I think I saw somewhere that women over 25 have to work out an hour a day to maintain the weight they are at if they eat normally. An hour to just maintain? Damn. I think thats why I rarely see women in my school ever eat.

You're the problem, you don't think fat people feel like shit? They do. Alot of students of mine are overweight. I hear what students say to them, you think people like being fat? Hell no. You think people CHOOSE TO BE GAY? Yeah I would love to have my family disown me and have the threat of getting beaten to death.

At the end of the day, we are all Americans. Black, white,hispanic, gay, fat, everyone is an American. Some are doing well, some are not.

But a rising tide lifts all boats. Whats best for Americans is to help Americans.

WTF?! Why did this turn in to something about fatazzes? Liberals are complete braindead morons.
I'm often taken by the attack on the ideal of collectivism , especially since the heat seems to be turned up in recent times.

Perhaps the Q you should be asking is, are we a collective society?, or are we islands? Collectivism isn't that funky a concept really....

In fact, it would seem to me that collectivism is inheretly human in nature , right on back to when cavemen hunted in packs.

Collectivism is what bonded Americans together to start this country, it's what made us roll up our sleeves and free Europe from fascism in the 40's, and put a man on the moon in the 60's

Collective bargaining resulted in the middle class's best standard of living in the free world

Together we stand, Divided we fall , which i believe we still subscribe to desribes the might of collectivism , as well as the weakness of it's lack in a single phrase

The new Collossus on the Statue of Liberty openly invites the tired, poor, huddled, wretched & homeless to America to partake in collectivism

In fact, does anyone dispute collectivism as indoctrinated and institutionalized as part of the American spirit?

So where did it all get such a bad rap , i would ask?

and oh, do i look fat in this post?
Well you are just a glass full of sunshine aren't ya Bucs?

Look for every welfare queen, there are at least 20 others who need money to pay their rent and are tirelessly applying for jobs that will be to their skills and qualifications. Not wasting his and other companies time and energy at a job he/she doesn't care about and isn't productive at.

Obesity maybe a problem, education needs to be out there. But you obviously haven't been fat. You don't know how easy it is to gain weight and how hard it is to get it off. My girlfriend gained 15 pounds in 2 weeks because she had a patella dislocation playing soccer. 15 pounds in two weeks. Its going to take her months to work that off.

Yeah I know what you're going to say "Well go work out" but even when you do, most shit we eat is bad for you. Not only that, you have work, school, responsibilities that don't allow people to get in the necessary workout needed to maintain or lose weight. I think I saw somewhere that women over 25 have to work out an hour a day to maintain the weight they are at if they eat normally. An hour to just maintain? Damn. I think thats why I rarely see women in my school ever eat.

You're the problem, you don't think fat people feel like shit? They do. Alot of students of mine are overweight. I hear what students say to them, you think people like being fat? Hell no. You think people CHOOSE TO BE GAY? Yeah I would love to have my family disown me and have the threat of getting beaten to death.

At the end of the day, we are all Americans. Black, white,hispanic, gay, fat, everyone is an American. Some are doing well, some are not.

But a rising tide lifts all boats. Whats best for Americans is to help Americans.

If she gets fat enough, she can go on disability so tell her to go for it.

And BTW no one gains 15 lbs in 2 weeks without stuffing their face.
That was the quote that stood out the most. That somehow I am responsible for John Doe or anyone else for me. Yet, I'm then told I cannot be judgemental about another person's lifestyle. Well, if I'M gonna be held responsible for that person, then I better damn well be allowed to make judgement on them. For example...........

- Shaquita the welfare queen should not be able to have more kids. She won't work. Blows money on the lottery. I'm responsible for her. So...no more kids. Drug test her. And if she is driving any car valued at over $3,000, we take it, sell it, and give her 3K to buy a used car. The rest goes into the general fund.

- Bubba the redneck trailor trash should not be able to keep getting drunk every day. He's lost his job for drunkenness. And all he wants to do is watch NASCAR and shoot guns all day. He can afford ammo because I subsidize his food, housing and healthcare.

- Pedro must go back. I'm not responsible for 6 billion people, only the 300 million US citizens. Sorry Mexicans, board the bus and go home. I can only be responsible for so many people, ya know?

- FAT PEOPLE. This is the one that hits me the hardest. If I am indeed responsible for everyone else, then my mild intolerance for fat asses is now full blown hate. If you are fucking fat, I'm tired of paying for your bills. Your health bills. Your food bills. You eat more, thus causing prices to be higher. Your car burns more gas due to more weight, thus, pushing gas prices higher. You consume more healthcare, thus, cause them to go up. Mr. Obama, tell ME, the person responsible for all others, how you're gonna stop obesity. Michelle pushing carrots ain't working.

So, Mr. President, now that you've told me I am responsible for everyone else, I am demanding a few changes in the lifestyle of my fellow people that I'm responsible for. The days of tolerance and not passing judgement are over. Gay people, you spread STD's faster than others simply because you don't use protection as often. Stop being gay. Fat people, stop being disgusting fat blobs and just screwing up countless things as a result. Shaquita? No more fucking kids, get a job, line up for a drug test. Bubba? You're done, no more booze.

But wait. HOW can we control all those people's behaviors? Obviously, to share responsibility, we must pass judgement and correct it. But how can we engage in this liberal utopian shared responsibility, while also having the freedom to be Shaquita, Bubba, Pedro, fat, gay, etc, etc, etc????? You can't be held responsible for each other while at the same time enjoying the freedom to succeed or be a fuck up.

Well, we can't. Thats why left wing ideology in full bloom always turns into a regime like Cuba, USSR, China, North Korea, Vietnam, Burma, Russia, and others. Because you need an overwhelming, central force to control the behaviors of the masses in order to fairly hold them all responsible for each other.

Welcome to tyranny folks.

It's called the social contract.

You signed onto this nation's version of it the day you were born.
yes but, we are considering breach of contract

for instance, getting old, and fat

can we poll the BMI here?
Lately some on the right have lionized JFK as a model for what liberalism should really mean. Didn't he say, "ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country"? Isn't that basically the same thing, be responsible for the society as a whole?
Well you are just a glass full of sunshine aren't ya Bucs?

Look for every welfare queen, there are at least 20 others who need money to pay their rent and are tirelessly applying for jobs that will be to their skills and qualifications. Not wasting his and other companies time and energy at a job he/she doesn't care about and isn't productive at.

Obesity maybe a problem, education needs to be out there. But you obviously haven't been fat. You don't know how easy it is to gain weight and how hard it is to get it off. My girlfriend gained 15 pounds in 2 weeks because she had a patella dislocation playing soccer. 15 pounds in two weeks. Its going to take her months to work that off.

Yeah I know what you're going to say "Well go work out" but even when you do, most shit we eat is bad for you. Not only that, you have work, school, responsibilities that don't allow people to get in the necessary workout needed to maintain or lose weight. I think I saw somewhere that women over 25 have to work out an hour a day to maintain the weight they are at if they eat normally. An hour to just maintain? Damn. I think thats why I rarely see women in my school ever eat.

You're the problem, you don't think fat people feel like shit? They do. Alot of students of mine are overweight. I hear what students say to them, you think people like being fat? Hell no. You think people CHOOSE TO BE GAY? Yeah I would love to have my family disown me and have the threat of getting beaten to death.

At the end of the day, we are all Americans. Black, white,hispanic, gay, fat, everyone is an American. Some are doing well, some are not.

But a rising tide lifts all boats. Whats best for Americans is to help Americans.

When you say "help Americans" what exactly do you mean??
obama "ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for me"

hey everybody i just found a billion dollars !
I for one am not interested in being my brothers keeper.

If my brother makes crappy life decisions then he's on his own in my book.

The only people I feel morally resonsible to assist are those who are actually mentally or physically handicapped.

Barry can kiss my ass if he thinks I feel responsible for any of the millions of freeloaders out there.

However, if Barry and any other like minded folks want to take care of the freeloaders then they need to open the wallets and whip out the check books and make it so. Good luck.
Well you are just a glass full of sunshine aren't ya Bucs?

Look for every welfare queen, there are at least 20 others who need money to pay their rent and are tirelessly applying for jobs that will be to their skills and qualifications. Not wasting his and other companies time and energy at a job he/she doesn't care about and isn't productive at.

Obesity maybe a problem, education needs to be out there. But you obviously haven't been fat. You don't know how easy it is to gain weight and how hard it is to get it off. My girlfriend gained 15 pounds in 2 weeks because she had a patella dislocation playing soccer. 15 pounds in two weeks. Its going to take her months to work that off.

Yeah I know what you're going to say "Well go work out" but even when you do, most shit we eat is bad for you. Not only that, you have work, school, responsibilities that don't allow people to get in the necessary workout needed to maintain or lose weight. I think I saw somewhere that women over 25 have to work out an hour a day to maintain the weight they are at if they eat normally. An hour to just maintain? Damn. I think thats why I rarely see women in my school ever eat.

You're the problem, you don't think fat people feel like shit? They do. Alot of students of mine are overweight. I hear what students say to them, you think people like being fat? Hell no. You think people CHOOSE TO BE GAY? Yeah I would love to have my family disown me and have the threat of getting beaten to death.

At the end of the day, we are all Americans. Black, white,hispanic, gay, fat, everyone is an American. Some are doing well, some are not.

But a rising tide lifts all boats. Whats best for Americans is to help Americans.
Put down the joint and back away from the cookie dough ice cream
I agree with the original poster. Everyone makes decisions in life and must deal with the consequences, its called being an adult. I have been advocating for some time that if a person is on ANY gov. handout (medicaid, welfare, food stamps, subsidized school lunches, head start, etc....) that they are scheduled for routine checkups by a case mgr. If I am paying for you and your family than I have a right to tell you how to live your life until you get off my dime. You should be screened for drugs, sex, smoking, alcohol and the case mgr should have access to your bank acct. You essentially have declared bankruptcy and the case mgr is your executor. Every dollar spent will be explained by the recipient to the case mgr and modified to levels that are acceptable, in fact, receipts should be turned in for any withdrawls. If at anytime the recipient is found to violate the contract of their recipient status than they are given one warning, the next violation they are kicked off for a year period of time. When/if they come back on my dime they are given one chance, violate the rules and they are done forever, no more handouts.

Your freedom to be you, does not trump my freedom to be free from you.
That was the quote that stood out the most. That somehow I am responsible for John Doe or anyone else for me. Yet, I'm then told I cannot be judgemental about another person's lifestyle. Well, if I'M gonna be held responsible for that person, then I better damn well be allowed to make judgement on them. For example...........

- Shaquita the welfare queen should not be able to have more kids. She won't work. Blows money on the lottery. I'm responsible for her. So...no more kids. Drug test her. And if she is driving any car valued at over $3,000, we take it, sell it, and give her 3K to buy a used car. The rest goes into the general fund.

- Bubba the redneck trailor trash should not be able to keep getting drunk every day. He's lost his job for drunkenness. And all he wants to do is watch NASCAR and shoot guns all day. He can afford ammo because I subsidize his food, housing and healthcare.

- Pedro must go back. I'm not responsible for 6 billion people, only the 300 million US citizens. Sorry Mexicans, board the bus and go home. I can only be responsible for so many people, ya know?

- FAT PEOPLE. This is the one that hits me the hardest. If I am indeed responsible for everyone else, then my mild intolerance for fat asses is now full blown hate. If you are fucking fat, I'm tired of paying for your bills. Your health bills. Your food bills. You eat more, thus causing prices to be higher. Your car burns more gas due to more weight, thus, pushing gas prices higher. You consume more healthcare, thus, cause them to go up. Mr. Obama, tell ME, the person responsible for all others, how you're gonna stop obesity. Michelle pushing carrots ain't working.

So, Mr. President, now that you've told me I am responsible for everyone else, I am demanding a few changes in the lifestyle of my fellow people that I'm responsible for. The days of tolerance and not passing judgement are over. Gay people, you spread STD's faster than others simply because you don't use protection as often. Stop being gay. Fat people, stop being disgusting fat blobs and just screwing up countless things as a result. Shaquita? No more fucking kids, get a job, line up for a drug test. Bubba? You're done, no more booze.

But wait. HOW can we control all those people's behaviors? Obviously, to share responsibility, we must pass judgement and correct it. But how can we engage in this liberal utopian shared responsibility, while also having the freedom to be Shaquita, Bubba, Pedro, fat, gay, etc, etc, etc????? You can't be held responsible for each other while at the same time enjoying the freedom to succeed or be a fuck up.

Well, we can't. Thats why left wing ideology in full bloom always turns into a regime like Cuba, USSR, China, North Korea, Vietnam, Burma, Russia, and others. Because you need an overwhelming, central force to control the behaviors of the masses in order to fairly hold them all responsible for each other.

Welcome to tyranny folks.

Are you one of the fucks who was calling abortion a black genocide?
Welcome to tyranny folks.[/quote]

Are you one of the fucks who was calling abortion a black genocide?[/QUOTE]

See my previous post on the 1st page. What is it you have against personal responsibility? I don't have a problem helping people out in tough times. But how can you possibly be against increased oversight of the recipients getting that money. If they are on my dime I have a right to manage/have oversight over their lives in someway.
I for one am not interested in being my brothers keeper.

If my brother makes crappy life decisions then he's on his own in my book.

The only people I feel morally resonsible to assist are those who are actually mentally or physically handicapped.

Barry can kiss my ass if he thinks I feel responsible for any of the millions of freeloaders out there.

However, if Barry and any other like minded folks want to take care of the freeloaders then they need to open the wallets and whip out the check books and make it so. Good luck.

More often than not, those "crappy decisions" are prompted by personal greed.
for example:

People took ARM loans becuase it allowed them to take cash out from the re-fi and temporarily lower their mortgage payments....with the attitude of "I will worry about it later, when the ARM adjusts"...

People lost money in the market becuase they were hoping that their money would make easy money for them.

People charged infinite amounts on their credit cards so they can have items they otherwise could not afford....and they neglected reading the fine print because "it really didnt matter to them"

People took jobs based on vacation time offered and other fringe benefits, not taking into consideration the hiring/layoff history of the company, the liquidity of the company, or the lack of differential required by an employee....making all employees dispensible.

Joel down the block took an ARM and used the cash out and extra cash in his pocket due to the lower monthly payment to buy a boat.... and he ridiculed me for taking a flat rate re-fi and not having the same benefits he had from it....well, now he is in foreclosure, and I am not....so I should now assist him?
I for one am not interested in being my brothers keeper.

If my brother makes crappy life decisions then he's on his own in my book.

The only people I feel morally resonsible to assist are those who are actually mentally or physically handicapped.

Barry can kiss my ass if he thinks I feel responsible for any of the millions of freeloaders out there.

However, if Barry and any other like minded folks want to take care of the freeloaders then they need to open the wallets and whip out the check books and make it so. Good luck.

More often than not, those "crappy decisions" are prompted by personal greed.
for example:

People took ARM loans becuase it allowed them to take cash out from the re-fi and temporarily lower their mortgage payments....with the attitude of "I will worry about it later, when the ARM adjusts"...

People lost money in the market becuase they were hoping that their money would make easy money for them.

People charged infinite amounts on their credit cards so they can have items they otherwise could not afford....and they neglected reading the fine print because "it really didnt matter to them"

People took jobs based on vacation time offered and other fringe benefits, not taking into consideration the hiring/layoff history of the company, the liquidity of the company, or the lack of differential required by an employee....making all employees dispensible.

Joel down the block took an ARM and used the cash out and extra cash in his pocket due to the lower monthly payment to buy a boat.... and he ridiculed me for taking a flat rate re-fi and not having the same benefits he had from it....well, now he is in foreclosure, and I am not....so I should now assist him?

Don't confuse greed with stupidity.
I for one am not interested in being my brothers keeper.

If my brother makes crappy life decisions then he's on his own in my book.

The only people I feel morally resonsible to assist are those who are actually mentally or physically handicapped.

Barry can kiss my ass if he thinks I feel responsible for any of the millions of freeloaders out there.

However, if Barry and any other like minded folks want to take care of the freeloaders then they need to open the wallets and whip out the check books and make it so. Good luck.

More often than not, those "crappy decisions" are prompted by personal greed.
for example:

People took ARM loans becuase it allowed them to take cash out from the re-fi and temporarily lower their mortgage payments....with the attitude of "I will worry about it later, when the ARM adjusts"...

People lost money in the market becuase they were hoping that their money would make easy money for them.

People charged infinite amounts on their credit cards so they can have items they otherwise could not afford....and they neglected reading the fine print because "it really didnt matter to them"

People took jobs based on vacation time offered and other fringe benefits, not taking into consideration the hiring/layoff history of the company, the liquidity of the company, or the lack of differential required by an employee....making all employees dispensible.

Joel down the block took an ARM and used the cash out and extra cash in his pocket due to the lower monthly payment to buy a boat.... and he ridiculed me for taking a flat rate re-fi and not having the same benefits he had from it....well, now he is in foreclosure, and I am not....so I should now assist him?

Don't confuse greed with stupidity.

Greed prompts stupidity.

In other words...

People do stupid things to satisfy their greedy desires.

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