Obama: "We're responsible for each other". Really? Since when?

If volunteerism worked, the People would have never had reason to turn to the government.
Name us some countries without a social safety net, or with a far smaller one, than the US,

and then show us how much better off, top to bottom, the people of that country are.
I am my brother's keeper.

This is a basic Christian philosophy.

This is what Jesus teached, preached and lived.

Yes, He did. He wanted us to WANT to help our fellow man. I do that. I do it happily. But nowhere in the Bible does it talk about being forced to help. Being forced removes the fundamental part of being a Christian - to do it WILLINGLY.

And... the more the government stays out of my life, the more I can help my fellow man.

If volunteerism worked, the People would have never had reason to turn to the government.

Really. What did poor people do for the first 150 years of this country? Did the poor suddenly appear in the twentieth century? We have always taken care of the poor.
When we help others by choice, everyone judges the act to be good.
when our property is taken, it is an evil act. It doesn't matter what the property is used for.

The solution to the federal budget problem is not more taxes. The solution is to cut federal programs, cut federal agencies and cut military spending. I we don't the economic system will fail. The fiat currency will go to the value of zero. They always do. If we don't fix the federal budget, it will fix itself. the federal government will cease to exist. We will go the way of the Soviet Union. Just another example of socialism failing.
I am my brother's keeper.

This is a basic Christian philosophy.

This is what Jesus teached, preached and lived.

Yes, He did. He wanted us to WANT to help our fellow man. I do that. I do it happily. But nowhere in the Bible does it talk about being forced to help. Being forced removes the fundamental part of being a Christian - to do it WILLINGLY.

And... the more the government stays out of my life, the more I can help my fellow man.


So, basically, you have no argument against what I said. Cool. :cool:
More often than not, those "crappy decisions" are prompted by personal greed.
for example:

People took ARM loans becuase it allowed them to take cash out from the re-fi and temporarily lower their mortgage payments....with the attitude of "I will worry about it later, when the ARM adjusts"...

People lost money in the market becuase they were hoping that their money would make easy money for them.

People charged infinite amounts on their credit cards so they can have items they otherwise could not afford....and they neglected reading the fine print because "it really didnt matter to them"

People took jobs based on vacation time offered and other fringe benefits, not taking into consideration the hiring/layoff history of the company, the liquidity of the company, or the lack of differential required by an employee....making all employees dispensible.

Joel down the block took an ARM and used the cash out and extra cash in his pocket due to the lower monthly payment to buy a boat.... and he ridiculed me for taking a flat rate re-fi and not having the same benefits he had from it....well, now he is in foreclosure, and I am not....so I should now assist him?

Don't confuse greed with stupidity.

Greed prompts stupidity.

In other words...

People do stupid things to satisfy their greedy desires.

Stupid is stupid. Overextending yourself financially is stupid not greedy.
Yes we are. But the Government has no business being the facilitator which is what Obammy is really talking about.
"We're responsible for each other" :confused:

I agree with you Buc..... really????

Is that why his relatives live in utter squaller in Kenya????

Hey Obama, shut the Hell up.... your hypocrite.
This country was not founded on a collective responsibility for each other, it was instead based on an individual's responsiibility to take car of himself. You were expected to do your fair share of the work, and those that didn't were not subsidized. Those who could not help themselves were cared for by their families if possible, or by the state in some cases, but it wasn't the life of Riley. Charity was voluntary, soup kitchens and so on were totally based on donations .

So life pretty much sucked for those least fortunate. But that was the point - it's supposed to suck and you're supposed to try like hell to get a job and move up in the world. It's not supposed to be a comfortable way of lfe that you pass on to your kids.
Yes, He did. He wanted us to WANT to help our fellow man. I do that. I do it happily. But nowhere in the Bible does it talk about being forced to help. Being forced removes the fundamental part of being a Christian - to do it WILLINGLY.

And... the more the government stays out of my life, the more I can help my fellow man.


So, basically, you have no argument against what I said. Cool. :cool:

He never does.
Well you are just a glass full of sunshine aren't ya Bucs?

Look for every welfare queen, there are at least 20 others who need money to pay their rent and are tirelessly applying for jobs that will be to their skills and qualifications. Not wasting his and other companies time and energy at a job he/she doesn't care about and isn't productive at.

Obesity maybe a problem, education needs to be out there. But you obviously haven't been fat. You don't know how easy it is to gain weight and how hard it is to get it off. My girlfriend gained 15 pounds in 2 weeks because she had a patella dislocation playing soccer. 15 pounds in two weeks. Its going to take her months to work that off.

Yeah I know what you're going to say "Well go work out" but even when you do, most shit we eat is bad for you. Not only that, you have work, school, responsibilities that don't allow people to get in the necessary workout needed to maintain or lose weight. I think I saw somewhere that women over 25 have to work out an hour a day to maintain the weight they are at if they eat normally. An hour to just maintain? Damn. I think thats why I rarely see women in my school ever eat.

You're the problem, you don't think fat people feel like shit? They do. Alot of students of mine are overweight. I hear what students say to them, you think people like being fat? Hell no. You think people CHOOSE TO BE GAY? Yeah I would love to have my family disown me and have the threat of getting beaten to death.

At the end of the day, we are all Americans. Black, white,hispanic, gay, fat, everyone is an American. Some are doing well, some are not.

But a rising tide lifts all boats. Whats best for Americans is to help Americans.

You are someone I would love to beat to a pulp while kicking your sorry communistic ass all over the neighborhood. I hate people like you who want to take my property and give it away to people you think deserve it more than I, the one who earned it, do. You will one day have to pay for your insanity and your thievery. Phuck you and yours, libby. 88
If volunteerism worked, the People would have never had reason to turn to the government.

Really. What did poor people do for the first 150 years of this country? Did the poor suddenly appear in the twentieth century?

The poor were here. Volunteerism failed. The government of the People, by the People, for the People stepped in to help,

where volunteerism failed.

Go to a country that doesn't have a social safety net, that doesn't have a compassionate government that through its ELECTED representatives chooses to alleviate the burdens of poverty.

Tell me if that is what you want America to look like.
Yes, He did. He wanted us to WANT to help our fellow man. I do that. I do it happily. But nowhere in the Bible does it talk about being forced to help. Being forced removes the fundamental part of being a Christian - to do it WILLINGLY.

And... the more the government stays out of my life, the more I can help my fellow man.


So, basically, you have no argument against what I said. Cool. :cool:

Jesus said 'render unto Caesar what it is Caesar's.'

It was his response to being asked whether people should pay their taxes.
If volunteerism worked, the People would have never had reason to turn to the government.

Volunteerism is not supposed to "work" YOU ARE...

Volunteerism and charity are supposed to be possible boosts out of the voluntary goodness of the heart of the person with extra supplies/money/food/time/etc
I am my brother's keeper.

This is a basic Christian philosophy.

This is what Jesus teached, preached and lived.

Yes, He did. He wanted us to WANT to help our fellow man. I do that. I do it happily. But nowhere in the Bible does it talk about being forced to help. Being forced removes the fundamental part of being a Christian - to do it WILLINGLY.

And... the more the government stays out of my life, the more I can help my fellow man.

I call bullshit. IF you did that you would only do it so you can puff yourself up in imagined adoration. :eusa_pray:

Besides, we already tried it your way and it didn't work. That's why welfare was created in the first place. :eusa_whistle:


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