Obama: "We're responsible for each other". Really? Since when?

That was the quote that stood out the most. That somehow I am responsible for John Doe or anyone else for me. Yet, I'm then told I cannot be judgemental about another person's lifestyle. Well, if I'M gonna be held responsible for that person, then I better damn well be allowed to make judgement on them. For example...........

- Shaquita the welfare queen should not be able to have more kids. She won't work. Blows money on the lottery. I'm responsible for her. So...no more kids. Drug test her. And if she is driving any car valued at over $3,000, we take it, sell it, and give her 3K to buy a used car. The rest goes into the general fund.

- Bubba the redneck trailor trash should not be able to keep getting drunk every day. He's lost his job for drunkenness. And all he wants to do is watch NASCAR and shoot guns all day. He can afford ammo because I subsidize his food, housing and healthcare.

- Pedro must go back. I'm not responsible for 6 billion people, only the 300 million US citizens. Sorry Mexicans, board the bus and go home. I can only be responsible for so many people, ya know?

- FAT PEOPLE. This is the one that hits me the hardest. If I am indeed responsible for everyone else, then my mild intolerance for fat asses is now full blown hate. If you are fucking fat, I'm tired of paying for your bills. Your health bills. Your food bills. You eat more, thus causing prices to be higher. Your car burns more gas due to more weight, thus, pushing gas prices higher. You consume more healthcare, thus, cause them to go up. Mr. Obama, tell ME, the person responsible for all others, how you're gonna stop obesity. Michelle pushing carrots ain't working.

So, Mr. President, now that you've told me I am responsible for everyone else, I am demanding a few changes in the lifestyle of my fellow people that I'm responsible for. The days of tolerance and not passing judgement are over. Gay people, you spread STD's faster than others simply because you don't use protection as often. Stop being gay. Fat people, stop being disgusting fat blobs and just screwing up countless things as a result. Shaquita? No more fucking kids, get a job, line up for a drug test. Bubba? You're done, no more booze.

But wait. HOW can we control all those people's behaviors? Obviously, to share responsibility, we must pass judgement and correct it. But how can we engage in this liberal utopian shared responsibility, while also having the freedom to be Shaquita, Bubba, Pedro, fat, gay, etc, etc, etc????? You can't be held responsible for each other while at the same time enjoying the freedom to succeed or be a fuck up.

Well, we can't. Thats why left wing ideology in full bloom always turns into a regime like Cuba, USSR, China, North Korea, Vietnam, Burma, Russia, and others. Because you need an overwhelming, central force to control the behaviors of the masses in order to fairly hold them all responsible for each other.

Welcome to tyranny folks.

Obama: "We're responsible for each other". Really? Since when?

Not to worry. He wasn't talking about you. You Daniel Boone types that don't use our roads..live off the land.. have no need for police..military...fire departments..

I believe you are exempt.
That was the quote that stood out the most. That somehow I am responsible for John Doe or anyone else for me. Yet, I'm then told I cannot be judgemental about another person's lifestyle. Well, if I'M gonna be held responsible for that person, then I better damn well be allowed to make judgement on them. For example...........

- Shaquita the welfare queen should not be able to have more kids. She won't work. Blows money on the lottery. I'm responsible for her. So...no more kids. Drug test her. And if she is driving any car valued at over $3,000, we take it, sell it, and give her 3K to buy a used car. The rest goes into the general fund.

- Bubba the redneck trailor trash should not be able to keep getting drunk every day. He's lost his job for drunkenness. And all he wants to do is watch NASCAR and shoot guns all day. He can afford ammo because I subsidize his food, housing and healthcare.

- Pedro must go back. I'm not responsible for 6 billion people, only the 300 million US citizens. Sorry Mexicans, board the bus and go home. I can only be responsible for so many people, ya know?

- FAT PEOPLE. This is the one that hits me the hardest. If I am indeed responsible for everyone else, then my mild intolerance for fat asses is now full blown hate. If you are fucking fat, I'm tired of paying for your bills. Your health bills. Your food bills. You eat more, thus causing prices to be higher. Your car burns more gas due to more weight, thus, pushing gas prices higher. You consume more healthcare, thus, cause them to go up. Mr. Obama, tell ME, the person responsible for all others, how you're gonna stop obesity. Michelle pushing carrots ain't working.

So, Mr. President, now that you've told me I am responsible for everyone else, I am demanding a few changes in the lifestyle of my fellow people that I'm responsible for. The days of tolerance and not passing judgement are over. Gay people, you spread STD's faster than others simply because you don't use protection as often. Stop being gay. Fat people, stop being disgusting fat blobs and just screwing up countless things as a result. Shaquita? No more fucking kids, get a job, line up for a drug test. Bubba? You're done, no more booze.

But wait. HOW can we control all those people's behaviors? Obviously, to share responsibility, we must pass judgement and correct it. But how can we engage in this liberal utopian shared responsibility, while also having the freedom to be Shaquita, Bubba, Pedro, fat, gay, etc, etc, etc????? You can't be held responsible for each other while at the same time enjoying the freedom to succeed or be a fuck up.

Well, we can't. Thats why left wing ideology in full bloom always turns into a regime like Cuba, USSR, China, North Korea, Vietnam, Burma, Russia, and others. Because you need an overwhelming, central force to control the behaviors of the masses in order to fairly hold them all responsible for each other.

Welcome to tyranny folks.

Oh really. So why are the ones doing all the giving and exactly what are we getting in return.
That was the quote that stood out the most. That somehow I am responsible for John Doe or anyone else for me. Yet, I'm then told I cannot be judgemental about another person's lifestyle. Well, if I'M gonna be held responsible for that person, then I better damn well be allowed to make judgement on them. For example...........

- Shaquita the welfare queen should not be able to have more kids. She won't work. Blows money on the lottery. I'm responsible for her. So...no more kids. Drug test her. And if she is driving any car valued at over $3,000, we take it, sell it, and give her 3K to buy a used car. The rest goes into the general fund.

- Bubba the redneck trailor trash should not be able to keep getting drunk every day. He's lost his job for drunkenness. And all he wants to do is watch NASCAR and shoot guns all day. He can afford ammo because I subsidize his food, housing and healthcare.

- Pedro must go back. I'm not responsible for 6 billion people, only the 300 million US citizens. Sorry Mexicans, board the bus and go home. I can only be responsible for so many people, ya know?

- FAT PEOPLE. This is the one that hits me the hardest. If I am indeed responsible for everyone else, then my mild intolerance for fat asses is now full blown hate. If you are fucking fat, I'm tired of paying for your bills. Your health bills. Your food bills. You eat more, thus causing prices to be higher. Your car burns more gas due to more weight, thus, pushing gas prices higher. You consume more healthcare, thus, cause them to go up. Mr. Obama, tell ME, the person responsible for all others, how you're gonna stop obesity. Michelle pushing carrots ain't working.

So, Mr. President, now that you've told me I am responsible for everyone else, I am demanding a few changes in the lifestyle of my fellow people that I'm responsible for. The days of tolerance and not passing judgement are over. Gay people, you spread STD's faster than others simply because you don't use protection as often. Stop being gay. Fat people, stop being disgusting fat blobs and just screwing up countless things as a result. Shaquita? No more fucking kids, get a job, line up for a drug test. Bubba? You're done, no more booze.

But wait. HOW can we control all those people's behaviors? Obviously, to share responsibility, we must pass judgement and correct it. But how can we engage in this liberal utopian shared responsibility, while also having the freedom to be Shaquita, Bubba, Pedro, fat, gay, etc, etc, etc????? You can't be held responsible for each other while at the same time enjoying the freedom to succeed or be a fuck up.

Well, we can't. Thats why left wing ideology in full bloom always turns into a regime like Cuba, USSR, China, North Korea, Vietnam, Burma, Russia, and others. Because you need an overwhelming, central force to control the behaviors of the masses in order to fairly hold them all responsible for each other.

Welcome to tyranny folks.

Oh really. So why are the ones doing all the giving and exactly what are we getting in return.

Oh wait I know, the fucking shaft!
Obama: "We're responsible for each other". Really? Since when?

Since Franklin Delano Roosevelt.

Well between the founders and FDR we sort of lost our way.

With a couple of exceptions..Lincoln being most notable.

But yeah..FDR..to keep the commies or fascists from taking over..made the country a bit more of a hospitable place for the regular joe.
That was the quote that stood out the most. That somehow I am responsible for John Doe or anyone else for me. Yet, I'm then told I cannot be judgemental about another person's lifestyle. Well, if I'M gonna be held responsible for that person, then I better damn well be allowed to make judgement on them. For example...........

- Shaquita the welfare queen should not be able to have more kids. She won't work. Blows money on the lottery. I'm responsible for her. So...no more kids. Drug test her. And if she is driving any car valued at over $3,000, we take it, sell it, and give her 3K to buy a used car. The rest goes into the general fund.

- Bubba the redneck trailor trash should not be able to keep getting drunk every day. He's lost his job for drunkenness. And all he wants to do is watch NASCAR and shoot guns all day. He can afford ammo because I subsidize his food, housing and healthcare.

- Pedro must go back. I'm not responsible for 6 billion people, only the 300 million US citizens. Sorry Mexicans, board the bus and go home. I can only be responsible for so many people, ya know?

- FAT PEOPLE. This is the one that hits me the hardest. If I am indeed responsible for everyone else, then my mild intolerance for fat asses is now full blown hate. If you are fucking fat, I'm tired of paying for your bills. Your health bills. Your food bills. You eat more, thus causing prices to be higher. Your car burns more gas due to more weight, thus, pushing gas prices higher. You consume more healthcare, thus, cause them to go up. Mr. Obama, tell ME, the person responsible for all others, how you're gonna stop obesity. Michelle pushing carrots ain't working.

So, Mr. President, now that you've told me I am responsible for everyone else, I am demanding a few changes in the lifestyle of my fellow people that I'm responsible for. The days of tolerance and not passing judgement are over. Gay people, you spread STD's faster than others simply because you don't use protection as often. Stop being gay. Fat people, stop being disgusting fat blobs and just screwing up countless things as a result. Shaquita? No more fucking kids, get a job, line up for a drug test. Bubba? You're done, no more booze.

But wait. HOW can we control all those people's behaviors? Obviously, to share responsibility, we must pass judgement and correct it. But how can we engage in this liberal utopian shared responsibility, while also having the freedom to be Shaquita, Bubba, Pedro, fat, gay, etc, etc, etc????? You can't be held responsible for each other while at the same time enjoying the freedom to succeed or be a fuck up.

Well, we can't. Thats why left wing ideology in full bloom always turns into a regime like Cuba, USSR, China, North Korea, Vietnam, Burma, Russia, and others. Because you need an overwhelming, central force to control the behaviors of the masses in order to fairly hold them all responsible for each other.

Welcome to tyranny folks.

It's called the social contract.

You signed onto this nation's version of it the day you were born.
Welcome to contract arbitration, my friend. I want the previous contract where all men are imbued with personal responsibility, assumption of risk and the liberty to succeed or fail as far as his ability takes them.

I'm firing the Nanny State. I want a Daddy State that tells you to quit throwing a tantrum over toys or you'll get a spanking.

From what I'm reading we are getting hung up on the needy and what needs we should meet.

Of course nobody will argue that welfare should be provided "time and eternity" for able bodied adults. However, many people who have been thrown out of work need and should get TEMPORARY assistance.

But when I read statements like "If you do not work you shall not eat" and apply it to the sick and elderly in a nursing home my blood begins to boil. Anyone who tries to say that Jesus would condone something like that has no clue to His teachings.

And luckily we have the gift of hindsight when it comes to charities providing for every need. They cannot, period. That is why the welfare system was created. One operation for a poor and needy child could wipe out an entire budget for many charties. So for things like that we need to have the government involved. We are too wealthy of a nation to allow the truly needy to suffer.

I hear a lot of talk about "moral obligations". We have a moral obligation to help care for those who cannot care for themselves. And anyone who thinks that Jesus would condemn such help are reading a much different Bible than I.

I am my brother's keeper.

This is a basic Christian philosophy.

This is what Jesus teached, preached and lived.

I'm not a Christian, so why should I accept that horseshit?

It's just an excuse to get your hands on what other people have earned.
You're off topic.

Do you or Sig believe that chick or think that is what Obama is doing or just a liar confusing the topic?

lol...that woman was not an indication of the general sentiments of those that supported Obama...I believe she was sincere, but completely misguided....and the right capitalized on one rogue individual.

However, I have no doubt that the Obama agenda is designed to ensure a democratic majority for generations to come. The more they play on the class warfare thing and the more they get people to enjoy the advantages of entitlements, and the more people they get to capitalize on those entitlements and come to depend on those entitlements, the more they will be able to talk down the GOP ideas.

At least you're honest which is more than I can say about Sigdickhead

You righties like to see entitlements (only to individuals, not corporations) as hindering someones will to succeed. Thats phoney. If you broke your leg and I gave you a crutch...I'm not making you less motived to walk. I'm giving you help until you can.

Shit, maybe we should just call entitlements "subsidies" then maybe the right will stop shitting all over the lowest rungs of society. Cause subsidies are cool, entitlements not cool.

That "buying" votes thing is so old it collects Social Security. You dont consider for ONE SECOND that maybe....just maybe people agree with Dem POLICIES. Isnt that even POSSIBLE?

Horse shit....

A majority of the 'righties' or conservatives especially, are against entitlements whether they be corporate or individual

but nice try
I am my brother's keeper.

This is a basic Christian philosophy.

This is what Jesus teached, preached and lived.

I'm not a Christian, so why should I accept that horseshit?

It's just an excuse to get your hands on what other people have earned.

Because we all, Christian or not, have a moral obligation.



So why, then, has the government decided it best that do do it for us instead?
I'm not a Christian, so why should I accept that horseshit?

It's just an excuse to get your hands on what other people have earned.

Because we all, Christian or not, have a moral obligation.



So why, then, has the government decided it best that do do it for us instead?

Because history teaches us that we cannot do it alone. As I posted earlier......

That is why the welfare system was created. One operation for a poor and needy child could wipe out an entire budget for many charties. So for things like that we need to have the government involved. We are too wealthy of a nation to allow the truly needy to suffer.

Because we all, Christian or not, have a moral obligation.



So why, then, has the government decided it best that do do it for us instead?

Because history teaches us that we cannot do it alone. As I posted earlier......

That is why the welfare system was created. One operation for a poor and needy child could wipe out an entire budget for many charties. So for things like that we need to have the government involved. We are too wealthy of a nation to allow the truly needy to suffer.


The key phrase being "truly needy"....

An individual who pays 14K annual rent and claims she can not afford private healthcare is offered the suggestion of "get a roommate" and you will have another 7K that you can use for a good single coverage private healthcare plan...and she says she doesnt want a roommate and shouldnt have to have one.....is that someone who is "truly needy"?

FYI...that is Mr. Peepers I am referring to.
I am my brother's keeper.

This is a basic Christian philosophy.

This is what Jesus teached, preached and lived.

I'm not a Christian, so why should I accept that horseshit?

It's just an excuse to get your hands on what other people have earned.

Because we all, Christian or not, have a moral obligation.

By who's standard? My own? Then I have a moral obligation as far as my conscience and walk with Jesus takes me and not a bit farther. If that's not enough for you, fuck off. You have no say. You walk your path, I'll walk mine. Even Christ taught to follow Him and not be concerned with how He deals with another. That is their path, not yours.
Love how the liberal are now trying to 'out-pious' each other and conservatives when the very concept of objective morality is an anathema to them.

When no morality is supreme, there is no standard save that of force.
the right wing leaders have these peoples minds so wrapped up they cant think for themselves.

How is it these "christains" are so sure no one should help their fellow man.
No. Another lie. No one should be FORCED to help their fellow man against their will. Can I withhold my taxes from planned parenthood? No. Because a man with a gun and handcuffs will take me away for not paying my taxes.

What you don't get is that your 'moral imperative', regardless of what it may be, does not imbue authority to take from others. You are not annointed by whatever power you may believe in (gaia, random chance, the green man, aliens, personal egotism) you have the authority to force others to your will, particularly if they disagree. Your cause is not so noble that you are forgiven your sin of theft.

So why, then, has the government decided it best that do do it for us instead?

Because history teaches us that we cannot do it alone. As I posted earlier......

That is why the welfare system was created. One operation for a poor and needy child could wipe out an entire budget for many charties. So for things like that we need to have the government involved. We are too wealthy of a nation to allow the truly needy to suffer.


The key phrase being "truly needy"....

An individual who pays 14K annual rent and claims she can not afford private healthcare is offered the suggestion of "get a roommate" and you will have another 7K that you can use for a good single coverage private healthcare plan...and she says she doesnt want a roommate and shouldnt have to have one.....is that someone who is "truly needy"?

FYI...that is Mr. Peepers I am referring to.

I'm not a Christian, so why should I accept that horseshit?

It's just an excuse to get your hands on what other people have earned.

Because we all, Christian or not, have a moral obligation.

By who's standard? My own? Then I have a moral obligation as far as my conscience and walk with Jesus takes me and not a bit farther. If that's not enough for you, fuck off. You have no say. You walk your path, I'll walk mine. Even Christ taught to follow Him and not be concerned with how He deals with another. That is their path, not yours.


Of course nobody will argue that welfare should be provided "time and eternity" for able bodied adults. However, many people who have been thrown out of work need and should get TEMPORARY assistance.

But when I read statements like "If you do not work you shall not eat" and apply it to the sick and elderly in a nursing home my blood begins to boil. Anyone who tries to say that Jesus would condone something like that has no clue to His teachings.

If your morals dictate that people in a nursing home be cut off from government aid then there's no hope for that individual. WWJD?

Some might say that redistributing the wealth creates dependencies that are morally irresponsible. Aside from the fact that you are taking from someone who earned it and giving it to someone who hasn't. Which is nothing less than authorized stealing.
The poor were here. Volunteerism failed. The government of the People, by the People, for the People stepped in to help,

where volunteerism failed.

Go to a country that doesn't have a social safety net, that doesn't have a compassionate government that through its ELECTED representatives chooses to alleviate the burdens of poverty.

Tell me if that is what you want America to look like.

"Volunteerism" is a synonym for "Freedom".

So, in your own words, freedom failed? Because if something isn't voluntary, then it becomes mandatory. And if things start becoming mandatory, we are no longer free.

So how left wingism has historically turned into tyrannical governments like those seen in the USSR, China, North Korea, Cuba, Burma, etc, etct????

So if I refuse to "volunteer" my income to pay for the bad decisions of others, then you feel the government must take my income by force to be given to those people?

In what land of the inbred dictionary is volunteerism a synonym for freedom?

The United States could not exist as a nation if we let everyone opt out of paying the shares of their taxes that go to things they don't like. For starters, a good deal of people would say they didn't like anything, and opt out of paying any taxes.

And your beloved military would all but cease to exist.

Happy now?

Fail on a monstrous scale.

You assume the government is the United States. Incorrect. The PEOPLE are the United States. The government is the aparatus which they use to function more smoothly and create the framework of a society. Currently the government has become a cancerous byzantine thing that MUST be cut back to the bone as originally intended by the framers.

Without states having the threat of opting out (which was destroyed in 1864) the government began to expand and violate it's own constitutional bounds because there were no consequences for when it DID violate it's own rules. The government SHOULD be forced to privatize ohhhh about 60% of the services it currently supplies and get back to it's specifically enumerated powers.

You like to focus on the "preamble" as a justification for all the totalitarian excesses of a rogue national government. That invalidates any constitutional basis for your argument because if you had presented the same attitude back in those days to the signers and the colonies, you'd have been thrown out of the statehouse and thrashed as a tory trying to recreate a monarchy or new nobility. What you advocate is nothing short of a totalitarian state that bases it's power on 'we can do anything we feel is in the best interest of the public.'

No sane person would sign into such a compact. But then again, I don't consider you sane, so don't let that trouble you.

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