Obama WH: Biggest crybabies ever according to Chris Wallace

First as others have asked and received no answer..what insult did you hear? And further more.. when did Michael Steele get elected POTUS?

As "President," when Did Obama ever say anything "childish" about the protesters? The Republicans have no official voice, other than Michael Steele. It was an appropriate analogy.
Really? What was the insult, then?
Very Nixonian indeed.

The pattern of insulting and belittling protestors is linked to wallace's comment, anything they don't like they attack in the most childish way possible.

Yes, because clearly the people running around holding up signs comparing Obama to Hilter and filled with vile racist messages are the adults in the room.
^This post is a perfect example of mindless prattle intended to divert from the topic.

What do protestors have to do with the way the elected federal government deals with the press?



Obama and his minions do not like any questions and are indeed quite Nixonian as Helen Thomas herself pointed out.

Notice how the Obama supports behave the same way, with attempts to distract and draw moral equivilencies.

So much for the 'most open and transparent government in US history'.

Helen Thomas is the queen bee of the press corps, and she doesn't like to be left out. As for the implication that Obama (or Gibbs) plays favorites, when Fox reporters are the only ones who cherry pick what he says or does, why should he invite even more of that? The Fox reporters have been out to get him from Day One.
Maybe Obama will go on Chris Wallace's show one of these days and scare the living shit out of him like Bill Clinton did.

Chris Wallace is the biggest bore ever.

Or maybe he'll make another appearance on MTP and avoid answering the questions with his silver-tongued rhetoric that won him the election.

What questions did you want answered today that were not?
MarcATL said:
Why must you people continue to LIE and be so disingenuous? Why?!?

Because they don't believe they ARE lying. All they ever hear is the stuff on Fox (Beck now overshadows even Hannity), and Limbaugh et al. When someone is only exposed to ONE source of "information," they just presume they can intelligently claim it as truth. Pathetic.
There seems to be some substance to what Wallace is saying. Don't have to take his word for it: just look at some of the press releases from the White House. Clearly, they get wrapped around the axle on the smallest of things and are especially mindful of anything Fox News does.

Obama does come across as thin-skinned.

As he alluded to on MTP, when all we see on our televisions is 24/7 coverage of mobs of people carrying hateful signs and yelling disgusting illiterate bullshit, it's "troubling." Downright fucking scary is what it is, to think that so many Americans have been so dumbed down. They aren't interested in any dialog to help solve the problems. They're unfortunately just proving how this nation has slipped backward to an uncivilized citizenry.
There seems to be some substance to what Wallace is saying. Don't have to take his word for it: just look at some of the press releases from the White House. Clearly, they get wrapped around the axle on the smallest of things and are especially mindful of anything Fox News does.

Obama does come across as thin-skinned.

It's a clear indication that obama is wound up and given his talking points and released everyday by kos and soros.

Yea i always say that Liberals just can't stop whining about everything. It's in their DNA to be such boring whiners. Their Hopey Changey has all the Power and they're still whining about everything. They control the entire Mainstream Media. They control the entire Government as well. What are they still whining about for God's sake? Still trying to blame Republicans when they have all the Power just makes them look like a bunch of pathetic wankers. They whined when they didn't have the power and now they're still whining even though they have all the power. Lets just hope they really do have something to whine about in 2010 when they get their sorry a*ses voted out of office.

Is that a whine?
Dems were dealing with at their townhalls.
It wasn't the Dems' townhalls. It was the people's townhalls.

That's the problem -- Dems forgot they work for US, not the other way around. See how you have had to corrupt yourself intellectually, to defend these malfeasants?

I doubt that many "Dems" showed up after they saw the first week's worth of what could happen. I sure wouldn't want to be exposed to that kind of lynch mob. And no, I'm not being RACIST, before someone starts flinging accusations. The "mood" at all of the Dem town halls was that of a lynch mob. But of course Republicans' were conducted like Sunday School sessions.
You know what the fuck I meant.
I think you were quite clear, Emma. Because the Dems themselves think they own the townhalls, and we are supposed to just go there and pay them fealty. Look at what you said and how you phrased it. Perhaps it was just Freudian slip.

this is quite true, why else would they demand that one present a voter registration card to prove their alliegance to the democrat party?

I think you're thinking of Booooooooooooooooooooooooooooosh... NO ONE got into any of his rallies without GOP identification. NOBODY.
I think you were quite clear, Emma. Because the Dems themselves think they own the townhalls, and we are supposed to just go there and pay them fealty. Look at what you said and how you phrased it. Perhaps it was just Freudian slip.

this is quite true, why else would they demand that one present a voter registration card to prove their alliegance to the democrat party?

I think you're thinking of Booooooooooooooooooooooooooooosh... NO ONE got into any of his rallies without GOP identification. NOBODY.
Where do I get this "GOP identification"?
Oy. The mind reels at the sheer hypocrisy of it all. Maybe the average Fox viewer has a memory that last no more than 10 minutes (which may explain the popularity of Glenn Beck) and thinks that the constant featuring of William "I am NEVER right about anything" Kristol constitutes being "fair and balanced", but does it seem odd to any critical thinking person why Barack Obama would choose not to legitimize the outlet that pushed the tea parties, madrassas, terrorist fist jabs, and even jokingly fantasized about killing him? And yet to widdle Chris, it's petty of the President to not want to be sandbagged as Wallace did with Bill Clinton.

Let me make it easier for you and the rest of the Fox crew, Chris. Obama has tried reaching out to you. Remember the interview he did with you over Rev. Wright? Your editorial department (read Mr. Ailes) decided that even if Obama reached out, that wouldn't stop your insinuating of his Otherness constantly. The next time you ask why Obama won't go on Fox, just have a gander at this:

If you had a link, it didn't show (maybe not enough postings), but you sure made your point. BRAVO!!!
what a fucking STRETCH to find an "insult"
get the fuck over yourself

now THAT is an insult

He wouldn't dare say that about my Mom's illness and death. I guarandamntee you that.
yet he was right
look how the liberal assholes gloom onto that as an insult

Who glommed onto Obama's remark that the Cambridge police acted "stupidly"?? That one word was cause for 24/7 cable news coverage for well over a week, and resulted in Obama having to have a little tea party of his own to PROVE to the Idiot Brigade that he meant no harm.

Do Michael's Steele's never-ending gaffes create 24/7 news sensations? Hardly. Oops, but only if Limbaugh sets something he said in motion. :lol:
He wouldn't dare say that about my Mom's illness and death. I guarandamntee you that.
yet he was right
look how the liberal assholes gloom onto that as an insult

Who glommed onto Obama's remark that the Cambridge police acted "stupidly"?? That one word was cause for 24/7 cable news coverage for well over a week, and resulted in Obama having to have a little tea party of his own to PROVE to the Idiot Brigade that he meant no harm.

Do Michael's Steele's never-ending gaffes create 24/7 news sensations? Hardly. Oops, but only if Limbaugh sets something he said in motion. :lol:
What was the insult from Steele?
He wouldn't dare say that about my Mom's illness and death. I guarandamntee you that.
yet he was right
look how the liberal assholes gloom onto that as an insult

Who glommed onto Obama's remark that the Cambridge police acted "stupidly"?? That one word was cause for 24/7 cable news coverage for well over a week, and resulted in Obama having to have a little tea party of his own to PROVE to the Idiot Brigade that he meant no harm.

Do Michael's Steele's never-ending gaffes create 24/7 news sensations? Hardly. Oops, but only if Limbaugh sets something he said in motion. :lol:
except Obama DID insult that police officer, Steele didnt insult ANYONE
You know what the fuck I meant.
I think you were quite clear, Emma. Because the Dems themselves think they own the townhalls, and we are supposed to just go there and pay them fealty. Look at what you said and how you phrased it. Perhaps it was just Freudian slip.


At the Dem's townhalls...didn't see that going on at the Republican's townhall meetings, now did you?
I did, because I went to two of them. The difference was, the Repugs knew it was the people's townhall meetings, not theirs.

There was still quite a bit of noise. But it wasn't met with sneers, disrespect and so forth from the representative. UNLIKE the two Dem townhalls I also attended.

Have you attended any?

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