Obama will announce JOBS plan on Sept. 7--same time as GOP debate.

Will you watch Obama on new Jobs plan--or the GOP debate?

  • Obama new JOBS plan

    Votes: 3 15.0%
  • GOP debate

    Votes: 17 85.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Gold Member
Sep 15, 2008
Obama is trying every trick in the book--planning to have all members of congress there on Sept. 7th to announce his new JOBS plan--cough-cough--new "spending plan" while at the same time the next Republican GOP debate will be aired.

So my question to you--which one are you going to watch---

Vote in above poll.
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Good - that'll give me plenty of time to get the fuck out of the NYSE. Every time that idiot opens his mouth, the fucking market tanks.
Included in the jobs plan will be a plan to grant cheap mortgages to people with no or low credit to try to restart the depressed housing segment of the US economy.
The plan will stand as a strong contrast to the flagrant granting of cheap mortgages to people of low or no credit that caused the US economy to orginally fall into a near depression beginng in September, 2008.
I will dvr both and watch them at a later date. The 7th is my birthday and I intend to enjoy it.

Were it not my birthday I would watch the gop debate, our future. It's painfully clear that Obama is beyond hope and in well over his head.
One more time, Obama does not know what a job is. The loan things is just another vote buying program. If you can't afford it you can't have it. It is not that hard a concept to bring in. Legitimate jobs will stimulate the housing market not giving houses to people who can't afford them. This is what got us into the mess to begin with.
The issue is Obama does not want the jobs plan used against him during the debate...

And a simple question, can anyone prove Obama is not one of the most divisive President in our nation’s history?
I won't watch either.

Obama's so called jobs plan will be nothing more than another stimulus. This when he is planning to try and pass more regulations that will cost upwards of 90 billion.

The Grand Old Prostates will rehash the same hypocritical shit about small government even though not one republican has actually done anything to decrease the size of our bloated bureaucracy.

I'll sit out on my deck with a beer in hand and a steak on the grill and lament the downfall of the USA.
Obama is trying every trick in the book--planning to have all members of congress there on Sept. 7th to announce his new JOBS plan--cough-cough--new "spending plan" while at the same time the next Republican GOP debate will be aired.

So my question to you--which one are you going to watch---

Vote in above poll.

Turning off the TV is the most viable option.

however, if forced to choose, I would always prefer to avoiding having to watch or listen to the platitudinous pontificating perfidious President.
Good - that'll give me plenty of time to get the fuck out of the NYSE. Every time that idiot opens his mouth, the fucking market tanks.

I guess you're such an *expert* on the market that you don't know the best time to buy is when the market is down. :eusa_shhh:
He waited for his vacation to be over last year.... he waited this year too.... why not do it on another night?

What arrogance!!!! He has NOTHING to say, never has, never will..... its just going to be a campaign speech anyhow.
Included in the jobs plan will be a plan to grant cheap mortgages to people with no or low credit to try to restart the depressed housing segment of the US economy.
The plan will stand as a strong contrast to the flagrant granting of cheap mortgages to people of low or no credit that caused the US economy to orginally fall into a near depression beginng in September, 2008.

I see you must have an advanced copy. Please do share.
Gonna give a little prop to Rick Perry on this one.

Perry announced during the last debate. Maybe Obama is lifting a little Texas Cowboy politics.

Which isn't at all a bad thing.

Boehner needs to DENY Obama the use of the house. Question is? Will he buck up?

Obama let loose some of it already yesterday...On Radio. It's more Government spending...SOSDD...what has already failed. Did I mention BLAME BUSH?

The following is from the TOM JOYNER show when he was addressing why blacks are angry at him for the high unemployment in the 'black community'...

TOM JOYNER: Yeah, it is slow and frustrating. And a lot of people are voicing their opinion about how frustrating it is for us in the black community and the unemployment rate being almost twice as much what the general market employment rate is. I understand. I understand people complaining, but I don't agree with people who are trying to - black people, black leaders who are trying to make you look bad, as if this is all your fault.

OBAMA: "Well, look, the fact of the matter is that when you occupy this office, when things are going good then you get the credit, and when things are going tough then you get the blame. And that's the nature of the office. And so I don't spend a lot of time thinking about that. I do spend a lot of time thinking about what can we do to make sure that this economy starts growing faster.

We've made enormous progress over the last two years in stabilizing the economy, but we've stabilized it at an unemployment rate that's way too high. And so the economy is going to have to grow faster. Next week, I'll be unveiling additional plans that we can take to move the ball forward, put people back to work. But I ..."

TOM JOYNER: "Can I talk to you about that after the break"?

OBAMA: Absolutely, absolutely.

TOM JOYNER: And we're back with the president. Mr. President, what's the plan?

OBAMA:"Well, look, there are no magic bullets because what we went through was the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression, and typically after financial recession, financial crises like this, it takes a long time for the patient to heal. This is a situation where the economy essentially had a heart attack, and the patient lived, and the patient is getting better, but it's getting better very slowly.

So we don't have magic bullets, but what we ....."


OBAMA:"For example, putting people to work rebuilding our roads, our bridges, our schools all across America. A big chunk of the loss of employment was in the construction industry. Well, the fact of the matter is that although the housing market is going to take some time to recover, we've got a lot of stuff that needs to get done. There are schools all across the country that right now you could put people to work fixing up. There are roads and bridges right now that need to be improved.

And so we've called for the creation of a special fund that can leverage not only public dollars but also private dollars to start getting those projects moving. So that's an example.

We've got the capacity right now to help local school districts make sure that they're not laying off more teachers. We haven't been as aggressive as we need to, both at the state and federal level.

There are a whole range of tax provisions that are helping small businesses that need to be continued that would expire if the Republicans aren't willing to act in Congress. Same thing with payroll tax cut that put $1,000 in the pockets of the average family. That not only helps them keep their head above water, but it also circulates that money in the economy and makeS sure that businesses have customers.

So all these ideas are ones that have been presented to Congress. We'll be putting out several other additional ideas. We've got to do it, unfortunately, at a time when money is tight. George Bush left us $1 trillion deficit, and so it's a lot harder to climb out of this hole when we don't have a lot of money in the federal coffers."

Good - that'll give me plenty of time to get the fuck out of the NYSE. Every time that idiot opens his mouth, the fucking market tanks.

I guess you're such an *expert* on the market that you don't know the best time to buy is when the market is down. :eusa_shhh:

What about the money we already have invested?

I lost thousands a few weeks ago dummy..... I am still wondering if I will ever regain it!

You mental midget. :cuckoo:
The issue is Obama does not want the jobs plan used against him during the debate...

And a simple question, can anyone prove Obama is not one of the most divisive President in our nation’s history?

The primary reason he is divisive is revenge politics. The right was so pissed off that their entire party tanked in 06-08 because of BUSH politics, they have been determined to "prove" that Democrats are just as bad.

Ain't this country great these days? No wonder we're now the laughing stock of the rest of the world, when once every other country on earth tried to emulate our humble success.

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