Obama will bankrupt and starve American Seniors unless he gets his way

#218-Thanks- keep scaring rational people...you're the best.:eusa_whistle:

Are you so braindead that you can't even figure out how to use the quote button? Oh ok, You must have used up all your meds before the pharmacy will alow you to pick more up? You and the Anthonys seem to have the same problem. What a suprise. LMAO! ~BH
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Benny, Frank, and Bolshie are providing the entertainment from the Frothing Fascist Righty Extremist Revue.

No wonder the GOP is in danger of imploding. The amazing thing is the losers from FFRER think they are mainstream, rather than the lamestream in which they stroke.

Truly laughable.
Benny, Frank, and Bolshie are providing the entertainment from the Frothing Fascist Righty Extremist Revue.

No wonder the GOP is in danger of imploding. The amazing thing is the losers from FFRER think they are mainstream, rather than the lamestream in which they stroke.

Truly laughable.

Obama just told everyone the Social Security is broke and you think it's funny...you Schruted that one too
I think you are the one frothingly funny. You complain because he co-opted your line, goofball?

Beginning in the lame duck session last year, he has made the Frothing Far Right Fascist Extremists look pathetic.

Here you are frothing about it again.
I think you are the one frothingly funny. You complain because he co-opted your line, goofball?

Beginning in the lame duck session last year, he has made the Frothing Far Right Fascist Extremists look pathetic.

Here you are frothing about it again.

Check out the nutcase Jake The dumbshit Starkey coming unhinged for all of us here to witness. What an insecure worm. Here is a quote that fits a gutless turd like Mr. Starkey.......

"As a teenager I was so insecure. I was the type of guy that never fitted in because he never dared to choose. I was convinced I had absolutely no talent at all. For nothing. And that thought took away all my ambition too." - Jake The Dumbshit Starkey

Benny, Frank, and Bolshie are providing the entertainment from the Frothing Fascist Righty Extremist Revue.

No wonder the GOP is in danger of imploding. The amazing thing is the losers from FFRER think they are mainstream, rather than the lamestream in which they stroke.

Truly laughable.

Jake is foaming out the mouth tonight just like a typical red diaper doper baby puke bag in berkinstock sandals on shrooms with a flower in his hair. Time to get the straight jacket Jim. :cuckoo: ~BH
Only a dumb fucking madman like Obama would suggest that an increase in revenue is the solution to fixing the debt. That would be like if you could no longer afford the monthly payements on your credit card, The credit card company suggesting they raise your credit limit.

LMAO! Obama just wants more time to run America into Bankruptcy. He's an out of control, Red china manchurian canidate, banker controlled puppet nutcase. He's finished in November. So are the mentally ill Democrats in D.C. Nothing but a bunch of carpetbagging, Lame ducks. Obama is by far the worst President to ever occupy the Oval office. ~BH

Only a dumb fucking madman like Obama would suggest that an increase in revenue is the solution to fixing the debt.
Personally, I can't think of a better solution than increasing revenue to fix debt.

That's because you're a suicidal mental case. Of course you would see it no other way. You're the same type of dumbshit who would run yourself and your own family broke because in the back of your stupid brain you know that you can always claim bankruptcy just like anyother bum could. :lol: Bow down slave, you're a joke. ~BH

So...a pay rise wouldn't make life any easier for you then?
Or, maybe you're one of the few people that realises their real worth?
Personally, I can't think of a better solution than increasing revenue to fix debt.

That's because you're a suicidal mental case. Of course you would see it no other way. You're the same type of dumbshit who would run yourself and your own family broke because in the back of your stupid brain you know that you can always claim bankruptcy just like anyother bum could. :lol: Bow down slave, you're a joke. ~BH

So...a pay rise wouldn't make life any easier for you then?
Or, maybe you're one of the few people that realises their real worth?

Come on idb, you really can't be this stupid? Raising the debt limit only prolongs the inevitable. It has nothing to do with either party my friend. I might joke around with you, but I know that you're not blind. ~BH
Way to go, Barry. Way to go! Criminally irresponsible talk from the Failed Leader who thinks bank ATM's are hurting the economy and thinks blowing a Trillion dollar on not so shovel ready projects is funny.

Obama= Epic Fail

Hate to tell you but it is the Repubs that want to cut SS and Medicare and Medicade altogether. NOT Obama. They refuse to negotiate. It is their way or the highway. Obama refuses to cut SS. So we are left with an impass. It is not Obama's fault, it is the GOP's fault. So, if I don't get my SS check in August, I will know just who to blame. My Republican Senator. And you can bet that next time he runs, I won't vote for him.
That's because you're a suicidal mental case. Of course you would see it no other way. You're the same type of dumbshit who would run yourself and your own family broke because in the back of your stupid brain you know that you can always claim bankruptcy just like anyother bum could. :lol: Bow down slave, you're a joke. ~BH

So...a pay rise wouldn't make life any easier for you then?
Or, maybe you're one of the few people that realises their real worth?

Come on idb, you really can't be this stupid? Raising the debt limit only prolongs the inevitable. It has nothing to do with either party my friend. I might joke around with you, but I know that you're not blind. ~BH

I never mentioned raising the debt limit, the suggestion was that increasing revenue was a bad idea...I think that's a great idea, a business or a government survives on revenue.
Raising the debt limit is borrowing...that's a different thing altogether.
You really want to avoid that if you can.
Way to go, Barry. Way to go! Criminally irresponsible talk from the Failed Leader who thinks bank ATM's are hurting the economy and thinks blowing a Trillion dollar on not so shovel ready projects is funny.

Obama= Epic Fail

Hate to tell you but it is the Repubs that want to cut SS and Medicare and Medicade altogether. NOT Obama. They refuse to negotiate. It is their way or the highway. Obama refuses to cut SS. So we are left with an impass. It is not Obama's fault, it is the GOP's fault. So, if I don't get my SS check in August, I will know just who to blame. My Republican Senator. And you can bet that next time he runs, I won't vote for him.[/QUOTE]

"I cannot guarantee that those checks go out on August 3rd if we haven't resolved this issue. Because there may simply not be the money in the coffers to do it" -- Barack Obama
After reading this page, one can only say, Bolshie and crew, you can't find your own ass with a compass, a lighted candle, a girl scout troop, and an ass sniffing dog. You are here for grins and chuckles only.
That's because you're a suicidal mental case. Of course you would see it no other way. You're the same type of dumbshit who would run yourself and your own family broke because in the back of your stupid brain you know that you can always claim bankruptcy just like anyother bum could. :lol: Bow down slave, you're a joke. ~BH

So...a pay rise wouldn't make life any easier for you then?
Or, maybe you're one of the few people that realises their real worth?

Come on idb, you really can't be this stupid? Raising the debt limit only prolongs the inevitable. It has nothing to do with either party my friend. I might joke around with you, but I know that you're not blind. ~BH

Is that why it was done 7 times last admin? Twice in one yr? Oh, the faux outrage!
So...a pay rise wouldn't make life any easier for you then?
Or, maybe you're one of the few people that realises their real worth?

Come on idb, you really can't be this stupid? Raising the debt limit only prolongs the inevitable. It has nothing to do with either party my friend. I might joke around with you, but I know that you're not blind. ~BH

I never mentioned raising the debt limit, the suggestion was that increasing revenue was a bad idea...I think that's a great idea, a business or a government survives on revenue.
Raising the debt limit is borrowing...that's a different thing altogether.
You really want to avoid that if you can.

With record profits since early 2010, and record liquid assets, big corp can afford to pay their fair share. Cons are such sheeple.

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