Obama will bankrupt and starve American Seniors unless he gets his way

Come on idb, you really can't be this stupid? Raising the debt limit only prolongs the inevitable. It has nothing to do with either party my friend. I might joke around with you, but I know that you're not blind. ~BH

I never mentioned raising the debt limit, the suggestion was that increasing revenue was a bad idea...I think that's a great idea, a business or a government survives on revenue.
Raising the debt limit is borrowing...that's a different thing altogether.
You really want to avoid that if you can.

With record profits since early 2010, and record liquid assets, big corp can afford to pay their fair share. Cons are such sheeple.

Dah! Dah! The workers must control the means of Production!
"starve seniors"
That ridiculous statement is now used by Republicans and Democrats.
"starve seniors"
That ridiculous statement is now used by Republicans and Democrats.

"I cannot guarantee that those checks go out on August 3rd if we haven't resolved this issue. Because there may simply not be the money in the coffers to do it" Barack "Social Security Really is Bankrupt" Obama
I never mentioned raising the debt limit, the suggestion was that increasing revenue was a bad idea...I think that's a great idea, a business or a government survives on revenue.
Raising the debt limit is borrowing...that's a different thing altogether.
You really want to avoid that if you can.

With record profits since early 2010, and record liquid assets, big corp can afford to pay their fair share. Cons are such sheeple.

Dah! Dah! The workers must control the means of Production!

Nothing to do with what I just said. Spin, spin, frankie.
"starve seniors"
That ridiculous statement is now used by Republicans and Democrats.

"I cannot guarantee that those checks go out on August 3rd if we haven't resolved this issue. Because there may simply not be the money in the coffers to do it" Barack "Social Security Really is Bankrupt" Obama

Yeppers, so tell you con buddies to ask their reps to have big corp pay fair tax, and quit stealing.
With record profits since early 2010, and record liquid assets, big corp can afford to pay their fair share. Cons are such sheeple.

Dah! Dah! The workers must control the means of Production!

Nothing to do with what I just said. Spin, spin, frankie.

Businesses tend to steer clear of nations that nationalize industry and punish the productive. As soon as Obama and the Dems are gone the money will come pouring back in
Come on idb, you really can't be this stupid? Raising the debt limit only prolongs the inevitable. It has nothing to do with either party my friend. I might joke around with you, but I know that you're not blind. ~BH

I never mentioned raising the debt limit, the suggestion was that increasing revenue was a bad idea...I think that's a great idea, a business or a government survives on revenue.
Raising the debt limit is borrowing...that's a different thing altogether.
You really want to avoid that if you can.

With record profits since early 2010, and record liquid assets, big corp can afford to pay their fair share. Cons are such sheeple.

Corporations don't pay taxes. Why is that such a difficult concept for people with your thinking to understand???
"starve seniors"
That ridiculous statement is now used by Republicans and Democrats.

"I cannot guarantee that those checks go out on August 3rd if we haven't resolved this issue. Because there may simply not be the money in the coffers to do it" Barack "Social Security Really is Bankrupt" Obama

Yeppers, so tell you con buddies to ask their reps to have big corp pay fair tax, and quit stealing.

Dah! Dah! The corporations steal the labors of the Proletariat! They must pay!

Why don't you Obama Fluffers demand a 90 or 95% Income tax? Why the dishonesty?
Nothing to do with what I just said. Spin, spin, frankie.

Businesses tend to steer clear of nations that nationalize industry and punish the productive. As soon as Obama and the Dems are gone the money will come pouring back in

They're not steering clear of shit.

They're steering clear of ObamaCare, FinReg, being treated like GM And Chrysler Creditors who got fucked to pay off the UAW or BP who had to pay extortion to Obammy.
I never mentioned raising the debt limit, the suggestion was that increasing revenue was a bad idea...I think that's a great idea, a business or a government survives on revenue.
Raising the debt limit is borrowing...that's a different thing altogether.
You really want to avoid that if you can.

With record profits since early 2010, and record liquid assets, big corp can afford to pay their fair share. Cons are such sheeple.

Corporations don't pay taxes. Why is that such a difficult concept for people with your thinking to understand???

People see corporations as "people" who earn income.

It is simple...

A private coporation is owned by someone. If the profits are great, that someone makes a lot of personal income and pays taxes on it.
If that person doesnt take the money out of the corporation, he or she does NOT pay taxes on it...but ALSO can not use it for personal use.
SO now the money is in the bank and no one can use it...except the corporation....and if the coirporation uses it to make larger profits next year, then the owner will make MORE money and have to pay personal income tax on that money

Now...on the flip side...

The corporation has to pay a tax......that tax is paid...giving the owner LESS personal income and therefore LESS personal income tax....

So in a way it is a wash......

Or does the left beliueve that a business owner should rist pay tax on its profits...and then the owner should take what is left and pay tax on that...and then ALSO have to pay personal income tax on the the amount the corporation paid in taxes?

I mean....dont you folks understand that a corporation does not get to "enjoy" the money like an individual may?
With record profits since early 2010, and record liquid assets, big corp can afford to pay their fair share. Cons are such sheeple.

Corporations don't pay taxes. Why is that such a difficult concept for people with your thinking to understand???

People see corporations as "people" who earn income.

It is simple...

A private coporation is owned by someone. If the profits are great, that someone makes a lot of personal income and pays taxes on it.
If that person doesnt take the money out of the corporation, he or she does NOT pay taxes on it...but ALSO can not use it for personal use.
SO now the money is in the bank and no one can use it...except the corporation....and if the coirporation uses it to make larger profits next year, then the owner will make MORE money and have to pay personal income tax on that money

Now...on the flip side...

The corporation has to pay a tax......that tax is paid...giving the owner LESS personal income and therefore LESS personal income tax....

So in a way it is a wash......

Or does the left beliueve that a business owner should rist pay tax on its profits...and then the owner should take what is left and pay tax on that...and then ALSO have to pay personal income tax on the the amount the corporation paid in taxes?

I mean....dont you folks understand that a corporation does not get to "enjoy" the money like an individual may?

All excellent points, and on top of that, if the taxes are raised the owner or board will simply increase the price of the product or service they create in order to cover the increased cost of doing business. So, the cost is simply passed onto the consumer. Really, the average American pays all of the taxes though goods and services we buy, we're the bottom rung on the ladder. So, it will mostly fall to us if there is any tax increase, not to mention the stifling of job creation as well.
Corporations don't pay taxes. Why is that such a difficult concept for people with your thinking to understand???

People see corporations as "people" who earn income.

It is simple...

A private coporation is owned by someone. If the profits are great, that someone makes a lot of personal income and pays taxes on it.
If that person doesnt take the money out of the corporation, he or she does NOT pay taxes on it...but ALSO can not use it for personal use.
SO now the money is in the bank and no one can use it...except the corporation....and if the coirporation uses it to make larger profits next year, then the owner will make MORE money and have to pay personal income tax on that money

Now...on the flip side...

The corporation has to pay a tax......that tax is paid...giving the owner LESS personal income and therefore LESS personal income tax....

So in a way it is a wash......

Or does the left beliueve that a business owner should rist pay tax on its profits...and then the owner should take what is left and pay tax on that...and then ALSO have to pay personal income tax on the the amount the corporation paid in taxes?

I mean....dont you folks understand that a corporation does not get to "enjoy" the money like an individual may?

All excellent points, and on top of that, if the taxes are raised the owner or board will simply increase the price of the product or service they create in order to cover the increased cost of doing business. So, the cost is simply passed onto the consumer. Really, the average American pays all of the taxes though goods and services we buy, we're the bottom rung on the ladder. So, it will mostly fall to us if there is any tax increase, not to mention the stifling of job creation as well.

Corporations pay no taxes. PEOPLE PAY TAXES.
Obama says he cannot guarantee Social Security checks will go out on August 3

Way to go, Barry. Way to go! Criminally irresponsible talk from the Failed Leader who thinks bank ATM's are hurting the economy and thinks blowing a Trillion dollar on not so shovel ready projects is funny.

Obama= Epic Fail

Obama says he cannot guarantee Social Security checks will go out on August 3 - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

OK, lets say this really happen and Social Security is not paid to recipients.

Then, why would we (taxpayers and businesses) still be obligated to pay into Social Security?
Ame®icano;3861889 said:
Obama says he cannot guarantee Social Security checks will go out on August 3

Way to go, Barry. Way to go! Criminally irresponsible talk from the Failed Leader who thinks bank ATM's are hurting the economy and thinks blowing a Trillion dollar on not so shovel ready projects is funny.

Obama= Epic Fail

Obama says he cannot guarantee Social Security checks will go out on August 3 - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

OK, lets say this really happen and Social Security is not paid to recipients.

Then, why would we (taxpayers and businesses) still be obligated to pay into Social Security?

Well, er, um, the Good and Welfare Clause?
Has a government shut down ever stopped payment to our troops, SSI, or medicare ? Its all a lie meant to rile folks, and that's all. Don't get sucked in.
Has a government shut down ever stopped payment to our troops, SSI, or medicare ? Its all a lie meant to rile folks, and that's all. Don't get sucked in.

He was either lying, or does not have any understanding at all how Social Security works; there's no third option.

In any event, he still hasn't realized that POTUS is a big job. When he made this remark, "I cannot guarantee that those checks go out on August 3rd if we haven't resolved this issue. Because there may simply not be the money in the coffers to do it" Barack "Social Security Really is Bankrupt" Obama, he thought he was just a Community Agitator banging on doors in Chicago getting dead people to vote.
Has a government shut down ever stopped payment to our troops, SSI, or medicare ? Its all a lie meant to rile folks, and that's all. Don't get sucked in.

So what you are saying is that the president knew that people...mainly his supporters....were foolish enough to believe something that is ludicrous and with no history of ever happening.

I agree.

So I must wonder....how do his supporters feel knowing that they admire a man that seems them as fools?
Withholding Social Security Checks? What a disgrace. This President should be ashamed of himself. He knows there's enough Money to pay for Social Security even if the Debt Limit isn't raised. Fear Mongering Bullshit at its worst.

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