Obama will not attend

If not for double standards, they'd have none at all.

I am rather pleased that Obama isn't going to Nancy's funeral.

Then why pages and pages of whining about it?

He probably would have demonstrated his lack of class like he did at the Mandela funeral.

Go to the link and see it in pictures, then deny it ever happened.

‘It appears the president could be in the doghouse with first lady Michelle Obama after a selfie with a couple of European leaders at Nelson Mandela's funeral.

Interpreting a series of photos taken at Mandela's memorial service Tuesday, it looked likePresident Barack Obama was having fun posing for a selfiewith British Prime Minister David Cameron and Denmark Prime Minister Helle Thorning-Schmidt, while wife Michelle Obama wanted no part of it.

In another series of three photos, Obama is seen chatting with a smiling Thorning-Schmidt, with the president touching her on her shoulder. In the third photo, the president and the first lady switched seats. While it is not known who suggested the seat change, Twitter users clearly feel it was the first lady's call.’


Laughing....you're whining about a selfie the president took?

Do you realize how utterly you're making the 'Obama Derangement Syndrome' argument for me?

Obama looking the fool to the rest of the world is hardly ODS.

And now you're argument has devolved into pouting.

When you have something relevant to offer, cmon back.

I gave you a link to Obama's childish and low class behavior in front of 78 world leaders and a dipshit like you calls it pouting. LOL.

You abandoned your every argument, abandoned the topic of the thread.....and snivelled about a selfie.

You're the walking talking poster child for Obama Derangement Syndrome. As no matter what.....you're gonna shit all yourself. Even if you have to start babbling about Russians and Selfies to do it.
Reagan not attending Bess Truman's funeral...I guess the makes Ronnie "classless" as well?

If not for double standards, they'd have none at all.

I am rather pleased that Obama isn't going to Nancy's funeral.

After a couple dozen posts of you complaining that President Obama was acting just like President Bush and President Reagan- now you are happy he is?


My favorite was when his entire argument devolved into whining about Obama taking a selfie.

That was just one example, fool. By the way, Obama doing what is traditional by not attending the Reagan funeral is a first for him.

You've already abandoned the thread. You've abandoned your every argument. You now refuse to even discuss Nancy's funeral. Let alone polish your turd of an argument about it.

You lost. Now you're just snivelling about *why* you lost.
Laughing......whatever revisionist horseshit gets you through the day.

Apparently your memory started in 2004. LFMFAO.

The Russians weren't moving to invade the US from 1981 through 1988. Whatever fan fiction revisionist horseshit you want to believe, believe. Just don't be surprised if we point and laugh.

Though just a quick question....where was all these conservative hysterics when Bush didn't attend Lady Bird Johnson's funeral in 2007? Or when Reagan didn't attend Bess Truman's in 1983?

Surely your sense of history doesn't begin in 2009, does it?

The USSR was taking over one country after another and had nuclear tipped ICBM's targeting US cities. Reagan caused them to collapse and only an Obama loving dipshit would deny that.

The last country the USSR attempted to 'take over' was Afghanistan- in 1979
. Prior to that you have to go back to them putting down the Czech revolution(but they had already taken over Czechkoslavakia.

Oh- and those nuclear tipped ICBM's?

Still pointed at U.S. cities.

Do you know the difference between the USSR and Russia? How many European countries, including Germany, are no longer controlled by the Russians? These are not difficult questions, but they do explain your ignorance.

Clearly I am much more familiar with the differences than you are.
You apparently thought those nuclear tipped ICBM's that the Soviets had pointing at the United States stopped being pointed at us when they were controlled by Russia.

The Soviets weren't taking over one country after another immediately before Reagan or during his Presidency- he didn't stop them taking over any countries. The Soviets took over East Germany in 1945- Reagan was busy doing war propaganda for us then.

I don't mind acknowledging what Ronald Reagan did accomplish- I just enjoy pointing out your inaccuracies.
Would it make a difference if the funeral were held on a golf course?

Would it have made a difference if he were a republican?

Apparently, yes. As when Bush didn't go to Lady Bird Johnson's funeral, your ilk didn't complain in the slightest.

But now? You're shitting your bowels clean in manufactured outrage. If not for double standards, you'd have none at all.
Gee, Skybar, imagine it, a simple question gets your blood pressure up and your bowels in an uproar.

I knew I was good....but THAT good????

Laughing......dude, I caught you and yours in naked hypocrisy. You have no excuse. You're demonstrating how wildly irrational conservatives are about Obama.

Surely you'll understand if the rest of us point and laugh.
Hypocrisy is GOOD!

And that really should be the GOP motto.

If the issue genuinely mattered to conservatives, they would have lost their shit in 2007 when GW didn't attend lady bird Johnson's funeral. They didn't because they don't care.

As usual, conservatives only lose their shit completely if its Obama.
And that really should be the GOP motto.

Dear child, please do NOT allow my personal position to be construed as that of any of the CURRENT political parties. It's mine and you can't have it though we could, perhaps, negotiate a lease.....

You're the one whining about Obama not attending a funeral in 2016.....when you didn't give a shit in 2007. You're the one insisting hypocrisy is good.

If the issue genuinely mattered to conservatives, they would have lost their shit in 2007 when GW didn't attend lady bird Johnson's funeral. They didn't because they don't care.

As usual, conservatives only lose their shit completely if its Obama.
I think this is something that a President should go to.

Nancy Reagan was such an icon as First Lady, she had more class in her little finger than Barack and Michelle have combined in their entire bodies.



She was a third rate actress......she did nothing of consequence with her prominence...

A third rate actress yes, but a first rate First Lady.
The astrology crowd loved her!
I am rather pleased that Obama isn't going to Nancy's funeral.

Then why pages and pages of whining about it?

He probably would have demonstrated his lack of class like he did at the Mandela funeral.

Go to the link and see it in pictures, then deny it ever happened.

‘It appears the president could be in the doghouse with first lady Michelle Obama after a selfie with a couple of European leaders at Nelson Mandela's funeral.

Interpreting a series of photos taken at Mandela's memorial service Tuesday, it looked likePresident Barack Obama was having fun posing for a selfiewith British Prime Minister David Cameron and Denmark Prime Minister Helle Thorning-Schmidt, while wife Michelle Obama wanted no part of it.

In another series of three photos, Obama is seen chatting with a smiling Thorning-Schmidt, with the president touching her on her shoulder. In the third photo, the president and the first lady switched seats. While it is not known who suggested the seat change, Twitter users clearly feel it was the first lady's call.’


Laughing....you're whining about a selfie the president took?

Do you realize how utterly you're making the 'Obama Derangement Syndrome' argument for me?

Obama looking the fool to the rest of the world is hardly ODS.

And now you're argument has devolved into pouting.

When you have something relevant to offer, cmon back.

I gave you a link to Obama's childish and low class behavior in front of 78 world leaders and a dipshit like you calls it pouting. LOL.

You abandoned your every argument, abandoned the topic of the thread.....and snivelled about a selfie.

You're the walking talking poster child for Obama Derangement Syndrome. As no matter what.....you're gonna shit all yourself. Even if you have to start babbling about Russians and Selfies to do it.

You are a lying bastard and not worthy of any more posts from me. I posted a link to the classless one taking selfies at a funeral and only a damned fool would call that 'snivelling." Get back to swallowing Obama's gism and fuckoff.
I just read that Obama will not attend Mrs. Reagan's funeral. He has a festival to attend in Texas. Another classless act from obama.

More partisan stupidity from the right, another non-issue contrived in to a 'controversy' by idiotic conservatives who believe the president is 'always wrong.'
We conservative don't believe Obama is wrong.
One must respect the honesty of even a despicable punk like Obama.

He hates everything he disagrees with, so why bother with appearances?

Besides, why should royalty attend commoners' funeral?

No royalty attended Winston Churchill's funeral, after he saves their royal asses.

Wow. You realize that everything you just posted....was you citing yourself, right? Not Obama.

Here's a much simpler explanation that doesn't involve your playing pretend: The President showing up is a huge security hassle for everyone involved that overshadows and dominates the event itself. Its the same reason that Bush didn't attend former First lady Lady Bird Johnson's funeral in 2007, Clinton didn't go to Pat Nixon's funeral in 1993, and Reagan didn't go to Bess Truman's funeral in 1982

Did Reagan 'hate' Truman? Did Bush 'hate' Johnson? Did Clinton 'hate' Nixon? Or do you just not have a fucking clue what you're talking about?
. If what you say is true, then I will give the person occupying our White House a pass.
Apparently your memory started in 2004. LFMFAO.

The Russians weren't moving to invade the US from 1981 through 1988. Whatever fan fiction revisionist horseshit you want to believe, believe. Just don't be surprised if we point and laugh.

Though just a quick question....where was all these conservative hysterics when Bush didn't attend Lady Bird Johnson's funeral in 2007? Or when Reagan didn't attend Bess Truman's in 1983?

Surely your sense of history doesn't begin in 2009, does it?

The USSR was taking over one country after another and had nuclear tipped ICBM's targeting US cities. Reagan caused them to collapse and only an Obama loving dipshit would deny that.

The last country the USSR attempted to 'take over' was Afghanistan- in 1979
. Prior to that you have to go back to them putting down the Czech revolution(but they had already taken over Czechkoslavakia.

Oh- and those nuclear tipped ICBM's?

Still pointed at U.S. cities.

Do you know the difference between the USSR and Russia? How many European countries, including Germany, are no longer controlled by the Russians? These are not difficult questions, but they do explain your ignorance.

Clearly I am much more familiar with the differences than you are.
You apparently thought those nuclear tipped ICBM's that the Soviets had pointing at the United States stopped being pointed at us when they were controlled by Russia.

The Soviets weren't taking over one country after another immediately before Reagan or duringThe last country the USSR attempted to 'take over' was Afghanistan- in 1979 his Presidency- he didn't stop them taking over any countries. The Soviets took over East Germany in 1945- Reagan was busy doing war propaganda for us then.

I don't mind acknowledging what Ronald Reagan did accomplish- I just enjoy pointing out your inaccuracies.
Apparently your memory started in 2004. LFMFAO.

The Russians weren't moving to invade the US from 1981 through 1988. Whatever fan fiction revisionist horseshit you want to believe, believe. Just don't be surprised if we point and laugh.

Though just a quick question....where was all these conservative hysterics when Bush didn't attend Lady Bird Johnson's funeral in 2007? Or when Reagan didn't attend Bess Truman's in 1983?

Surely your sense of history doesn't begin in 2009, does it?

The USSR was taking over one country after another and had nuclear tipped ICBM's targeting US cities. Reagan caused them to collapse and only an Obama loving dipshit would deny that.

The last country the USSR attempted to 'take over' was Afghanistan- in 1979
. Prior to that you have to go back to them putting down the Czech revolution(but they had already taken over Czechkoslavakia.

Oh- and those nuclear tipped ICBM's?

Still pointed at U.S. cities.

Do you know the difference between the USSR and Russia? How many European countries, including Germany, are no longer controlled by the Russians? These are not difficult questions, but they do explain your ignorance.

Clearly I am much more familiar with the differences than you are.
You apparently thought those nuclear tipped ICBM's that the Soviets had pointing at the United States stopped being pointed at us when they were controlled by Russia.

The Soviets weren't taking over one country after another immediately before Reagan or during his Presidency- he didn't stop them taking over any countries. The Soviets took over East Germany in 1945- Reagan was busy doing war propaganda for us then.

I don't mind acknowledging what Ronald Reagan did accomplish- I just enjoy pointing out your inaccuracies.

I noticed that you finally admitted it was the USSR that quit attempting to take over any more countries in 1979. Was it a coincidence that Reagan was elected in 1980? 15 countries were eventually freed from Soviet domination because of Reagan's policies.

More later since I have to eat supper, but the weak sister we now have has enabled Russia to start taking back some countries.
One must respect the honesty of even a despicable punk like Obama.

He hates everything he disagrees with, so why bother with appearances?

Besides, why should royalty attend commoners' funeral?

No royalty attended Winston Churchill's funeral, after he saves their royal asses.

Wow. You realize that everything you just posted....was you citing yourself, right? Not Obama.

Here's a much simpler explanation that doesn't involve your playing pretend: The President showing up is a huge security hassle for everyone involved that overshadows and dominates the event itself. Its the same reason that Bush didn't attend former First lady Lady Bird Johnson's funeral in 2007, Clinton didn't go to Pat Nixon's funeral in 1993, and Reagan didn't go to Bess Truman's funeral in 1982

Did Reagan 'hate' Truman? Did Bush 'hate' Johnson? Did Clinton 'hate' Nixon? Or do you just not have a fucking clue what you're talking about?
. If what you say is true, then I will give the person occupying our White House a pass.

Don't fall for that nonsense. Obama wasn't invited is why he didn't go and excuses are a dime a dozen.

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