Obamabots Duped Again: Obama To Continue War In Afghanistan...

I'm just gonna say a WAR means boots on the ground and more than 60 days- like the war powers act says....you hater dupes are shameless in your disengenuousness- or you're totally ignorant and brainwashed...

Obama was criminal in not staying in Iraq, and for staying in Afghanistan. Stupid a-holes.

Oh your Dear Leader is likely getting us back in Iraq too. Just give him some more time. It'll happen. And you're a shameful hater dupe for supporting this deal. When are you gonna sick of being a sucker?
Just like he was going to occupy Libya, Tunisia, Syria? NOT HAPPENING. Just the ME getting involved in busting terrorists themselves. Joins long list of fear mongering bs you dupes strangely can't remember...Fema camps, gun grabs, death panels, etc etc etc.

The Western Globalist Elites got exactly what they wanted out of the Libyan War. They seized control of its banking system and are now plundering its natural resources. They're planning the same thing for Ukraine and Syria.
Ukraine natural resources and minerals
not so much

Syria? nice place for a pipeline from Iraq to Europe.
Actually, they're helping Ukraine fight off Russia. Hardly is Biden making any money, or Dems. They're well meaning nice guys, not greedy megarich Pub a-holes. Tell me about Afghan natural resources lol...

Come on, Biden and his little brat are getting rich in Ukraine. Are you really that All-In on the 'Party before Country' thing? The Western Globalist Elites now control Ukraine's banking system and are plundering its natural resources. That's always the plan.
Biden's kids thing is transparency, Biden won't make a penny. This ain't the GOP, dupe. For all your talk, you're just a pawn of the worst elitists on the planet...
I'm just gonna say a WAR means boots on the ground and more than 60 days- like the war powers act says....you hater dupes are shameless in your disengenuousness- or you're totally ignorant and brainwashed...

Obama was criminal in not staying in Iraq, and for staying in Afghanistan. Stupid a-holes.

Oh your Dear Leader is likely getting us back in Iraq too. Just give him some more time. It'll happen. And you're a shameful hater dupe for supporting this deal. When are you gonna sick of being a sucker?
Just like he was going to occupy Libya, Tunisia, Syria? NOT HAPPENING. Just the ME getting involved in busting terrorists themselves. Joins long list of fear mongering bs you dupes strangely can't remember...Fema camps, gun grabs, death panels, etc etc etc.

The Western Globalist Elites got exactly what they wanted out of the Libyan War. They seized control of its banking system and are now plundering its natural resources. They're planning the same thing for Ukraine and Syria.
Ukraine natural resources and minerals
not so much

Syria? nice place for a pipeline from Iraq to Europe.

Ukraine's still gonna make some Globalist Elites richer. Just ask VP Biden and his douchebag son. Syria & Afghanistan are gonna make many Globalist Elites very rich too. Seizing banking systems and plundering natural resources are always the goals. It's the only reasons we're still in Afghanistan. Very big deals have been signed. Obama's keeping us there for a long long time.
Biden's kids thing is transparency, Biden won't make a penny. This ain't the GOP, dupe. For all your talk, you're just a pawn of the worst elitists on the planet...

The Biden Family and other Western Globalist Elites will get richer plundering Ukraine's natural resources. Bet on that.
What Biden's kid is doing is called capitalism, the good kind- what Biden is doing is diplomacy, the good kind. There are good globalists and bad globalists. You're with the bad, stupid, greedy ones, the Pubs. Polluting, screwing the little guys, supporting dictatorships, invading countries based on lies with giant armies, etc etc etc.

OP- What Dems are duped, jackass? This is the good war, the Iraq one was RW idiocy that wrecked an easy victory in Afghan in 2003. We're now HELPING the ME fight a new plague, that only got so big because Bush's a-hole idiot Maliki screwed up democracy there, and refused our help.
What Biden's kid is doing is called capitalism, the good kind- what Biden is doing is diplomacy, the good kind. There are good globalists and bad globalists. You're with the bad, stupid, greedy ones, the Pubs. Polluting, screwing the little guys, supporting dictatorships, invading countries based on lies with giant armies, etc etc etc.

OP- What Dems are duped, jackass? This is the good war, the Iraq one was RW idiocy that wrecked an easy victory in Afghan in 2003. We're now HELPING the ME fight a new plague, that only got so big because Bush's a-hole idiot Maliki screwed up democracy there, and refused our help.

You have to stop being stuck on stupid at some point. The 'Party before Country' mentality is rotting your brain. The Bidens are gonna get rich in Ukraine, while forcing American Taxpayers to finance their schemes. Only the Ruling-Class Globalist Elites benefit from all these Interventions/Wars. The average American Citizen sees no benefits at all. In fact, they only suffer.

So like i said, your guy isn't ending wars. He's actually continuing them and starting new ones. You've been bamboozled again. When are you gonna get sick of being a sucker?
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Biden's kids thing is transparency, Biden won't make a penny. This ain't the GOP, dupe. For all your talk, you're just a pawn of the worst elitists on the planet...

and you're a pawn for the Democrat party. so what's the difference. ?
you've worn out a few pairs of kneepads already
I agreed with going into Afghanistan, but not Iraq. Either way, I feel the same about both wars at this point. We have given both countries over ten years to stand on their own feet. If they can't accomplish that by this point then it isn't our problem. Is ten more years of intervention going to change anything?
I agreed with going into Afghanistan, but not Iraq. Either way, I feel the same about both wars at this point. We have given both countries over ten years to stand on their own feet. If they can't accomplish that by this point then it isn't our problem. Is ten more years of intervention going to change anything?

Unfortunately, we're not leaving either country. The Western Globalist Elites are now in the process of controlling their banking systems and plundering their natural resources. It guarantees us staying there for a long long time.

It's always about the money in the end. The American Taxpayers were forced to finance their schemes. But they'll never reap any of the rewards. Only the Ruling-Class Globalist Elites will profit. It's what these Interventions/Wars are all about.
Well, Bush was President so he had the ATHORITY to do as he pleased and Iraq was one of those. Isn't that what they've been telling us with the little dicktaor Obama?
Obama has to keep troops in Afghanistan after his no troop experiment in Iraq has failed.

He's going back into Iraq. It's a slow 'Mission-Creep', but it's already happening. We're not leaving. I've been saying that all along.
Obama has to keep troops in Afghanistan after his no troop experiment in Iraq has failed.

Obama didn't fail in Iraq. Bush didn't fail in Iraq. The US didn't fail in Iraq. What failed was Iraq's ability to properly govern their own country. Say what you want about Saddam's methods, but Iraq was never more stable than when he was in control. If Iraq can't govern themselves without a dictator then fuck em'. After over ten years it shouldn't be our problem.
I would have voted for Obama based on what he campaigned on, if I believed that was what he truly intended to do. End our perpetual wars? Close Guantanamo Bay? Be the most open administration in history? All of those sound nice, but I recognized him as a lying politician from the start. Current events have only concreted my opinion of him.

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