Obamabots Duped Again: Obama To Continue War In Afghanistan...

Uh...are you that stupid?

9-11 didn't wake you up to the FACT Islamic terrorists will come here when given the chance?

FYI...World War 2 ended your stupid line of thinking in DC with the adults. You see world wars where millions die because of isolationism is....stupid and evil.

See idiot, if the police quit engaging criminals in your ghetto city then there will be less chances of the police being wounded/killed by criminals...but you think letting criminals run wild is a better option. (insert terrorists in that little story)

The difference is that Iraq and Afghanistan are not our ghettos and sorry to disappoint you but the US Military is not the World Police.
The planning and funding of 9-11 was complete under Clinton.

Bush was dealing with Democrap scum like you taking him to court and fighting his Cabinet picks when UBL pulled off the attack.

Clinton let UBL pull off 9-11.

Go kill yourself.

Clinton caused 9-11 by nothing to terrorists like UBL...end of debate , asswipe.

Lying sack of shit.

We were flying over Iraq dropping bombs on Saddam for UN violations from time to time.

Saddam was allowing Islamic terrorists to hide and recover inside Iraq in addition to funding suicide bombers attacking our ally Israel.

The US military was in Iraq before "Bush II" got into office.

Iraq was doing relatively well before we invaded and fucked everything up. There were virtually no Terrorists in the region. It was stable. But regardless, most Americans are completely sick of hearing about Sunnis. Shiites, Alawites, or whatever. It's time to come home and allow them to sort their problems out. And if that means them killing each other for decades, than so be it. We don't belong in their lands. Those lands belong to them.

How many US soldiers died in Iraq during Clinton's administration?

Bush did what to help prevent 9/11, and what did Iraq have to do with it?

What did Iraq have to do with 9/11?
My background makes me an expert in this area, especially given my experience working on war plans for the middle east and Europe.

You are a piece of shit on the internet with no clue about military planning, national defense, deterrence, security cooperation, etc.

Asswipe....I'm a Veteran with 20 years.

Shut the fuck up cocksucker.

Dumbfuck....Bush handed over a stable and secure Iraq to Obama....Obama proceeded to fuck it up by pulling all US troops out before the Iraq military and government were ready to run their own country.

We stayed in Germany and Japan longer after WW2 to maintain security and stability, but those concepts are too difficult for you and Obama.

60 years later we are still in those countries, Is that the future you want for Iraq and Afghanistan?
Time to bring our troops home and start protecting our own borders.

1776 isn't going over there. Why does he care how many US soldiers die?

You are an angry guy. Do you need a hug? :smiliehug:

Is that a no to the hug?
My background makes me an expert in this area, especially given my experience working on war plans for the middle east and Europe.
With our history in Iraq and Afghanistan, wars lasting twice as long as WW2 with no end in sight, I would keep the fact that you worked on war plans for the middle east on the down-low. Not something I would be bragging about.
As someone that has worked "inside" compared to you trailer trash....I understand you don't have a clue about how the world works outside your trailer park.

You don't understand people can get on planes and come to the USA on bogus visas/passports or even cross our southern border to steal jobs, steal welfare or do terrorist acts against us.

You don't understand our economy (companies/jobs) rely on free trade around the world where dictators like Putin or terrorists like UBL can't block free trade or take over regions to damage our economy.

The US military has to go out like the police and make sure the scum around the planet don't do bad things overseas which affect the rest of America outside your trailer park via economic means and also make sure they don't show up on our soil to attack us with bombs/bullets.

FYI...9-11 wasn't done by the Jews or CIA....
You have to wonder who's side is Obama ON when it comes to his middle east Foreign policy. it sure hasn't been ours for there we no reason to drop bombs on Libya and a few others he has.

we are going to pay for this man for many years to come and we are already seeing. He with THE HELP FROM his comrades in this administration. the chickens he made is already coming home to us to roost.

I've never lived under a President who has went out to intentionally bring HARM ON US
You have to wonder who's side is Obama ON when it comes to his middle east Foreign policy. it sure hasn't been ours for there we no reason to drop bombs on Libya and a few others he has.

we are going to pay for this man for many years to come and we are already seeing. He with THE HELP FROM his comrades in this administration. the chickens he made is already coming home to us to roost.

I've never lived under a President who has went out to intentionally bring HARM ON US

He was placed into power to undermine the Nation. His mission was to tear it all down and destroy the foundation. When he said he was going to 'Transform' the Nation, he meant it. But what he really meant to say was 'Destroy the Nation.' It's all part of breaking down the Constitution and Sovereignty. It's what the NWO Globalist Elites demand. You can't have a free independent nation in the New World Order. That cannot be tolerated.

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