Obamacare collapsing, GOP has votes to replace, & NOW libs want to work together

The ACA didnt collapse...lol, it was stolen from the people by the ruling elite...the rich.
The Republican bill has 25% support from the American people. Given the political consequences for the Democrats of passing the ACA with 40-something percent support,

are the Republicans really interested in political suicide?
Well, you progressives keep your Obamacare, leave the rest of us out of the horseshit. It does not require our participation.
The ACA didnt collapse...lol, it was stolen from the people by the ruling elite...the rich.
Like I said, you rubes keep your Obamacare, leave the rest of us out of it. It does not require our participation.
The Republican bill has 25% support from the American people. Given the political consequences for the Democrats of passing the ACA with 40-something percent support,

are the Republicans really interested in political suicide?
Well, you progressives keep your Obamacare, leave the rest of us out of the horseshit. It does not require our participation.

Ok, then, shut up and pay your taxes.
Durbin to Senate Republicans: 'Let's sit down together' on ObamaCare overhaul

Libs want to act fast before people figure out their lies about millions losing their health coverage under the AHCA...while Americans are losing their health care now as Obamacare collapses, more insurers pulling out of the exchanges.

Democrats gave a big ol' "F* You" to the GOP during the writing / passing of Obamacare and a middle finger to the American people when Pelosi told citizens they had no right to know what was in the bill until libs had rammed their edict into law.

NOW they are begging the GOP to sit down with them and wok on saving the Obama/Liberal turd together.


They don't have the votes, in present form Cassidy, Collins and Murkowski will not vote for it. Hell, I say let them pass it and then pay in 2018 and 2020. I suggest you do some research the dems had at least 44 senate hearings before passing it.
The Republican bill has 25% support from the American people. Given the political consequences for the Democrats of passing the ACA with 40-something percent support,

are the Republicans really interested in political suicide?
Well, you progressives keep your Obamacare, leave the rest of us out of the horseshit. It does not require our participation.

Ok, then, shut up and pay your taxes.
Taxation without representation
Don't get the government involved in healthcare more.'

All of America doesn't need to be run like the VA.


Start putting people in prison for taking lobby money and health care prices will freefall.

Yes, whole divisions of insurance companies will have to shut down. They're bloated to the bursting point.

30 million off their healthcare insurance because of your retarded goddamn plan. WE democrats aren't soulless fucking animals like you're.

You're NOT?

Everything about the ACA - Obamacare was a LIE.

All meetings will be on tv.

Americans will get a chance to read it bedore any vote will be cast.
- 'Americans don't have the right to know what is in the edict until it is passed'...'Quuen' Nacy Pelosi

It won't cost a dime.

It will pay for itself.

It will lower premiuns.

It won't add to the deficit.

If you lie your plan/doc you can keep them

Obama/Dems destroyed the existing system and replaced it with a govt-controlled edict that forced everyone to have as a minimum a plan where the govt decide what all plans must have in them.

The idea that it would not cost a dime was built on the 'Ponzi scheme' format in which the govt FORCED healthy young Americans to buy (higher priced) health care they did not need / want to help pay for the elderly / older.

Even Harry Reid admitted the ACA was DESIGNED TO FAIL to eventually FORCE Americans to accept govt-controlled Single Payer...more govt control, more control lost by the American citizen.

Not cost a dime? The web page alone was a huge f*ing money-sucking black hole that turned into a scam artist/identity theif paradise. Libs could not even build a secure, working web page let alone a new health care system...that FORCED people to buy a product or be punished with a monetary fine / tax.
- How stupid is it to threaten people who can't afford health care with a tax penalty / fine they can't afford?

Before the ink was dry from his signature on the bill he was already exempting thousands of companies from the POS to prevent them from firing employees because of the cost of covering their employees.

And it was so 'awesome' Congress could not wait to Un-Constitutionally exempt themselves from the law (edict) they imposed on the majority of Americans who opposed it.
Reich Wingers such f*cking t@rds, I swear.

Supporting a piece of legislation because the Democrats legislation wasn't "perfect". So because the Democrats legislation wasn't "perfect", they think it gives them license to f*ck over tens of millions of Americans. It never occurred to them to fix it. Their first and only reaction is "how many Americans can we truly f*ck over balls deep?"
Don't get the government involved in healthcare more.'

All of America doesn't need to be run like the VA.


Start putting people in prison for taking lobby money and health care prices will freefall.

Yes, whole divisions of insurance companies will have to shut down. They're bloated to the bursting point.
The VA. Considered the best healthcare in the world.

30 million off their healthcare insurance because of your retarded goddamn plan. WE democrats aren't soulless fucking animals like you're.

You're NOT?

Everything about the ACA - Obamacare was a LIE.

All meetings will be on tv.

Americans will get a chance to read it bedore any vote will be cast.
- 'Americans don't have the right to know what is in the edict until it is passed'...'Quuen' Nacy Pelosi

It won't cost a dime.

It will pay for itself.

It will lower premiuns.

It won't add to the deficit.

If you lie your plan/doc you can keep them

Obama/Dems destroyed the existing system and replaced it with a govt-controlled edict that forced everyone to have as a minimum a plan where the govt decide what all plans must have in them.

The idea that it would not cost a dime was built on the 'Ponzi scheme' format in which the govt FORCED healthy young Americans to buy (higher priced) health care they did not need / want to help pay for the elderly / older.

Even Harry Reid admitted the ACA was DESIGNED TO FAIL to eventually FORCE Americans to accept govt-controlled Single Payer...more govt control, more control lost by the American citizen.

Not cost a dime? The web page alone was a huge f*ing money-sucking black hole that turned into a scam artist/identity theif paradise. Libs could not even build a secure, working web page let alone a new health care system...that FORCED people to buy a product or be punished with a monetary fine / tax.
- How stupid is it to threaten people who can't afford health care with a tax penalty / fine they can't afford?

Before the ink was dry from his signature on the bill he was already exempting thousands of companies from the POS to prevent them from firing employees because of the cost of covering their employees.

And it was so 'awesome' Congress could not wait to Un-Constitutionally exempt themselves from the law (edict) they imposed on the majority of Americans who opposed it.

Too many flaws in your unresearched post to reply to.
Don't get the government involved in healthcare more.'

All of America doesn't need to be run like the VA.


Start putting people in prison for taking lobby money and health care prices will freefall.

Yes, whole divisions of insurance companies will have to shut down. They're bloated to the bursting point.
The VA. Considered the best healthcare in the world.

Riiiiiight. Because having your money go through a bureaucracy before it gets to

the doctor is much more efficient than you paying him directly, amirite? :uhh:
Don't get the government involved in healthcare more.'

All of America doesn't need to be run like the VA.


Start putting people in prison for taking lobby money and health care prices will freefall.

Yes, whole divisions of insurance companies will have to shut down. They're bloated to the bursting point.
The VA. Considered the best healthcare in the world.

What are you? A f*cking idiot? The problems the VA has is because the GOP cuts their funding. Republicans have f*cked over veterans for decades. How can you not know that?

VA Hospitals | Ratings, Care Outcomes, Performance Data

Best Care Anywhere: Why VA Health Care Would Work Better For Everyone (Bk Currents Book): 9781609945176: Medicine & Health Science Books @ Amazon.com

30 million off their healthcare insurance because of your retarded goddamn plan. WE democrats aren't soulless fucking animals like you're.

You're NOT?

Everything about the ACA - Obamacare was a LIE.

All meetings will be on tv.

Americans will get a chance to read it bedore any vote will be cast.
- 'Americans don't have the right to know what is in the edict until it is passed'...'Quuen' Nacy Pelosi

It won't cost a dime.

It will pay for itself.

It will lower premiuns.

It won't add to the deficit.

If you lie your plan/doc you can keep them

Obama/Dems destroyed the existing system and replaced it with a govt-controlled edict that forced everyone to have as a minimum a plan where the govt decide what all plans must have in them.

The idea that it would not cost a dime was built on the 'Ponzi scheme' format in which the govt FORCED healthy young Americans to buy (higher priced) health care they did not need / want to help pay for the elderly / older.

Even Harry Reid admitted the ACA was DESIGNED TO FAIL to eventually FORCE Americans to accept govt-controlled Single Payer...more govt control, more control lost by the American citizen.

Not cost a dime? The web page alone was a huge f*ing money-sucking black hole that turned into a scam artist/identity theif paradise. Libs could not even build a secure, working web page let alone a new health care system...that FORCED people to buy a product or be punished with a monetary fine / tax.
- How stupid is it to threaten people who can't afford health care with a tax penalty / fine they can't afford?

Before the ink was dry from his signature on the bill he was already exempting thousands of companies from the POS to prevent them from firing employees because of the cost of covering their employees.

And it was so 'awesome' Congress could not wait to Un-Constitutionally exempt themselves from the law (edict) they imposed on the majority of Americans who opposed it.

Too many flaws in your unresearched post to reply to.
Oh there was research. From Breitbart and Fox news.
Why not just fix it?

Because the GOP is hell bent on destroying it. The rw's, even if it may have helped one of them in the past few years have heard nothing but that it is bad for them.

It is in a death spiral and could have survived if fixed, but the death of it will fall on GOP shoulders.
The CBO says the republican plan takes away insurance from 23 million people. Obamacare is not near collapse
More insurance compaanies just pulled out of exchanges leaving more Americans ALREADY without health care.

As usual, libs are full of shite...

You are full of shit. One of the reasons why insurance companies are pulling out is because the Trump Administration and Republicans are playing games with reimbursements. Trump plays games with pulling funds from people as well.

They ARE reasonable.

No, they are LIARS. Go back and read again the long laundry list of lies they sold to the American people about Obamacare...

The Republicans are liars as well. The CBO projection is right about millions losing their coverage. Again it is simple logic. Low income people lose their reimbursements and cannot afford to buy insurance. In addition the AHCA is deceitful. Seniors will be unable to afford premiums because the premiums will cost thousands of dollars. People with pre-existing conditions will see their premiums skyrocket. Instead of doing it themselves, they will let the states do it.

People in safe Republican states will suffer. There is such a thing as the tyranny of the majority.
Tards like yourself are completely oblivious to the fact that health insurance was outpacing inflation and GDP for decades before ObamaCare.

I really do think you were all in a coma during the Bush years.

The cost of health insurance rose faster during the Bush years than it did in the Obama years. Fact.

So, yeah. Repeal ObamaCare so we can Make America Great Again! :lol:

You rubes have not yet caught on the GOP sold us all down the river to single payer healthcare a long time ago. Trump is here to make sure the final stages are inevitable.

It is amazing to me you tards are as stupid as you are and are still able to draw a breath. I mean, you never noticed or cared the GOP never came up with a comprehensive health care reform plan to replace ObamaCare!

When I pointed it out to your fellow rubes countless times over the past six years, they went into shrieking denial. They positively SHRIEKED their denials of the truth.

But they can't deny it now! :lol:

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