Obamacare Destroying Full-Time Jobs Just Got Debunked

Public support for the healthcare law ticked up slightly in a Gallup poll released Wednesday, the second survey in a week to record the trend.

Gallup found 45 percent of the public approve of the law, a 4-percentage-point gain since it last recorded the number in August

Read more: Poll: ObamaCare approval ticking up - The Hill's Healthwatch
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all the Obama stooges here...gotta cover for his ass

We will fight on the internet and we will fight in the media and we will fight on the streets and we shall never surrender....:cool:

Throwing temper tantrums and calling other Americans terrorists, isn't fighting. It's whining.

lol, the Obambambots battle cry, waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayou terrorist, waaaaaaaaaaaaayou hostage takers, waaaaaaaaaaaaaaayou you you MEANIES

Or whatever the word for the day is from the DNC

Then they go, baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
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We will fight on the internet and we will fight in the media and we will fight on the streets and we shall never surrender....:cool:

Throwing temper tantrums and calling other Americans terrorists, isn't fighting. It's whining.

lol, the Obambambots battle cry, waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayou terrorist, waaaaaaaaaaaaayou hostage takers, waaaaaaaaaaaaaaayou you you MEANIES

Or whatever the word for the day is from the DNC

Then they go, baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

The tea party modus operandi; Our Fee fees are hurt "we are victimized by libruls, poor people, Blacks and Mexicans"

all the Obama stooges here...gotta cover for his ass

We will fight on the internet and we will fight in the media and we will fight on the streets and we shall never surrender....:cool:

hummm, they look silly trying to fight on their knees

but carry on, fight fight fight...or whatever....sheesh

Everybody dies but only some people live so perhaps if you get a life that would not be a bad deal for you...:badgrin:
We will fight on the internet and we will fight in the media and we will fight on the streets and we shall never surrender....:cool:

Throwing temper tantrums and calling other Americans terrorists, isn't fighting. It's whining.

making attempts at pithy remark responses isn't clever its just garden variety snark...:badgrin:

Well, except the part where what i said is true, whatever you want to believe, trollolololol
One things clear. The Dems and Barry own Obamacare. They better hope and pray it works as advertised.

Of course it won't so if I were them I'd be sweating the next elections big time.

Of course Barry won't give shit one. He doesn't need anyones vote. Of course he won't get to rave about his signature legislation when he makes all those speeches he'll get payed big bucks for.
Not really. More likely, 2014 will be a wash and 2016 will be a clobbering for the GOP when the Teabaggers run Ted Cruz and he only wins 180 electoral votes.

Dr Ben Carson will win 55 maybe 56 states for Republicans in 2016. Dems keep CA and maybe IL

I am sure rural Southern Tea bag voters will embrace a Negro.....

Well aren't you the racist.
Oh...I'd support him. Or Condoleezza Rice.
Throwing temper tantrums and calling other Americans terrorists, isn't fighting. It's whining.

making attempts at pithy remark responses isn't clever its just garden variety snark...:badgrin:

Well, except the part where what i said is true, whatever you want to believe, trollolololol

I believe you have assessed me as "retarded" yet you want to push off something you call "true" on a person that per your own estimation is unlikely to be able to assess what you are offering as truth or not . You may be trying to abuse me ....:confused:
I am sure rural Southern Tea bag voters will embrace a Negro.....

Well aren't you the racist.
Oh...I'd support him. Or Condoleezza Rice.

The Hammer and cycle at bottom right 'puts the lotion in the basket"

would you support this guy ? you being unracist


I wouldn't doubt it if some Obamabot made that up special for you sheep to use

and right on cue, you go baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Not really. More likely, 2014 will be a wash and 2016 will be a clobbering for the GOP when the Teabaggers run Ted Cruz and he only wins 180 electoral votes.

Dr Ben Carson will win 55 maybe 56 states for Republicans in 2016. Dems keep CA and maybe IL

Ooookay, you tell yourself that you can run an Uncle Tom and fool anyone.

I could go on for hours about the brilliance of Dr. Carson and how much he's contributed to this world compared to the race hustling, used car salesmen you worship daily. However, it would be a waste of time reasoning with someone at your level of ignorance. So i'll keep it simple, eat a dick you racist faggot...... :thup:

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