Obamacare has Death Panels

THAT would be rationing care and or restricting benefits, something the IPAB is prohibited from doing BY LAW.

He's not familiar with the law you speak of. You're wasting your time--the dude is still reading some defunct version that has a public option. He's never even seen a version that has the IPAB and its constraints and responsibilities in it.

But he'll surely give you the RNC's bullets on why it's evil!
Now first, let's be clear about why Palin called it that. She did not claim that a line item in the law convenes a hooded panel to sit and pronounce death on people. What she said was that the IPAB, with its power to set rates, would be able to effectively price certain treatments and services out of existence, at least for most people. And the power to do this would serve as an effective death penalty for an awful lot of people.

You realize Palin's Facebook post coining the phrase is still accessible, right?

The America I know and love is not one in which my parents or my baby with Down Syndrome will have to stand in front of Obama’s “death panel” so his bureaucrats can decide, based on a subjective judgment of their “level of productivity in society,” whether they are worthy of health care. Such a system is downright evil.

That doesn't change the fact of what he said, dipstick.
THAT would be rationing care and or restricting benefits, something the IPAB is prohibited from doing BY LAW.

He's not familiar with the law you speak of. You're wasting your time--the dude is still reading some defunct version that has a public option. He's never even seen a version that has the IPAB and its constraints and responsibilities in it.

But he'll surely give you the RNC's bullets on why it's evil!

One of the right wingers on this thread used the words "common sense".

Common sense tells us that the party that authored Medicare (JFK ran on it in 1960 and proposed it), supported it and defended it against right wing attacks for 48 years will be the LAST party to ration care and or restrict benefits. It is PURE right wing paranoia.

What is truly ironic, the very same people who would END Medicare, are infested with fear that it will be changed.
Now first, let's be clear about why Palin called it that. She did not claim that a line item in the law convenes a hooded panel to sit and pronounce death on people. What she said was that the IPAB, with its power to set rates, would be able to effectively price certain treatments and services out of existence, at least for most people. And the power to do this would serve as an effective death penalty for an awful lot of people.

You realize Palin's Facebook post coining the phrase is still accessible, right?

The America I know and love is not one in which my parents or my baby with Down Syndrome will have to stand in front of Obama’s “death panel” so his bureaucrats can decide, based on a subjective judgment of their “level of productivity in society,” whether they are worthy of health care. Such a system is downright evil.

That doesn't change the fact of what he said, dipstick.

I believe Clementine and Palin are both women so I honestly don't know who we're talking about at this point.
Of course it has death panels. We said it would and since we base our statements on facts, logic, and knowledge, we are usually right.

Except you folks are dead wrong.

The Facts About the Independent Payment Advisory Board

Here’s how IPAB works:

  • 15 experts including doctors and patient advocates would be nominated by the President and confirmed by the Senate to serve on IPAB.

  • IPAB would recommend policies to Congress to help Medicare provide better care at lower costs. This could include ideas on coordinating care, getting rid of waste in the system, incentivizing best practices, and prioritizing primary care.

  • IPAB is specifically prohibited by law from recommending any policies that ration care, raise taxes, increase premiums or cost-sharing, restrict benefits or modify who is eligible for Medicare.

  • Congress then has the power to accept or reject these recommendations. If Congress rejects the recommendations, and Medicare spending exceeds specific targets, Congress must either enact policies that achieve equivalent savings or let the Secretary of Health and Human Services follow IPAB’s recommendations.


In other words, it's a death panel. One way or another, Obamacare will ration medical care, and IPAB will determine how.
Beginning with fiscal 2015, if Medicare is projected to grow too quickly, IPAB will make binding recommendations to reduce spending.

Here's an idea, genius: find a source from this year. The CMS Actuary's 2015 determination was due in April 2013. Spoiler alert: they issued it and Medicare is growing so slowly that the IPAB isn't asked to do anything to slow it.

See above post.

Dad, you are a moron.

EVERYTHING is a projection you dipshit.

THERE is nothing base ANY real numbers on, god you are an idiot.

Loss ratios MUST be real to base ANYTHING else on.

Here it is, you are an abject liar willing to swallow ANY jizz bammy throws at you.

You are dismissed spanky, your shill shit won't fly here.
Of course it has death panels. We said it would and since we base our statements on facts, logic, and knowledge, we are usually right.

Except you folks are dead wrong.

The Facts About the Independent Payment Advisory Board

Here’s how IPAB works:

  • 15 experts including doctors and patient advocates would be nominated by the President and confirmed by the Senate to serve on IPAB.

  • IPAB would recommend policies to Congress to help Medicare provide better care at lower costs. This could include ideas on coordinating care, getting rid of waste in the system, incentivizing best practices, and prioritizing primary care.

  • IPAB is specifically prohibited by law from recommending any policies that ration care, raise taxes, increase premiums or cost-sharing, restrict benefits or modify who is eligible for Medicare.

  • Congress then has the power to accept or reject these recommendations. If Congress rejects the recommendations, and Medicare spending exceeds specific targets, Congress must either enact policies that achieve equivalent savings or let the Secretary of Health and Human Services follow IPAB’s recommendations.


In other words, it's a death panel. One way or another, Obamacare will ration medical care, and IPAB will determine how.

Are you really THAT fucking stupid? What part of "IPAB is specifically prohibited by law from recommending any policies that ration care, raise taxes, increase premiums or cost-sharing, restrict benefits or modify who is eligible for Medicare" don't you comprehend?
Beginning with fiscal 2015, if Medicare is projected to grow too quickly, IPAB will make binding recommendations to reduce spending.

Here's an idea, genius: find a source from this year. The CMS Actuary's 2015 determination was due in April 2013. Spoiler alert: they issued it and Medicare is growing so slowly that the IPAB isn't asked to do anything to slow it.

See above post.

Dad, you are a moron.

EVERYTHING is a projection you dipshit.

THERE is nothing base ANY real numbers on, god you are an idiot.


There's plenty to base numbers on: the real growth rate of Medicare, for instance.
Expenditures per Medicare beneficiary increased by only 0.4% in fiscal year 2012, substantially below the 3.4% increase in per capita GDP (Exhibit 1).1 The very slow growth in Medicare spending in fiscal year 2012 follows slow growth in 2010 and 2011. In 2010, spending grew at only 1.8% per beneficiary, and in 2011 at 3.6 %. Over the three year period from 2010-2012, Medicare spending per beneficiary grew an average of 1.9% annually, or more than 1 percentage point more slowly than the average annual growth of 3.2% in per capita GDP (that is, at GDP-1.3).

Which is exactly why the CMS Actuary decided in April that the IPAB won't be asked to do anything prior to 2016 at the earliest.

Welcome to reality.
You realize Palin's Facebook post coining the phrase is still accessible, right?

That doesn't change the fact of what he said, dipstick.

I believe Clementine and Palin are both women so I honestly don't know who we're talking about at this point.

Pops, you have some knowledge, these other Leftwingnuts are imbeciles.

I know you know that an insurance company abides by two things, the declaration page and the exclusionary page....those two things comprise the poliicy bible.

Barring fraud the ONLY entity that changes that is the IPAB...we both know that
Here's an idea, genius: find a source from this year. The CMS Actuary's 2015 determination was due in April 2013. Spoiler alert: they issued it and Medicare is growing so slowly that the IPAB isn't asked to do anything to slow it.

See above post.

Dad, you are a moron.

EVERYTHING is a projection you dipshit.

THERE is nothing base ANY real numbers on, god you are an idiot.


There's plenty to base numbers on: the real growth rate of Medicare, for instance.
Expenditures per Medicare beneficiary increased by only 0.4% in fiscal year 2012, substantially below the 3.4% increase in per capita GDP (Exhibit 1).1 The very slow growth in Medicare spending in fiscal year 2012 follows slow growth in 2010 and 2011. In 2010, spending grew at only 1.8% per beneficiary, and in 2011 at 3.6 %. Over the three year period from 2010-2012, Medicare spending per beneficiary grew an average of 1.9% annually, or more than 1 percentage point more slowly than the average annual growth of 3.2% in per capita GDP (that is, at GDP-1.3).

Which is exactly why the CMS Actuary decided in April that the IPAB won't be asked to do anything prior to 2016 at the earliest.

Welcome to reality.

Dipwad, I just had lunch with several BCBS execs....there are NO hard numbers to base anything on....on Monday I'll be in the room with them working through this shit and you'll still be trolling these boards for Bammy.
Seriously, its ok pops.

For the next two years I'll be here bitch slapping you.
Dad, you are a moron.

EVERYTHING is a projection you dipshit.

THERE is nothing base ANY real numbers on, god you are an idiot.


There's plenty to base numbers on: the real growth rate of Medicare, for instance.
Expenditures per Medicare beneficiary increased by only 0.4% in fiscal year 2012, substantially below the 3.4% increase in per capita GDP (Exhibit 1).1 The very slow growth in Medicare spending in fiscal year 2012 follows slow growth in 2010 and 2011. In 2010, spending grew at only 1.8% per beneficiary, and in 2011 at 3.6 %. Over the three year period from 2010-2012, Medicare spending per beneficiary grew an average of 1.9% annually, or more than 1 percentage point more slowly than the average annual growth of 3.2% in per capita GDP (that is, at GDP-1.3).

Which is exactly why the CMS Actuary decided in April that the IPAB won't be asked to do anything prior to 2016 at the earliest.

Welcome to reality.

Dipwad, I just had lunch with several BCBS execs....there are NO hard numbers to base anything on....on Monday I'll be in the room with them working through this shit and you'll still be trolling these boards for Bammy.

"Had" lunch or "served" lunch? Not the same thing.
Dipwad, I just had lunch with several BCBS execs....there are NO hard numbers to base anything on....on Monday I'll be in the room with them working through this shit and you'll still be trolling these boards for Bammy.

Make sure they understand they have to charge the same as everyone else for their products in the exchanges (even though, oddly, they haven't to date)! It's that kind of insight that they're lacking. :laugh:

Oh, and the public option is a serious competitor for them! (those who point out no such thing exists should be ignored!)
Dipwad, I just had lunch with several BCBS execs....there are NO hard numbers to base anything on....on Monday I'll be in the room with them working through this shit and you'll still be trolling these boards for Bammy.

We've seen BCBS premiums (prices) come in below their competitors in a number of markets.

That's impossible! The advice you ought to offer is:

The exchanges will offer 3 plans, with three varying price points....a basic plan, a middle plan, and a "cadillac" plan...but no company can charge more or less for them.

THEY cannot vary the rates.

Read it then get back to me.

If they don't appreciate the advice of a moron with no understanding of how anything works, well, then they're just ingrates.
Dipwad, I just had lunch with several BCBS execs....there are NO hard numbers to base anything on....on Monday I'll be in the room with them working through this shit and you'll still be trolling these boards for Bammy.

Make sure they understand they have to charge the same as everyone else for their products in the exchanges (even though, oddly, they haven't to date)! It's that kind of insight that they're lacking. :laugh:

Oh, and the public option is a serious competitor for them! (those who point out no such thing exists should be ignored!)

(smile) Poor Greenie......we will be discussing things like loss ratios and compliance...you'll be screaming "nuh-uh" with nothing to base it on.
Dipwad, I just had lunch with several BCBS execs....there are NO hard numbers to base anything on....on Monday I'll be in the room with them working through this shit and you'll still be trolling these boards for Bammy.

We've seen BCBS premiums (prices) come in below their competitors in a number of markets.

That's impossible! The advice you ought to offer is:

The exchanges will offer 3 plans, with three varying price points....a basic plan, a middle plan, and a "cadillac" plan...but no company can charge more or less for them.

THEY cannot vary the rates.

Read it then get back to me.

If they don't appreciate the advice of a moron with no understanding of how anything works, well, then they're just ingrates.

Why don't you explain how anyone has any way to put forth real rates without any hard loss ratios to base them on?

C'mon pops.....

The ONLY saving grace anyone had was that Mass was willing to help with some otheir ratios..;)

Fuck off dad.....you don't know of what you speak.
Why don't you explain how anyone has any way to put forth real rates without any hard loss ratios to base them on?

C'mon pops.....

The ONLY saving grace anyone had was that Mass was willing to help with some otheir ratios..;)

Fuck off dad.....you don't know of what you speak.

Aw, don't be bashful! They have to charge the same as their competitors. And they have to worry about the public option. Let them know!

If they don't laugh you out of that lunch, I'll lose a bit of respect for them. :laugh:

Granted, if any of them were dumb enough to consult with someone who doesn't even know what the ACA is I'd have the same reaction.
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Why don't you explain how anyone has any way to put forth real rates without any hard loss ratios to base them on?

C'mon pops.....

The ONLY saving grace anyone had was that Mass was willing to help with some otheir ratios..;)

Fuck off dad.....you don't know of what you speak.

Aw, don't be bashful! They have to charge the same as their competitors. And they have to worry about the public option. Let them know!

If they don't laugh you out of that lunch, I'll lose a bit of respect for them. :laugh:

Awww dad you should have been better than changing words...you've been reported for that.

You sell insurance pops?
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Why don't you explain how anyone has any way to put forth real rates without any hard loss ratios to base them on?

C'mon pops.....

The ONLY saving grace anyone had was that Mass was willing to help with some otheir ratios..;)

Fuck off dad.....you don't know of what you speak.

Aw, don't be bashful! They have to charge the same as their competitors. And they have to worry about the public option. Let them know!

If they don't laugh you out of that lunch, I'll lose a bit of respect for them. :laugh:

Granted, if any of them were dumb enough to consult with someone who doesn't even know what the ACA is I'd have the same reaction.

You edited this too late...you got got lying and changing posts dad......

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