Obamacare just ruined my life

Look at this thread!

A nutter who has expressed his disdain for the less fortunate among us comes here and shits a lie about how Obamacre is forcing his employers to cut his hours.....and cause him to drop his health insurance in a lame attempt to give evidence of the harmful effects of the law.

Liberals, remembering this asshole's previous stances on income inequality, take the opportunity to jab him a little about his loser attitude when faced with adversity. Even though we know he's full of shit, we want to know why he's whining instead of hitting the bricks in search of a second job.....like a real American would.

Other nutters.....sensing an opportunity to make some lame points, begin laying into the liberals for being callous and uncaring....after mocking liberals for years bout being too emotional and too caring. Hopping on those high horses of human empathy, they rush to the OP's side. Of course, the inconsistencies in his story don't matter. They are on an emotional trip! Poor worker! Held down by the man!

Then....they start advising the poor soul....who is not a payer of federal income taxes.....to take advantage of the safety nets that they love so much to get health care and catch a break on college tuition.

Finally, a real, honest to goodness accounting guy comes in and explains some things about taxes. He does so in a very kind, even keeled manner. He is met with three dummies who begin to argue with him from an obvious disadvantage......complete with insults.

What's next?

I just received a letter from my job stating that no one will be working more than 30 hours a week.

I normally worked 48-52 hours per week generating 10 hours of regular play, and 8-12 hours of overtime time. Each hour I work averages an ADDITIONAL $ 11.25 in tips.

This means each week I will now be losing (20)(11.25) + (10)(10.50) + (10)(16.25) dollars per week.

I will now be losing an average of $ 492.50 per week.

This is nearly $ 2,000 per month.

Almost $24,000 a year ($ 23,640)

I can no longer afford my own private healthcare coverage --- thanks to Obamacare.

I will also have to find a second job, and DROP two classes at Stony Brook University.

So now I will make less money, work more hours, and it will take longer to complete my degree.

My life has been ruined by the parasites.

Obamacare just ruined my life.

What does a ‘survivalist’ need with a job and healthcare?

Weren’t you headed for the hills with your shotgun shells and Cipro to await the start of WWIII?

He's going when his shift ends!
Your company is fucking you because they are too cheap to provide basic health insurance

Blame Obama

It's not always a matter of being "too cheap." Seriously, we have looked and the most basic plan we could find was about $1000 per month per employee.

You have stated that you pay employees extra so they can get their own insurance. It is cheaper that way?

What is the fine for ignoring the mandate going to be?
Well this apparently is what Americans wanted, they elected and re-elected the piece of shit so Americans can live with the consequences.

Holy crap, look at all the posts blaming businesses for the effects of Obamacare. It's the fault of private business that the shit is beginning to hit the fan over a law the Democrats wrote. And they're not anti-business, right?

So the message from the Left is very consistent:

Are you a business who can't expand because of the effects of Obamacare?
Tough shit.

Are you a business who has to decrease hours for employees because you can't afford Obamacare?
Tough shit.

Are you a business who can't hire more employees because the costs of Obamacare would be too high?
Tough shit.

Are you a business whose profits and abilities to compete in international markets will be squeezed because of Obamacare?
Tough shit.

Are you an employee who lost your job or didn't get a job because of the effects of Obamacare?
Tough shit.

Are you a business who has to deal with the increased costs and regulations of Obamacare?
Tough shit.

Are you an employee who saw your hours reduced because of the effects of Obamacare?
Tough shit.

Are you an employee who will lose your health benefits because of the effects of Obamacare?
Tough shit.

Are you a job applicant who won't get the job because of the effects of Obamacare?
Tough shit.

Now, folks, go ahead, tell us how you're "pro business".

Tell us how you "care" about those who work for private business.

Liars. Just be honest, just once. Your loyalties are obvious.

Looking forward to the deflections, diversions, distortions.

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Well this apparently is what Americans wanted, they elected and re-elected the piece of shit so Americans can live with the consequences.

At best, only a slim majority of Americans wanted this. The question is whether they have the right to force their wants on the rest of us.
I am pro business. Which is why I want single payer. Businesses remove the shackles of employer sponsored health care.and...get healthy employees. Workers get more mobility.

A win-win.

Holy crap, look at all the posts blaming businesses for the effects of Obamacare. It's the fault of private business that the shit is beginning to hit the fan over a law the Democrats wrote. And they're not anti-business, right?

So the message from the Left is very consistent:

Are you a business who can't expand because of the effects of Obamacare?
Tough shit.

Are you a business who has to decrease hours for employees because you can't afford Obamacare?
Tough shit.

Are you a business who can't hire more employees because the costs of Obamacare would be too high?
Tough shit.

Are you a business whose profits and abilities to compete in international markets will be squeezed because of Obamacare?
Tough shit.

Are you an employee who lost your job or didn't get a job because of the effects of Obamacare?
Tough shit.

Are you a business who has to deal with the increased costs and regulations of Obamacare?
Tough shit.

Are you an employee who saw your hours reduced because of the effects of Obamacare?
Tough shit.

Are you an employee who will lose your health benefits because of the effects of Obamacare?
Tough shit.

Are you a job applicant who won't get the job because of the effects of Obamacare?
Tough shit.

Now, folks, go ahead, tell us how you're "pro business".

Tell us how you "care" about those who work for private business.

Liars. Just be honest, just once. Your loyalties are obvious.

Looking forward to the deflections, diversions, distortions.


I can't be sympathetic to the businesses, because they are the ones who fought TOOTH AND NAIL against HillaryCare 20 years ago, when this problem was smaller and a lot more containable.

Said businesses also fought against Medicare Buy ins for those over 55 and a public option.
For that matter, Single Payer would make our businesses a LOT more competitive in the international market, since most of our major competitors HAVE single payer.

Also, having been fired from a company because despite excellent performance reviews, an insurance company thought I was running up too many medical bills, I just can't feel that bad for them when they get screwed. Businesses were acting like a bunch of Douchebags long before ObamaCare came along. It's not like they needed an excuse.

Now, that said, I think ObamaCare does have a lot of flaws. But what we were doing was worse. We were spending the most money and getting the worst results.
I am pro business. Which is why I want single payer. Businesses remove the shackles of employer sponsored health care.and...get healthy employees. Workers get more mobility.

A win-win.

It doesn't matter what you say you want, it's how you vote that matters. You're supporting people who deliberately blocked single payer, who implemented a law designed to prop up existing insurance corporations at our expense. I can't imagine how you reconcile that.

Corporatism is only a win-win for those on the take. For the rest of us, it sacrifices the most fundamental principles of liberal democracy.
It's so unfortunate that we live in a country where so many want the government to do everything for them.
Any day now, I expect Dims will be pushing for a bill requiring government to tuck them in at night.
That will of course be after the "please wipe my ass for me" bill is passed.
I am pro business. Which is why I want single payer. Businesses remove the shackles of employer sponsored health care.and...get healthy employees. Workers get more mobility.

A win-win.

It doesn't matter what you say you want, it's how you vote that matters. You're supporting people who deliberately blocked single payer, who implemented a law designed to prop up existing insurance corporations at our expense. I can't imagine how you reconcile that.

Corporatism is only a win-win for those on the take. For the rest of us, it sacrifices the most fundamental principles of liberal democracy.

Actually, I agree. It is pretty horrible that in order to avoid a "Harry and Louise" style campaign that derailed HillaryCare, Obama comprimised with big insurance to get this passed.

But like it or not, Corporatism is a fact of life in this country.
I am pro business. Which is why I want single payer. Businesses remove the shackles of employer sponsored health care.and...get healthy employees. Workers get more mobility.

A win-win.

It doesn't matter what you say you want, it's how you vote that matters. You're supporting people who deliberately blocked single payer, who implemented a law designed to prop up existing insurance corporations at our expense. I can't imagine how you reconcile that.

Corporatism is only a win-win for those on the take. For the rest of us, it sacrifices the most fundamental principles of liberal democracy.

Deliberately blocked single payer, huh? Nice revision.

I support progressive candidates. Those I support advocate for single payer. When no progressive candidate is in the race, I support the one who is more likely to lean progressive. Simple, really.
I am pro business. Which is why I want single payer. Businesses remove the shackles of employer sponsored health care.and...get healthy employees. Workers get more mobility.

A win-win.

It doesn't matter what you say you want, it's how you vote that matters. You're supporting people who deliberately blocked single payer, who implemented a law designed to prop up existing insurance corporations at our expense. I can't imagine how you reconcile that.

Corporatism is only a win-win for those on the take. For the rest of us, it sacrifices the most fundamental principles of liberal democracy.

Deliberately blocked single payer, huh? Nice revision.

I support progressive candidates. Those I support advocate for single payer. When no progressive candidate is in the race, I support the one who is more likely to lean progressive. Simple, really.

Very simple, indeed.
It's so unfortunate that we live in a country where so many want the government to do everything for them.
Any day now, I expect Dims will be pushing for a bill requiring government to tuck them in at night.
That will of course be after the "please wipe my ass for me" bill is passed.

Hyperbole much?

Okay, let's get real. The problem with ObamaCare is that the current system of working for your health care, insted of just having it provided like every other civilized country does, is failing and has been failing for years.

Some companies can't provide health care.
Some companies provide it, but what they are providing is crap.
Some companies provide it, and then the insurance companies do what they can to not keep their promises.

Keep in mind, the ONLY reason why the US has health care provided as a perq of employment is because During WWII, wage increases were frozen and companies needed a new incentive to attract good workers.

Then the company plan got replaced by the HMO, and the HMO got replaced by things that were worse.

I remember during the HillaryCare days, HMO were c alled "Horrible Medical Options".

Flash forward to a couple years ago, when our HR lady bragged about how happy she was that her husband had an HMO instead of the crap we provide.
Remember when Obama said:

"If you're one of the more than 250 million Americans who already have health insurance, you will keep your health insurance."
I"This problem" 20 years ago?
Obamacare IS the problem.
Prior to Obama care there were 10 million uninsured in the USA, that was during the Bush years.
Then the lib press doubled the figure to 20 million.
Then it went to 30 million in the lead up to the blind vote on the bill( you can't see what's in it until you vote on it).
Recently, the press have increased their figures to 40 and 50 million.
So by your own numbers, obamacare has denied cover to 50 million Americans whereas the free choice systems prior to obamacare denied cover to 10 million.
That's what you call a good thing.

We paid more and got more previously( the UN reports you get your shit from we're anti American bullshit, proven over and over, the main criteria for quality in that report was government control).

Obamacare has driven up costs to those who buy private insurance.
The goal is to create dependence in order to force Americans into a socialized system.

You love the idea of a socialized system, don't you?

I've experienced socialized healthcare.
It's shit.
But you know better, with your lack of experience that gives you better knowledge.
Damn you are stupid!!

Guy, you are the one who tried to claim that more people are killed with feet than with guns.

The 46 Million figure has been around since the Bush years. It was pretty much bandied about during the HillaryCare debate.

Of course, it's not just the 46 million without insurance that was the problem.

It was the 25 million with inadequate insurance as well.

It was the fact that medical inflation increases at 3 times the rate of normal inflation because the costs of treating those who can't pay are shifted over to those who can.
Remember when Obama said:

"If you're one of the more than 250 million Americans who already have health insurance, you will keep your health insurance."

Aw, he was just kidding.

He's a kidder.


Aw, guy, get real.

If you had a private plan, they were changing it every year.

You know what has stopped at my company since ObamaCare?

The Annual, "this is how your insurance is going to be more expensive and less useful this year" meeting HR would hold for us.

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